Credit Cards

Hephaestus said:
I came up with an idea and figured before I go ahead and do it i'd see if others thought it was a good idea.

Seeing as the comet cluster, Nephilim, nuclear war and wave is coming I've figured what the heck, I might as well apply for as many credit cards as I can, spend to the max on them all and enjoy the next 4 years.

What do you think? Good idea eh! ;)

Hi Hephaestus,

welcome to this forum :) There are many cool features here, like a search engine, recommended books list,
many topics specified for many different levels of interests and discussions. There's also an option available,
for each forum member, to list/view their latest posts. When I used that one, to get a picture of your so far 12 posts
and introduction, your interests - found out how you've been asked before to slow down a bit, and get more
familiar with this forum, why and how it's constituted, etc...

There's really a fine line one's walking on, when first introduced with Laura's work, Cass, SOTT... There's
something (which will become much more clear to you, after doing your homework) essentially different,
going on here, in the ways of interaction, than what you might have experienced before.

Just don't rush into conclusions and take your time, read some of the info on pathology- Laura and others suggested you,
in earlier thread, and you'll be just fine. Otherwise, you'll fall into a 'noise-maker' group, which this forum works really hard to keep at low rate.
After/if you get familiar with basics, you'll understand why ;)

enjoy your reading/exploring :D

Hephaestus said:
If I had posted it in there would it have received a better reception? :huh:

The "Tickle Me" section is kind of evidence that a little humor is OK and if something light-hearted pops up quickly elsewhere that's usually OK too, I've done that a couple times myself recently. As others mentioned, your humor had a serious side that needed discussed too. Although money isn't something you can take with you to 5th Density, knowledge and "karma" are and the "life of Riley" probably isn't good for karma and would likely impede knowledge gathering.
Hephaestus said:
I see now this board is indeed 100% serious on everything therefore I apologise for this thread and promise you I shall from this moment on be 100% serious also and shall never post such topics in future. You have my word.

IMO, it is not a matter of being "serious" or "funny" in a absolute and strict way. Maybe what matters most is to make sure that whatever you post reflects your current level of personal progress and awareness. If we all try to do that, then the others can trully mirror us effectively by seeing our most critical "faults" and then based on that input we can correct and evolve ourselves, which is GROWING by NETWORKING.

On the other hand, if we post without really thinking and without making sure that everything we say is actually based on our current awareness, then we might be just wasting the time of others who reply and try to mirror us. Because then we come back to the same excusses, "oops, that wasn't really me!" or "I did not really mean that!" etc. We can preview our post as many times as we like before pushing the "Post" button so as to make sure that is US -as much as possible!- that write these words and not another "mini-self" of us for which we will later have to "apologize" for. Failing to do so might give the impression that we expect others to spend THEIR time trying to reply and potentially "correct" us, instead of US taking the time and effort to think beforehand and thus expressing an opinion which no matter if it is "right" or "wrong", it can be at least something that has some personal validity and so it is worth being discussed upon. It is only then that the members of this forum can actually help each other, isn't it? ;)

My point is that what we have to be really serious about is presenting the most true Self we possess at this moment, in respect to the forum's rules about noise and the time-energy of other members. Using humour or not is then just a matter of expression. But in that context, when you appear to be wishing half-kiddingly to live the "life of Riley", this might not even qualify as "baked-noodles-funny" because that is considered in it's greater part to be an indication of your THINKING and PRIORITIES. Isn't that logical? So, do you really believe that "cheating" to gain some extra spending cash will improve your spiritual progress and your Being in any way in the time to come?

If you REALLY do, then... this IS serious. :) Take care.
Just wanted to add what Gurdjieff said about what "serious" means:

Gurdjieff said:
G. said: "A good deal is incomprehensible to you because you do not take into account the meaning of some of the most simple words, for instance, ' you have never thought what to be serious means. Try to give yourselves an answer to the question what being serious means."
"To have a serious attitude towards things," someone said.
"That is exactly what everybody thinks, actually it is exactly the reverse," said G.
"To have a serious attitude towards things does not at all mean being serious because the principal question is, towards what things? Very many people have a serious attitude towards trivial things. Can they be called serious? Of course not.
"The mistake is that the concept 'serious' is taken conditionally. One thing is serious for one man and another thing for another man. In reality seriousness is one of the concepts which can never and under no circumstances be taken conditionally. Only one thing is serious for all people at all times. A man may be more aware of it or less aware of it but the seriousness of things will not alter on this account.
"If a man could understand all the horror of the lives of ordinary people who are turning round in a circle of insignificant interests and insignificant aims, if he could understand what they are losing, he would understand that there can be only one thing that is serious for him-to escape from the general law, to be free. What can be serious for a man in prison who is condemned to death? Only one thing: How to save himself, how to escape: nothing else is serious.

So this forum is serious about things that are serious, and not serious about things that are not! Hope that helps clarify any confusion. :)
Hephaestus said:
What do you think? Good idea eh! ;)
A few thoughts occurred in responce to your 'question' ;)
The first was, that would not make a good strategic enclosure as far as I can tell. You would leave yourself open to all sorts of problems. But that doesn't really match the level the question was pitched at...

The second was hypothetical. So you get a credit card and live it up over the next 4 years, you buy all the things you 'want', sports cars, computers, houses, fantastical shinny things!
Then comes the end, pick one? Debtors prison?
Lets go for what you said
Hephaestus said:
Seeing as the comet cluster, Nephilim, nuclear war and wave is coming....
Ok, so there it is. You've bought all those 'things', you've partied, you've 'lived it up'.
And the end comes. Then what?
As comets/bombs fall around all your fantastical shinny things, isn't that great you got them all? Isn't it just Fantastic?
I bet in those last few moment you'll be sat there with a smile on your face thinking, "I'm so pleased I spent all my time and energy buying all these shinny things, so that I can be surrounded by them at the time of my death!"

Perhaps that's what it boils down to....perhaps you caught a glimpse of the horror of the situation....and perhaps your just reacted to stop from facing the thought of your own annihilation.

Fortunately the future is open, and as much as we can have a 'choice', we can choose to do what we want with what time and energy we have.
hephaestus said:
Ok i'm going to be honest with you all, I feel that when the cataclysms come and the wave comes I may end up stuck in the 3rd density either because i'm not evolved enough to move up a level or maybe because I choose not to move up (if that's at all possible).

Hephaestus said:
Seeing as the comet cluster, Nephilim, nuclear war and wave is coming I've figured what the heck, I might as well apply for as many credit cards as I can, spend to the max on them all and enjoy the next 4 years.

Reading these two posts together, I get the impression that you don't feel that there's any "point" in putting in the effort to "evolve" between now and the coming of the Wave (*if* there is such a thing), because you feel you probably won't be an STO-candidate for 4th-density when the time comes. So, in the meantime, you might as well just "enjoy" yourself....

As one of Laura's signatures states: "When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight it concentrates his mind wonderfully". QUESTION: If the momentousness of this time does not inspire you to strive for "evolution", what makes you think that you will be inspired to make such an effort "at your leisure" on your next go-round as a 3rd-density human? I suspect you have revealed a general behavioural Program in yourself that tends to find excuses for carrying out important tasks LATER, rather than NOW, one that will still be in effect regardless of what does or does not happen in the next 4 or 10 or 20 years. The question you need to ask yourself is: Do you really have a desire to evolve, grow, and develop as a spiritual being?

AN ANOLOGY: Two people claim to have a burning desire to learn to play the piano, and both are offered the opportunity to take lessons from a qualified teacher. The first quickly realizes how difficult it is to learn, how much time and discipline it takes, and quits in frustration, saying: "What's the point? I'll never be good enough to be a concert pianist before I die, there's not enough time to become that good." The second perseveres through his lessons, feeling a sense of accomplishment with each new goal he sets himself, and within four years plays well enough to entertain his friends at parties and to enjoy his ability to create beautiful music. Turns out that the first man did not really want to learn to play the piano, he just had a burning desire to be a successful and admired concert pianist; but the second man truly wanted to *learn*, and therefore did.

Time is an illusion anyway, and our souls transcend time. If you wish to develop an aspect of yourself, the time to begin is in the here and now. To paraphrase another forum member's signature: If you wish to reach a goal -- whether it be playing the piano or becoming an STO-candidate -- and if it is going to take you five lifetimes to achieve that goal, then let this be the lifetime in which you BEGIN to work towards that goal....
hephaestus said:
Seeing as the comet cluster, Nephilim, nuclear war and wave is coming I've figured what the heck, I might as well apply for as many credit cards as I can, spend to the max on them all and enjoy the next 4 years.

This is the prevailing economic ethos of our age. You could be high political official,
investment banker, or a media mogul with the above orientation. I understand your
sentiments, easy money sounds painless. I have lived that life for decades and ultimately found life meaningless, with the internal contradictions creating a condition of emotional and intellectual bankrupcy. Do you think eat, drink, and be merry is the meaning of our lives? What is the purpose of our lives? Welcome to the forum, it can rapidly lead unanticipated questions.
PepperFritz said:
Reading these two posts together, I get the impression that you don't feel that there's any "point" in putting in the effort to "evolve" between now and the coming of the Wave (*if* there is such a thing), because you feel you probably won't be an STO-candidate for 4th-density when the time comes. So, in the meantime, you might as well just "enjoy" yourself....

Surely you jest? What's to "enjoy" about the world right now? Am I missing something. Its all doom and gloom now.

hephaestus said:
Ok i'm going to be honest with you all, I feel that when the cataclysms come and the wave comes I may end up stuck in the 3rd density either because i'm not evolved enough to move up a level or maybe because I choose not to move up (if that's at all possible).

I guess if you're about to do what you suggested with credit cards, then it would be pretty easy to say that you're not evolved enough to move up a level :(

hephaestus said:
Seeing as the comet cluster, Nephilim, nuclear war and wave is coming I've figured what the heck, I might as well apply for as many credit cards as I can, spend to the max on them all and enjoy the next 4 years.

But you could get run over by a bus.... tomorrow. It's all very well being angry and cynical, but the situation still requires some serious thought and soul searching if a person is to reach their potential. I really think its up to the individual.
Ruth said:
Surely you jest? What's to "enjoy" about the world right now? Am I missing something.

PepperFritz was stating her impression of what hephaestus was thinking.
Ruth said:
PepperFritz said:
Reading these two posts together, I get the impression that you don't feel that there's any "point" in putting in the effort to "evolve" between now and the coming of the Wave (*if* there is such a thing), because you feel you probably won't be an STO-candidate for 4th-density when the time comes. So, in the meantime, you might as well just "enjoy" yourself....

Surely you jest? What's to "enjoy" about the world right now? Am I missing something. Its all doom and gloom now.

As Los pointed out, PepperFritz was stating her impression of what hephaestus was thinking.

You seem to be missing the context of PepperFritz trying to get an understanding of hephaestus' posting.

Why would you respond to PepperFritz in this way?

Ruth said:
hephaestus said:
Ok i'm going to be honest with you all, I feel that when the cataclysms come and the wave comes I may end up stuck in the 3rd density either because i'm not evolved enough to move up a level or maybe because I choose not to move up (if that's at all possible).

I guess if you're about to do what you suggested with credit cards, then it would be pretty easy to say that you're not evolved enough to move up a level :(

Ruth are you trying to just get a shot in here? There is a particular vehemence in the tone of your post. And if you had read the context of the entire thread I think you would see that some understanding had been made in all involved pretty much. So your retort here seems more like a snipe to make yourself come off as superior.

Ruth said:
hephaestus said:
Seeing as the comet cluster, Nephilim, nuclear war and wave is coming I've figured what the heck, I might as well apply for as many credit cards as I can, spend to the max on them all and enjoy the next 4 years.

But you could get run over by a bus.... tomorrow. It's all very well being angry and cynical, but the situation still requires some serious thought and soul searching if a person is to reach their potential. I really think its up to the individual.

And if you had read the thread you would have seen that Hephaetus had already responded in the precise manner that you yourself are trying to convey.

Anything can happen in the next half hour.

So once again, are you just trying to get in your swipe at this or what's up with you?
Forgive me if I go off topic too much. This thread has helped me reflect (selfishly) upon my assumed poor state of mind. Through experience, whenever I feel beaten down, I see there is always someone in worse shape than myself. ‘Tis easy to think all gloom and doom. I have lost my humor on many, many occasions. Yes, I think this is a hard life on this BBM. Full of misery and woe. But there is also beauty and wonder. I just thought to post a couple session excerpts that state my feelings (today, right now, and probably temporary) much better than I can.
:) :) :)

[quote author=session 960629] Q: (L) I just want to make sure that I am doing the most I can do. I don't want to have to come back to 3rd density. If I can accelerate things a little...
A: You cannot, so just enjoy the ride. Learning is fun! [/quote]

[quote author=session 980704] A: No, because you are still thinking 3rd density. Better to have a "front row seat," and enjoy! [/quote]

[quote author=session 990703] A: And for those who transit to 5th density, it will not be so bad either. Sort of like, "sit back and enjoy the show." [/quote]

[quote author=session 020824] … I know the C's have always said sit back and enjoy the show. … [/quote]

And finally: (emphasis mine)
[quote author=session 950902 ]
Q: (L) What is it that limits our awareness?
A: Your environment. And it is the environment that you have chosen. By your level of progress. And that is what limits everything. As you rise to higher levels of density, limitations are removed.
Q: (L) What creates this environment of limitation?
A: It is the grand illusion which is there for the purpose of learning.
Q: (L) And who put the illusion into place?
A: The Creator who is also the Created. Which is also you and us and all. As we have told you, we are you and vice versa. And so is everything else.
Q: (L) Is the key that it is all illusion?
A: Basically, yes.
Q: (L) So, essentially...
A: As we have told you before, if you will be patient just a moment, the universe is merely a school. And, a school is there for all to learn. That is why everything exists. There is no other reason. Now, if only you understood the true depth of that statement, you would begin to start to see, and experience for yourself, all the levels of density that it is possible to experience, all the dimensions that it is possible to experience, all awareness. When an individual understands that statement to its greatest possible depth, that individual becomes illumined. And, certainly you have heard of that. And, for one moment, which lasts for all eternity, that individual knows absolutely everything that there is to know. [/quote]
Hey Al,

Thanks for the reminder - it is truly amazing once you
understand the depth of the C's statement, especially
the last one (in your above list)

Sitting back and enjoying the show,
dant said:
Thanks for the reminder ...

Networking is so very important. We get to help each other AND little diddies as posted remind us of things that we tend to forget. And it is easy to forget. Back in my churchy days we used to joke about hearing the same old stuff (sermons) over and over and over again. The reason for the repetition is that things are easily forgotten... and... thinking about those wasted Sundays makes me wanna go have a smokie...

:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:

edit: Perhaps some need repetitious sermons cause we instinctively fight that monogod program and they gotta drill it deep in our heads for the program to catch.?.?.?
:evil: :evil: :evil:
Al Today said:
And finally: (emphasis mine)
[quote author=session 950902 ]
Q: (L) What is it that limits our awareness?
A: Your environment. And it is the environment that you have chosen. By your level of progress. And that is what limits everything. As you rise to higher levels of density, limitations are removed.
Q: (L) What creates this environment of limitation?
A: It is the grand illusion which is there for the purpose of learning.
Q: (L) And who put the illusion into place?
A: The Creator who is also the Created. Which is also you and us and all. As we have told you, we are you and vice versa. And so is everything else.
Q: (L) Is the key that it is all illusion?
A: Basically, yes.
Q: (L) So, essentially...
A: As we have told you before, if you will be patient just a moment, the universe is merely a school. And, a school is there for all to learn. That is why everything exists. There is no other reason. Now, if only you understood the true depth of that statement, you would begin to start to see, and experience for yourself, all the levels of density that it is possible to experience, all the dimensions that it is possible to experience, all awareness. When an individual understands that statement to its greatest possible depth, that individual becomes illumined. And, certainly you have heard of that. And, for one moment, which lasts for all eternity, that individual knows absolutely everything that there is to know.


This is it exactly. We all have lessons. And it is up to us whether we learn them or repeat them. For those who would rather ignore them and sink completely into materialism, well, that is their choice, too. They will be here to repeat what they do not want to look at today.

Everyone follows their own paths. Sometimes our paths join others and we can learn together, show each other what we have learned and see if we are all headed the same way. Then there are those who think that this path is too hard and they leave and go another way. That's okay, too.

Once we grasp the idea that lessons are all there is, it really makes a whole lot more sense then that we are born, eat, sleep, reproduce and die and that's it. And he with the most toys wins. :huh:

It all comes down to "You get out of life what you put into it." There IS no fighting the Universe, what is going to happen is going to happen.

So as the C's said, sit back and enjoy the show. :cool:

Thanks Al for sharing this. ;)
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