from "a haunting"


The Force is Strong With This One
i was watching a show called "a haunting" on one of the cable stations (pardon my zero memory on the station), a show about different hauntings around the world.

on this episode a family just moved to thailand for the husband's new job. they were moving into a company home, a giant new looking mansion.

strange things happened from the start...until the youngest daughter was actually 'attacked'. the family had a friend who knew a taoist priest.

the taoist priest comes over and immediately starts picking up stuff. one part of the story has to do with hungry ghosts and a fire which happened on the property in the past, killing a farmer and his wife.

but the priest also says 1)concerning moisture, this is negative energy in taoist thought (it seems the show kept saying chinese thought)...and 2)the person who designed the house designed it to kill!

well that was the part of the story i wanted to know more about...but the show focused on the ghost part. the taoist priest said - no taoist would ever design using these shapes...he had to go for a few days to gather power.

the priest came and did some prayers and rituals. one part was to appease the hungry ghosts. then he walked around the house "blessing" each room. but the show had him doing christian prayers. when the priest left he told the family they would have to leave in 2 or 3 months, that he could not guarantee how long his work would be effective. for the sake of the show i sense they dumbed down that part, or the family in retelling just did not know what to make of the issue of the house design.

i sense the priest was actually setting up protection spells of some sort...but the show did not investigate the amazing declaration that the house could have been designed to create the negative experiences. i thought of laura's discussion on labyrinths and the house of the dead she described...again forgive please my poor recall but was it in egypt, the place that seemed designed for the dead. could a structure be designed to trap hungry ghost energy or was it an actual portal of some sort? a shame the producers focused on the ghost part without any elaboration on what the taoist priest was talking about.
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