a REMOTE View from Edward Riordan - about MONDAY -MAY 1st

Another interesting video from Edward Riordan, connected to the discussion here (note that Riordan is a member of the remote viewers that appeared in that video):

For those who prefer reading:

Hello friends it is September 23. 2023 September 23. (...) This one I posted a year ago on my Patreon. (...) This is one one of the ongoing projects and the the point of this one was to document (...) experiences that brought me where I am and all along one of those life-altering experiences from a very very long time ago back in the mid 1980s.

I had an experience one night, and I popped into the future and looked around and that was it. The next morning I remembered it and I got a massive download of information about the future information that made absolutely zero sense in 1985.

(...) All the decisions I made after that moment (I was only 16 years old) were guided by that and I know why we're in that time now, so I documented some of it, but I wanted to look at some other things. I wanted to get some additional information from the future, and documented in an ongoing project, one of many, (...) but this one here is interesting because it starts with this here:

Zrzut ekranu 2023-09-25 o 11.46.52.png

And I don't know if it's a meteor or a comet. This is where it started right here, and again this was this was in September 22nd last year 2022.

But what's what's interesting about this? I wondered. (...) it was 2023, and there's a messenger a harbinger, astrological impact. (...) So is it like a meter hitting? I'm not sure, I'm really not sure, but this was the notion.

Zrzut ekranu 2023-09-25 o 11.48.38.png

And the notion here was that time has ended and the Old Clock expired. The new class, the new time clock starts, new time begins. The Rubicon has been passed. This era very well is the time frame from my 1985 experience meeting here where we are now. So I wanted to draw out what I had seen back in that 1985 experience. And at the system that was in place in 1985 it doesn't exist it anymore.

This is what I saw, this is where I came in:

Zrzut ekranu 2023-09-25 o 11.51.03.png

I was moving down this street, and I looked this way and I saw a dead tree through all these destroyed buildings, and this was either the rising or the Setting Sun just like that that's exactly what I saw. And in this session here from a year ago, my thought was that this could happen in 2023. We're getting close to the end of 2023 here. If it does, what are the rest of the details?

(...) Warren destruction exists at this time, systems are halted most not to resume. What I call it a World War. I call it a destruction. In this area it's total, the looks of the structures would appear to be residential. Sun feels cold and it did again this is from where I popped in back in 1985. Sun feels cold. I don't see any snow on the ground, I don't detect any life. The rubble is all over the place, including all over the street. I get a memory sense that up ahead is a building, meaning this i more of the memory a fainter memory but, still there.
And it's like a warehouse or something, at the end of the street here. The area feels residential with industrial as well. A working class area.
Railway trucks behind of tracks behind the building. I wonder like this is this building and behind us is a railroad tracks.
And I have to wonder that this might be from a different dream? The area is silent there's no sign of life. I have no emotional reaction to what I am observing here. Could this be the moment of my own death?

(...) The scene is very dead looking. If it is the moment of my own death then where am I?
The notion could just be speculation… the retirement system in 1985 would not be there for me at that age that's what, part of the download was for me in 85. Current time 2022 when I did this session. I'm 53 years old. 12 years to 65 retirement age. Back in 1985 this was the year you had to work towards. I don't even know what it is now, so that would put it at somewhere between 2034 and 35. (... ) It feels like heavy battle for several years

Here's the link 1985-2034 with myself:

Zrzut ekranu 2023-09-25 o 11.53.42.png

I'm assuming I live that long, then if this is the case I can remember 2023-2034. Remember the chain of events. Out of the chain of events unfold I question that comet in the sky is an indicator. Time marker. The season feels cold like a November to February span.

What are the events?

An explosive event and chain reaction. Several explosions. The world awaits anxiously, and the next round. The battle lines are drawn. What looked like what looks like two nuke maybe… A radioactive exchange then stop. Again I had to inject the "maybe" in there. This is one event the use of these weapons rearranges affairs and alliances. There are there are shifting of sides.

There is no power or electricity in these areas. Everything stops. Things around the world stop. There is a halt of everything, like a shock wave. This ends event one.

The world stops. This was from a dream that I had probably the time I did this back in September of of last year. There's a big pop and I see the barrel of a gun. It's an Assassin's bullet, and I see these birds, a green bird and a bluebird. Very metaphorical.

And that's it. September 22 of last year, and I published this on my Patreon on October 8th of the last year so it is time stamped.

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But what's what's interesting about this? I wondered. (...) it was 2023, and there's a messenger a harbinger, astrological impact. (...) So is it like a meter hitting? I'm not sure, I'm really not sure, but this was the notion.
Zrzut ekranu 2023-10-19 o 13.59.42.png

Huge comet three times the size of Mount Everest has violently exploded and is now racing towards Earth, scientists say​

  • Cryovolcanic comet 12P/Pons-Brooks has a diameter of about 18.6 miles (30 km)
  • 12P will be closest to Earth on April 21, 2024 and may be visible to the naked eye
A comet that is three times the size of Mount Everest has exploded in space and is now hurtling towards Earth, astronomers have revealed.

It won't actually hit us, but may be visible to the naked eye when it reaches its closest point to our planet on April 21, 2024.

The space rock, which has been named 12P/Pons-Brooks, is what is known as a cryovolcanic – or cold volcano – comet.

It has a solid nucleus with an estimated diameter of 18.6 miles (30 km) and is made up of ice, dust and gases that act a bit like carbonation in a fizzy drink bottle.

That's because when heated by the sun, pressure inside this cryomagma continues to build until the nitrogen and carbon monoxide explodes and flings out icy debris through large cracks in the nucleus's shell.

It is the second time in four months that this has happened to Pons-Brooks, creating what looks like a gigantic pair of horns when viewed through a telescope.

Some have speculated that the horseshoe-like shape also resembles the Millennium Falcon spaceship in Star Wars.

The space rock is about the size as the celebrated Halley's comet and was last visible to the naked eye on Earth in 1954.

It is also referred to as a 'Halley-type comet' because its 71-year orbit of the sun puts it in the same class as history's most famous space rock, which takes about 75 years to circle our star, as opposed to thousands of years like most comets.

Although Pons-Brooks will be at its closest to Earth in April 2024, it is predicted to reach magnitude +4 so could be visible to the naked eye in May and June 2024, too.

It will be brightest in the night sky on June 2, 2024.

After making its closest approach to us, the space rock will then be flung back to the outer solar system and will not return until 2095.

Pons-Brooks is currently in the constellation of Hercules and can be observed looking in the East-North-East direction at an altitude of 36 degrees above the horizon.

As it continues to head towards Earth it is likely the space rock will keep erupting, potentially even more violently than it already has.

However, it is by no means the most volatile volcanic comet in the solar system.

That honour belongs to 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann, which orbits the sun just beyond Jupiter at 26,000 miles per hour.

The 37 mile-wide (60km) ball of ice is thought to erupt about 20 times per year, according to recent observations.

In December 2022, 29P experienced its largest eruption in around 12 years, spraying around 1 million tonnes of cryomagma into space.
Short video from Ed. The undergrounders don't like to be spied on...
That's why the C's refrain from giving us exact details, because it could endanger us. Sometimes, too much knowledge about a certain topic blows away the protection!
Q: (L) In other words, it is the ones who think that Bush is not complicit that are being programmed. The ones who don’t think it, even if they’re part of that 35%, they’ve simply never been programmed. (Foofighter) Those who are programmed are programmed to not be suspicious. (A) You can be suspicious, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you can think. (L) The ones who are not suspicious are the ones being programmed, but it doesn’t mean… OPs can just be OPs. They don’t have to be bad or evil, they’re just the ones who, nobody’s gotten to them, there’s been no opportunity…maybe they’re just people who don’t want to watch television so much. Or they are contrary in a certain way. They see that there is a group of people who are suspicious and they follow along with them rather than following along with the ones who are not suspicious. (Mr. Scott) They said that Bush “will try” to become a fuehrer, that he’ll continue on as president until he dies. Does that mean that someone will… Bush will be tossed out and someone else will move in and become fuehrer?

A: Warm water. It would not serve your best interests to know this.
Q: (L) So, we have a bunch of people who are playing with mathematics, and playing with higher knowledge, basically as a keep busy activity to distract them at the human level from the fact that they are being manipulated at a higher level. Is this what is going on? Or, do they consciously know what they are doing? Is it a distraction or a conscious choice?

A: Both.

Q: (L) If I were to name some names, could you identify if named individuals were involved in this secret group?

A: It would not be in your best interests.
That's why the C's refrain from giving us exact details, because it could endanger us. Sometimes, too much knowledge about a certain topic blows away the protection!
Oh man, because of Cs hesitation about this topic, it's so damn interesting to me :P Here's Ed remote viewing some Antarctican locations. His session gives some data about the existence of underground civilization.
Zrzut ekranu 2023-11-14 o 14.06.32.png
Well, lets say if the C's did give us the locations in Antarctica, do we really have the funds and the means to get there? Safe to say, no , we don't. Although, others out there with deeper pockets and reading this forum will certainly jump on it but that could invite an attack to the forum which the C's would never allow to manifest.
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