Brain hyperexcitability, neuroinflammation and essential oil toxicity


Jedi Master
Hi all,

I'm opening this thread because I would like some advice on some health issues I'm currently dealing with. For a while I've been dealing with a kind of neuroinflammation which was triggered by my poor diet which is mainly caused by my long-standing eating disorder (binge eating). I've been trying to sort my diet, and there have been lots of improvement and there are certain things I no longer eat. But it's been difficult, and there's been constant setbacks.

Anyway, the sort of neuro inflammation thing is kind of a feeling of tingling/ sometimes pressure in the brain. At the moment, I was not completely cleared but I was able to manage it. @Keyhole videos on neuroinflammation and his recommendations were a MASSIVE help. Like I said lately, things weren't perfect but kind of under control.

However, over a week ago someone poured a lot of essential oil in my room, and I seem to have reacted to it as if I've been intoxicated. Since then my neuroinflammation has gotten worse (but the days right before the incident, I was actually fine) and I've been feeling like my brain was on fire. Supplement and a completely clean diet weren't doing anything. There was one or two days where it seemed like I was getting better but then the morning after I would be back to square one. It took me nearly a week to get rid of the essential oil smell in my room with lots of cleaning and ventilation. So atm the smell appear to be gone.

Also, it seems to me like I'm now reacting to strong chemical smell too. Like earlier today someone cleaned the bathroom with cleaning product (bathroom is next to my room) and almost instantly the tingling/ pressure in my brain seems to have activated.

As supplements and keto diet didn't seem to work, since yesterday I've been doing a dry fast (today is my 2nd day) because I read that it could help with neuroinflammation. It seems to work so far but I don't know how my body will react when I start eating again or if there's something else I need to try.

I was looking into lithium orotate because on the forum and internet, it looked like it was beneficial to brain health and nerve but I was a bit scared because I don't want to make things worse by mistake. I also looked at American ginseng because it's supposed to have a calming effect, but the brand I wanted was out of stock. I need something that will cool my brain's excitability, or so it seems to me.

Does anyone have any suggestion?
Biophysical approach is good and ultimately important for balance, however, have you looked into your own inner psychological wiring when in comes to the basic binge cravings? IOW, nothing is going to really work until you get to the bottom of the emotional triggers and brain patterns that are driving the behavior. OSIT. So I’d start there. You know, like asking and observing: what feelings and thoughts am I running away from by shoving a fist full of Doritos drenched in Danish Bleu in my face? What is being compensated for by wolfing down a jumbo bag of mini eclairs? Etc. That’s where the action is that will make a difference. The past childhood traumas and early impressions we cling to. Maybe time to open that closet and ream it out. What 3D karmic soul lessons am I avoiding? Etc.
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Biophysical approach is good and ultimately important for balance, however, have you looked into your own inner psychological wiring when in comes to the basic binge cravings? IOW, nothing is going to really work until you get to the bottom of the emotional triggers and brain patterns that are driving the behavior. OSIT. So I’d start there. You know, like asking and observing: what feelings and thoughts am I running away from by shoving a fist full of Doritos drenched in Danish Bleu in my face? What is being compensated for by wolfing down a jumbo bag of mini eclairs? Etc. That’s where the action is that will make a difference. The past childhood traumas and early impressions we cling to. Maybe time to open that closet and ream it out.
Thanks for your answer. Yes, you definitely got a point there and I agree that ultimately I need to nip the diet issue in the bud, which is what I'm doing right now.

However, the problem right now and why I posted is that things were working but my addiction kept on setting me back, but since that essential oil trigger, nothing seems to work anymore. Funnily enough right before my body was fine and what I was doing was working. The diet and supplements that were helping me up till now don't appear to work anymore. That's my issue right now.
Maybe getting tested, blood work is in order? If you run an internal high wire act fight or flight drama, could be adrenal burn out or a host of other things so yeah, I’d think of getting some extensive blood work.
You have to remove it from your body: chelation therapy. Clay (bentonite, or green clay) is one of the more powerfull, and it's natural. it takes all sorts of toxins with it. Moreover, it helps cells to recover.
Dr Marc Sircus released a good article about bentonite clay orally and by clay pack : Eating Clay Everyday: The Most Basic Detox
It is difficult to be able to suggest something very specific when your medical condition is so broad and I disagree with BHelmet that you should better locate the emotional causes that lead to this imbalance. If you have felt that your diet and what you were doing was keeping you stable it means that this is the way, but that you obviously need to strengthen in other areas that even you do not know yourself, so it would be good for you to visit a neurologist or other specialist, as you still need to detoxify in other ways. I suggest EE can do the first part which is the softest in an open space where you can breathe and relax, surely something good will happen.
I wish you well.🌷
Yeah, Liliea, I hear you and you could be 100% correct. My experience is that it takes a broad multi-level approach to deal with the manifestation of disease and/or physical breakdown. There are exterior environmental issues and also internal issues on the physical and energetic planes and then also the inner workings of the mind and karma, as well. So, both the material/energetic level as well as the Louise Hay/Caroline Myss type of angle are potentially (always?) at play. It's hard work but to leave any stone unturned is a missed opportunity, I think. If all the possibilities are not investigated, is it a wholistic approach?

So, 1. what is in my external environment that is making me sick like EM, toxic noise, 5G, pollution etc. Sunspots, anything new introduced? 2. What's going on inside me like diet and biochemistry, gut health, nutrient imbalances, etc, and also 3. Dear God/Universe...what's the message I don't want to hear? What am I running from, or not confronting in my life? Where is my integrity out? (Where do my actions not match my words and what I say I am about?) I think all these things are in play all the time.
Oh, BHelmet, please excuse me, I made a mistake, I totally agree with you, it's just that sometimes my spellchecker does exactly the opposite.
I repeat: I totally agree with finding the emotional cause and in fact it would be the most important thing to raise awareness about the problem.
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