Charley Reese column on Palestine

Mr. Premise

The Living Force

Check Your Beliefs

Let's play a fantasy game to check on our belief in human rights. Let's suppose that in a mythical state, a governor announced a campaign to punish African-Americans for alleged violence.

Step one is to confiscate the land owned by African-Americans, evict them from it and use the land to build massive new subdivisions. Only white Protestant Christians may live in these subdivisions.

Step two is to connect these all-white Protestant Christian settlements to each other by a highway on which African-Americans are forbidden to drive. To facilitate control, the automobile tags for African-Americans will be a different color from the tags issued to white motorists. Checkpoints would be set up all around the state capitol to search and harass African-Americans trying to enter.

Would you support such a plan? Would you hail that mythical governor as a man of peace? Would you go to your church congregation and ask the members to send money to the occupants of these white settlements? Would you lobby the federal government to subsidize this new apartheid state in our midst?

I don't think so. I think most Americans would consider such acts an abomination, un-American and a mockery of everything both Christianity and the United States stand for.

Well, if you would condemn such acts here directed against African-Americans, why won't you condemn identical acts committed against the Palestinians by the state of Israel?

Those settlements you hear about are built on Palestinian land, and they are for Jews only. New roads that Palestinians are forbidden to use connect them. The entire West Bank is riddled with Israeli checkpoints, where innocent Palestinians are daily humiliated and harassed. A trip to a nearby village can mean waiting in line at checkpoints for hours. Palestinians have died in these lines.

After all of these humiliations, abuses, the houses destroyed, the children killed, the olive trees uprooted, how do you think Palestinians feel about Americans who support the Israelis no matter what they do to the Palestinians? Don't take my word about these abuses. Check out the Israeli human-rights organization at

If you cannot condemn the flagrant abuses of Palestinians by the Israeli government, then you are undoubtedly a bigot, the worst kind of racist pig who believes that Palestinians are some kind of subspecies of the human race. If you do condemn in your heart these terrible abuses, but are afraid to speak out about them, then you are a damned coward.

I listened in disgust to a congressional committee hearing on the Palestinian elections. It was all about what the Palestinians have to do. It was as if the cops, interviewing a child who had been raped by an adult, lectured the child on dressing provocatively and of being in places she should not have been in.

The Palestinians are the victims here. It is their land that is occupied. They have no army. They are at the mercy of the Israeli government. They don't have a superpower protecting them from international sanctions and supplying them with billions of dollars. The United States should be telling Israel to get out of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, to dismantle its settlements and checkpoints, and to allow Palestinian refugees to return to or be compensated for the land the Israelis stole.

You want to know why we have a problem with terrorism? It's not Islamic fundamentalists or hatred of freedom. It's our support of Israel's unspeakable abuse of Palestinians. Don't blame Osama bin Laden. Blame the president, Congress, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and all the cowardly Americans who practice hypocrisy by claiming to be moral while supporting gross immorality committed against their fellow human beings in Palestine.
Yeah I agree whole-heartedly, but then the question comes - what do we do?

Thus far ill I've got is Speak out, repost articles in multiple spots on the internet and try to get people AWARE of what's going on b/c most people don't care because it's not their problem (IE Doesn't affect them, or so they believe).
I looks like you've got quite a lot on your "to do" list here, Cyre. If you do all those things, that's pretty good. Do you need more tasks? Organize boycotts (many universities are doing this). The extreme would be doing what Rachel Corrie did.

But, shining a light on the truth and seeing things objectively can have a great non-linear effect. Nobody is a nobody.

Cyre2067 said:
Yeah I agree whole-heartedly, but then the question comes - what do we do?

Thus far ill I've got is Speak out, repost articles in multiple spots on the internet and try to get people AWARE of what's going on b/c most people don't care because it's not their problem (IE Doesn't affect them, or so they believe).
DonaldJHunt said:
But, shining a light on the truth and seeing things objectively can have a great non-linear effect. Nobody is a nobody.
The PTB know this. Case in point: researchers are jailed just for disputing the number of Jews who died in the "Holocaust" as well as disputing how these people died. In any other scenario this would be considered a small historic detail, significant only to a few specialist scholars.

And yet people's lives are ruined, courts of justice spend taxpayer money and valuable time dealing with these cases all out of proportion to reason. The PTB is threatened by just a few alterations of the official version. The think tanks of the PTB recognize the power of the non-linar snow-ball effect.

The article above is very powerful, and cuts through alot of people's excuses. Maybe such "small" moves won't make a visible change today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day something will happen. Even if this bit of information is lost in the whole of the non-linear flow of events, its causal role (and the role of similar "insignificant" moves) will have contrinuted in a definitive way.
Yeah I'm not good at organizing things on a macro-scale. But what i do well is spreading information. I use myspace and mass emails to update my friends/family on what they otherwise wouldn't know. I kinda feel like it's innoculating them against false info and raising questions in their minds about the true nature of things. Most of them still live in denial, but nevertheless they read what i send them and it gets into their subconcious.

We've been having discussions on the local level, face to face conversation is much more effective and rapid when it comes to generating ideas. Mostly we've been discussing 9-11 and have come to the conclusion that the official story is obviously bullshit. But when it comes to specifics of who/how/why we all kinda have our own ideas that we share/debate.

I feel like im throwing pebbles in a REALLY big lake. ::shrugs:: Feels right.
I guess we were a day late. There were a bunch of actions around the U.S. yesterday commemorating Rachel Corrie. They would read from her published words and emails:

Heard about it here It also appeared a day late in Counterpunch.
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