

I am very curious to know if I have ever been abducted? I feel that I may be one of the few that has not been yet I would like to know. I have been reading and learning so much from the cassiopaea forums, sessions,and members over the past four years and I appreciate all that you are (Laura) thank you. I do appologize for my lack of posts and I say this because I find myself getting side tracked or not feeling confident enough to post or reply. I am growing everyday and look forward to giving as much as I recieve. Thanks to all.
Arreis13 said:
I am very curious to know if I have ever been abducted?

Many could ask that - but on the whole there'd be little benefit and little point in having the question put to the C's. It would simply give an unverifiable answer (or, in the case that it is verifiable, then it could in the case of this already known question have been answered by the person him or herself), and one that ultimately don't change the reality of whatever's already happened.

A more practical approach is to research the issue - look into it yourself - and another principle enters here in connection to this: "There's no free lunch".

I don't know how much material you've gone through that's more specifically focused on the questions concerning abduction, but I'll link the below threads:
Good luck!
Arreis13 said:
I am very curious to know if I have ever been abducted? I feel that I may be one of the few that has not been yet I would like to know. I have been reading and learning so much from the cassiopaea forums, sessions,and members over the past four years and I appreciate all that you are (Laura) thank you. I do appologize for my lack of posts and I say this because I find myself getting side tracked or not feeling confident enough to post or reply. I am growing everyday and look forward to giving as much as I receive. Thanks to all.

Just pound the keys Arreis13, and feel free to express yourself of your thoughts, blocks, and success in the search for knowledge. You just never know what doors it may open, or where it may lead down the rabbit hole to self discovery and awareness.

Their are no judges, or trials here, just honesty, insight, research, integrity, critical thinking, light, and so much, much, more than you can ever imagine.

To use a quote from the C's, "The mind is like a parachute, it works better when it is open". :)
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