Can someone explain some symbology in dreams for me?


The Force is Strong With This One
Hate to demand and all that but something odd just struck me while I was sleeping, but I'll get to that later.

The thing that prompted me to ask about symbology and what this particular thing is or means is a cluster of moons. Like in my previous recounts of a dream, with the UFO and the flashing and that. The same formation of moons appeared, but this time I was lucid dreaming, I knew I was dreaming but decided to play it out anyway. The moons are in a cluster, some overlapping the other, I think there were 4 moons grouped up like this, all of them full.

As for the dreams I had.

It's morning, and I just ate some breakfast, so I decided to read a chapter of the adventure series before sleeping. Last night I didnt go to sleep until 4 or 5am. So when I got up a couple hours later, I was understandably tired. After eating breakfast and finishing the chapter I started to go to sleep, but my uncle that had been out of touch due to a string of incidents shown up to sell my mom a car. I felt like sleeping more then I did anything so off I went.

The first dream I can remember took place somewhere... apparently I had a brother or some sort of guest, maby my mom was charged with watching the child while his mother was away? But I 'woke up' to see him doing something, I was mystified. I didn't know he was. The last thing I remember was going to sleep when I was actually awake! so, after a brief discussion occurs, my mom walks in and says "I know we've had our differences in the past couple of days, but can we work it out?" but I had no idea what she meant. When I told her that I didn't know what she was talking about, something happened where we got in a car. Then at a stop sign I decided to get my bearings. I got out and started wondering around in a light run. After wondering around for a while I came to a shocking site. It appeared to be some sort of prison complex, and I found myself near a tall guard tower. But then I woke up, but only briefly. I went back to sleep. This time, I was fully aware I was lucid dreaming, I looked around, but then something came to my attention, the cluster of moons. I was at my dads place. I decided to flow with it and head inside, but before I did, I leaned over to look through the kitchen window and there was my sisters children playing around in it. Then I woke up, still tired, but I didn't feel like it to go to sleep. My dad doesn't care for my sister or her children (she has a different father and the children are awful).

The whole thing was just strange.
First thought is its probably mostly random noise due to lack of sleep/broken sleep when you got it....
But there are a few bits that seem to stand out

my mom walks in and says "I know we've had our differences in the past couple of days, but can we work it out?"
in your previouse dream you mentioned your mom and you had a spat....continuation? (or perhaps you and you mom just fight alot?)
....what can you observe about your moms behaviour in real life...and the one in the dream? where there any subtle differences? something in the tone of voice used? or was it the same as she'd use?

When I told her that I didn't know what she was talking about, something happened where we got in a car. Then at a stop sign I decided to get my bearings. I got out and started wondering around in a light run. After wondering around for a while I came to a shocking site. It appeared to be some sort of prison complex, and I found myself near a tall guard tower.
Car (journey)...stop (warning) sign...(lost) bearings...shocking site....prison complex...I found myself near a tall guard tower....subtle much?
..any sence of danger? what do guard towers do/what is there purpose?.....I have a theory (that I'm fighting because there is not much evidence for it if any atall) I'm trying not to stear you towards it (ack! I never realised I did that until now!)

Best just pay attention, up the observations, gather data and then come to a conclusion.

As to the moons.....what mythology do you know around the moon? Dream symbols are usually based on personal knowledge....
The last part with your sister...given what you've said was atleast a message saying somethings out of place....maybe it was just the fact you where asleep at an odd time? Can't figure it out without more data
Hello Serivas,

Maybe you should try to see how these different characters and places represent some part of you, symbolically speaking.
Maybe for example, to see the prison complex from outside could be like observing a place with locked up feelings or memories for example, just an idea, It could mean something else to you entirely.
I see what you mean about it being noise its possibly just that. Me and my mom get along fine, we may have disagreements every now and then, but its mostly harmless stuff. Can't remember the tone of voice much, but there was nothing odd about it.

The prison complex was mostly a shock, not sure why, but with all I knew it was very out of place. I didn't have a sense of danger (probably because I was somewhat aware it was a dream). As far as I know, a guard towers function is to observe the area and make sure prisoners aren't escaping or anything amiss like that. It's funny though, it was just a tower, aren't they posted on wall sections in the more higher security areas?

As for Tigersoaps idea, not sure what your getting at, but I cant think of what parts the characters could represent, I could just be dense though, I'm not good at the sort of thing. The prison complex could be where hidden memories are stored? I've had a pretty non-eventful life really, except for the rare phenomena that happens entirely at random, at least the obvious ones anyway. I do sometimes feel I know more then I really do, but its mostly just a passing thought without much substance. Lets see... a prison to me is where the legal system keeps undesirables... I can't see too much justice what with America having the highest percent of people in prison and all, mostly for non-violent offenses.

car/journey: I am trying something new and all. Just switched to Vista.
stop/warning: Probably the illegality of the above :p it's nothing huge, but it did take a while to obtain. (this is where I say I did something without actually saying it)
lost: pretty much describes my life really. With the context above, the only thing I've been doing about it is reading the adventure series one chapter at a time, some of them are quite long! but... in a more real sense, I haven't been doing anything to further it... mostly just being largely indecisive about everything, no idea about what sort of college education I should follow. I want to get a job at the moment, but I'm having no luck with that. I only mention the adventure series because of its nature though I'm not sure if I should call it related.
prison complex/something locked away: like I said above. cant really think of anything to add as to what it may relate to.

hmmm... with everything combined, maby it's a heads up that my lifes journey is about to begin? With the secretive nature of it and all. But that leaves out a couple elements.

But what about the cluster of moons? Oddly enough, the last time I saw it I had some degree of lucidity and they both have some bit of strangeness to them. Myths and thoughts about the moon itself: Well, it's very reflective of the suns light(seriously, the dirt outside doesn't even come close. sand maby does, but I doubt thats whats covering the moon), then theres the common myth that a full moon makes people a little odd, nevermind the werewolf thing. Don't really think about it much.
Serivas said:
When I told her that I didn't know what she was talking about, something happened where we got in a car. Then at a stop sign I decided to get my bearings. I got out and started wondering around in a light run.
Seems like an awful lot of 'wandering around' going on here, like you don't know where you are going, or what is really happening.... Sounds like a lot of us, I know, but when it comes to a subconscious 'issues', it tends to suggest that you 'sense' something is going on, but don't quite know what, or where to look to find answers. And perhaps your mum knows?

And then....

Serivas said:
After wondering around for a while I came to a shocking site. It appeared to be some sort of prison complex, and I found myself near a tall guard tower.
Not a very nice thing to come across. It suggests something hidden (guarded?), immoral or perhaps even shameful ('criminal'?) and it was enough of a shock to wake you up. Maybe if you 'find' what you're looking for (answers?), you're not going to like them?

Serivas said:
But then I woke up, but only briefly. I went back to sleep. This time, I was fully aware I was lucid dreaming, I looked around, but then something came to my attention, the cluster of moons. I was at my dads place. I decided to flow with it and head inside, but before I did, I leaned over to look through the kitchen window and there was my sisters children playing around in it. Then I woke up, still tired, but I didn't feel like it to go to sleep. My dad doesn't care for my sister or her children (she has a different father and the children are awful).
There seems to be a 'theme' running through your dream, of family (siblings), children and guarded secrets? Perhaps the moons relate to something of the 'feminine' or female? Just my best guess, by the way.

I think you may need more sleep too. Since you seem to be dreaming whilst you are awake. ;)
hah, yea. I've been going on a sleep schedule now been trying to go to sleep at 12.

I'm sure theres something out there I would like to know, but like you suggest, nothing I think of can lead me to some answers. Its quite possible its not what I think it is because its not like I know anything about it. My family holding secrets from me? or maby knows a little something? I could ask, but it'd be a very awkward conversation methinks. But my family is kind of odd all over the place... no idea on the moons thing, I don't think it represents something feminine I'm willing to be theres a separate meaning though.

anywho, thanks for all the feedback guys, game me plenty to think on.

edit: I just had a thought! Being that I normally see it at some point in some strange dreams where I'm partially lucid, maby the moons are hiding something, maby I can try to remember and move them out of the way. Kind of odd, I know, but it IS a dream.
hi Serivas,

having had some dreams featuring strange objects and/or events in the sky, i've also tried to work out what was their meaning (if any). my conclusion was that these things, ie. unusual phenomena in the sky that people often observe in their dreams, generally relate to influences that are entirely beyond one's reach, influences that are can't be prevented, fought back or isolated from. things that one can't control or escape and all one can do about is to deal with them in straightforwardly, as he or she is. also things that can't be fully understood, that come from the "outside" and invade "our" world, often causing deep changes in it.

now i think of comets and their "symbology", events that people used to associate their appearance with (wars, plagues, disasters). maybe it's somehow related to strange-things-in-the-sky dreams.
I don't think that it is productive to seek a general explanation of the symbology of dreams, in the way of looking in a '1001 Dream Meanings' cookbook. Although they do have certain universal meanings, symbols are also deeply personal; for example, one person may see a tree as a symbol of innocence, another as a symbol of growth, and another as something else. The real question is: what do the symbols of your dream mean to YOU, in terms of your value system and mental make-up?

Events, objects and characters in dreams represent parts of the self, imho. For instance, males in a woman's dream often represent aspects of the animus, and females in a man's dream often represent different aspects of the anima. There are of course other types of dreams - some are just noise, others might even be prophetic - but it is only by their relevance to the dreamer that their importance can be determined.

There is a technique you can use to find out the personal meaning of dream symbols.

Relax, and keep the dream in your mind's eye. Then, put yourself into the dream-person or object or whatever it is, of which you want to know the meaning. That is, take on the form of the dream-thing; in your imagination feel your body change shape to become the form of the dream-aspect. It isn't only imagination you are using; it is a kind of inner sensing. Keep your mind open, not anticipating any kind of specific result, and the meaning will reveal itself to you.

from _

[Jung] cautioned against blindly ascribing meaning to dream symbols without a clear understanding of the client's personal situation. Although he acknowledged the universality of archetypal symbols, he contrasted this with the concept of a sign — images having a one to one connotation with their meaning. His approach was to recognise the dynamism and fluidity that existed between symbols and their ascribed meaning. Symbols must be explored for their personal significance to the patient, instead of having the dream conform to some predetermined idea. This prevents dream analysis from devolving into a theoretical and dogmatic exercise that is far removed from the patient's own psychological state. In the service of this idea, he stressed the importance of "sticking to the image" — exploring in depth a client's association with a particular image. This may be contrasted with Freud's free associating which he believed was a deviation, from the salience of the image.
You might find some food for thought on the following page: _, and here: _

Ultimately, of course, it is our intent that counts: are we using dream analysis as an aid to learning about ourselves and waking up?
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