Can the C's (& other 4D+ beings) factor large prime numbers in polynomial time?


Jedi Master
Here's a question I'd like answered if the gang feels it worthy...

Can the C's (& other 4D+ beings) factor large prime numbers in polynomial time?

This is a very serious question.

This could be followed up by a question that asks if our present pursuit of DNA computers as well as quantum computing will have impact on the border between 3D & 4D

Given that DNA computers and/or quantum computers are presently mostly theory, are we even on the right track with this advancement, or is there another computational revolution for us to discover? If so, will it be hardware or software (algorithmic)?

Thank you for considering my questions.
wmu9 said:
Can the C's (& other 4D+ beings) factor large prime numbers in polynomial time?
I think you mean "factor the products of large prime numbers"? :)

I strongly suspect that if you are worthy of their attention, they can observe every detail of your life and communications. But I do not see any reason to make it easy for them!
I suspect the answer would be "yes" to the first question, but then, what is finite? It could be longer than we are alive.

I believe that there is a question/answer in one of the sessions that already deals with the second question (positively) though I can't pull up the reference off the top of my head.
curious_richard said:
wmu9 said:
Can the C's (& other 4D+ beings) factor large prime numbers in polynomial time?
I think you mean "factor the products of large prime numbers"? :)

I strongly suspect that if you are worthy of their attention, they can observe every detail of your life and communications. But I do not see any reason to make it easy for them!

Sorry, I just don't quite understand what you are saying here Curious Richard?

"If you are worthy of their attention?" The C's attention, or do you refer to "other 4D + beings"?

Worthy of their attention? That is a loaded statement in so many ways.

"I see no reason to make it easy for them!"

Again, who is "them"? Any you perceive to be outside/external and therefore "unrelated" to you?

I just don't grasp this statement for you make it sound - or at least it sounds to me - that you think the C's are voyeurs who "spy" on people but only if the people in question are interesting (worthy) enough to be "spied" upon?!

So, here's to hoping it's humour on your part?! :P

I do agree that higher densities (and those at 3rd density with the ability/technology) can observe or peer into our lives and thoughts and daily living with ease and at will though. I would think, or maybe its a prejudice/wishful thinking on my part, that the positively oriented higher density beings would only do so if necessary in some way, not fer fun or based on "worthiness".

Kind of puts the issue surrounding video surveillance left, right and centre into a new perspective?!

Herakles said:
"If you are worthy of their attention?" The C's attention, or do you refer to "other 4D + beings"?

I could have chosen my words better. I meant "a person of interest to 4D STS". I think that if 4D STS wishes to monitor someone, they probably have the ability one way or another.

I presume that the original question is whether 4D STS can crack RSA encryption. It may be that they are able, but it may be inconvenient for them and their 3D minions. Think of the secrecy for the 3D-4D communications and the need for a "cover story" for cracking the RSA keys. (For instance, they might claim that they installed a keylogger on the computer. Or a "national security" virus.)

I hope this makes more sense.
Herakles said:
"If you are worthy of their attention?" The C's attention, or do you refer to "other 4D + beings"?

What popped into my thoughts is a trouble maker sheep that is always attempting escape from the farm. A rabble rouser, an instigator that just won't accept life on the farm and should be "watched".
Al Today said:
What popped into my thoughts is a trouble maker sheep that is always attempting escape from the farm. A rabble rouser, an instigator that just won't accept life on the farm and should be "watched".

Well, that pretty much describes all of us here.
Forgive me for the poorly worded question above. It was late at night and my laptop was screaming it had 2 minutes of power left and it usually lies and dies at that point. And I can't edit posts yet. You've all correctly deciphered my question in spite of the poor wording (including that I meant factor large numbers into primes, not prime themselves).

There is something more to it however, DNA computing and quantum computing is very close to rational our conception of 4D, it allows (in theory) the ability to factor very large numbers in a short amount of time. This technology will come close to being a transcendent computer (so to speak).

I am trying to figure out how close our conception of 4D (mathematically) is to the ethereal 4D -- which does seem to possess many of the mathematical properties (space, time, non-linearity, etc).

But I also wonder if mankind does achieve this computing power, will it be in a way that might physically impact the border between 3D and 4D since it will literally be making use of DNA or quantum bits -- something 4D might sense in a different way. Perhaps such computers would create annoying buzzing and hum sounds in 4D and royally piss them off ;). Or more realistically interfere with their ability "predict" the trajectory of our 3D world because our "free will" will now be influenced 4D computations.

Our current stealth planes are actually flown by massive computers controlling and reacting to instabilities no human could control with an analog stick and rudder. Getting a grasp of the computing power available to aliens, could give some clues as to the motive power of ET vehicles. It might not be "new" technology so much as it massive computing power coupled with blazing switching speeds performing adjustments to known physical processes at such a furious pace as to appear to float on our laws of physics. I know that wouldn't be exciting to UFO fans who long for new laws of physics, but it would be exciting to people investigating such space technology for our own purposes.

I'm once again stealing time, so I hope there aren't as many errors in this post.
wmu9 said:
But I also wonder if mankind does achieve this computing power, will it be in a way that might physically impact the border between 3D and 4D since it will literally be making use of DNA or quantum bits -- something 4D might sense in a different way. Perhaps such computers would create annoying buzzing and hum sounds in 4D and royally piss them off ;).

Hi wmu9,

That's actually an interesting line of thought. But if one uses the analogy between 3D and 2D, there are certainly a lot of things that 2D does that annoys us in 3D that doesn't involve sophisticated 3D-like abilities. I think my cat might be a genius when it comes to finding ways to annoy me. :lol: I'm guessing the same holds true for how 4D perceives us in 3D. I'm not sure if discovering another link to 4D via some technology would annoy 4D STS denizens that much. It might actually play into their hands. Maybe 3D humans who refuse to fall for any one pathological belief system would tend to frustrate those 4D STSers? Or maybe there is something else that we're just not able to see from our perspective that annoys the heck out of those in 4D? Who knows.

Or more realistically interfere with their ability "predict" the trajectory of our 3D world because our "free will" will now be influenced 4D computations.

I'm not sure if I would jump to the conclusion that DNA/quantum computing would automatically translate to computations in 4D. Wouldn't it be like a dog that suddenly learned how to perform mathematical equations on it's own? Sure, it would be a neat trick and would probably catch the attention of 3D humans, but the dog would still have no understanding of how this new ability fits into total 3D experience. Does that make sense?

That's not to say that computing technology of this sort wouldn't bring changes to our world, but it might not be changes that would allow us to interact with 4D anymore than we do. After all, if the study of religion and the occult is any guide, humans have been interacting with 4D for a very long time - mostly to our detriment.
Speculation can perhaps be part of wishful thinking. Being the ignorant, less formally educated seeker I am, if my little mind can think of "something", I think a higher intelligence is working on "it", or may even have "it".

What always amazes me is coming across information that I had no idea of. Discovery of thoughts and views that have not crossed my mind. Working to learn, expansion of awareness.?.?.? Therefor, I bet ya there are "things" out "there" that I cannot comprehend.

And I gotta tell ya. I've got a long way to go with no anticipation...


:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
This discussion has sent my back to the transcripts and older forum discussions. Forgive me if this is well-worn ground, but it took me awhile to really understand the distinctions the C's were making in the transcripts. And of course, I could be wrong. But bare with me. I will get back to the original question.

There seems to be plenty of evidence from the transcripts that 4th DENSITY beings are particularly wed to the 4th DIMENSION. You can almost read between the lines that the C's have a humorous disdain for fourth density beings for being (in their own ways) as bound to their dimensions as we are to ours.

One can not have FREQUENCY without a component of time, the word is meaningless without it. Also note the closely related term "cycle" often used by the C's. This is another term that is meaningless without a component of time. Let'srlet Wikipedia do the talking: "For cyclical processes, such as rotation, oscillations, or waves, frequency is defined as a number of cycles per unit time." (bold added)

The C's mention vibrational frequency quite often in regards to other densities. Density, as the C's define it, seems exclusively to refer to the vibrational frequency of a soul (how one learns to achieve/perceive higher frequency vibrations is another matter). And they often say perception is everything. So unless something is lost in translation, every density has a frequency and thus has a specific component of "time". Now this higher-dimensional version of "time" is not directly perceivable by lower density beings - by definition. If a lower density being could perceive and "vibrate" to a higher frequency, they would be a higher density being by definition. Transitional flashes are mentioned a few times.

The C's also seem to stick strictly to these definitions. This is one thing they don't plays games about. Beings belong to densities, and physical space/time belongs to dimensions.

I'll throw in this one...
Q: (L) But I thought that time perception was an illusion?
A: YOUR perception of it is an illusion. Remember the example of the dogs and cats riding in a car?

And this one...
Q: (L) Is this realm border a dimensional boundary?
A: Yes.

In one of the transcripts somewhere, there is a mention that even artificial computers have something like a soul (I can't remember the word, it wasn't proto-soul, but something like that).

A quantum computer and/or a DNA computer will be crossing over the 4th dimension, if this 4th dimension corresponds to the same 4th dimension of the 4th density beings, it will be "vibrating" there.

So I guess it boils down to one simple question for the C's: Is the 4th dimension obtained (or to be obtained) by quantum computing and/or DNA computing one and the same with the 4th dimensional axis of time that binds the 4th density beings?
Jerry said:
Hi wmu9,

Am I correct in reading that you are looking at a technological approach for human evolution to 4D?

I wouldn't go that far yet. I'm just wondering if we could begin to mess with the 4D beings on their own territory. Particularly mess with their ability to predict and run circles around us here in the 3rd dimension.
wmu9 said:
Jerry said:
Hi wmu9,

Am I correct in reading that you are looking at a technological approach for human evolution to 4D?

I wouldn't go that far yet. I'm just wondering if we could begin to mess with the 4D beings on their own territory. Particularly mess with their ability to predict and run circles around us here in the 3rd dimension.

Just me here... I would think being 4D would have an awareness and knowledge far beyond our comprehension. What you propose is likened to farm animals here messing with, plotting and planning against the farmer. Yes? 3D thinking because that's what we are, perhaps?

Besides, those computers are 3D based physical technology doing dastardly deeds against 4D entities. Again, 4D entities with awareness and knowledge beyond our 3D comprehension.

Methinks if anything is gonna happen with 3D artificial intelligence is that they will probably mess with, plot and plan against us. The 3D biological lower life form like in the Terminator movies, SkyNet... Work with what ya got, where you are. How can one conquer a higher realm before conquering the realm where you are? One step at a time... Ya think, maybe?

Besides, if we are indeed food for the moon, to 4D entities, and they can "see" future, present and past. Interfere with timelines. We are disadvantaged of our perception of linear time. If I were them I would get here and kick some @ss to protect my food source...

:umm: :umm: :umm:
wmu9 said:
There seems to be plenty of evidence from the transcripts that 4th DENSITY beings are particularly wed to the 4th DIMENSION. You can almost read between the lines that the C's have a humorous disdain for fourth density beings for being (in their own ways) as bound to their dimensions as we are to ours.

I think this may be your projection. Disdain is probably not a higher density STO characteristic - osit.

[quote author=wmu9]
One can not have FREQUENCY without a component of time, the word is meaningless without it. Also note the closely related term "cycle" often used by the C's. This is another term that is meaningless without a component of time. Let'srlet Wikipedia do the talking: "For cyclical processes, such as rotation, oscillations, or waves, frequency is defined as a number of cycles per unit time." (bold added)

Frequency refers to periodic change. Periodic changes of some physical quantity in space (in the ordinary 3D meaning of the term) would give rise to spatial frequency which is not related to time (in the ordinary 3D meaning of the term). Spatial frequency is measured in cycles/metre. In some cases, we use the term "wavelength" to indicate that the periodic changes are happening in space. If spatial frequency is denoted by "s" and wavelength by "w", then w=1/s. For traveling waves like em waves which change both in space and time, the temporal change indicated by frequency measured in cycles/second and spatial change indicated by wavelength measured in metres, are related by
f (temporal frequency) = c (speed of the wave) / w (wavelength)

If we work under the assumption that in 3D we are physically able to extract 3 "fixed" dimensions of space (length, breadth and height) and a variable time dimension while higher density beings can extract more fixed dimensions and treat what we in 3D call "time" as a fixed dimension , then also it may not be accurate to say that frequency is inexorably tied to time. Like you mentioned, the "perception of time" is not likely the same in different densities.

[quote author=wmu9]
A quantum computer and/or a DNA computer will be crossing over the 4th dimension, if this 4th dimension corresponds to the same 4th dimension of the 4th density beings, it will be "vibrating" there.

I am not sure that I am following you here. A computer is a machine which can use complicated algorithms to crunch numbers. One can greatly increase the speed at which one performs this number crunching. One can also use a massive number of such fast computers in parallel (concept used in supercomputers) to do what human brain is not capable of doing.
But for higher densities whatever such computers are doing today is visible just like we can see bees working in a bee hive - at least that is my current understanding.

[quote author=wmu9]
So I guess it boils down to one simple question for the C's: Is the 4th dimension obtained (or to be obtained) by quantum computing and/or DNA computing one and the same with the 4th dimensional axis of time that binds the 4th density beings?

Are you saying that quantum computers can extract an extra fixed dimension out of "space" so that the perception of time becomes akin to 4th density beings? I guess the term "4th dimension obtained" is not clear to me.

[quote author=wmu9]
I'm just wondering if we could begin to mess with the 4D beings on their own territory. Particularly mess with their ability to predict and run circles around us here in the 3rd dimension.
I would think awareness coming out of knowledge rather than raw, mechanical computing power is what helps us get closer to the next density. Such computing power is definitely useful since it can do repetitive things at a scale and speed that human minds are not capable of reaching and can be used as tools to better our knowledge and understanding of reality. At least that is where my current thinking lies.
We (as in 3D humans) have technologies today involving nuclear reactions with which we can probably cause disturbances in the fabric of reality far beyond our present comprehension. It is somewhat akin to a donkey kicking down the barn door - which results in irritation to humans and probably takes a carpenter some time to fix it back. Does not make the donkey more advanced though it was successful for causing some degree of inconvenience to the humans. :)

Edit: BTW, wmu9, would you mind posting an intro in the newbies section telling us a little bit about yourself and how you found out about this forum? You can take a look at other posts in that board to see how others have done it. Thanks.
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