Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

Works for me every time. Two days ago, something was starting up in me. I could feel some discomfort in ear, throat starting tup, congestion, and the very beginnings of an all all over ache and general fatigue so I took between 6 and 8 grams of c every half hour/hour. You can feel the symptoms wax and wane. Bowel tolerance increases alot. I kept it up, finishing with a very large dose before bed (if it's really trying to get a foot in, lik elast year with H1N1, I have a jar and glass of water next to bed and take a handful whenever I wake up at night) and by the next morning it has passed although I still take more than usual for a day or two after.
I find the best books in health are written simply and clearly, not complicated and just make easy sense. But what's weird is that they are never really well known or accepted. Linus Pauling and Dr. Atkins come to mind. I learned so much from them.
Thank you for the plentiful information folks ! Very interesting.

Looks like Ultra-simple diet would be a good start to address surprising tolerance of Vit C. I am curious to find if inflammation is the case.
How much are you tolerating, agni?

Like I said, you can guage the state of your health by how much vitamin C you can tolerate. If it is something you are eating that you should not be that is affecting your system, you can experiment over time, withdrawing or adding things and observing your tolerance. That's for folks that don't feel pain when they eat something toxic to their system like me.
something else I'll mention here. I read Allan Carr's easy way to stop smoking a few years ago. Anyways, he graphically described his addiction saying his blood was brown, thick and he couldn't even open an eyeball without lighting up. But the thing that I remembered after I started reading Linus Pauling a few years later learning of the wonders of c, was that Allan mentioned after puffing his head off all day, he went home and didn't smoke for the evening (he smoked at least three packs during the day) and as he was explaining how nicotine withdrawel pangs are exacltly like hunger pangs, he mentioned how he used to consume large quantities of ORANGES.
It was his personal example of eating in place of smoking and it could have been bananas or crackers of cheese or whatever but he preferred oranges (probably because it kept his hands busy and his body was craving it)

But I always wondered if large doses of vitamin C stopped him from contracting something horrible or avoiding a stroke as he himself said he was waiting for a blood vessel to burst

I believe he died of lung cancer anyways years after he quit.
I have a good indicator for the vitamic C levels in my body, apart of my bowel movements, when I have low levels (and I know I have sleep fine) I can see a bluish-purple color in the capillary veins of my dark circles, if I increase the doses the color decreases. That alert me that I need more.
Hi Laura,

Laura said:
How much are you tolerating, agni?
Like I said, you can guage the state of your health by how much vitamin C you can tolerate.

I can tolerate anywhere between ~25-35g of Vit C (tested several times separetly over period of time). That raised my eyebrow, since from what I am reading tolerance level should not be that high for a healthy person. Only issues I have (or aware of) with health is Hypertension & Ventricular Hypertrophy (it has been improving through EE, but still there). I am not sure, but I doubt it has an effect on Vit C tolerance, but little I know.

Could it potentially to do something with some past exposure to radiation (Chernobyl) ? Or it's safe to eliminate it as a cause as well ?

[quote author=Laura] If it is something you are eating that you should not be that is affecting your system, you can experiment over time, withdrawing or adding things and observing your tolerance. That's for folks that don't feel pain when they eat something toxic to their system like me.[/quote]

I will experiment with that. I think it should be the first step, since it's the most accessible.
Very curious to figure out what is the story behind an abnormal tolerance.
Several days ago, I was feverish with body aches and a headache and occasional chills. I took about 7 or 8 grams of Vitamin C, and the next day I felt totally over it. I didn't increase the dosage and may even have dropped it some the next day. The following day after I felt normal, I started getting feverish and the aches came back midday. I've been taking mega doses for the last two days, I'm up to about 30 grams a day and I feel the symptoms wax and wane. I feel best if I continuously take 2 to 3 grams every 15 minutes or so but haven't kept at this consistently, sometimes an hour or two passing before I take some more.

I'm going to get some more today because I'm running low. I'll continue increasing the dose until bowel tolerance and see what happens. I keep waking up at night or am unable to fall asleep, as well. And whenever I do sleep for a few hours, I wake up pretty sweaty. Must be something really nasty I caught.
I got a surprisingly nasty winter-cough with sore-throat on the weekend. The infection always travels to my ear then lungs, throat, ears are inflamed. The cough was always worst, going away after 2-3 weeks.

Now i'm carpet-bombing the virus with Vit C. Plus using a strong sea-salt and bicarbonate solution to gargle, excellent for the throat-sore. At night too. Had to take 2 aspirins in two days for fever.

The stages of the cough-symptoms are going much faster, i'm in the 3rd day with very low number of coughs. I'm surprised, because this yearly sickness was much worse before.

Thank You all for the info on Vit-C!!!! :wow:
Had to take 2 aspirins in two days for fever.

This might be an useful info from a friend of mine (he is an open minded doctor ).
So he says that taking aspirin is pointless because it suppresses your immune system and it actually makes you sick longer.
You feel better because of lowered fever but you will suffer illnes longer.
Personally I do not take any of these kind of tablets so I cannot confirm.
Maybe someone else confirm if it is correct statement he made.??
Fwiw, I can add my experience here as well. I've been feeling that stinging-tickle sensation in the back of my sinuses for the last couple days. Yesterday took about 12g of C, then this morning 6g, and I can still feel my body fighting off the thing so I'm going to try taking 2 or 3g every half hour today and see how it goes. I've definitely noticed an improvement though, normally I would be laid out sick today from the symptoms I was having yesterday but instead I'm at work and feel pretty alert, albeit with nose that's running like a faucet. C works!
drygol said:
This might be an useful info from a friend of mine (he is an open minded doctor ).
So he says that taking aspiring is pointless because it suppresses your immune system and it actually makes you sick longer.

Here are two articles that support that idea and advise against using aspirin to reduce fever.

Do Not Kill a Fever: Fever Kills Viruses
Suppressing fevers can increase rapid viral replication, resulting in a berserk effort by an overwhelmed immune system to fight back. This is known as a cytokine storm, which can have disastrous results.

Aspirin misuse may have made 1918 flu epidemic worse:
High aspirin dosing levels used to treat patients during the 1918-1919 pandemic are now known to cause, in some cases, toxicity and a dangerous build up of fluid in the lungs, which may have contributed to the incidence and severity of symptoms, bacterial infections, and mortality.
I tried the titrating thing for the past couple of days and got up to 20g a day with no digestive issues buy I developed a two-day headache and I hardly ever get headaches. So I stopped and tomorrow plan to go back to my normal dose of 2-5g a day for a while.
Mr. Premise said:
I tried the titrating thing for the past couple of days and got up to 20g a day with no digestive issues buy I developed a two-day headache and I hardly ever get headaches. So I stopped and tomorrow plan to go back to my normal dose of 2-5g a day for a while.

Dont know whether its the same thing , but many years ago I went on an eating only apples detox thing. You eat all of the apple , the core and especially the seeds. I was reading book only after i started on this diet for one day. How stupid is that!

Anyways i started to develop a severe headache and as this was happening I got to a page where it said.Some people go into "Apple crisis" :huh:
Develop severe headaches because there bodies detoxify more quickly. I ended up in bed and i am sure i dreamt i was a tree.

Just thinking your headache maybe actually part of detoxifyig quickly , I ´m sure some one will be able to tell you.
Away With The Fairys said:
Mr. Premise said:
I tried the titrating thing for the past couple of days and got up to 20g a day with no digestive issues buy I developed a two-day headache and I hardly ever get headaches. So I stopped and tomorrow plan to go back to my normal dose of 2-5g a day for a while.

Just thinking your headache maybe actually part of detoxifyig quickly , I ´m sure some one will be able to tell you.

If your stomach did not give you any signs of an overdose, I would go in the same way as Away With...
Gandalf said:
Away With The Fairys said:
Mr. Premise said:
I tried the titrating thing for the past couple of days and got up to 20g a day with no digestive issues buy I developed a two-day headache and I hardly ever get headaches. So I stopped and tomorrow plan to go back to my normal dose of 2-5g a day for a while.

Just thinking your headache maybe actually part of detoxifyig quickly , I ´m sure some one will be able to tell you.

If your stomach did not give you any signs of an overdose, I would go in the same way as Away With...

Well it did feel a lot like what people described from DMSA (I haven't yet felt bad from DMSA) and DMSO (have a bottle haven't tried it yet). And twelve hours after I last took 5g of vitamin C the headache went away. I didn't realize vitamin C did detoxing.
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