Belief in Reincarnation Tied to Memory Errors


The Living Force
Belief in Reincarnation Tied to Memory Errors

Melinda Wenner
Special to LiveScience
LiveScience.comFri Apr 6, 9:25 AM ET

People who believe they have lived past lives as, say, Indian princesses or battlefield commanders are more likely to make certain types of memory errors, according to a new study.

The propensity to make these mistakes could, in part, explain why people cling to implausible reincarnation claims in the first place.

Researchers recruited people who, after undergoing hypnotic therapy, had come to believe that they had past lives.

Subjects were asked to read aloud a list of 40 non-famous names, and then, after a two-hour wait, told that they were going to see a list consisting of three types of names: non-famous names they had already seen (from the earlier list), famous names, and names of non-famous people that they had not previously seen. Their task was to identify which names were famous.

The researchers found that, compared to control subjects who dismissed the idea of reincarnation, past-life believers were almost twice as likely to misidentify names. In particular, their tendency was to wrongly identify as famous the non-famous names they had seen in the first task. This kind of error, called a source-monitoring error, indicates that a person has difficulty recognizing where a memory came from.

Power of suggestion

People who are likely to make these kinds of errors might end up convincing themselves of things that aren’t true, said lead researcher Maarten Peters of Maastricht University in The Netherlands. When people who are prone to making these mistakes undergo hypnosis and are repeatedly asked to talk about a potential idea—like a past life—they might, as they grow more familiar with it, eventually convert the idea into a full-blown false memory.

This is because they can’t distinguish between things that have really happened and things that have been suggested to them, Peters told LiveScience.

Past life memories are not the only type of implausible memories that have been studied in this manner. Richard McNally, a clinical psychologist at Harvard University, has found that self-proclaimed alien abductees are also twice as likely to commit source monitoring errors.

Creative minds

As for what might make people more prone to committing such errors to begin with, McNally says that it could be the byproduct of especially vivid imagery skills. He has found that people who commonly make source-monitoring errors respond to and imagine experiences more strongly than the average person, and they also tend to be more creative.

“It might be harder to discriminate between a vivid image that you’d generated yourself and the memory of a perception of something you actually saw,� he said in a telephone interview.

Peters also found in his study, detailed in the March issue of Consciousness and Cognition, that people with implausible memories are also more likely to be depressed and to experience sleep problems, and this could also make them more prone to memory mistakes.

And once people make this kind of mistake, they might be inclined to stick to their guns for spiritual reasons, McNally said. “It may be a variant expression of certain religious impulses,� he said. “We suspect that this might be kind of a psychological buffering mechanism against the fear of death.�



As disinfo goes, this is a bit weird to me...and certainly a slam against creative individuals. They skewed their own study, but that's nothing new.
I mean...why hypnotize people in the first place to do this kind of study? Sheesh.
Perhaps the study should read, "Belief tied to Memory Errors." It's an interesting study, but indeed it is skewed. Another article on the subject says,


Jim Tucker, a psychiatrist at the University of Virginia Medical Center, points out, however, that people who are seeking reincarnation therapy are more likely to have psychological problems or to be susceptible to hypnosis, either of which could explain the new findings.

"If someone wants to look at the characteristics of people who have purported past-life memories under hypnosis versus those who don't," he says, "the way to design the study would be to recruit subjects [first] and then hypnotize them."
Those experiencing trauma often create barriers to past memories, which would seem to have an impact on source memory. The subjects used in the study were already seeking therapy so that seems to throw a big dent in the report. It's another case of 'science' making data fit a desired outcome.

If the authors of the report wanted to put the study of source-memory error to good use perhaps they should come to the US and investigate the general population's amnesia. I bet the influence of psychological deviants have quite an impact on source memory error. Perhaps an experiment to test such would to take a sample of those who have high source memory error and see how they score in discerning moral situations.
It might also be interesting to study the memories of children who have spontaneous past life recall - if they are going to try to correlate past life recall with memory, they may as well start at the beginning - before all the 'this life' trauma sets in. If there is childhood past life recall - is there a correlation with faulty memory? My 'guess' would be that they'd find a few 'surprises' if they actually delved into that one.
Shane said:
Those experiencing trauma often create barriers to past memories, which would seem to have an impact on source memory. The subjects used in the study were already seeking therapy so that seems to throw a big dent in the report. It's another case of 'science' making data fit a desired outcome.
You can say that again! I love the way that the people who dismissed reincarnation as being possible were the "control group". Bias much? :rolleyes:

How about using people who neither believed nor disbelieved as the control group? Oh wait... that might not give the desired results.
It seems as if the control subjects who dismissed the idea of reincarnation were not hypnotized to see if any of them changed their mind, or at least became more open to the possibility.
If they were regressed and experienced past life memories, and then remained an avid unbeliever, then it speaks more about their lack of potential to see objective reality than those more open to the possibility.
Peam said:
If they were regressed and experienced past life memories, and then remained an avid unbeliever, then it speaks more about their lack of potential to see objective reality than those more open to the possibility.
FYI: I think they are referring to people who have already been through hypnosis/past-life regression as a therapy. I don't think they hypnotized them as part of the experiment (although they don't really make that clear in the article).
Ryan said:
Peam said:
If they were regressed and experienced past life memories, and then remained an avid unbeliever, then it speaks more about their lack of potential to see objective reality than those more open to the possibility.
FYI: I think they are referring to people who have already been through hypnosis/past-life regression as a therapy. I don't think they hypnotized them as part of the experiment (although they don't really make that clear in the article).
Yes, sorry I wasn't too clear. What I was thinking of was the idea that any unbeliever even unconnected to this 'research' who if they were to go to a hypnotist for a regression and have 'past life' memories in the regression, then remain a total unbeliever rather than have more questions and doubt their unbelief, could be more prone to remain seeing other things subjectively.
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