2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

DO IT! President Trump Threatens to Release ENTIRE INTERVIEW with Hack Reporter Lesley Stahl Before She Airs Hit Piece on Sunday

President Trump sat down with Lesley Stahl from “60 Minutes” for a much anticipated interview that will air on Sunday — ten days before the November election.

“60 Minutes” is notorious for cutting and editing their interviews with conservatives to make them look their worst.
Does anyone doubt they would do this with their interview with President Trump?

Following the interview today President Trump tweeted out a photo of liberal reporter Stahl chatting away in the White House after the interview without mask.

And then later this afternoon President Trump threatened to release the entire interview with Stahl before “60 Minutes” is able to smear him.
As you've probably seen, Giuliani has been 'compromised' by still photos of him 'fondling' his trousers while lying on a bed with a younger woman beside her. According to Rudy, he was tucking his shirt into his trousers after the mic for the interview was removed, or something. This appears to be fake news, but it just shows how easily you can be compromised if you're not careful.

Having said that, I'm sure that Rudy G. isn't the worlds most innocent guy. I'm reminded of how he was the mayor of New York during the 9/11 false flag, and from what I remember, he was definitely one of 'those in the know' – so in that sense, he's got blood on his hands.

Maybe he's developed more empathy and honesty since then, maybe not...
Mysterious “Donald Trump Watch” Website — With Offices in China — Reveals Addresses of Local Trump Donors for Antifa and BLM Terrorist Targeting

Far left operatives created the Donald Trump Watch website recently to reveal local Trump donors in your community.

Users are able to punch in the address of any location in the country and a map will show you the name and address of any Trump donor in the area.
The website is using FEC data to target Trump voters and donors.

According to the website they provide the names and addresses of “Americans who Give Money to Support a Racist.”
The website claims it is a privately owned website that is not affiliated with any government agencies.

Here is what we found.
We looked up Dyndot LLC.

It was a small company in San Mateo California and now has two Chinese offices and a Toronto Canada office.

What about this foreign intimidation?

Maybe Trump supporters need warning about this site.


The only reason for calling Trump a racist and doxing his supporters on-line is to let BLM and ANTIFA know where we live.
It has our names, amount of donations, and our addresses according to zipcode.
They could easily target donors in a single geographic area.
I’m not worried about Iran or Russia, but I am worried about this intimidation.
According to Wikipedia Dynadot has offices in San Mateo, CA and Zhenzhou and Beijing China.


Mysterious “Donald Trump Watch” Website Reveals Addresses of Local Trump Donors for Antifa and BLM Terrorist Targeting​

We looked up the registering company Dynadot LLC. It was a small company in San Mateo California and now has two Chinese offices and a Toronto Canada office.

The only reason for calling Trump a racist and doxing his supporters on-line is to let BLM and ANTIFA know where we live. It has our names, amount of donations, and our addresses according to zipcode. They could easily target donors in a single geographic area.

COWARDS: GOP Senate Panel Led by Lindsey Graham Will Delay Vote to Subpoena Twitter and Facebook CEOs — Refuse to Defend the Right to Free Speech
Whoops, to much uproar about this I guess and Lindsey/Cruz got concerned. This decision has been reversed.

Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee voted on Thuesday (typo, Thursday) morning to authorize subpoenas for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to testify on their censorship of the damning New York Post reports on the Biden Crime Family and Hunter Biden’s laptop.

The vote was 12 to 0 with all members of the committee approving the subpoenas.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) announced last Thursday morning that he and his colleagues in the Senate Judiciary Committee would subpoena Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey over the suppression of a report about Hunter Biden.

Then earlier this week news broke that the Republican members on the Senate Judiciary Committee would delay their vote to subpoena Facebook and Twitter CEOs to testify.

The GOP members include: Lindsey Graham (snake), Mike Lee (globalist for big tech), Cornyn (RINO), Ben Sasse (Never-Trump asshat), Chuck Grassley, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Joni Ernst, Thom Tillis, Mike Crapo, John Kennedy and Marsha Blackburn.

So this morning’s vote was a surprise.
As you've probably seen, Giuliani has been 'compromised' by still photos of him 'fondling' his trousers while lying on a bed with a younger woman beside her. According to Rudy, he was tucking his shirt into his trousers after the mic for the interview was removed, or something. This appears to be fake news, but it just shows how easily you can be compromised if you're not careful.

Having said that, I'm sure that Rudy G. isn't the worlds most innocent guy. I'm reminded of how he was the mayor of New York during the 9/11 false flag, and from what I remember, he was definitely one of 'those in the know' – so in that sense, he's got blood on his hands.

Maybe he's developed more empathy and honesty since then, maybe not...

I'm sure he's an imperfect man and not a saint. What really happened in this "compromising event", who knows. Did he lack good judgement for a moment being seduced by an attractive woman or is it as he said, tucking his shirt in. What I care about is, he has a exceptional record on fighting corruption and he's using that skill now in the service of the country, our president and the people which is vital. What he's doing NOW is exceptional and I'm grateful for it as many others are.

I don't know about any blood on his hands. Was it a minor cut or a full blown gusher? I wouldn't be at all surprised if he's made self serving decisions in the past. What he's doing now is important and Borat is just a comedian.
As you've probably seen, Giuliani has been 'compromised' by still photos of him 'fondling' his trousers while lying on a bed with a younger woman beside her. According to Rudy, he was tucking his shirt into his trousers after the mic for the interview was removed, or something. This appears to be fake news, but it just shows how easily you can be compromised if you're not careful.

Having said that, I'm sure that Rudy G. isn't the worlds most innocent guy. I'm reminded of how he was the mayor of New York during the 9/11 false flag, and from what I remember, he was definitely one of 'those in the know' – so in that sense, he's got blood on his hands.
I saw reports of this before your post with the explanation that the mic was taken off causing the shirt to come out of Giuliani's pants, which he then proceeded to tuck back in. Here's a fuller explanation and that it's a political attack on Rudy and Trump:
News broke about the scenario back in July when Giuliani called the police, reporting that a strange man barged into his room.

The attorney spoke to Page Six after the incident happened and said, “This guy comes running in, wearing a crazy, what I would say was a pink transgender outfit.”

He adds, “It was a pink bikini, with lace, underneath a translucent mesh top, it looked absurd. He had the beard, bare legs, and wasn’t what I would call distractingly attractive.”

Little did Giuliani know it was all a prank for the latest “Borat” film.

All things in consideration, how likely is it that G is messing around vs the opposition attempting to compromise/sully him? G gets the benefit of the doubt on this as far as I'm concerned.

I totally agree with you regarding 911 - Giuliani has to have known what was going on which has always colored my view of him from that point on. Maybe he's still playing a "part" - is it that hard to view everything as some giant ruse to fool all of us about everything, including Trump? We can think that maybe some have to hide their true intent in order "to fight another day". Whatever the case, it seems what G is doing is on the right side of good vs bad. Same for Trump. If it's all phony, then the Universe will be left to take care of business all by itself.
As you've probably seen, Giuliani has been 'compromised' by still photos of him 'fondling' his trousers while lying on a bed with a younger woman beside her. According to Rudy, he was tucking his shirt into his trousers after the mic for the interview was removed, or something. This appears to be fake news, but it just shows how easily you can be compromised if you're not careful.

Having said that, I'm sure that Rudy G. isn't the worlds most innocent guy. I'm reminded of how he was the mayor of New York during the 9/11 false flag, and from what I remember, he was definitely one of 'those in the know' – so in that sense, he's got blood on his hands.

Maybe he's developed more empathy and honesty since then, maybe not...
Yes, he was definitely involved in 9/ll. And he was fifty feet away from where the London bombing took place. Still, I think a lot of people are realizing that if he replaced Barr he'd be just the one to make up for lost time (!) -- providing Trump wins, of course. (As always, politics is a tricky business.)
The link's show the beast in the wings. IMHO!

The Nuclear Arsenal Problem You Never Saw Coming
(Zack Brown, National Interest)
Dr. Strangelove meets the Deep State

October 20, 2020

There is neither a strategic need for—nor any real safeguard against—presidential sole authority over the nuclear arsenal. This reality should push the public towards common-sense reform.

Former Defense Secretary William J. Perry lambasted the policy of presidential sole authority over the nation’s nuclear weapons, saying it was “in complete contrast with the Constitution, which reserved for Congress the right to declare war.”

The issue of nuclear control was back in the news after President Donald Trump’s bout with the coronavirus in early October, during which time he was taken to Walter Reed Medical Center and given a variety of treatments, including an experimental drug cocktail and a steroid with mood-altering side effects.

Despite this, Trump did not relinquish control over the nation’s nuclear arsenal throughout the episode. This raised eyebrows in the national security community, where many thought the president should temporarily delegate nuclear authority to the vice president, as other chief executives have done in the past.

“To state the obvious, we should not entrust nuclear launch authority to someone who is not fully lucid,” Ploughshares Fund’s Tom Collina wrote in an op-ed published by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. “A nuclear crisis can happen at any time, including at the worst possible time. If such a crisis takes place when a president’s thinking is compromised for any reason, the results could be catastrophic.”

Collina and Perry argued that the reason we still tolerate sole authority anyway has to do with two sweeping myths about the nuclear weapons system.

“The first myth is the reason we have sole authority and can’t possibly get away from it is because we need the president to make a decision about nuclear launch within minutes,” Collina explained on a recent episode of Press the Button. This line of thinking argues that the speed and accuracy of adversary intercontinental ballistic missiles require that U.S. missiles immediately get airborne, otherwise they risk being destroyed in the ground.

But according to Collina, this logic falls apart when you play it out. “Let’s say that there is an alert that hundreds of nuclear weapons are coming in,” he said. “There are two options, that’s it’s a false alarm or it’s real. If it’s a false alarm, the last thing you want to do is launch quickly, because then the United States has just started a nuclear war.”

“If it’s real, our launching quickly will not stop that attack.” But neither will that attack prevent a devastating US counterstrike. In any conceivable scenario, the American fleet of nuclear submarines would still be at large, ready to launch a massive retaliatory blow hours or even days later. In other words, we simply would not need the president to make a frantic decision on the spot.

The second myth surrounds a “very persistent misunderstanding that the military brass can step in and stop” a nuclear launch order from an unhinged president. This gets the danger fundamentally wrong, said Perry and Collina. “People tend to think about a president in the middle of the day, with no international crisis, just deciding to launch the nukes,” the latter explained. “That’s not a very realistic scenario.”

“The scenario we’re most worried about is there is an alert that we’re under attack, so we have a time crunch scenario,” said Collina. “And in that kind of situation it’s very unlikely that, if the president were to decide to launch, the military brass would try and slow that process down.”

It also intrinsically misunderstands the relationship between the military and the president, argued the former defense secretaryeven in a non-crisis scenario. “The military stepping in is a highly unlikely scenario,” said Perry. The air force officers tasked with actually launching the intercontinental ballistic missiles would be “very unlikely to challenge [the president’s] order.”

“They understand that the president has access to information that they do not have access to, and that’s why he has the authority instead of them,” he continued. “And so, if they think there’s something wrong with his command, the first thing they think is that ‘this is because the president knows something I don’t know.’”

Taken together, said Perry and Collina, the truth behind these myths reveals that there is neither a strategic need fornor any real safeguard againstpresidential sole authority over the nuclear arsenal. This reality should push the public towards common-sense reform.

“We have to ask ourselves, at what point does a president’s inability to think clearly affect his ability to have nuclear authority?” Collina asked. “And more broadly, should the president have that authority at all?”

“Why did we trust, in this case, the future of the world to one person with COVID on heavy medication? Does that make sense?”

Zack Brown is a policy associate at Ploughshares Fund, a global security foundation.
A reminder that the final presidential debate is today or tomorrow depending in which time zone you live.

Here is the link:

This are the topics the debate will cover and most of them hold no relevance in reality.

  • Fighting COVID-19
  • American Families
  • Race in America
  • Climate Change
  • National Security
  • Leadership

The debate organizers (opponents of Trump) will now give candidates two minutes of uninterrupted time to address each of the major topics, during which time their opponent’s microphone will be silenced.

Creepy Joe can now without interference recite his answers that has been given to him without interruptions. Hopefully he forgets his lines. Or perhaps they make the mistake of giving him to many drugs that helps him stay awake. Whatever happens. Nobody likes a demented pedo. Trump 2020.
Have you noticed how the psychopathic MSM is using this "mirroring" technique? So, if Trump says the Bidens are a crime family, suddenly #TrumpCrimeFamily is trending on Twitter. If damning evidence indicating Hunter Biden has demonstrated predatory behavior with young girls, suddenly these Guiliani pics come up. And on and on and on.

What's so damning about the Biden-Burisma/Ukraine-China [and other assorted countries] scandal is how the vice president of the United States was severely compromising U.S. foreign policy* in exchange for personal gain (and no doubt a devious, globalist agenda), all of which is treasonous. But the MSM just stamps its feet like a petulant child and whips up the most transparently outrageous lies about Trump and Russia, etc., as if they haven't tried all that before, and as if their mirrored version of things in any way rivals the level of corruption that's being unearthed on Biden.

I think they're frantic to think that the massive hatred they've drummed up against Trump all these years is still not enough to defeat him, and so they no longer have anything to lose. The result is a kind of bizarre comedy, of sorts, featuring the reckless unveiling of a totalitarian, technocratic regime madly trying to crush all dissent, only (as per the Hunter Biden scandal, among other revelations) it's all falling apart before their eyes. Just think of it: people who never even thought of reading the NY Post in the past are no doubt running out to buy the latest edition.

But, again, they have nothing to lose, which could mean: danger ahead, since they're losing their minds, and are becoming increasingly reckless.

* Interesting to note: in one of the interviews I watched with Catherine Austin Fitts, she said what is key now, geo-politically speaking, has to do with who gains dominance over the South China Sea -- and that's exactly the strategic location that Biden severely compromised. He looked the other way as China expanded its military presence there. So, on that item alone what's at stake here is on the order of high treason... it's no ordinary "scandal."
I'm not yet convinced that this latest scandal with the Bidens will lead anywhere. We've seen this so many times before, as Jeep pointed out, with various 'gates', and no justice has been delivered in any of those. We've seen it multiple times e.g. with pedophiles – clear evidence of abuse, and then...nothing. It all depends on how many crooked and compromised individuals there are in the chain of command and justice system. There are people in crucial positions that so far haven't made any difference, like Lindsay Graham and Bill Barr. They talk the talk, but never deliver. The corruption is so wide spread and deep, that my feeling is that only a 'divine intervention' would succeed in making a difference.

On the surface, Hunter's laptop seems like a game changer, but we'll see. Not that I want to see any of those gruesome images that has been talked about, but the images that have been released so far aren't damning enough to convince those who are still in denial. And, for the really brainwashed ones, no proof or image will ever be enough.
I suppose it could be a tipping point. There's only so much a 'camel' can take before the straw 'breaks it's back', as the saying goes.

This is a really damning statement from a former business partner:

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