Advice on Meditation


A Disturbance in the Force
Dear All

Firstly I would like to say a big hello to everyone. I am new to the forums although I have read all the cassiopean transcripts and found them riveting :)
I feel at this time that I would benefit from learning meditation as I am having terrible trouble sleeping and have done so for over a year now (I do take melatonin but when I feel tired and retire to bed I become wide awake and stay that way for what seems hours).
Any kind souls out there who can recommend any good reading on the subject?
I am also currently deciding whether or not to buy The Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka: Awakening Your Divine Karma by Amorah Quan-Yin
but since money is now really really tight for me I feel I dont want to spend £10.99 when I could save that for food instead....?
I dont want to digress too much but the current situation with money that I find myself in, I cant help but find it rather humorous since if money is a big control then I have my hands and feet bound and am wandering blindly into a bottomless pit!

Many thanks in advance
Hi the_red_jester and welcome to the forum,

if you use the search function using "meditation" as a keyword, you'll find a lot of threads about it, with lots of information.
For example, this thread.

I don't know about the book you're asking about, but just the title sounds very new agey to me.
I've just checked the book on Amazon, and well :
The Pleiadian Workbook is a direct transmission from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light--Light beings from the Pleiades--who say it's time now for spiritual growth, ascension, and healing. Through Amorah Quan Yin, we are taught to open our "Ka Channels," which pull energy from our multidimensional, holographic selves into our physical bodies. These galactic healing techniques align us with our divine selves, raise our vibratory rates, and rejuvenate and balance our bodies, while accelerating spiritual evolution and stimulating emotional healing.

I'd say if you want to stay asleep (not only literally) and completely depart from reality
, that sounds like a 'good' book :halo:
thanks for the advice - dont know why I did not use the search function in the first place !
I will give he book amiss as well - just did not feel right cf Bringers of the Dawn which in places made me rather emotional
Hi the_red_jester,

I think some supplements will help you with your sleeping issues. In addition to melatonin, you can take vitamin C, magnesium, vitamin B5. Also watch your diet.

Check out the Diet and Health section of this forum. There's a lot of information there. Good luck.
Hello Jester, nice to meet you :cool:

I have experienced a shift in sleeping pattern as well and am wondering, why do you describe it as "terrible trouble"?

the_red_jester said:
I feel at this time that I would benefit from learning meditation

Marriam-Webster said:
One entry found.

Main Entry: med·i·tate
Pronunciation: \ˈme-də-ˌtāt\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): med·i·tat·ed; med·i·tat·ing
Etymology: Latin meditatus, past participle of meditari, frequentative of medēri to remedy — more at medical
Date: 1560
intransitive verb
1 : to engage in contemplation or reflection
2 : to engage in mental exercise (as concentration on one's breathing or repetition of a mantra) for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness
transitive verb
1 : to focus one's thoughts on : reflect on or ponder over
2 : to plan or project in the mind : intend , purpose

Does any of this define what you currently do while waiting to fall asleep?
I say terrible trouble because I can never get quite comfortable when trying to sleep - tossing and turning for seemingly hours and the bed is either too hot or too cold ! bit like Goldilocks :)
having said that I slept soundly last night and had a rather crazy dream ! fingers crossed I have returned to a 'normal' sleeping pattern
Hi the_red_jester,

For me, whether I'm preparing for meditation or sleep, I occasionally find the following helpful:

First: Keep it simple.
Second: Spend about ten minutes or so slowly stretching the major muscle groups to relieve as much tension as possible, paying attention to stretching the lower back.
Third: Some kind of guided visualization that lasts about 20 minutes or so.
Example: I imagine I'm watching a leaf as it slowly rides a breeze, like a gently rocking cradle, all the way down to the ground from a great height.
Or, I might imagine a warm feeling of relaxing energy absorb into my skin starting at the top of my head and ending at the soles of my feet.

Also, an important element for me is awareness of the contradiction of 'trying to relax'. I find that pretending to capture the feeling of having eternity to fall asleep, or having eternity to obtain the goal of a meditation session to be invaluable to the process.

-fwiw...Ed Bernd, Jr. recorded a 30 min. audio file for Josè Silva that was recently updated for the 'Ultramind System'. It is called 'the centering exercise'. It consists of a guided relaxation, followed by some suggestions designed, ostensibly, to increase openness to developing ESP or other psychic abilities.
I, however, was not comfortable with any of that, so I edited the audio file for my own use. I ended up with about 19 min. worth of a relaxation exercise that actually put me to sleep on more that one occasion.

The mp3 is a free download. A link is sent to your email if you sign up with a name and email address at the following url:

I am not affiliated with the Silva site or any related stuff in any way, shape, form or fashion and I haven't tried any of it and don't want to. I just use a modified copy of the centering mp3 for my own relaxation, and thought I'd pass along the info for what it's worth.
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