Elon Musk: Tech Genius! Green Warrior! Biz King! Good Oligarch?

The thing is, a "free speech platform" is impossible. There will always be "censorship", it just depends whether it's the right kind (from our current perspective) or not. Would you run an "all-inclusive" platform and not moderate? Would you allow the Gender Queer stuff to dominate the platform just because it's popular among users? Or because it makes money? Or because the algorithm happens to favor it? Would you allow nutjob bubbles to form that may lead to kids "transitioning"? Where would you draw the line? "Free speech absolutism" is an abstract fiction. At the end of the day, it depends on the individuals and how mature they are (or not).

You also can't just shift the problem to "the law", because then you have the same issue: what laws do you want to pass that control algorithms and moderation policies?
Yep, I have been thinking about this actually, since the argument of "twitter/google/Facebook is a private company and can ban whoever it wishes".. which is technically true, and as such the law of the land would not apply to interactions by citizens in these platforms, but their pervasiveness in public life is such that one wonders where the line is, or if there's even a line in practice or not.

Perhaps once these large corporations grow so large, they'd have to blend into public regulation, but even that isn't a guarantee of protection by the law, specially when in practice the laws of these corporations are aligned with the preferences of the government in charge of the regulating the information.

No one forces anyone to get a twiter account, and as such no one guarantees that your constitutional rights or civil right will be respected or protected. And I think this is where Twitter comes in, and why it's such a valuable asset to Musk or anyone who owns it or controls it.

Twitter has been declared a gauge of public opinion, and it is to a certain degree, but when you carefully prune every opinion you do not wish to become popular, then Twitter stops being a gauge for public opinion and more a public opinion gauge generator.

It's like doing a poll and only asking people you know will agree with a specific answer, and then citing that poll as a gauge of people's perception of any given event, that is twitter.

Removing the above from twitter, which would be the outcome of changing its algorithms to be more "fair", would be removing the most valuable feature of the platform from a "control the population" point of view, like removing the water from the a pool.

And in that sense, it's not only the PTB that find that attractive, everyone who goes on twitter to find their point of view validated by complete strangers also find it appealing and they'd find it boring should it reflect a true gauge of public opinion.

A few thoughts.
All I'm saying is that Musk is not our savior for many reasons, one being that Twitter will never be an impossible "free speech utopia", and always reflect the opinions of those running the show.

Dunno, just some musings. At least, the leftist freak-out about it all is mildly amusing. One German blue-check leader tweeted "Expropriate Elon Musk!!!" :headbash:

Somewhat Twitter related as to the roll that it plays under political and social censure, although it is only a part of the whole field for those "running the show." So, Musk or not, Twitter will be around to help answer the call as is necessary, like it or not. Take the point below in this exchange that was related to "A: We once told you that your computers would overpower you." Not the device per se, it is the programed information for the mind that come through that helps control how it is filtered and interpreted, and what is seen and said on the big life stage. Thus, the filtering and interpreting is causing much trouble just look today at the shallow depth of what is being seen and said that has created such a mess that we all share.

Q: (L) So, people being taken over in their minds by disinformation, propaganda, lies and so forth on the computer are literally being taken over by their computers?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay, the next part of that question is:

A: If you consider the ramifications of the previous answer, not likely until the power grid goes down.

Q: (L) In other words, why would they shut down something that so easily enables them to control the masses?

A: Exactly.

Yes, shutting down or changing how it functions just because of a new owner, seems to kind of defeats the control measure directive now firmly in place, so would not think much would change just because it is in Musk's hands - the ptb will have thought of something. Perhaps though, Elon will temporarily dial back the algorithms just enough to help bring back people into the fold, while also not angering too many in the left leaning directive, however it could eventually be easily dialed back the other way hard.

Fortunately, even now there are many people one can see on Twitter that share good information (can it be easily retweeted, don't know).

Speaking of devices and programs; and unfortunately it may take that 'power grid' to go down to make the point of release, here is a little short video that can be, well Tweeted:

I see Musk as the next player to come up the ranks and work on next big thing which is Transhumanism. The fact that Tesla have had continuous funding and favourable market conditions is a good tell tale sign of the Quorum being behind it all. The PTB is most likely passing the baton over from the likes of Gates, Bezos who have done what they could to setup up the base Infrastructure.

The ultimate agenga is to control human beings by having them willfully integrate with the technology. The vaccines have primed them somewhat but not quite plugged them in yet. A platform like twitter can potentially be adapted and upgraded with new features whereby people can begin to share their thoughts just from being plugged-in. And to do that, it is necessary to create a Messianic figure who could the lead (or mis-lead) the masses to their doom. FWIW
I see Musk as the next player to come up the ranks and work on next big thing which is Transhumanism.
The C's did mention that other events would prevent transhumanism from ever becoming overt though. And with their pointed references to a 4D STS engineered virus over the last few sessions, it's starting to look like the PTB will have bigger fish to fry than controlling the masses soon.

I think that the PTB, having botched their plandemic and the Ukraine situation, introduced enough chaos into the system that it allowed Musk to successfully take over Twitter. Even six months ago the chances of him doing this would have been significantly lower. Ironically, the fact of him doing this has kind of indicated that he's not really "in" on the larger agenda; given his other business interests, if he suspected catastrophic Earth Changes were pending, he'd likely not spend too much time worrying about censorship on a social media platform.

4D STS were probably waiting to see how useful the PTB would be to them. Since it's turned out "not very", they're likely getting ready to take matters into their own hands - after all, the main agenda seems to be "mass hybridize, and mass reincarnate". Deploying a virus with a 79% lethality estimate would suggest they'd be moving from the "mass hybridize" to "mass reincarnate" phase.

I don't think Musk can really do anything about this, but it's always nice to see someone take a stand, regardless.
If so, is this a case of the people's favorite billionaire fighting back and rescuing free speech from the clutches of cancel culture wokedom or is it the first big-league move by a front-man who happens to be a very clever player of people's emotions (mooted by some to be a secret eugenicist with a nefarious long-term plan in mind. I mean look up at the night sky!) One man strikes back or the Empire reveals a hand? Or neither? Or both... or something...

What do you think?
I have heard, but am unable to confirm, that Musk's takeover was financed by Blackrock and Vanguard, among others. That would mean those groups still have some semblance of control over Twitter.

I had a Twitter account I started many years ago. I'd used it to applaud individuals at businesses that went above and beyond, get help from companies when their phone support was going nowhere (like when I missed a flight in Boston), and for advocacy re: predatory student debt. I very seldom used it, followed a bunch of center-left comedians and writers, and occasionally retweeted some of their posts. I never spread conspiratorial content, mentioned Covid, or attacked any individual, group, or politician. I would go months between logins. So imagine my surprise when I logged in at the end of 2020 after 8 months of inactivity and found my account suspended for "violating terms of service."

At that point I considered my account worthless and just wanted to delete it, but couldn't, because you can't delete your account if it is suspended or banned. So then I had to contest the suspension simply to close my account, which I eventually did. I did not consider this a loss because the people I wanted to hear from were already banned or suspended on twitter due to "Covid misinformation."

Yesterday, I created a new account and started following dozens of people who had essentially been kicked off the platform or otherwise suppressed, many of them authors who write some of the articles shared on SOTT. It's so blatantly apparent from the last 48 hours just how much the platform was being used to stifle free expression of ideas. It seems bot accounts are already being dealt with (thus the many blue checks crying about loss of followers - their social media managers clearly boosted their following with bots) and the non-suspended users who have gained thousands of real followers.

There are bad actors who are taking advantage of the changing of the guard, such as a number of people bragging that they will now go on misgendering sprees on a scale that will "earn its own wikipedia entry." But I have watched and listened to many hours of Musk's candid interviews and I tend to trust his word that he wants free and open dialogue on what has become the de facto public square. I don't think he is going to tolerate shit-posters and griefers like some think he will. He has stated he intends to:

  • Authenticate all humans (anyone will be able to get a blue check for a fee)
  • Ban the bots (the blue check fee will help with this as botting will be prohibitively expensive)
  • Make the algorithm open source and transparent (the current algorithm seems to have been suspended already)
  • Allow all speech that is legal (I have seen dozens of posts of topics that would have gotten you kicked from Twitter last week)
  • Make twitter profitable (charging a small fee of even $3/mo is more profitable than relying on ad revenue)
If you pay attention to ratios on Twitter (number of comments compared to likes), it is very obvious that heavy narrative manipulation (to the left anyway) is coming to an end.

How Musk intends to handle the fact that some speech we take for granted is illegal in many countries remains to be seen.
How the platform is going to be used in a following short period of time will tell about why now. Will twitter survive as a platform? I’d say yes, but it will look look like an overgrown garden, the best environment where true information will be ableto be communicated but will never be taken seriously or where all information having the same objective value will stir wars of words around artificial constructs. It will be interesting lo listen to the twitter silence, or to the non productive tweets.
How close to the current source of all high level discontent is Elon? 😉
Based on some things Jack Dorsey has said, Twitter may evolve from a social media site to a protocol which can be licensed to use in an ecosystem, decentralizing it. He still views it as a public good for a digital town square, not a website to be owned and controlled by a person, corporation, or advertisers.
Yep, I have been thinking about this actually, since the argument of "twitter/google/Facebook is a private company and can ban whoever it wishes"..
I think this is a very insidious argument. It gives the idea of private citizens free to associate with whoever they want but, in reality, this ignores the hidden and not so hidden hand of government, CIA, etc. in creating and promoting these social media corporations.

In the WEF, great reset lingo this is what they call public-private partnership, an Orwellian term for fascism, government acting through private corporations.
Well, I'm calling it. Elon Musk is our Lord and Saviour.

I don't mean this in some metaphorical sense. He, literally, is wearing white robes and has a shining halo of light, even the most brilliant white aura of anyone on the planet, or even the Universe. He is the Divine Cosmic Mind incarnate. Or as it shall henceforth be known, simply the Elon.

I no longer need to do anything at all. I'm quitting my job and will wait blissfully at home until the appointed representatives of the new Elonocracy arrive at my house to advise how I will be provided for and what role I will have in the New Elon-based World Order. I'm very much hoping for a ministering role in the clergy of Elonianity. Sorry folks, PaleoChristianity has been real, but I very much prefer the endless idealised adoration of a benevolent daddy figure who will remove every trace of suffering from my life with his advanced technomagic.

And as for those unbelievers that see Elon only as a nefarious Demiurge/Ahriman, I feel sad and sorry for you in that you will never know the beatific tranquility of accepting Elon into your heart and being truly Uplinked Again. Or receiving a free Tesla that will help to cleanse the planet of every trace of polluting carbon.

Well, gotta go, I've got paeans of Twitter threads to write proclaiming the glory of our New Lord.

He Is Risen! E-lallelujah! E-lallelujah!
Brilliant bit of satire! Thanks for sharing! 🤣

The comparison seems spot on in multiple ways. Trump at least made the collapse of empires entertaining, and I'm finding the same with Musk's acquisition of Twitter. It's not going to save the US (nor should it!) or undo the massive karmic load the US and the West is carrying, but it does go along quite nicely with 'enjoying the show'!
Good insights already said, I picked one i did not much consider :
The ultimate agenga is to control human beings by having them willfully integrate with the technology. The vaccines have primed them somewhat but not quite plugged them in yet. A platform like twitter can potentially be adapted and upgraded with new features whereby people can begin to share their thoughts just from being plugged-in. And to do that, it is necessary to create a Messianic figure who could the lead (or mis-lead) the masses to their doom. FWIW
I agree with this explanation, this would be ... kinda a logical plan.

About Musk, difficult to position him. In one hand yes, i think he's a puppet like Gates, on the other hand, I would tend to think he's more on the side of Trump camp (but some will argue that they are all puppets). Yes but puppet of which master, which circle of power ? Still a human one or directly the 4D STS one ? At least, about Trump, i would not bet he's a puppet of STS forces.
What i think is that it goes against some key interrests of the actual PTB plans, but the PTB is the subaltern of ... of what, of great families, which would be on the top of the human pyramid, with 4D STS on top of them, or the consortium, which is more neutral (if i well recall).

Hard to figure out, this would be good to have a detailed organigram ^^

But to come back to the fact that it goes against some PTB plans seems obvious, and again, logical : in an STS power pyramid, a whole section of the pyramid can at any time be dropped, and if Musk is indeed controlled like Gates, then this maybe means that they started this other transhumanist plan.
But i can't help to think (or maybe simply hope) that Musk is more a free electron who did not need to be controlled (even by 4D STS) because he was going, by himself, in the good direction for their plans, but not anymore now. Yes, i logically find this looks like "wishful thinking", but who knows what happened in Musk's head ? One single woman (supposing is a normal hetero ^^) can change a man, you know, an SDA influenced small move (or even not influenced at all, just natural, destiny) that can derailed a whole well prepared plan. Dunno !?

And about the move itself, the buyout of twitter, I tried to figure this out at the place of the 4D STS. They know the actual situation, they also know that there's an important (+/- 20 to 25%) part of the population that will not accept to be jabbed, and that an increasing number of people will now refuse any more jab. I mean : even if some PTB puppets are still following this plan (and sure they need to, because their future depend on its success), they dropped it, and this buyout could seen as a kind of proof, of a change of direction in their plans, or the start of a new phase in their plan.

I had also in mind that that these 2 last years was, for them, let's say "a starter", in term of food, and they now decided to go on with the main plate. How to ? By giving more voices to the truth, and kinda drop some of their PTB puppets to enjoy the incoming social unrests around the world and plenty incoming food. Maybe they also understood that it's time to stockpile :lol: .... 😅

This remains, anyway, something none imagined, it happened in less than 1 month !? This year's show is great, so many twists and turns.
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