Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

And here we go, this just in: ‘Sad day for women’s sports’: Row erupts after Joe Biden signs gender discrimination order paving way for transgender athletes

US President Joe Biden's newly-signed executive order on “combating discrimination” has sparked controversy among many critics, who say it will destroy women’s sports by allowing transgender athletes to participate.

Biden proudly signed dozens of new orders during his first day in office, including one on gender discrimination which many believe will oblige colleges to approve transgender athletes for women’s sports.

Titled "Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation", the order allows athletes to compete in high school and college sports in accordance with their gender identity, not biological sex.

Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports,” it states.

The order sparked outrage on social media, with many saying the influx of transgender athletes will ruin women’s sports.

While LGBT activists praised Biden’s decision to battle discrimination, critics said public schools will now be afraid of losing funding if they do not allow transgender female athletes to compete in girls’ sports.
This is a long clip from a much longer interview which is highly relevant today, wrt to how we got here, and how the Corona Virus scare is unfolding, despite this interview having happened 20 years ago!

Jon Rappoport interviews a retired CIA propaganda specialist who was working stories from the murder of Jon Lennon up through the sculpting of the world's perception of AIDS.

I can't believe I'd not read this before now; thanks to somebody providing a link out in the news side public forum...




A: I would recommend an in‐depth study of the Vatican for anyone. The doctor is built of course on the idea that a person must consult an intermediary, a priest, if he wants to make contact with the Ultimate.

Q: And who is the Ultimate supposed to be, in the case of the doctor? Who is the doctor receiving his Word from?

A: Mythically speaking, God. It’s still God, although no one says it. Understand, I’m just talking about the myth. This is my area. I’ve done the propaganda in this area, and I see that the doctor is still the contact point for God. That’s the unspoken feeling. God and deliverance from suffering and salvation. This is not just the subconscious expression of a need by the patient. It is that, but it’s more. The medical superstructure is built that way.
It’s puzzling to me in a way, because it’s so brilliant. You search and you don’t find a hidden history about this. You really don’t. In the case of the Vatican you can find it, if you look hard enough. You can see how those very brilliant people built their edifice. And what you can’t see, you can infer quite easily. But’s different. It’s almost as if the builders were following a blueprint that was invisible. They had other historical examples to work from. The Vatican, Egypt, Sumer. So perhaps that’s it. You see, every PR man needs a hook. He needs leverage. He needs to feel it, to use it, to imply it, to bring it in behind his message. Science, absolute science and rationality. That’s one strong hook. It’s hard to challenge that. It’s very useful as a myth. But behind that is God saving the patient. If you can tap into that—and I have, many times, in my work, even though I’m an atheist—the opposition withers in front of you. They feel it. They don’t want to be seen opposing THAT. Politicians back off. That’s why they will never challenge the role of medicine in this century. They would be seen as evil. In terms of sheer manipulation it’s a winner like none other I’ve ever seen. So you see, we have here a global program that is going full steam ahead in this century. And it has the power of a religion, an unspoken religion, a global religion. I can’t say this too strongly. It is a hidden religion, and that kind of force is even stronger than a religion that has all the trappings and the doctrine and the cathedrals. Walk into the Anderson Cancer Center in Texas sometime. I haven’t been there in years, but you get a strange feeling...we are dealing here with a myth that can overcome countries without a single scripture. This is a PR man’s see, there are always layers of hidden factors. Sometimes it's just political.

Q: For example?

A: 1954. Guatemala. When the CIA overthrew Arbenz, who was just elected president, it was because they needed to protect United Fruit, which Arbenz was going to nationalize and take away from some VERY high‐up players. So the coup had to be cast in a different light. You know, Arbenz was a Communist, he was a criminal, the usual. That was one level. But United Fruit had some ties to IG Farben, the famous Nazi cartel. Josiah DuBois, an excellent researcher, would later discover that Guatemala was very much owned by Farben during the period of the second world war. THAT really had to be hidden. But, with modern medicine, you are also hiding a psychological myth structure that gives the whole institution its power. It's much more sinister and much more hidden. It isn't just about concealing political relationships...

Q: The war on drugs.

A: Don’t get me started. The Latin American presidents—Fox and Batlle—are saying they want legalization. I know PR people, let’s call them, who spent years getting stories printed in the press about drugs. The scourge of marijuana, based on completely false studies.

Q: The public—

A: —The public thinks that the moon is made of green cheese if the right people say it is. Look, part of the major propaganda effort, the meta‐effort, is to get people to forget there is a difference between freedom and “the right thing.”

Q: What are you talking about?

A: This is key, believe me.
I could show you how, through the use of propaganda, people now believe that drugs are always wrong and therefore no one should be allowed to use them AND that that conclusion represents freedom. Which is false.

Q: You’re saying people don’t know what freedom is anymore.

A: Exactly. They don’t. They think freedom is getting other people to do “the right thing.” And the REASON they think that... propaganda people have been at work for a long time bringing that insanity about. That illogic. You HAVE to see what I’m talking about. It’s a little complicated. But it’s so very important. Let me put it to you this way. When the country was born, the USA, freedom was considered to be a pretty precious thing. It was. It was supposed to mean that any person, or at least a lot of persons, could live their lives any way they wanted to, as long as they didn’t interfere with anyone else’s freedom. I mean, that was pretty clear then. Do you get it? If in 1800 you wanted to smoke pot and I thought that pot was disgusting, I had no recourse. It was a free country. And by the ideal of freedom, you could smoke. After all, freedom is freedom. This is a silly example, but you understand. Now, as time passed, it became clear to those who were in the business of manipulating society that, all in all, this freedom thing was a very bad idea. It made people hard to brainwash. So on a mind control level, a new concept would have to be introduced. It was, “morality above freedom.” Groups of every stripe were encouraged to shout their morals from the rooftops and rail against the bad people... this was, in a real sense, a PR operation. It was divide and conquer, but more than that it was pour on the morality from all directions on the heads of the American people—beat them to such a degree with that flood that after awhile the idea of freedom would take a back seat in their minds to MORALITY. The ultimate result of all this, you could say, was Prohibition of alcohol. That never could have been achieved without a populace that was half‐mad with the steady diet of overbearing morality‐preaching coming from all corners of society.

Q: You’re saying this is intentional, this inducing—

A: —This inducing of a moralistic fever. Yes. And it still is. War on drugs. Whatever. There are lots of examples. The basic propaganda operation is, make them forget what freedom means. Because freedom would dictate that you say, “If you want to use a drug, go ahead.” Who cares? And of course there are other layers of lies used to keep people from seeing that simple truth. The fear mongering around the idea that if you let people use drugs, everyone will become either addicted or the victim of a crazy person with a gun on drugs. That’s called PROPAGANDA. It doesn’t work that way in real life. If you let people alone, some of them do stupid things and some of them don’t. It’s never “everybody.” But if you can make people forget that freedom comes above morality, you have them. They’re yours. Do you see that? If you don’t see that, you see nothing. This is why I call it meta‐programming. It’s the programming that makes all the other programming work.

Q: You say this is going on now.

A: Absolutely. In fact, it’s everywhere, if you can see it.
The bringing on of morality as the most important thing. Look, you get thousands of people who come to believe this and they start forwarding the agenda themselves without any need for manipulation. That’s always the case in any operation. You get true believers and dupes and all sorts of support from out of the blue. But I’m telling you, the meta‐operation is intentional... and it is: MAKE THEM ALL BELIEVE THAT MORALITY COMES BEFORE ANYTHING, COMES BEFORE FREEDOM. This is the operation that destroyed America. The rabid teaching of morality. The truth was, when settlers came to America, they wanted a version of freedom, and even the Puritans began to loosen up. With freedom, you get the natural practice of morality. You don’t need to teach it very much. You don’t need to hammer it into brains. This was one of Walt Whitman’s messages.

Q: Who ran this meta‐operation to ram morality down everybody’s throat?

A: People you would never know. Subtle people. People behind the censorship boards. Behind the funding of some of the big‐city fire breathing churches. Behind the propaganda campaign on the evils of alcohol and marijuana. Hearst, of course. But others.

Q: Some people would say there is no morality left in America and that’s what’s killing it. Right now.

A: Yes. You may find this hard to believe, but no morality at all is the inevitable outcome of pounding morality into every skull. Accept that or reject it, I don’t care.

Q: So the destruction of freedom was the major operation.

A: Always is, right? I don’t have to tell you that. But HOW TO DO IT is the question, and I’ve just given you a big piece of the answer, a piece that is invisible, utterly invisible to most people. If large numbers of people ever got it through their heads that everyone could live by the rule of freedom—do what you want to as long as it doesn’t interfere with the freedom of others—if large numbers of people really saw that and grabbed it and lived by it... I would never have had a career in propaganda. Propaganda would not have worked. In order for propaganda to work in any form, people have to have forgotten the rule of freedom. I can’t say it any clearer than that. I want people to see this. This is why I call it meta‐programming. You have to install a bias against the rule of freedom first, as the first order of business, or else nothing further will happen.

Q: Have to.

A: Have to. The bonus is, if you use a huge overdose of morality as the strategy, on the other end you also get social chaos. Because, as I said, a great forced infusion of morality results in no morality eventually. Listen, I’m giving you strategies and understandings here that are known to true manipulators. They USE these understandings. In every group or nation or cult, you can trace the evolution of the use of morality as a tool of control. I’m not talking about civilized behavior. I’m talking about the use of morality to club people over the head with, for one purpose. To knock the freedom out of them.

Q: People have to go along with this. As victims. They have to submit.

A: Yes they do. And they become victims of this strategy because, in the main, they don’t know what to do with their freedom. It’s unfamiliar territory. It’s like a void. So they fill it up with what other people give them—like a very stiff dose of morality... and then they forget about the freedom. They raise the flag of some cause and they march to it and they hate certain people all of a sudden and they feel a sense of power and they march along and now they’re under the control of the manipulators—and NOW they can be brainwashed along many different lines. Do you see the progression? Do you see how the door is pried open to begin with?

Q: Back to the war on drugs.

A: Perfect example. Because we can add one more dimension to the picture I’m making here. Profit. Money. If people around the world couldn’t be moved by moralistic statements about drugs, the drugs would never be illegal and then the groups that make billions of dollars would make pennies instead. Since legal drugs are dirt‐cheap. Moralisms equal money.

Q: What about your favorite field, the medical?

A: Same thing. Press releases and statements appear in the media—the media is the voice of the manipulators, never forget THAT—and what is said is, we must defeat disease X, we have an obligation to defeat this terrible scourge, no one has the right to oppose this humanitarian effort, only a criminal or a dangerous person would oppose the defeating of this disease... you turn the moral screws, sometimes lightly and sometimes very hard. And people jump. You need them to jump. If they don’t jump they don’t support widespread vaccine campaigns and widespread giving of medical drugs and all the rest. You see, there is this moral thing here, and it all proceeds from THAT, and as PR person you have to find a way to tweak that in the public.

Q: Giving away secrets here.

A: People are now so conditioned to receiving the moral message, you only need to hit it once or twice and you’ve started their engine. They’re ready for the moral landscape and now you come in with the cheaper better drugs message and the vaccine message and you’ve got them.

Q: Moralistic people—

A: —Are like guard dogs who wear a sign on their chests that says FREEDOM. It’s a sham and they know it deep down. They’re basically dupes for the manipulators who are re‐molding society in the shape of a Sunday school with uzis.
One of the biggest current themes in societal propaganda is the community. THE COMMUNITY. I assure you, this is not real. It’s not a real sentiment. It’s created and shaped. It goes, “The right thing to do is care about your community and give to your community and join with your community and be one with your community and think about what your community needs from you and submerge yourself to your community...”

Q: This is a piece of propaganda. You’ve told me that before.

A: I’m telling you that again. It’s a core idea. Once you install it, you can build out in a number of directions to influence people. You start with community as a moralistic idea. You say it over and over again in a hundred different ways. Community, community, community. And make no mistake, this is as moralistic idea. It’s communicated with a flavor. You see it—

Q: —You see it after every school shooting.

A: Certainly. Now some people will say that community is, in fact, an excellent value. I’m not here to argue about that. But I’ll tell you this. In Americas at this time, the biggest moralistic operation—intentional operation—propaganda operation—is around the idea of community. Why? Because it is being used to drown out the idea of the free individual. It’s as simple as that. See, I believe that if left alone people would have a natural sense of community. You wouldn’t need to launch soft pink bombs about it every five seconds. But that too is another issue.

Q: You seem to be giving a lot more credence to the idea of freedom as a reality than you were a while ago.

A: I go back and forth. If I didn’t, I’d never be talking to you.

Q: Have you worked in this area that you’re describing?

A: Moralistic operations, so to speak? Through the medical area. Very indirectly. See, I find a reporter, say, in Paris, and let’s say that this reporter can write stories about disease in the Third World. That’s one of his areas. And then, unknown to the reporter, I have lunch with one of his frequent and reliable sources. And I sell the source on a story that is related to the reporter’s area. It’s about a school in Africa where most of the kids had been vaccinated against polio, but a few kids hadn’t been. And those few got the disease, and they spread it to their own parents who spread it to the rest of the village... and so on. A tragedy. An object lesson about vaccines. You know. So the source likes the tale and he sells it to the reporter and the reporter writes it and the wire services pick it up and it goes all over the world.

Q: Where’s the moralism?

A: Community! A small community in Africa that was decimated. Think. Where is this story playing? Not where did it happen, but where is it playing? In the industrialized countries. To readers who are themselves up to their eyeballs in propaganda about community. They hear this little tragic tale and it teaches them that one must always, always vaccinate. But the germ that carries that message is the moralism called community...

Q: There’s a punch line here somewhere?

A: I worked on building this little story about the village with three people from various intelligence agencies in a town in Africa, I won’t say where. The story is built. What actually happened in that school was completely different. But we put together our story, we found a few “witnesses” who, for a small inducement, would talk to a reporter if he happened along to check facts... this was a largely invented story I sold to half the industrialized world. With a built‐in moralism called community that would deliver my message.

Q: It was a fake story.

A: If people believe it, it’s no longer fake.

Q: We’re back to your rationalization again.

A: Call it what you want to. Morality is the key. It’s the way in to the mind.

Q: Back to UFOs... I've been reading the Robertson panel report of 1953.

A: Oh that. The CIA was quite upset over the massive sightings of UFOs in and around Washington DC in 1952. They had to put the lid on.

Q: What were those sightings about?

A: They were unidentified flying objects. That's all I know. But the CIA was determined to make nothing of them, to discredit all observers who came forward, to make people feel they shouldn't make reports since that would open them up to charges of being nuts.

Q: Put the lid on, as you say.

A: Sure. After all, the government is a jealous master. It wants all the attention, all the tributes, all the bowing and scraping to go to THEM. Again, this PR campaign to discredit the observers comes right out of the Vatican handbook from the Middle Ages. If you saw a miracle or a healing that wasn't sanctioned by the church, you were a heretic. You were possessed by the devil. The modern version of that is to label someone as nuts. As insane. As hysterical. It's a psychiatric proposition. The new priesthood. The CIA was loaded with psychiatrists as consultants. The CIA was the old Vatican, and their "investigators" in this area were the mental health experts. You see, if you read some of the work of the Church Inquisitors, you actually find language that sounds like psychiatry. Mental deficiency. Imbalance. Delusion. A lot of it is there. Freud knew that. He started from the same basis, only he brought in other ideas to justify a diagnosis of mental illness.

Q: Oedipus.

A: He was looking for a substantial ground on which to base a judgement of deficiency, psychosis. Talk about PR people. Since Freud's time, truckloads of them have been brought in to bolster the rationale behind psychoanalysis and various diagnoses. It was never a science.


The whole PDF is over a megabyte of just text, and it's hard to know where to clip out a quote! It's all so good!

Anyway, I wasn't sure exactly which thread to drop this into, but the current leadership and how we got here and the central buggaboo we're orbiting around, (Covid) seemed to make this as appropriate a spot as any.
'm actually very happy that Trump is out and Biden is in. This return to the "normal" feels reassuring to me because there will be so much material with which to excoriate this bunch of psychopaths, just like the good old times.

Looking forward to 'The Fish-Slapper Strikes Back' Joe.

Or is it 'The Return of the Fish-Slapper'?


Maybe we will be entertained by the appearance of Mrs. Malaprop. Schumer stating that Trump "incited the erection", apparently referring to Trumps history of hosting beauty pageants, is one.

The character Mrs. Malaprop is a humorous aunt who gets mixed up in the schemes and dreams of young lovers in Richard Brinsley Sheridan's 1775 comedy-of-manners The Rivals.

One of the funniest aspects of Mrs. Malaprop's character is that she often uses an incorrect word to express herself.
  • "We will not anticipate the past, our retrospection will now be all to the future."

On November 29, President-elect Joe Biden named Jen Psaki as his press secretary. While the announcement attracted some attention in the U.S., it was met with delight in Russia. After all, Psaki was once so widely vilified within the country that a pro-Kremlin TV channel dedicated a nightly comedy news spot to her.

The following day, Vladimir Solovyov, a prominent host on the state-owned TV channel Russia-1, welcomed her back, saying: “Psaki is a professional woman with a sense of humor, who, however, did not always understand that she was joking.”

As a career Democrat communications officer who has spent a considerable amount of time in Russia, Psaki has been a punching bag for Russia’s media for years, which painted her as a mouthpiece of American propaganda and a symbol of the Obama administration’s hardline approach to Moscow. After a few public gaffes — including mistakenly saying that Russia imports natural gas from Western Europe to Russia — a new phrase was coined: “The Great Psakiing,” meaning the egregious confusion of facts.

What some have feared has become reality – Jen Psaki is returning to the White House, of course, if Joe Biden is confirmed as the new US president by the Electoral College in December.

Before assuming the role of White House communications director under President Barack Obama back in 2015, Psaki had already made history with some of her most controversial, and often simply faulty, statements while working as the State Department's spokesperson, a position she was tapped for in 2013.

Psaki’s frequent utterance “let me go back and check” came to be seen as her catchphrase and was lampooned in various memes. Only God knows what the world should expect now from Biden’s pick for the White House Press Secretary.

To illuminate on the issue, here is a recap of Jen Psaki’s most memorable gaffes, which provoked many laughs among political observers and ordinary citizens alike at the time.
Probably not a popular opinion, but from a certain point of view, the biden-harris regime with all its totalitarian excesses, which have already started, was meant to happen. Trump's presidency was a respite, an extra time for people to see and de-align themselves from the lies of the elites. How many could do so is difficult to estimate. Trump's mission is complete, he exposed the power structures and their evil lies. All that is left to the individuals is to prepare to what's to come given the knowledge they have been given the chance to gather.
The march towards a full spectrum totalitarianism has been building up for a very long time and it didn't start last week. It can be delayed for a short while but it cannot be reversed, because the process is beyond the control of individuals, even among the ruling elite.
The Q operation, through its lies and manipulation, has prevented people from doing what had and has to be done: organizing local networks and communities to survive the storm. Hope however is not lost. It just doesn't reside in any institutions, representatives, or super secret patriotic armies. Hope resides in communities of non-pathological individuals who have not been programmed by the media and their otherwordly overlords.
The biden-harris-new normal-big tech pathological regime will collapse by its own hand. The only unknown is when.
Yes I agree and I’m hearing a clarion call to unite, for example the Dave Rubin Show today:
‎The Rubin Report on Apple Podcasts
This is a panel podcast and very invigorating,
“Buckle up and pull up your bootstraps....we can do it we just need to be true to ourselves...”
“ we can adapt.... reach out and find people that share your intentional communities...”
“fight for our values and mobilise....”
I am hearing these type of messages on many different platforms and from different independent media.
Protests in Russia, looks like maybe they are after Putin now.

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian police arrested more than 2,600 people Saturday in nationwide protests demanding the release of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, the Kremlin’s most prominent foe, according to a group that counts political detentions.

The protests in scores of cities in temperatures as low as minus-50 C (minus-58 F) highlighted how Navalny has built influence far beyond the political and cultural centers of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

And the new DC regime becries the situation, with hypocrisy house in flagrante delicto

The United States strongly condemns the use of harsh tactics against protesters and journalists this weekend in cities throughout Russia. Prior to today’s events, the Russian government sought to suppress the rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression by harassing protest organizers, threatening social media platforms, and pre-emptively arresting potential participants. This follows years of tightening restrictions on and repressive actions against civil society, independent media, and the political opposition.

Continued efforts to suppress Russians’ rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression, the arrest of opposition figure Aleksey Navalny, and the crackdown on protests that followed are troubling indications of further restrictions on civil society and fundamental freedoms. Russians’ rights to peaceful assembly and to participate in free and fair elections are enshrined not only in the country’s constitution, but also in Russia’s OSCE commitments, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and in its international obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

We call on Russian authorities to release all those detained for exercising their universal rights and for the immediate and unconditional release of Aleksey Navalny. We urge Russia to fully cooperate with the international community’s investigation into the poisoning of Aleksey Navalny and credibly explain the use of a chemical weapon on its soil.

The United States will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our allies and partners in defense of human rights – whether in Russia or wherever they come under threat.

As as wrote on another thread, so if Q is fully an STS operation, this usually means that they focused on one short-term aspect but forget to analyse better its further consequences. I doubt that without Q such a large amount of peope would have shared so fast information at a country level, and on the local-community side, this would not be much different than now without Q.

I agree, that Q is fully an STS operation, what they have achieved, is to send people down a rabbit hole of of blind alleys, and wishful thinking, that they have the real deal on insider information LOL. And also to deflect from the real issues. Domination of corporate entities (Amazon as a prime example) to every part of human existence, using AI and intelligence gathering on the population, to ensure the population is blind to their ideolgical totalitarian future, to enslave the masses IMO

Regarding our thoughts impacting, or the ability to change events, it has been hypothesized, for example, that emotional, chaotic thoughts can impact environmental changes on our planet. That seems to be happening IMO at this time.
Reap what you sow. It's literally not safe anymore for a lot of women to practice sports. But that's what you get since most women vote Radical Left.

I'm not sure that's totally true. There's no question that the die-hard adherents of the hegemonic psychosis are predominantly female, but then women have a tendency to be a bit more devoted to whatever the prevailing ideology or religion of the time is. But, at least amongst white women, a narrow majority (55%) voted Trump in 2020, which is actually up a bit from 2016 (53%). Obviously the overwhelming majority of non-white women voted Democrat, but then that's true of the non-white population in general.

So really, in the case of women's sports, all women will now be punished for the silly politics of some women.

Although even that isn't totally true, since the election was stolen and Trump won in a landslide.
I'm not sure that's totally true. There's no question that the die-hard adherents of the hegemonic psychosis are predominantly female, but then women have a tendency to be a bit more devoted to whatever the prevailing ideology or religion of the time is. But, at least amongst white women, a narrow majority (55%) voted Trump in 2020, which is actually up a bit from 2016 (53%). Obviously the overwhelming majority of non-white women voted Democrat, but then that's true of the non-white population in general.

So really, in the case of women's sports, all women will now be punished for the silly politics of some women.

Although even that isn't totally true, since the election was stolen and Trump won in a landslide.

I once read that around 70% votes Left. But I guess that's incorrect.

And indeed, Trump won by a landside.

So really, in the case of women's sports, all women will now be punished for the silly politics of some women.

The majority disagrees with these policies.

But to qoute someone:

“It does not take a majority to prevaill... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” - Samuel Adams
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