A Unifying Theory of Evil


Padawan Learner

link and accompanying article info here:
Haley Kynefin
Brownstone Institute
Tue, 04 Apr 2023 00:00 UTC

its a 30-38 minute read, but a good read if you already have the reference backgrounds, ie history, religion, psychology...well basically The Work topics we all have done to some degree. I just thought it interesting how it relates to Ponerology, empathy, and sts/sto.
I also wanted to see if anything new stuck out for other readers, as I skimmed it, and just thought it very mundane to a very old question.
The overall analysis or takeaway from the authors view, I think was: evil exists to that 1-6% general population of sadistic entertainment from other people's sufferings, but generally it is a lack of empathy for another, as while also needing to get your own perceived needs met without compromising too much.
What I like to discuss is the service to self and service to others' point of view; that the organic portal, the genetic psychopath may very well function on a sliding scale as the author describes pretty well, and that the judgment of good/evil is to the eye of the beholder. To see something or the world as truly good or evil, we would need to evaluate the results of said intent and actions. I think it actually describes STS and STO pretty well, in our 3rd sts density state we find ourselves. The C's might define something is "good", as long as no one's free will is violated; based on a butterfly-flaps-their-wing of a persons karmic destiny profile of past-present-future: and action/intent ultimately helps not only the other, but All others as well, ie, lesson, benefit, learning, "positive", etc. What I m getting at is, most of the time/all the time, we really are not aware of the sts or sto nature behind our intents and actions; a chaos state, where either or both do happen or "cancel" each other out: but ultimately it is sts and serving self viewed from another's point of view, as the article said, is the "evil" we most likely perceive happens to all of us. At least the universe doesn't blow up the next instant, which is why I say they do most likely cancel out, but our lack of awareness counterbalance our perpetual state as 3rd density sts; only still as 3rd density sto candidates until we choose/are aware enough to pierce the veil of sts and sto choice. A little discombobulated, as I do most of these writings pretty much only very late at might near bedtime, but what do y'all think? Still seems like the same conclusions from years ago, but maybe we never do learn, until we DO.
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