Custodians of Chaos


Bert Thurston

Beginning of Article:

"Saturday January 21, 2006
The Guardian
In this exclusive extract from his forthcoming memoirs, Kurt Vonnegut is horrified by the hypocrisy in contemporary US politics

"Do unto others what you would have them do unto you." A lot of people think Jesus said that, because it is so much the sort of thing Jesus liked to say. But it was actually said by Confucius, a Chinese philosopher, five hundred years before there was that greatest and most humane of human beings, named Jesus Christ. . . ."

Link to Article:

This commentary by Kurt Vonnegut is well worth reading! However, to regular readers of SotT it looks like any number of SotT's numerous commentaries or editorials. It's nice to know that there are a few esteemed persons left in the US that are not sold out and still can think and are not afraid to tell it like it is.

When reality is as ugly as ours, it's not nice to be correct, but it must be nice to recieve a little collateral confirmation once in a while. Keep up the great job! Don't look for this piece to receive any attention from the mainstream press!

For those of us in Amerika just starting to wake up, congratulations! You're just in time to experience the nightmare--similar to what most of the rest of the world has been experiencing for the longest! It's called the struggle to survive and keep your (our) integrity under the worst of circumstances.

The only way I see for those of us trapped behind the "Electronic Curtain" to make it is by truly helping each other out, as fellow sisters and brothers of the human race. Of course, one will have to have a little basic knowledge for the journey, like from Laura's articles on "The Cult of the Plausible Lie" at: and "How to Spot Cointelpro Agents" at: We're going to need all the help we can get!
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