Concious in both Realities at the Same time.


FOTCM Member
I would like to share my experiences with dreams where I am concious in the dream and at the same time concious of the real 3d-reality. Also some other dreams that I would like to share.

Floating above my bed - dream:

The dream started where I was standing with my dad looking at something. I really don't remember what it was that we were looking at. What I do remember is that we were standing in a room. I start to look at my right and I see a hole in the wall. The hole had a shape of a heart, but it was a bit leaning to the left (the shape). Anyways, behind that hole you could see Nature, it wasn't like beautiful Nature or anything, it was just all green and there were many treetrunks in a line, but! The distance between two treetrunks gets bigger every two treetrunks. Also the treetrunks are higher than the one before. Like this: . | | | etc.
I told my dad, ''Look, that hole has a shape of heart!''. Then I remember going to those treetrunks and I jumped from one to another, but then, after some treetrunks, I noticed, while jumping, that I couldn't reach the next treetrunk. I thought I was goin' to fall. But I didn't. I flew. And the feeling that I got while flying is really indescribable. It is like you feel some kind of presence. And I kept on going up and up. I could feel the wind through my hair. Then I started to be concious, I call it half-half-concious :P . I knew that I was in my room, and I was still going up. I noticed very vague that I was floating above my bed. At one point, I got scared, scared of the unknown, scared of what I was gonna see. So I started to say ''No'' in my head and then I fell on my bed. And the rest of the day I had a good feeling inside me. I think this is one of the most beautiful dreams I ever had.

You might think, what's about the whole ''No'' thing. It's not like I believe that things like that could protect you. But at that time, I didn't have much knowledge. So I did say it.

Being able to control the dream and make it look like how I wanted - dream:

This was a very vague dream. We had visitors or something and I was outside, there was a big pylon, let's say the view wasn't very pretty. It was dark. There was also a radio, but there was some kind of rock music coming from it. I started to lay down on the grass. And at this point I began to become concious in the real reality, in other words, I knew I was dreaming, laying on my bed. Half-half concious... The sky in the dream was only black. There were no stars. So I added some stars and I didn't like the rock music coming from the radio. So I changed it into some piano-music. For many seconds I was in this situation, this reality, which felt really Real, it was beautiful. Piano music in the background and looking at the stars, which I created. (The reason of ''feeling good'' wasn't because of that I created them, but it was the situation that made me feel good and calm) Somehow these created dreams I can't hold to long. It's like I'm getting more Concious and more concious of the real world until I get fully concious : then I wake up. Maybe it's a bit same like STS 4d's can't stay long in the 3rd density? Dunno.

After praying being able to take a view in reality - dream:

Like Adam has said before in another thread, our cat was lost for a time and it was truely horrible to experience this. After some nights I praid to God and I asked ''Could you please show me in my dream where he is?''. And that night I only dreamt of our cat! And the only thing I remember from that night/dream is him standing in the big backyard behind our flatbuilding, I also saw another cat with him.
I knew where he is! He was just in the backyard hiding in the bushes! But the bushes are so thick that you can't go in and take a look, so my idea was to go at night and check if he is there with a flashlight. But everyone disagreed, cause everyone could see me then! Who cares, I said, but they didn't listen. Every evening I went to check with my dad everywhere outside to look for him. One evening I told my dad, let's go. But he didn't really felt like it. But we still went to take a look. And we went to check our backyard, again. And there he was, standing and looking at us! I told you guys he was there, I said. Finally we found him.
At one of the other nights, we also saw another cat in our backyard, who looked a lot like our cat, but it turned out that it wasn't him. That must be the other cat that I saw in my dream that night. Wow, I'm still puzzling on this one. Who was it that showed me this? Was it maybe me? Was it because I really asked for it?

While being half-half concious, I was able to look with my eyes closed - dream:

I don't remember much of this night. It was just all kind of thoughts floating in my head. And each one I concentrated on, became reality.
I was half-half concious again. It made me be in that situation, because of the rain and the thunder. It was a bit fear that made me a bit awake. Put me in that state. Anyway, I could hear the rain and I started to close my eyes and what I see was: A bit purple sky and I also could see the rain. It felt like I was taking a view from our balcony (which is next to my room). But I didn't see any buildings or such. Only a purple sky and the rain.
It was like I was looking outside, while laying in bed with eyes closed.
I opened my eyes. The first thing that came in my head, was ''Wow...''. A nice experience.

While being half-half concious... again. I was able to sing in both realities - dream:

This dream was just for fun, for myself. I like singing I guess... anyways I was dreaming. I was half-half concious again. I feel being in my bed and I also feel being in my dream. I was on some kind of stage. I was thinking, how cool it would be to hear myself sing in a dream? 'Cause in the dream you could really hear the sound of a voice with echo and such, yknow! So I started to sing and I heard myself in the dream. But I also heared myself and sang the same time in my bed. I remember being afraid that they might hear me! And again, in this dream, I couldn't hold to long on it. It took many seconds before I woke up completely.


What do you think about these? Have you experienced the same?
Comments are appreciated!
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