Fearmongering Audio clip - Looking for material


The Force is Strong With This One
I'm doing a short audio clip with some examples of fearmongering.
Anyone have some URLs with good examples? Can be Youtube videos, or just audio files.
Hi martin,

I think this link http://www.bushflash.com/animation.html has some.. The specific video is called "LIES."


There is this place also _http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/blbushismsaudio.htm but I'm not certain how you would get the audio off the site. Maybe I'm not getting the particular feel of what you want specifically. Can you be more specific as to who you want in the Audio files?

Edit: Here's a good one where you can 'save link as' http://www.unoriginal.co.uk/specialbushaudio.html and have a copy.. this all came from a simple yahoo search "bush audio clips." I'd think you could just change the name for some other specific character.
Thanks Steve! I will check them out.
Rather than politicians, I would preffer some clips with media fearmongering. A news reporter speaking would be excellent.
Do you or anyone else remember a specific news speech or theme so I can do a search for it?
martin said:
Thanks Steve! I will check them out.
Rather than politicians, I would preffer some clips with media fearmongering. A news reporter speaking would be excellent.
Do you or anyone else remember a specific news speech or theme so I can do a search for it?
There are some examples on foxattacks.com, a site that shows media bias. this one is good for a montage of fox fearmongering: _http://foxattacks.com/blog/10777-fox-attacks-iran
You might also be able to get clips from the various MSM videos on you tube;

BBC _http://www.youtube.com/user/bbc?ob=4

Fox _http://www.youtube.com/user/foxnewsblast?ob=4

There are a few programs like this one that allows you to download videos (_http://www.download.com/Youtube-Grabber/3000-2071_4-10574801.html) and you can grab audio clips from there. fwiw
Hi martin,

You might also try crooksandliars .com, they have a pretty large collection of various diplomatic leaders and commentators. These are listed down the left hand side and can be downloaded in either .wmv or .mov file format. From there you can just seperate the audio from the video depending on your video/audio software.

Some from the list and number of video's posted

CBS (103)

CBS Evening News (13)
Face The Nation/Bob Schieffer (50)

CNN (402)

Glenn Beck (22)
Jack Cafferty (74)
Larry King (19)
Late Edition/Wolf Blitzer (48)
Lou Dobbs (28)
Reliable Sources/Howard Kurtz (35)
The Situation Room/Wolf Blitzer (98)

Hope it helps. This is just a small list. There is a pretty long list of reporters, so you might find quite a hefty amount of audio in all that.
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