


Hi, this is my first post here on this forum, I've read alot of the Cointelpro stuff on this site, I agree with all of it. I'm not new to 'conspiracy forums' I hope i can add some good stuff to this great website. I've been suspicous of many forums on the net dealing with 911, it's no secret many of them are overrun with DOD operatives and military operatives. I think in the near future the hard truth about 911 will come out, this will be planned, just as many other 'events' are planned by this planets Overlords. I came across this website today, it's interesting.

Moderators, I posted this link yesterday for the above post, why has the original been changed or not working? It was working fine yesterday when I posted it. http://covertoperations(dot)

[Moderator: Some little precaution policy - see the post below. Everybody who is really interested can paste your link in the browser and then manually replace "(dot)" with the real ".".]
It is better to have links not working directly to avoid having the website owner being able to see where the click came from in their referrer logs.
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