Comet Puppies


FOTCM Member
Regarding this thread: Green Comet Approaches Earth I posted the following, but decided to move it to it's own thread so as not to clutter the comet discussion.

Very interesting. We had a litter of puppies born at our house in the early hours of Feb 5th. Yesterday I was checking their birth times against my Starry night program to see what stars were rising - looking for naming ideas. As it happens, puppies number 3 & 4 were born just as Zubenelgenubi crossed the horizon - both males.



I hope you'll treat us to pics of the puppies as they grow.
I've never seen very young shelties before.....
They're adorable! Thanks for sharing pics....I love puppies, little warm snuggly nuzzlers... :love:
Well, we've got quite a few photos of the birth - even some little movies - but I don't know if they would be appropriate! But I'll try to chronicle the babies' progress. Not much to see right now... they are just tiny and eat and sleep all the time. Typical for babies. But, let me tell you a bit about the birth.

The mother is officially named Princess Jasmine and the father is Prince Aladdin. They are not related except distantly; the male was named by the breeder at my request so they would be a "set." We call her Jazzy and him Laddie. Not very creative, I know, but easy when you are calling them for dinner!

Jazzy's due date was Feb 7th, and the vet predicted three puppies, max. We all noticed how big she was getting - she really waddled! Anyway, she was spending a lot of time in her crate for a couple of days and we knew that the time was near. It was about 10 p.m. when the definitive signs came that delivery was going to be within a few hours. We had all our equipment ready - string, scissors, surgical gloves, towels, rubber syringes in case anybody got "stuck" - that sort of thing.

Jazzy was in her crate and I suggested dropping the curtain over it (a rug) so she could be private. So, she was there and we waited and waited, sat around the table and talked. All of a sudden, Jazzy gave out a sharp yelp and came tearing out of the crate and ran around the kitchen like she was being chased by the devil. Joe said "Grab her, the baby's coming out!" She stopped and looked at us and, sure enough... we took a towel to Jazzy, laid her down on it, and her first baby was delivered by a cardiac surgeon! My daughter and I assisted.

We had to deliver the second one also, but after the two of them were cleaned up a bit and put to nurse, that must have kicked on the hormones and by then, Jazzy was figuring things out, so she handled the rest of them all by herself. I think she was just SO surprised when she had this bizarre stomach ache thing going on and then out popped a puppy!

The first one came at 5 minutes after midnight. Then the second at 12:53, (after this I went to bed and the rest of the details are from the girl's "nursing notes") 3 & 4 came between 2 and 2:30 am. and number 5 at 3 am and 6 at 3:06!!!

As I said, the vet only expected her to have three with her first litter so, six was a big surprise. They are all pretty much equal size and vigor, doesn't appear to be a runt among them. There are three tri-colors and three sables; two males, four females.

I'll see if I can get some of the images resized and uploaded over the next couple of days; have to be careful with our limited bandwidth.

Meanwhile, here's some stuff from other recent events:

As ya'll know, we had a terrible storm here on 24 January. A tree fell on our barn and destroyed half the roof. I don't have the immediate aftermath photos available, but Ark did put a few later shots on his blog that I can snag.

In this first photo, you can see SOME of the mess but only after we've done a lot of work clearing:


In the next one, you can see the barn with a tarp over it in the background. The tree that fell on it is still partly in place though we have cut away a lot of it and cleared a lot of the piles of limbs and tiles that fell down all around the barn.


As you can see in this next photo, we are creating the world's biggest wood pile. We haven't done half the cutting up and clearing away and it is already five rows deep:


Ark works on one of the trees that blew half way over, but didn't quite fall. They are dangerous and the ground is soft, so we take them down when they are like this:


I managed to get a shot of the tree as it fell:


Next, it has to be stripped and then cut into fireplace sized lengths to be stacked in the ever growing woodpile.


Our baby collie, Cherie, likes it when we are all outside working though she does NOT like the chain saws!




One tree fell into the chicken yard. We cut it off the fence, repaired the fence, and left part of it inside. The chickens seem to like it. Maybe we will leave it there - the latest in chicken coop decor!


And finally, our geese started laying recently...

DSC06477.jpg is our first goose egg:

Thanks Laura for sharing!

I really like the "chicken coop decor" and the sujet with the goose egg. :)
I hadn't seen the chicken coop before! Looks very well constructed, the chickens look happy with their new perch. Are you getting lots of eggs?

I've been thinking of putting one up in my backyard as I miss good eggs. The vegetable garden has spurred me on to greater things.
Thanks for sharing the pictures. Puppies :love:

Cherie is all grown up. She's a beautiful dog. Congratulations on the 6 newest members of the 'family' :flowers:
Thanks so much for sharing the pictures. :clap: I just love puppy pictures :love: That would be so great to see the puppies as they grow and develop.

That is a very impressive wood pile you have going there. :shock: There's just never a dull moment at your house is there? :)

Thanks again for the pictures and commentary.
Johnno said:
I hadn't seen the chicken coop before! Looks very well constructed, the chickens look happy with their new perch. Are you getting lots of eggs?

I've been thinking of putting one up in my backyard as I miss good eggs. The vegetable garden has spurred me on to greater things.

We get about a dozen to 20 eggs a day - even through the winter. We are going to let them set a clutch soon as I get rid of the last of the ugly roosters. We've eaten four of them.

They don't require much care. They have an old broken down ruin as a chicken house which suits them just fine. We have fruit boxes full of straw inside for them, and put straw about to keep things tidy. The chicken yard is a good size, but they have scratched it bare, so we give them corn and day old bread from a local bakery that donates it. We also give them laying mash every two or three days to keep their minerals up for egg shell production.

Having fresh eggs every single day is truly a great thing. We usually manage to have enough for a jar of mayonnaise a week and use the whites for some kind of mousse or meringue cookies.

For one person, probably five hens and one rooster. Of course, you don't need the rooster for eggs.

Megapode said:
Thanks for sharing the pictures. Puppies :love:

Cherie is all grown up. She's a beautiful dog. Congratulations on the 6 newest members of the 'family' :flowers:


Cherie is not just beautiful, she is amazing. Super smart (and stubborn). She tries SO hard to talk, and when she gets lovies, she sings! She's such a baby that she still wants to get in Ark's lap... so he picks her up and holds and rocks her and she gets a look on her face of supreme bliss! I don't think I've ever had a dog that was so focused on just being lovable! In other words, when she is good, she is very very good... and when she is bad (chasing geese!) she is rotten!

Nienna Eluch said:
Thanks so much for sharing the pictures. :clap: I just love puppy pictures :love: That would be so great to see the puppies as they grow and develop.

That is a very impressive wood pile you have going there. :shock: There's just never a dull moment at your house is there? :)

Thanks again for the pictures and commentary.

I'll try to get some more photos up. We LOVE puppies too! Whenever I have had a dream about puppies, it has been a harbinger of good fortune.

As for any dull moments at our house... yeah... we often joke that we ought to have a webcam set up - people would just NOT believe!
Love the picutres. So I'm not the only one who takes pictures of eggs. After several attempts to have a pet, (asthma) we settled for chickens and waited and waited for months and were finally rewarded on New Years day morning with an egg. We couldn't have been more excited if it was golden. Naturally we cracked it open immediately and gazed upon it like a new born messiah. Two weeks later one of the ladies laid a whopper of an egg that created quite a stir. It was photographed numerous times in several poses. I though it might hold a record but a little research snuffed that out. To anyone interested in raising chickens, it's wonderful! It's like getting presents everyday and they're very easy to look after. It makes us feel a little liberated, less dependant on the grocery store and of course the quality is the best. They've also had a positive impact on the way we think of food now. I only have three but I'm thinking of expanding the operation.
Just for the record, here's a photo of the proud parents:

Thanks for sharing all this with us Laura. The dogs are beautiful. Are you going to keep all of them? If I were in France I would love to adopt one if available. I promised my 7 year old a sheltie when we move out of our current house. Maybe this summer, I'm hoping.
Black Swan said:
Thanks for sharing all this with us Laura. The dogs are beautiful. Are you going to keep all of them? If I were in France I would love to adopt one if available. I promised my 7 year old a sheltie when we move out of our current house. Maybe this summer, I'm hoping.

We may keep one, but the rest will be sold (one is already promised) to carefully screened purchasers.
Laura, in case you are not aware of this, our chickens just loved fresh grass clippings. So when I mowed our property, I would dump loads of baskets of the mowings in the coop (which was also bare from their scratchings). They would scratch around in those piles for hours and days getting all the seeds and bugs out.

Heck, when they would see me on the mower, they would run to whatever side of their pen I was on waiting for me to come with their just reward. :lol:

Thank you for the puppy pictures. With the goings on here on this BBM, we all need to be reminded of the beauty of precious life. There can always be a smile, somehow, somewhere...
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