A moment of 'High Strangeness'.

If some kind of frequency testing was going on near by some place at that moment, then that would have affected to all the TV channels.
So, maybe that particular channel sent out some frequency to testing for not good purpose.
gnosisxsophia said:
MusicMan said:
Maybe the DNA is changing..
I will have to be more aware I think....

G'day MusicMan, yes awareness appears to be the lesson in my case?

And if it helps, following an extended period of observation I also concur with duyunnes statement -

duyunne said:
I believe I've mentioned that the ring responds to right as positive/good and left negative in other posts here..

Adding that I began seeing a Left ring as simply STS and Right as STO.

Kay Kim said:
Thank you, duyunne.
I found this from other thread, it seem right ear ringing is not bad.

The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 26

Ra: I am Ra. Two types there are of positive signal. First, in the right ear
location the signal indicates a sign that you are being given some unworded
message saying, “Listen. Take heed.” The other positive sign is the tone
above the head which is a balanced
confirmation of a thought.

And interestingly after a period of time paying attention in this manner the phenomenon began to centralise to the midpoint of my head (still within though, not above as mentioned in Kay Kims RA quote) as opposed to the ears.

Following a period of observing this change it was also noted that the frequency of the tone began to increase the more that I paid attention it. So being rather intrigued I began trying to identify the frequencies utilising a Tone Generator -


Commencing the trial when it was somewhere around 4kHz, I don't bother trying anymore as it's somewhere around 20kHz and thus more a feeling than a sound.

A little like running a wet finger around a good quality wine glass.

As its still a work in progress I won't offer a hypothesis at this point but Balance* seems to be the root 'lesson'?

* Picking up on Laura's 'Zurvanism' trail I suppose ? :)

Good luck with it mate.


Hello GnosisxSophia, I tried that tone generator out, and it would appear that the tone that matches the tinnitus is about 2600Hz. Currently it is ringing in the left side, but normally it sits in the middle. It has been continuous since March2008.
Keit said:
MusicMan said:
I changed channels a couple more times, but it seemed it was only the one channel that was affected.
I got up, and moved out of the room, thinking it might be a directed attack.
The tinnitus eased off somewhat, so I spent a moment or two out of the room, then went back in.
After a couple more channel swaps, the colours on the TV settled to something more watchable, so I left it at that. By now the tinnitus was also more bearable.

I am wondering if anybody else has experienced something like this. The tinnitus has been a nuisance to me since 2008.

Don't know where you live, MusicMan, and what is located in the area. But consider the following possibility, that there could be some "frequency experiences" going on nearby. Certainly, there is precedence for that, at least in the US and Canada.


Hello Keit, I live not far from Canberra, the capital of Australia, about 14km by road. Because it is the country's Capital city, there are a lot of bureaucratic government departments in the area, as well as military bases, so what you said is highly likely. There are also many other country's Embassies nearby, so you can imagine the kind of activity that is going on.
I was taking the TV signal through a digital set-top box and passing it to an old analogue TV set as AV. I guess the type of jamming signal would have to be the same as the channel I was watching, and also pulsing at the same frequency as the particular colour gun. Maybe that was affecting whatever is causing the tinnitus. Might make a good question for the C's..
Maybe subconscious want to convey to you something and it creates such effects, merging some subtle dimensions of yourself with physicality. It could be some suggests to change something or some warnings.
MusicMan said:
Keit said:
MusicMan said:
I changed channels a couple more times, but it seemed it was only the one channel that was affected.
I got up, and moved out of the room, thinking it might be a directed attack.
The tinnitus eased off somewhat, so I spent a moment or two out of the room, then went back in.
After a couple more channel swaps, the colours on the TV settled to something more watchable, so I left it at that. By now the tinnitus was also more bearable.

I am wondering if anybody else has experienced something like this. The tinnitus has been a nuisance to me since 2008.

Don't know where you live, MusicMan, and what is located in the area. But consider the following possibility, that there could be some "frequency experiences" going on nearby. Certainly, there is precedence for that, at least in the US and Canada.


Hello Keit, I live not far from Canberra, the capital of Australia, about 14km by road. Because it is the country's Capital city, there are a lot of bureaucratic government departments in the area, as well as military bases, so what you said is highly likely. There are also many other country's Embassies nearby, so you can imagine the kind of activity that is going on.
I was taking the TV signal through a digital set-top box and passing it to an old analogue TV set as AV. I guess the type of jamming signal would have to be the same as the channel I was watching, and also pulsing at the same frequency as the particular colour gun. Maybe that was affecting whatever is causing the tinnitus. Might make a good question for the C's..

Sound's like the base at Pine Gap

Ball described the facility as the ground control and processing station for geosynchronous satellites engaged in signals intelligence collection, outlining four categories of signals collected:

telemetry from advanced weapons development, such as ballistic missiles, used for arms control verification;
signals from anti-missile and anti-aircraft radars;
transmissions intended for communications satellites; and
microwave emissions, such as long-distance telephone calls.

Ball described the operational area as containing three sections: Satellite Station Keeping Section, Signals Processing Station and the Signals Analysis Section, from which Australians were barred until 1980. Australians are now officially barred only from the National Cryptographic Room (similarly, Americans are barred from the Australian Cryptographic Room). Each morning the Joint Reconnaissance Schedule Committee meets to determine what the satellites will monitor over the next 24 hours.

US Run Area 51 located at Pine Gap / 1:02:51
Apr 17, 2017
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