Brain damage question


The Living Force
Reading this article brought this question up in my mind:

How can those of us with various forms of brain damage realistically contribute to the Fellowship?

I'm asking so that everyone who's currently dealing with illness and injury will have a better idea on how to direct their energies, instead of being overwhelmed by the limitations of knowing the machine is damaged, in addition to coping with adversity.
I am curious about this as well. I have limited energy and would like to know what would be the best way to contribute to the fellowship. Two of the main things that I struggle with are reading and breathing so it is hard to keep up with much of what is going on here.
Gimpy said:
Reading this article brought this question up in my mind:

How can those of us with various forms of brain damage realistically contribute to the Fellowship?

I'm asking so that everyone who's currently dealing with illness and injury will have a better idea on how to direct their energies, instead of being overwhelmed by the limitations of knowing the machine is damaged, in addition to coping with adversity.
Gimpy said:
Reading this article brought this question up in my mind:

How can those of us with various forms of brain damage realistically contribute to the Fellowship?

I'm asking so that everyone who's currently dealing with illness and injury will have a better idea on how to direct their energies, instead of being overwhelmed by the limitations of knowing the machine is damaged, in addition to coping with adversity.
I don't want to discourage you from questioning and I may be completely off but I wonder if the C's wouldn't suggest that each individual learn this for themselves - the ones who have it in them to do.

It's an interesting yet broad question and I'm not sure that one answer would fit all as there are so many types of afflictions that could fall under the heading of "brain damage" - I suppose that I could have been considered at one point to have had brain damage myself. :D

I realize that part of the question entails your own concern with regards to contributing. To that, I would say, try to take a moment to consider what you are capable of instead of focusing on what you may be incapable of. Perhaps this is part of the issue - the way that you view yourself? In all honesty, I think you are a bit hard on yourself at times. Perhaps what I'm seeing is the frustration that occurs when you have an idea of what you would like to do and then for whatever reason are not able to do so?

So I guess I'll turn the question around to you: Are there any ways that you feel that you can contribute? What do you enjoy doing? What do you you feel capable of doing?
I agree with truth seeker that it is a very broad question the way that it is stated now and I think that it would be different for each individual. But I would still be interested in what they would have to say would be the most important way to focus our energies with the new shift of focus of SOTT and the group.

truth seeker said:
I realize that part of the question entails your own concern with regards to contributing. To that, I would say, try to take a moment to consider what you are capable of instead of focusing on what you may be incapable of. Perhaps this is part of the issue - the way that you view yourself? In all honesty, I think you are a bit hard on yourself at times. Perhaps what I'm seeing is the frustration that occurs when you have an idea of what you would like to do and then for whatever reason are not able to do so?

I can definitely relate to this. I have a program that runs where I think about how far I am from what I am capable of or what my ideal would be and not focusing on what I can do now or how much actual progress I have made. There are a lot of feelings of frustration that goes along with that. The same with not being able to do much of the things that I was able to do in the past such as physical activities, many social interactions, etc. Also a lot of grief similar to what is talked about in this post:

truth seeker said:
So I guess I'll turn the question around to you: Are there any ways that you feel that you can contribute? What do you enjoy doing? What do you you feel capable of doing?

I like sharing information on facebook, youtube, or the forum. I can post advertisements around about various things and can promote materials via the internet. I don't really have the energy now for face to face type promotions. I like art, music, health, but don't have much skill or training in these areas that I am capable of doing.
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