A very good picture of an artificial structure on the Moon


The Living Force
I know, this is from Hoagland's website - but I have never seen this photograph from the Moon before and I was quite impressed by it. In fact, if this photograph is not a fake, it is probably THE best example of an artificial structure on another planet:



Pictures are taken from this article:
It sure looks intriguing. It could be alien artifacts. Could as well be god knows what.
I occasionally have a look at new ufo pictures and videos and related stuff. I do find it problematic though to judge
any of these alleged pictures/videos without any scientific background. Which is why I`ll refrain in the future from
commenting on these things. More often then not they`re fuzzy, unfocused. I firmly believe one could show me the
real thing (clear photograph of an alien/ufo) and I`d come away saying, this one`s propably a fake (looks too realistic to be real)
Surely you must have seen the "Alien Interview" (if not, go to googlevideo and use "Alien Interview" as search words).
For all I know it could be real. Then again, a special effects guy wouldn`t have a problem building and operating such a puppet.
S`far as I`m concerned, if from now on they`d show us only authentic pics regarding moon+mars structures, aliens and ufos,
I still wouldn`t be the wiser.
I'm going to throw something out there to discuss. I've researching Mars, Moon and about every conspiracy known to mankind. I believe now that during the early missions of Apollo that alien artifacts were photographed on the moon. When we actually went to the moon on Apollo 11 the landing area there was quite anomalous and couldn't be shown back here on earth. In 1968 the movie 2001:A space odyssey was filmed and director Stanley Kubrick in his contract had the moon stage kept intact for 2 years after filming was complete for the movie. I believe that what we saw on July 20th were actual photos/film from that stage set. I still believe that we went to the moon and the sound to the stage set filming was added later. So what we saw that day was the work of Kubrick. After the Astronauts returned to earth the actual photographs were doctored as exposed by Hoaglands new book "Dark Mission". When Apollo was going full steam we could not just stop at Apollo 10 and say we have ended the mission after billions were spent and everyone was expecting to go to the moon. They had to make it as real as possible without giving away the secret.


aceace said:
Before you quote "Alchemical Kubrick 2001: The Great Work On Film by Jay Weidner" as a source, you might want to take a look at the pages: _http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=%22jay+weidner%22++site%3Awww.cassiopaea.org&btnG=Search
Yes, Hoagland and Weidner have both been brought up as sources in this thread and they are both known disinformation sources - so it might be wise to keep that in mind. Searching the forum for both names might provide some insight.
I know nothing about Richard other than reading some of his articles. I realize there are disinformationists around everywhere. I knew nothing of Jay until I read the Kubrick article. Which I took as opinion article on 2001. I'm new to this forum and did not realize there were problems from the past. Call me uninformed for now.
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