A gray in an interview?


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
I was looking in the forum if someone had posted this case, but I didn't find it, so I allowed myself to expose it. According to some, at a certain moment in an interview with John Edmonds for Camelot project, the supposed figure of a gray appears, the truth I don't distinguish very well the figure, but if we consider the awkwardness of these "beings", who knows if they were monitoring something and it's "real". :huh:
No cigar. It is too vague and too open for all kinds of claims that are unprovable. One could also ask if we are meant to believe that they don't have better means of monitoring than peeping around corners. Even our intel agencies have better means of monitoring and surveillance than peeping around corners in awkward ways.
No cigar. It is too vague and too open for all kinds of claims that are unprovable. One could also ask if we are meant to believe that they don't have better means of monitoring than peeping around corners. Even our intel agencies have better means of monitoring and surveillance than peeping around corners in awkward ways.
I agree with you, and as a separate point, it was precisely that clumsiness that caught my attention in this video, this, due to an alleged experience that I personally had with one of these beings, and where I realized personally that they are really clumsys, almost to the point of "gross-funny", but in particular and with respect to video, I think that now I see a cat or anything, except a gray. Thanks for your opinion Aeneas.
One could call it outright disinfo ala Cointelpro as what it does is giving the impression that we are in control of things and that even if there are other denizens then they are no match to us and we can easily call them out. This does the opposite of waking people up to the unpleasant fact that we are being farmed by unseen hyperdimensional overlords. As long as we don't realize our 'proper' place in the foodchain and thus that we are prisoners, then we are toast and will hand over our will on a platter. This ties in with the remark that "Programming is complete" in the recent transcript.
I had a look, and I agree with the others. To me, it could be a person. It has happened when people do an interview online from their room, and one of their family members, children or friends comes in or peeks and goes 'Oops! Didn't know he was recording or having an interview' and quickly pulls back. That's what this video reminded me of. Too blurry to tell for sure still. But I don't think it's a grey!
Geez, what is with these people? A few stains on the video may approved that somebody is observed by greys, who creep behind them in his house?

4D STS really should be happy to have such 3D STS beings being distracted by such YouTube's.
Reading the comments, the truth is that I find that there's a lot of right in them, especially considering the issue that exists behind the Project Camelot (which was not very aware, except for the interview they did to Laura), so finally I don't think it's a person who casually peeked out, a cat or whatever, I think it's probably just a montage done with some rag doll or something, after all it's very easy to make one, and then poke it out there to leave the doubt sown.
Really very unlikeable that a gray stays in the living room or the kitchen of the house (maybe he was making a sandwich?) :rolleyes: and even more unlikely that the critter will commit the awkwardness of peeking out while Kerry Cassidy is doing an interview with the man Who Slew an Aliens on StarDust Ranch with a Katana Sword:-P

hahaha! Thanks for the link msante, the truth is that I didn't know who this guy was, so I just searched info about him in spanish, and I was surprised about the comical and charlatan that he is, so I would appreciate if this topic were removed by a moderator to the jokes topics forum (Tickle Me), because it doesn't deserve to be in a section in which these topics are analyzed more seriously. :thup:
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