Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

Let us recall that this area of Turkey was once ruled over by the Hittites, the people of Abraham and Nefertiti (who we know had an elongated skull). In the Bible, Abraham was connected to the ancient city of Harran, the city of the mysterious star gazing Sabians. In turn, Harran is close to the modern city of Sanliurfa (not far from Goblekli Tepe) where a statue of a strange looking figure (named "Urfa Man") was discovered and is now exhibited in a museum (see below):

In addition to these stone statues scattered in Turkey, on Easter Island and other places, there are still surviving WOODEN statues in Russia (in the Urals). This is the so-called Shigir Idol - Шигирский идол — Википедия
The official dating is 12,000 years. The statues are made of larch, which is almost indestructible and resistant to water. For thousands of years they lay at the bottom of peat bogs and were found by accident.

From Wikipedia:

The Great Shigir Idol is an archaeological site, the oldest surviving wooden sculpture in the world. Age, according to the latest estimates by scientists, reaches 12,100 years[2], previously called 11,600 years[3][4][1]. The idol was made of larch in the 11th millennium BC, during the Mesolithic era. This artifact is dated comparable to similar finds from southeastern Anatolia, such as the columns at Göbekli Tepe and Nevalı Çori. The discovered monuments indicate that in the Holocene era the spiritual world and the art of hunter-gatherers were much richer and more complex than previously imagined[5].
The idol was discovered in 1890 in the Middle Urals near the modern city of Kirovgrad. Currently it is kept in the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore in the city of Yekaterinburg, where a separate exhibition is dedicated to it[6][7].

In 2021, the journal Quaternary International published research by archaeologists from the University of Göttingen in Germany, from the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a chief researcher from the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum. Scientists, having analyzed the results of previous scientific works, came to the conclusion that the larch with 159 annual rings, from which the artifact was carved, is approximately 12,250 years old, and this suggests that the idol was created at the end of the last ice age - the beginning of the Holocene and is aged about 12,100 years



PS. Welcome back MJF!
I’m sorry to hear that you have been unwell for a while MJF, and that your sister is also having health problems. I hope you continue to improve and wish both of you a speedy recovery.

Take good care of yourself. :hug2:
MJF it's wonderful to see you back! :flowers: Sorry to know you have been enduring all of that; I remembered you had been unwell after your accident but after your last update I thought perhaps you just had a lot going on, hence the reason for your absence. To see your sister has been struggling so deeply would be very concerning and weigh on you, affecting your health too. I hope she recovers quickly and can go back to her home-sweet-home and recovers well.

Before I found this forum, I was incredibly unwell for many years but my explorations here dramatically transformed my health / life path.
I wondered if you might find the info below of interest:

What is Your Personal Antiviral Protocol?

The whole thread is helpful, but on page 4 there are some posts with videos from:
Elliot (Keyhole): 'No More Fatigue';
Scottie 'No More Stress'

They which might be of interest to you. Elliot has a lot of amazing health information on his website, he also offers consults.
His YouTube videos are very informative and enlightening.

Also the EE breathing program Laura created is very powerful... Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program
but if it's not your thing, perhaps the devices (*mentioned in the videos above) that stimulate the Vagus Nerve might be an potential alternative.

Ivermectin threads/info may also be helpful.

Great to see you posting again. :hug2:
In addition to these stone statues scattered in Turkey, on Easter Island and other places, there are still surviving WOODEN statues in Russia (in the Urals). This is the so-called Shigir Idol - Шигирский идол — Википедия
The official dating is 12,000 years. The statues are made of larch, which is almost indestructible and resistant to water. For thousands of years they lay at the bottom of peat bogs and were found by accident.

From Wikipedia:

The Great Shigir Idol is an archaeological site, the oldest surviving wooden sculpture in the world. Age, according to the latest estimates by scientists, reaches 12,100 years[2], previously called 11,600 years[3][4][1]. The idol was made of larch in the 11th millennium BC, during the Mesolithic era. This artifact is dated comparable to similar finds from southeastern Anatolia, such as the columns at Göbekli Tepe and Nevalı Çori. The discovered monuments indicate that in the Holocene era the spiritual world and the art of hunter-gatherers were much richer and more complex than previously imagined[5].
The idol was discovered in 1890 in the Middle Urals near the modern city of Kirovgrad. Currently it is kept in the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore in the city of Yekaterinburg, where a separate exhibition is dedicated to it[6][7].

In 2021, the journal Quaternary International published research by archaeologists from the University of Göttingen in Germany, from the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a chief researcher from the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum. Scientists, having analyzed the results of previous scientific works, came to the conclusion that the larch with 159 annual rings, from which the artifact was carved, is approximately 12,250 years old, and this suggests that the idol was created at the end of the last ice age - the beginning of the Holocene and is aged about 12,100 years



PS. Welcome back MJF!
Thank you for bringing this to everyone's attention. I would say that we in the west are generally unaware of so much that has been discovered in Russia down the years. This probably is a legacy of the Cold War, which effectively has been restarted again since the rise of Putin to power.​
The Hatay Archeology Museum (Turkey) displays several elongated skulls that may support MJF's theory of Moses/Abraham as a hybrid with a non-standard head. Hitt, who somehow ended up in Egypt (the countries were at war with each other) and found himself in the very whirlpool of events associated with the Ark of the Covenant, Pharaoh Akhenaten, his wife Nefertiti, and their daughter Meritaten.

The museum itself is located on the territory of modern Turkey, in the city of Antakya (Antioch to the Greeks). This is a region with a very interesting history, which at different times belonged to different countries and different civilizations. Civilizations replaced each other and the peoples in this territory were almost completely replaced by others several times.
It is also interesting that near Antakya there is a mountain called Musa-Dag (height 1355m), which literally means: Mount of Moses.
The Antakya (Hatay) region, as I already wrote, has an ancient history. We are interested in the period that is close to the times of Akhenaten/Nefertiti.
So, in the XIX-XV centuries BC. e there was a kingdom of Yamhad, to which these lands belonged. A little later the Hittites invaded here.
The kings of the kingdom of Yamhad, according to the cylinder seals, had a strange elongated head, in addition there is an Ankh (Egyptian symbol) - Yamhad - Wikipedia


Also one of the kings was called Sarra-El - Sarra-El - Wikipedia
Perhaps the biblical one (Sarrah/Nefertiti) is related to this royal family (royal family). In any case, Nefertiti could not have become the wife of the pharaoh of Egypt if she herself had not belonged to the royal lines (states neighboring Egypt).
But let's return to the Hittites. They came and subjugated the lands near modern Antakya. In addition, the kings of the Hittites were also depicted with an elongated head.
We can compare the times of Akhenaten/Nefertiti with the Hittites. The Hittites at this time were ruled by king Suppiluliuma I, who had many sons, including Zannanza. Dakhamunzu - Wikipedia
Even at the beginning of this topic, MJF made the assumption that Zannanza, the son of the Hittite king, was the same Moses/Abraham, whom the Hittite king sent to Egypt to become the husband of Nefertiti/Meritaten.
Whoa, be careful here. Nefertiti was no doubt from an important Hittite family (although not necessarily royalty) since she was adopted into the Pharoah's household and married Akhenaten, a prince of Egypt, to later become his 'Great Royal Wife' (Pharoahs often had several wives - the title 'Great Royal Wife' signifying the Pharoah's chief wife) when he ascended the throne as Amenhotep IV. The kings and princes of Egypt seldom married outside of royalty and often married members of their own family. Please note that I have never made the assumption that Zannanza, the son of the Hittite king, was Moses/Abraham. Moreover, the Hittite account you refer to relates that prince Zannanza was killed, possibly before he even reached Egypt, which would seem to rule out Moses/Abraham as a candidate for Zannanza. However, it is quite possible that Abraham/Moses was a Hittite prince, since we know that the Egyptian Pharaohs (like the later Romans) often took the children of local potentates into the royal household to raise them as Egyptians so they would gradually imbibe Egyptian philosophy and culture and thus be more favourable to Egypt. If this is true, then Moses/Abraham may well have known Nefertiti, as fellow Hittite nobility, from her childhood days when they had lived in Hittite territory, possibly in the area around Harran in modern day Turkey. This could explain why Moses/Abraham rescued Nefertiti from house arrest and took her off into the desert where she became Sarah of the Bible. I would add that from memory the extraordinary letter from the Egyptian widow queen (most likely Meritaten or Ankhesenamun, Tutankhamun's widow, rather than Nefertiti) to King Suppiluliuma pleading with him to send one of his a sons to reign with her as her co-regent had made mention of an earlier such precedent. Had a young Hittite prince been adopted into the Egyptian royal family some years prior to this letter. If so, could that earlier precedent have involved the person who we now know as Moses/Abraham?

If that is the case, the key historical figure may well be Prince Thutmose, the elder brother of Akhenaten, who in theory should have succeeded his father Amenhotep III as king but didn't, seemingly falling from grace and disappearing from Egyptian history altogether prior to the ascent of his younger brother to the throne as Amenhotep IV (who later renamed himself Akhenaten after establishing the sole worship of the Aten in Egypt) - see Thutmose (prince) - Wikipedia. Thutmose seemingly abandoned a bright military career in order to become a priest at the temple of Ptah in ancient Memphis. However, could he also have been the same rogue priest who, according to the Egyptian historian Manetho, led a rebellion of a large faction of the priesthood at Heliopolis (see my earlier articles on this). This sits well with what we know about Moses from the Bible. Could that faction of priests have been Hittite Levites* (who the C's said were a monk-like group associated with Moses) who subsequently became the priesthood of Israel? We know from the Bible that Moses was raised from infancy as a prince of Egypt and thus would have been taught the scientific secrets of the Egyptian priesthood such as the method of producing monoatomic gold (N.B. which has anti-gravity qualities), which Moses deployed to great effect after the infamous Golden Calf incident recorded in the Bible, since all royal princes were taught by Egyptian priests who were the learned men of their day.

*In my next article, I will provide evidence which suggests that the Levites (even today) have a unique DNA, which may be as old as 130,000 - which means it could have originated on Kantek recalling what the C's have said about a genetic tweak within Semites.

It is curious that you say the Kings of the Hittites were depicted with large elongated heads. My own theory is that the Hittites were Celts, specifically Trojans originally from Britain, who had been displaced to Turkey either by war or natural disaster (e.g., a cometary shower over northern Europe, which made the region uninhabitable) or a combination of both. This would perhaps explain why the early British historian Geoffrey of Monmouth believed that Britain had become completely depopulated save for a few giants (Nephilim?) when Brutus, supposedly a descendant of the Trojan royal family, came to Britain to resettle the land and become its first recorded King. Did Trojan refugees thus set up shop in Turkey after the fall of Troy and their flight from Britain? If so, this would explain why Abraham/Moses can be linked with Prince Paris of Troy as Laura has noted:
Q: (Galahad) Well, we got that part right. (L) Once before we discussed Nefertiti and Sarah being one and the same person. We have now been discussing the idea, based on some significant clues in ancient documents, that this individual was also Helen of Troy. Is this, in fact, a useful idea to follow? Is it a correct assessment of the clues?

A: Indeed!

Q: (L) That would mean that, according to the story, that Paris/Alexander would be the same individual as Abraham and that Herodotus' story of Paris and Helen sojourning in Egypt was true?

A: Yes.

Please note that to date no Egyptian royal tombs have ever been found for Nefertiti, Meritaten or Thutmose. Much food for thought.​
Wonderful to see you back MJF. Sorry you and your sister are still having health problems. Will keep you both in my prayers if you are agreeable to that. As usual you have produced a thought provoking article. Take good care.
That is very kind of you. As of the time of writing, my sister is back in her apartment in Seattle with her husband having been discharged from hospital. However, she is very weak and is unable to move unaided. She will therefore need round the clock nursing care. I and my immediate family are sending funds to facilitate this. The main problem is that she is not eating properly, resulting in a complete energy drain. She has an extremely complicated medical history, including a long list of hyper allergies, which makes any treatment difficult. Hence, nursing homes are very reluctant to take her on as a patient. Fortunately, I have an American cousin in Nevada who is now getting involved, so we hope some long term care plan can be put in place for her.​
Sure, why not! Or you could add it to this small thread which never got off the ground: Crystal skulls

It was the only thread I could find specifically about the crystal skulls, though there are various mentions of them, many in this thread..

I read the book yesterday, and see some things that fit with things the C's have said, and Ra, etc (e.g. coming time of cataclysms, wanderers incarnating here to help, exactly colinear thought/prayer/etc of a group of people being able to cause large changes, all is one, mention of love as Knowledge).. though perhaps info coming through different filters/with a different vocabulary.. not sure about all of it. None of it was really anything new to someone having read this kind of material before, but it was interesting.. Its "flavour" seemed quite close to C's/Ra IMO (e.g., the source encouraging research and discouraging easy belief in the source's own info, emphasis on free will).. but I don't know about all the specifics.. and really not sure how it all jibes with what the C's said the skull was for:

Haven't had time yet to put some quotes from the book together.

I thought it was interesting how the working with the skull was described.. It seemed to have multiple different personalities encoded within it(? tuned to? or whatever), each providing info on different topics. It told that the knowledge was encoded as pure information rather than language, but this information seemed to be presented by these different personalities. i.e. when asked about a certain topic, it switches to a different voice... And also it seemed to contain the personalities of people who had used or interacted with the skull in the past, e.g. a Mayan priest who had been a keeper of the skull.
We should bear in mind here that the C's were speaking, I think, specifically about the famous (or infamous depending on your viewpoint) Mitchell-Hedges Skull supposedly found in British Honduras, now Belize, in the 1920's, which is meant to have an ancient Mayan provenance. Psychically aware people claim to have heard the skull speak to them telepathically (ref. Carole Davis mentioned above).

You should note that the C's referred to the skull the Knights Templar possessed which they called Baphomet (the Baptism of Wisdom) as being pure crystal, which suggests it may be greatly superior to the Mitchell-Hedges Skull that is made from natural quartz. Quartz, of course, is a wonderful material for storing information (far superior to silicon) but is also a great material for receiving electromagnetic signals such as radio waves.

It is for this reason that I have previously linked Baphomet and the Knights Templar with this passage from the transcripts:
A: Perceval was knighted in the court of seven.

Q: The court of seven what?

A: Swords points signify crystal transmitter of truth beholden.

In fairness, the C's later said that this had a celestial meaning but recall here the vision that Graham Phillip's psychic friend claimed to have had of seven Knights Templar performing a very strange initiation ceremony at a Templar preceptory in Herefordshire in the late 13th century with the points of their swords turning in towards the centre in the presence of Baphomet, which was contained within an ornate silver, double skull reliquary.

In turn, I believe that Baphomet was contained at one stage within the Ark of the Covenant and it may have helped to facilitate communications between Abraham/Moses and Yahweh (the Alpha Draconian Lizards) as suggested by the C's here:
A: Gold, when heated to its liquidation temperature, gives off energy waves which, when properly channelled, open the door to higher density experience. Clue to this is in the way that gold can be an effective transceiver of radio waves and transdimensional communications. [MJF: Think here of the Ark of the Covenant made from wood and gold.]

Perhaps sometimes it could have been the C's though:

A: We transmit via the radio source in Cassiopaea.

The Ark of the Covenant also had a ready made power source to enable such transmissions judging from what the C's said here:

Q: (L) What was the "Ark of the Covenant"?
A: Power cell.

Later they added:

A: The Ark of the Covenant is not what you think it is.

Q: You guys said that it was a power cell. I don't have some sort of romantic idea of it. I can accept that. But there are all these stories about it and a lot of people have mythologized it. What do you mean by saying such a thing. What is the Ark?

A: See Oak Island.

{Trans-dimensional Atomic Remolecularizer?}

This reference to a TDARM makes me think back to what the C's said about the Mitchell-Hedges Skull:

Q: (L) What was the purpose of that skull?

A: Study brain. Long message follows pause: Now: skull was to learn about soul; reflective remolecularization imaging. Grays do this with abductees.

Does this give us some indication as to how TDARM's work. Do they require people with the right thought wave patterns to operate them through reflective remolecularization imaging?

A crystal skull cannot be said to be technology as we would view it (no wires or circuit boards etc.), which made me think of what the C's said about the Grail here:
Q: One of the questions we would like to clear up is the issue of the Holy Grail and the Ark. Is the Ark of the Covenant - the ark thing given to the early pre-Mosaic Jews that you have described previously - the same as the Holy Grail?

A: No.

Q: (L) So there are two completely different technologies?

A: If you wish to term it such.

In science fiction a TDARM is also the basis for teleportation. You take the object or person to be teleported, disassemble them at the molecular level, transmit the package as an electromagnetic signal, and then reassemble it/them at the destination point. A FAX message is a very crude example of this process. This may also be the basis of time travel too, judging from what the C's said here:

A: Okay. Get ready. First we must explain further time "travel" because the two concepts are closely related. The first step is to artificially induce an electromagnetic field. This opens the door between dimensions of reality. Next, thoughts must be channelled by participant in order to access reality bonding channel. They must then focus the energy to the proper dimensional bridge. The electrons must be arranged in correct frequency wave. Then the triage must be sent through realm "curtain" in order to balance perceptions at all density levels.

Q: (L) Information in the event that has to be balanced or taken into consideration as to importance so that the program runs correctly. Is this the correct interpretation of triage as you have used it?

A: Sort of. Triage is as follows: 1. Matter, 2. Energy, 3. Perception of reality. That is it folks.

Is it possible that certain crystal skulls, which we now know can contain a huge amount of information, could be used as a form of, or in conjunction with, a TDARM (light is a pure form of energy after all) to produce such amazing effects. Remember that the C's said that a TDRAM can even be used to resurrect people. Well that was also supposedly a feature of the Holy Grail and in legend of the 'Cauldron of the Dagda', one of the Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Danann. This leads me to wonder whether the Cauldron of the Dagda (Pharoah Akhenaten?) was really the Ark of the Covenant with the Grail hidden inside of it? The Ark power cell the C's spoke of may have been an energy producing device capable of generating tremendous electrical power like a nuclear reactor, which could thus have generated the levels of energy necessary to artificially induce an electromagnetic field, as happened in the Philadelphia Experiment, which inadvertently led to the USS Eldridge being teleported back to its home port for a time. The Ark box itself, made of wood and gold, would have been an excellent electrical capacitor for this purpose. We also know from a recent session with the C's that the 'underworlders' use teleportation technology to transit from the surface world to their inner earth bases and vice versa, so they certainly have this capability.

When people speak of talking crystal skulls, this makes me think of the famous Head of Bran, Bran being a Celtic god, which was supposed to be able to talk and communicate with people. Was the Head of Bran really a crystal skull? If so, could it have been Baphomet? This Celtic legend can also be linked with the Greek myth of the singing Head of Orpheus, which supposedly could talk even after Orpheus's body had been dismembered. The head eventually floated to and ended up on the Island of Lesbos where it reputedly could prophecy.

Although some Forum members have rather bashed the Ancient Aliens TV series of late, I still find it useful for information and ideas. I happened to be watching one of their programmes on crystal skulls the other day and one of the presenters made the point that Mayan elders believe that the crystal skulls are effectively computers that can pick up and store information from all around them. In effect they may be self aware AI (Artificial Intelligence) devices. A crude example today might be talking information devices like Alexa, which it has been claimed has been used to spy on its users. I am also reminded here that the C's confirmed that the Ark of the Covenant was self aware, as it had the ability to read people's dispositions and could zap those who had the wrong intentions in a manner similar to what Stephen Spielberg depicted in his movie Raiders of the Lost Ark (sorry I could not find the relevant quote in the transcripts - perhaps someone else can). However, the C's also said that the Atlanteans were masters of crystal technology, so they may have come up with devices far more sophisticated and powerful than anything we have today, which as highly advanced AI may eventually have turned against their Atlantean masters in a kind of Terminator style rebellion (the C's have even said that our computers will overwhelm us one day too). Better keep a careful eye on Alex then :-D!

Is it possible, therefore, that a self aware crystal skull like Baphomet could have recorded unfathomable amounts of data through aeons of human history? As AI, does it have the capacity to communicate directly with those who are on the right wavelength (FRV), people like Carole Davis who claimed that the Mitchell-Hedges Skull communicated with her?

The Mayans believe that one day all the legendary crystal skulls will be brought together to assist humanity in its darkest hour (think here of that mysterious painting which conceals a scene showing the Elizabethan magus John Dee surrounded by skulls for some idea of this - see John Dee painting originally had circle of human skulls, x-ray imaging reveals). However, Baphomet, which has not been found since the demise of the Templars, could be the master crystal skull of them all and may even behave as a kind of mother board (mother stone?) within a sophisticated operating system. If am I right about what may be stored on it (information that could possibly date all the way back to Kantek), think what its discovery might yield by way of knowledge and understanding, a veritable treasure indeed greater than all the material riches of the planet combined.
MJF it's wonderful to see you back! :flowers: Sorry to know you have been enduring all of that; I remembered you had been unwell after your accident but after your last update I thought perhaps you just had a lot going on, hence the reason for your absence. To see your sister has been struggling so deeply would be very concerning and weigh on you, affecting your health too. I hope she recovers quickly and can go back to her home-sweet-home and recovers well.

Before I found this forum, I was incredibly unwell for many years but my explorations here dramatically transformed my health / life path.
I wondered if you might find the info below of interest:

What is Your Personal Antiviral Protocol?

The whole thread is helpful, but on page 4 there are some posts with videos from:
Elliot (Keyhole): 'No More Fatigue';
Scottie 'No More Stress'

They which might be of interest to you. Elliot has a lot of amazing health information on his website, he also offers consults.
His YouTube videos are very informative and enlightening.

Also the EE breathing program Laura created is very powerful... Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program
but if it's not your thing, perhaps the devices (*mentioned in the videos above) that stimulate the Vagus Nerve might be an potential alternative.

Ivermectin threads/info may also be helpful.

Great to see you posting again. :hug2:
Thank you for this. It is very considerate of you. I will try and make time to look at the info. Please note that my sister's situation has had a very deleterious effect on my elderly mother and twin brother with whom I live these days after my marriage breakdown. Hence, I worry greatly about them too and they have far worse health issues to contend with than me having also had the same nasty viruses as affected me. We are hopeful that now my sister is home (which is sadly far from being 'home-sweet-home' for reasons I cannot go into online) a care plan can be worked out for her to help put her on to the path to recovery.​
MJF, offering that info was not very 'STO', you didn't actually ask for it! However, I try to just listen to my guidance and not second guess too much. That is a very concerning and stressful situation in terms of your sister, I appreciate that it would affect you all powerfully. I know what I went through with my daughter being very ill for years, how intensely it affected me. That is so lovely that you are all able to support your sister to receive assistance; it sounds like things are very fragile with her, that you are all really being challenged heavily - the stress you would all be under would not be helping your immune systems at all.

Remembering that the C's remind us to 'network, network, network', and given that your family have immune challenges, this thread covers a lot of ground: AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES CAUSED BY AN INFECTION? You could always explore / ask for support there. Gaby has posted some amazing info, it is well worth a browse if you feel guided. 'Knowledge Protects'!

I was listening to a talk about allergies: a quote from H W Barber and G H Oriel - published in the Lancet in 1928:
"Allergy is beyond question the most important biological and medical problem that exists, or ever has existed; for it represents the pathology of the reaction of man and the lower animals to their environment; to the air they breathe, the physical agents such as light heat and cold to which they are exposed, the food they eat and the various parasitic organisms which may invade them."

Wishing you all deepest healing, strength and longevity. :flowers:
MJF, offering that info was not very 'STO', you didn't actually ask for it! However, I try to just listen to my guidance and not second guess too much. That is a very concerning and stressful situation in terms of your sister, I appreciate that it would affect you all powerfully. I know what I went through with my daughter being very ill for years, how intensely it affected me. That is so lovely that you are all able to support your sister to receive assistance; it sounds like things are very fragile with her, that you are all really being challenged heavily - the stress you would all be under would not be helping your immune systems at all.

Remembering that the C's remind us to 'network, network, network', and given that your family have immune challenges, this thread covers a lot of ground: AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES CAUSED BY AN INFECTION? You could always explore / ask for support there. Gaby has posted some amazing info, it is well worth a browse if you feel guided. 'Knowledge Protects'!

I was listening to a talk about allergies: a quote from H W Barber and G H Oriel - published in the Lancet in 1928:

Wishing you all deepest healing, strength and longevity. :flowers:
Thank you for this and I for one think that your offer of information was a voluntary STO action on your part so no apologies are necessary.

Please note that my sister's allergy issues may be unique to her. Her hyper allergies only started after a business trip to Australia with her husband over 20 years ago. They had stopped off at a farm house in the state of Victoria where I understand they still have local gold mining operations. The farm house doubled as a bed and breakfast provider. Being very thirsty after a long drive my sister drank a glass of water obtained from the tap. This was a life changing mistake since that water was not drinking water but water for washing drawn from a local lake in which the slurry from gold mining operations was deposited. My understanding is that arsenic compounds are used to flush out impurities in the gold deposits. Whatever the case, my sister ended up with serious arsenic poisoning. The farmer should really have put a sign up warning people not to drink the tap water but bottled instead. Generally in England most tap water is safe to drink (although much of it is now fluoridated).

Soon after, she and her husband flew back to England where she was quickly admitted to hospital in great agony. Although the British doctors ran all sorts of tests, they could not find out what was causing her pain. She came very close to dying and it was literally a miracle she survived (and thereby hangs another tale). The major impact of the arsenic poisoning was on her kidney function. Her husband subsequently arranged for her to fly to his home town of Seattle where she was immediately admitted to the University Hospital. The doctors there finally diagnosed that she was suffering from acute arsenic poisoning. Although they saved her life, she was left with life changing side effects, which destroyed her once promising legal career. The main side effect was a change in her body chemistry, which saw her body producing numerous kidney stones (she can pass over 100 in just a year). These stones, which induce agonising pain, gradually dice the kidneys over time due to their sharpness thus compromising the kidneys' main function of removing toxic impurities and waste products from the body. The other unwelcome biproduct of her poisoning was hyper allergies. For example, any foodstuff with egg in could prove fatal to her and a mere few molecules would be sufficient to trigger a reaction sending her quickly into an anaphylactic shock. For this reason she carries an EpiPen with her at all times. It has saved her life on several occasions. When my sister once asked a doctor treating her for arsenic poisoning what normally happens to patients like her, he replied we don't really know since they usually die.

Thus, my sister's condition is pretty unique and she is an extremely difficult patient for doctors to treat. This also explains why nursing homes are reluctant to take her on as a patient since they cannot guarantee a safe environment for her. On her previous admission to hospital, her kidney function had completely collapsed overnight with a creatinine test reading of just 13 (50 to 60+ is normal depending on age). The doctors were ready to give her haemodialysis, but they knew there was a potential risk that she could react to the procedure and go into anaphylactic shock from which they might not be able to save her. They therefore held off to the last minute to see if her kidney function might improve and, after a great deal of prayer by many on her behalf, her kidney numbers gradually started to improve moving into the low 20's by the time she was discharged.

The downside to all this is that she has not been able to eat properly for many months now, often being fed intravenously whilst in hospital. This has left her very weak and in a bed ridden state, which necessitates the need for constant nursing care until she can regain her strength. The key to her recovery will be her ability to retain food within her so as to energise the body. On previous discharges from hospital she has tended to vomit up food (soups etc) or have acute diarrhoea after eating solids. Hence, we are praying that she will start to eat properly again and regain her strength.

These last few months have been very hard on my elderly mother. Although she comes from tough Irish stock she finds it very hard to process my sister's suffering. Like many elderly parents, she also finds it hard to come to terms with the idea of a child predeceasing her. For her children are there to bury their parents not the other way round. However, living to a great age necessarily means that you end up watching your own children grow old with the infirmities that come with aging and ill health. Given that my sister has lived to her sixties in the condition that she is in, is itself something of a miracle for which we are grateful.

I have set out my sister's situation in detail so as to show people that her hyper allergies are the result of a particular set of circumstances which are pretty unique to her. My immediate family are certainly prone to allergies but these are generally of the common variety such as hay fever. I myself have an allergic reaction though to penicillin, aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen, as well as to materials like latex. However, one can easily take steps to avoid these things whereas it is much harder to do so with certain foodstuffs and chemicals that are readily available or found within modern environments (e.g., cleaning products).

Finally, I would add that I am very grateful to those who may have been praying for my sister and my family as prayers are always welcome and there is certainly empirical evidence to show that the outcome for those who have prayers said for them is usually better than for those who don't.

You are all most kind.​
In my last but one post, I made a mistake. Where I said:

"recall here the vision that Graham Phillip's psychic friend claimed to have had of seven Knights Templar performing a very strange initiation ceremony at a Templar preceptory in Herefordshire in the late 13th century ....",

I should have said "the vision that Andrew Collins psychic friend claimed to have had". That friend was Richard Ward. However, the purpose of this post is not to correct that mistake but rather to show that Andrew Collins is still collaborating with Richard Ward and other psychic colleagues who have featured in his books. As luck should have it, I discovered just after I posted the aforementioned post that I had received Andrew Collins' latest newsletter which he uses to update people on his recent activities and to advertise (or plug) his latest escorted tours and books. Indeed, he has a new book out soon on Karahan Tepe (perhaps the first major work on this sister site to Göbekli Tepe).

My reason for drawing this to your attention though is that Collins and his fellow psychics whilst exploring a mysterious tunnel at Karahan Tepe had a most disturbing encounter with some sort of spectral entity. Here is his account of it:

In March this year I visited various Taş Tepeler linked sites with our good friends Debbie Cartwright, Yvan Cartwright, Richard Ward, Renee Goulet and Nick Burton.

One of the most amazing occurrences during our visit to south-eastern Turkey occurred in the Tektek Mountains, home to Karahan Tepe, one of the most important Taş Tepeler sites uncovered so far. We were visiting a hill filled with strange hypogeum-like caves, some of which could date back 10,000 years. Afterwards we were leaving the site when we saw a strange figure immediately above the caves we had been in no more than an hour before. Our friend Renee took photos of the figure and the results were truly amazing. It shows what appeared to be a djinn, a kind of evil spirit of Arabic and Turkish tradition, which can take on human form. We showed the picture to the landowner who said he had no idea who or what this figure was, and accepted it could be a manifested djinn. Earlier, when showing us the caves beneath where this figure appeared, he had told us this was the haunt of a djinn. So worried was he that it could attack us that he made sure we each had faith in a higher power before allowing us to enter one cave in particular.
The photo you see below has not been manipulated in any way. I also took photos of the figure, but the camera on my phone is poor quality so you can't see much at all. But Renee has an up-to-date iPhone with an incredible zoom feature, so what you see here is the real thing.

Personally, I have not firm opinion, although what it was we caught on camera does indeed reflect the idea that the site is the haunt of a djinn.


Cynics might say it is just a large black plastic bin bag floating in the wind. However, there is a tradition that some megalithic sites are protected by spectral guardian entities. I recall reading an account by a man who had such an encounter with a mysterious large black dog when he visited a Scottish megalithic site on his own. The dog growingly menacingly seemed to size him up and then, having decided he was not a threat to the site, left him alone. To say that the man had been completely unnerved by the experience would be an understatement so terrified was he. Locals he subsequently spoke to seemed to be aware of the dog but nobody claimed ownership of it.

Indeed, I also seem to recall that the C's mentioned not so long ago that there were such energy entities connected to ancient sites that were made of wood or stone. Perhaps some one can dig out the relevant transcript. Is the black figure really a spectral entity or the creation of the fertile imagination of Andrew Collins and his friends? Anyway, tell me what you think.

The hill he mentions is also very interesting since he compares the caves within it to the Hypogeum in Malta (see Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum - Wikipedia). If he is right, are we seeing the original roots of the Neolithic culture which built the Hypogeum and other Neolithic sites in Malta that are attributed by local custom and folklore to giants? I set out below a beautiful picture of Enclosure D at Göbekli Tepe taken from Collins newsletter:

Göbekli Tepe's Enclosure D
It is interesting to note, as Laura has done, that the survivors of the destruction of Atlantis seemed to split into two camps. One group built stone circular structures (e.g., Göbekli Tepe, and Stonehenge) whilst the others built stone pyramids such as those found at Giza and later in Sumer/Mesopotamia. No doubt the structures served different purposes but do they also reflect a difference in philosophy and cosmogony between the two groups who were perhaps unified at one time? If so, does this represent the philosophical and religious distinctions between the 'Sons of the Law of One' and the 'Sons of Belial' as referred to by Edgar Cayce in his trance channellings, the circle builders being the Sons of Belial?​
Oh my goodness, what a shocking situation with your sister. That is absolutely mind boggling to think what she (and all of you) have been going through. What an incredibly strong soul she is to have endured such a nightmare; and how blessed she is to have such a deeply loving, wonderful family and husband who are clearly there for her in every way possible, as well as some divine intervention and great doctors along the way. I cannot believe from an ethical perspective that the B&B would even have water like that available to WASH (let alone not have put up a sign or provide bottled water to drink!) but countryfolk can be strange like that, often completely oblivious or just don't believe there is any issue. (yet they and their pets all end up with 'the cancer' but think it is just bad luck).
Oh, how one innocent action can irrevocably transform the trajectory of our entire life path and wellbeing. :-(

Indeed, I also seem to recall that the C's mentioned not so long ago that there were such energy entities connected to ancient sites that were made of wood or stone. Perhaps some one can dig out the relevant transcript.

Maybe this is what you are referring to:

Session: 13 May 2023
Q: (L) So be careful what you ask for. [Laughter]. Well, then that leads to the next question: Did Alexandra David-Néel create a thought being of her own?

A: No.

Q: (L) What was that?

A: She added energy to an elemental being, something like a nature creature.

Q: (L) And this leads obviously to the next question: When we're doing spirit release, we come across all kinds of really bizarre things. I mean, just like thought forms that come and attach and even thought forms that are created by the individual. Are these thought forms like discrete beings that have intelligence, autonomy, and persistence?

A: Some are. And some "die" after being disconnected from the source of energy.

Q: (L) Okay. If we encounter a thought form-type critter that has come and attached to an individual, is that thought form-type critter something that has been created by some other individual in the same way that some of the ones that we have encountered are created by that individual person?

(Andromeda) Right. Like created by a thought loop or strong emotion and/or a split-off part of their personality?

A: Some yes. Others are gathered energies of place or object.

Q: (L) Place or object. So you're saying that objects can... What kind of objects?

A: Trees, for one.

Q: (L) So natural objects?


Q: (L) So natural objects can concentrate energy such that it forms a thought form?

Wow! It's tragic what your sister is going through. Gold mining also uses mercury and astronomical quantities of water. Heavy metals are highly harmful to humans, animals, the earth and everything in it. It's highly probable that your sister was poisoned with mercury as well as arsenic.

These toxic substances have totally destroyed her intestinal mucosa (gut lining), to the point where her intestines can no longer accept anything. It's more than an allergy, because an allergy is limited to a few allergens. In this case, the intestines have destroyed the gut lining and the food passes into the bloodstream without being hydrolysed (reduced to molecules),

These macromolecules pass into its blood and tissues, doing their own damage, in addition to the heavy metals.
The intestine is hyper-porous. It is irritated by any food that comes into contact with it. Even vitamin tablets or capsules are no more tolerated by this gut. Intravenous treatment remains the only solution.

In addition to the good advice given here, I recommend intravenous EDTA chelation. She should ask her doctor to refer her to an EDTA specialist, who will know what dose to give depending on her kidney function, which has already been affected, and how to help the mucosa to heal and how to re-colonise with good intestinal flora (heavy metals also destroy bacterias, whith their powerful antiseptic effect.)
I wish her courage and healing
Oh my goodness, what a shocking situation with your sister. That is absolutely mind boggling to think what she (and all of you) have been going through. What an incredibly strong soul she is to have endured such a nightmare; and how blessed she is to have such a deeply loving, wonderful family and husband who are clearly there for her in every way possible, as well as some divine intervention and great doctors along the way. I cannot believe from an ethical perspective that the B&B would even have water like that available to WASH (let alone not have put up a sign or provide bottled water to drink!) but countryfolk can be strange like that, often completely oblivious or just don't believe there is any issue. (yet they and their pets all end up with 'the cancer' but think it is just bad luck).
Oh, how one innocent action can irrevocably transform the trajectory of our entire life path and wellbeing. :-(

Maybe this is what you are referring to:

Session: 13 May 2023
Yes she was very unlucky in taking that one drink. I may have this wrong but the farmer and his wife apparently were due to switch to the mains water supply the following day, which was obviously a day too late for my sister. My sister and brother-in-law are both lawyers and could have sued the farmer in negligence but chose not to. The farmer would no doubt have been bankrupted if they had.

Yes, she is a strong soul and has endured unbelievable levels of pain for many years now. Most painkillers do not work for her and she has only a few options when it comes to anaesthetics too (most are ineffective). By her own admission she is a bit of a nightmare patient for doctors to treat. Her case is very unusual and has attracted medical researchers from further afield than Seattle. e.g., researchers from the renowned Mayo Clinic have been involved in her treatment. More than a few medical papers have been written on her case. Fortunately, her husband trained to be a doctor but after several years at medical school, he decided to switch to law instead (the legend is that he didn't really get on well with patients - a bit of a handicap for a doctor you might think :-D). However, his medical knowledge has no doubt helped her since as he knows her symptoms so well, this has allowed him to assist the doctors treating her. His knowledge has no doubt saved her life on more than a few occasions.

In many ways her experience, terrible though it has been, has made her a far more spiritual and caring person. She was, for example, a great support to my twin brother after he was diagnosed with stage 4 rectal cancer. By what was another miracle, he survived the cancer when the odds were overwhelmingly against him (he had only a 4% prospect of survival). Her encouragement and support through the arduous treatment was a great help to him. She was also a great help in assisting us when we had to fight to get my father proper end-of life treatment when he was dying from kidney failure. Going up against the NHS and local health authorities in England is a daunting challenge for families trying to do the right thing by their loved ones when seeking the nursing care and support they need. Funding is always very tight. Her knowledge and persistence certainly helped to steer us through the legal and regulatory minefield which operates in this area.

You were right about the 13th May session last year. That was the discussion I was thinking of. Thank you for tracking it down. I don't know if what the C's said is relevant to Andrew Collins' spectre but I guess it could be. No doubt ceremonies of some sort may have taken place at this site (perhaps within the strange caves Collins and his friends visited), which could have created a thought form entity, which may still persist even after thousands of years. If that really is a thought form made manifest, then it certainly is a weird spectacle. I wonder if it matches any of the bizarre things Laura has seen when doing spirit release? I know Forum members may have their doubts about Andrew Collins but I really don't think he would have made this up. As he said, their Turkish guide had warned them beforehand of a presence and wanted to know if they believed in a protective higher power before he would take them into the caves. Thus, this may not have been the first time such a presence had been seen.

If nothing else, it was certainly interesting.​
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