cylinder object near Saturn


The Force is Strong With This One
Any idea about this object seen on a NASA picture?
Cool pic...but we will never know what that object really is. Much like the "suncruiser" shots taken by SOHO. First saw them from Hoaglands site More strange space anomalies that we can only speculate about. Here is a link for viewing...
Check these out:

I've seem many like the first 5 links, and the SOHO site lists them as examples of EM storms - whether they're telling the truth or not, I have no idea.
Isn't everyone supposed to be showing up for "Earth: The Reality Television Show" about now? Like the C's and the P's both suggested mass UFOs showing up to intervene/watch at the time the wave hits. Sidenote: that Southpark episode blew my mind.
EM storms.. hmm, I have no idea what one of those would look like... for some reason it doesn't look how I would imagine it, but then again, I'm thinking of magnetic fields drawn out by iron filings around a magnet... probably not quite the same thing ;)

Cyre2067 I think you're talking about the episode called "cancelled" where Earth gets cancelled, right?

Heres a funny bit for people that haven't seen it:
A few billion years ago, we realised, what if we took species from all different planets in the universe, and put them together on the same planet? Great TV right? Asians, bears, ducks, Jews, deer and Hispanics all trying to live side by side on one planet... its great!

- Our planet is just a reality TV show?

Well you don't think the whole universe works the way Earth does do you? No! one species, one planet... theres a planet of deer, a planet of Asians, and so on. We put them all together on Earth and the whole universe tunes in to watch the fun! <poops ice cream>

- You mean you aliens actually enjoy sitting around and seeing us fight and kill each other? Dude, thats messed up!


- Why?!? Because you're playing with peoples lives... you're turning peoples problems into entertainment!

- Yeah we'd never do that on earth!
Over time I gathered additional pictures shot by the SOHO satellite, showing a mysterious moving shape, a disc with a hole. I once read on weatherwars(dot)info, that the exposure time of all SOHO pictures is about 14 seconds.


20050611_1242_c3.jpg said:
2) cosmic ray noise
Cosmic rays are very high energy particles which come from a variety of sources (e.g. solar flares, supernovae). They are of interest to lots of astronomers, but mostly just noise for us. We see lots of them in every image and occasionally, 3 or 4 of them hit the CCD in just the right places in consecutive images to fool us into believing there is a real object there. The cosmic rays can show up as points or as streaks.
But can cosmic rays cause curved streaks in a CCD? (SOHO C3 picture from 2005-11-09 14:45)

These are official pictures, you can download them from NASA's SOHO site.

EDIT: Stupid typo! :rolleyes:
My contribution; well when I say my I mean I´we found quotes and pictures on a site I use to browse a while back.

anart said:
(...)it seems to me that the author of those captions is making some huge leaps in logic and enormous assumptions with no data to back them up whatsoever. Just because an image looks like something does not mean it is that 'thing'.

Also, just a note that 'weatherwars' has been known to promote some serious disinformation in the past so you might want to take anything you find there with a grain of salt. fwiw.

August 18, 2003 0918Z
The small circle at the center is the diameter of the Sun which is greater than 850,000 miles/1.4 million km. Now just how close this "array" is, is unknown to me. SOHO is at the L1 point, or the Langren point where the gravity of the Sun and the Earth/Moon system balance which is nearly one million miles sunward from the earth.


October 25, 2003 0942Z


March 20, 2004 1740Z
Apparently size does matter!


March 18, 2004 0840Z
"something" in a (CME) coronal mass ejection.


January 30, 2004 2154Z
Absolutely huge!


January 24, 2004 0530Z
NASA calls these 'cosmic rays!' Remember that NASA's best discoveries are NEVER accompanied by a press release. I laughed when someone referred to NASA as Never A Straight Answer, oh how true!

My favorite view is the EIT284. All new EIT284 data has had a Gaussian blur run across it; now it isn't nearly as useful is picking out these types of datum that I am searching for. They don't like questions asked about this new filter routine either. This change began May 28, 2004.

April 17, 2004
Have you ever seen anything so cool? This is not what you'd expect to find when sun gazing.


April 16, 2004 1305Z
Occasionally we are not supposed to see something. This is not a transmission error. Transmission errors are line by line streaks and not typically blocky in nature.


April 15, 2004 0705Z


February 25, 2004 0106Z
Just how much of our mainstream science is not on a firm foundation. Certainly our world view needs to change.


July 19, 2005 1319Z The Sun's Eastern limb

What do we have here? A very, very large and indeed, near planetary sized visitor to good ole Ra. Our poor Earth based scientists, who really could use an open mind about the vastness of the universe, with the attendant unlimited potential that is its foundation.


The EIT 284 camera on the spacecraft SOHO looks at the Sun and its magnetic atmosphere.



Lots and lots of rods.



NASA began running a filter over these images on May 28, 2004 and that greatly reduces the appearances of these "insert belief/fact"

Link to the bio. of the author that wrote comments. He got quite a few pictures of abnormal clouds and radar pictures too. Could be worthwhile to click trough.


Grim, no offense at all, but it seems to me that the author of those captions is making some huge leaps in logic and enormous assumptions with no data to back them up whatsoever. Just because an image looks like something does not mean it is that 'thing'.

Also, just a note that 'weatherwars' has been known to promote some serious disinformation in the past so you might want to take anything you find there with a grain of salt. fwiw.
Yeah, I didn't know if I should post the captions or not. Maybe its best to just remove them? No need for noise.

removed a few comments, enjoy the pictures.
Endura said:
Any idea about this object seen on a NASA picture?
Seems to me that:

...there are "stars" superimposed on the whole picture, you can see them also 'on a layer' over the planet's surface. It could be that the shoot was taken from a certain distance by zooming it all far and wide, or that there are two superimposed images where the stars and that strange object which seems to be a moon being shot with a lot of delay. It could be also three different images: the planet, the stars, and the 'cylinder' (moon or whatever), glued together.

As for the sun's images, many have lost a lot of time over it and all we know is that the sun is getting crazy :-) and meteors are running through the solar system in great numbers, so no big news here.
Oh, where to start?

dantem said:
there are "stars" superimposed on the whole picture, you can see them also 'on a layer' over the planet's surface.
The "stars" are noise from the Cassini/Huygens CCD sensor. The noise is always present and visible at short exposure times. You can try it with your digicam. Study Cassini's raw pictures.

dantem said:
It could be that the shoot was taken from a certain distance by zooming it all far and wide, or that there are two superimposed images where the stars and that strange object which seems to be a moon being shot with a lot of delay. It could be also three different images: the planet, the stars, and the 'cylinder' (moon or whatever), glued together.
There are only two zoom levels Cassini is capable of: wide field and narrow field. For a scientific analysis it would not make sense to compose/montage such a picture!!! It seems to be a raw and unprocessed picture, because of the noise. Moons look different, just see yourself on the Cassini/Huygens site. "A lot of delay" would lead to a totally overexposed picture. Study Cassini's raw pictures!

dantem said:
As for the sun's images, many have lost a lot of time over it and all we know is that the sun is getting crazy :-) and meteors are running through the solar system in great numbers, so no big news here.
But not every strike shown above is a meteor. See here. Cosmic rays hitting the camera are a plausible explanation for the streaks, so I decided to post a curved streak instead of the usual linear streaks.

The comments below are from the author of the weatherwars(dot)info site (which is currently down):

GRiM said:
Apparently size does matter!
Absolutely huge!
What do we have here? A very, very large and indeed, near planetary sized visitor to good ole Ra.
Because the distance of the "objects" to the SOHO satellite is unknown, the size of the "objects" are unknown. In addition, the horizontal oriented objects that look like saucers are overexposure effects from the CCD. They are really very tiny and bright spots. Digicams from earlier years produced this effect too.

GRiM said:
Occasionally we are not supposed to see something. This is not a transmission error. Transmission errors are line by line streaks and not typically blocky in nature.
Too conspiratorial-minded. Transmission errors not necessarily have a definite appearance. Today, digital data streams are often compressed, and transported in packets, which correspond to image blocks. A lot of raw pictures from the Mars Exploration Rovers also have missing blocks. And in today's digital satellite TV you also have blocks, if the transmission is disturbed. Analog times are gone!

So yes, there is some noise, pun intended!
Data said:
A lot of raw pictures from the Mars Exploration Rovers also have missing blocks.
A bit off topic, but I'm wondering if you've seen raw pictures from the Mars Rovers? Pictures released for public consumption have all been 'cleared', so I'm wondering where you may have seen these? Perhaps I've misunderstood you, though.
"Raw" means that they are not processed (enhanced for instance). But they are certainly censored.

Go to, then "All Raw Images". New pictures arrive on a mars-daily basis.

This is one example of the raw pics shot by Opportunity on the Victoria Crater site (Navigation camera, Sol 1218). My guess is, that the blocks are artefacts from faulty data transmission.


For a large version go to
Data said:
"Raw" means that they are not processed (enhanced for instance). But they are certainly censored.
Well, who says that they are not processed though? They are in .jpg compression format - so we already know that they converted them from their raw format and compressed them as jpegs, which requires processing them through image software, like photoshop. I see no reason that they could not also modify them as they please in the process. I could see how they might accidentally miss something, or even intentionally let it "slip" though.

What about all those videos from shuttles and stuff that have little balls and flashes and objects changing direction and sometime very quickly accelerating in the opposite direction, etc? I'm wonder who lets those out into public view and why?
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