2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

It seems to be a false information:

It seems to be a false information:

It would be strange if they arrested the Pope, but I think that the Pope is also in PTB as a puppet.

Fact Check: Pope NOT Arrested On 80-Count Indictment For Child Trafficking And Fraud During Supposed 'Vatican Blackout'

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In order to express myself better, I first wrote this text in my own language, French, and then self-translated it into English with some minor corrections. (add the french original in a Spoiler at the end)

Yesterday I was unable to express what was on my mind, and it was while watching a new episode of Ertugrul that I got the answer, or inspiration. (I can't help to thanks this so inspirating series that came in my life at the right moment)

There is rational reasoning, which could be called 3D reasoning. The difficulty with 3D reasoning is that it is influenced by our emotions and is therefore false, biased. I think that most people here know this and try as well as possible to keep a correct reasoning while limiting the influence of their emotions.

Where are we now, what is the situation? We can all say it's bad, or at least from the little information we have, if we were to do a poll on the forum, I wouldn't be surprised if the result was something like 10% of people still thinking/hope for Trump and 90% (reluctantly) for Biden, it would be LOGICAL, rational, 3D. But if you conclude (logically 3D) that it will be biden who will win, don't you then make the choice of this future reality?

Here's my point: I think there is a dimension beyond the simple human wish (the one fuelled by emotions), which is the wish to hope for a better future, and the two words that come to mind are faith and hope. It is especially this last word that challenged me as I watched this last episode of the series, hope and making the choice to hope.
Even if the chances that Trump can still turn the situation around are slim, according to the information we have at the moment (and therefore our perception, our rationalisation and our 3D logic), what I want to say and even more than say, what I feel deep down inside me, and I don't think here that this is an emotion that has seized my intellect and biased my reasoning, is that I hope and I will continue to hope until the end as long as there is even a faint hope (rationally speaking) left.
Some will say that this is wishful thinking, because in short it is hoping for a result which, statistically, is very unlikely to happen ... yes, if you apply a rational reasoning that is good for our 3D world. But the hope in it, the simple fact of hoping and saying it, even if all the statistics go against what you hope for and you know it as a bonus, but nevertheless you continue to hope, is it really wrong? Is it being a sweet dreamer? Doesn't "hoping" here mean making a choice, the choice to want our world to go in that direction nevertheless? (see session passages below)

There's something with Trump that I can't express in words and that doesn't want to leave me, it goes beyond my logic and I would also dare to say that it's not related to my emotions either (keeping in mind that maybe it is and therefore it's one of my lessons to learn), but this thing is this: as long as he's not dead I will continue to hope, to believe in him, to make this choice in full consciousness of continuing to believe in him.
And I will go even further, I wonder if believing in him, continuing to have faith in him (a faith based on now having a fairly good knowledge of the character, therefore not blind faith) is not in fact a great test for everyone. By dint of so much (or even too much) rationalisation here on the forum, I have this impression that many have lost their ability to simply hope, to use this ability that we have and that heroes have to continue fighting at all costs, to continue believing in their ideals, to oppose those who want to control us all.

And what if this indecisive, foggy period we are in right now was not this lesson to be learned, just like with Jesus when the apostles lost faith in him? Didn't those apostles also have all the reasons to justify this loss of faith, because rationally it was logical to lose it?

Finally, I wondered if in fact all those who had kept this hope (some would say blind hope) in Trump, if this would not be his strength, his energy, his raison d'être. One million people still have faith in him, that's 1 million reasons for Trump to fight, 10 million people = 10 million reasons, and so on. If Trump is considered a hero (of our modern times), then I wonder whether the difficult decisions he has to make now are not directly related to the hopes he receives, "in thoughts", from all those who continue to believe in him, to have faith in him.

I find it difficult to express what I feel and summarize it, but I have this impression that these X (3?) days of darkness, as I posted earlier, are not in fact X days during which your faith will be tested, X days during which it will be tested. And this will result in the direction our world will take, because this faith, as a result, is in fact a CHOICE that we make.

I am taking up a passage from the session of 22/3/2020 :
Q: (L) So in other words, there are a number of possible new realities and it depends on either... Okay, is it that a group can anchor a frequency and thereby determine the template of the new reality for all?

A: Not exactly. Determines which branch you will move to.

Q: (L) So anchoring a frequency as a group in a sense is not exactly like creating the new reality... It's more like choosing. Is that it?

A: Yes yes yes

... and I wonder if "choosing" as to what Trump lost and Biden won, justifying this because that's what we perceive, that's what we deduce given the current situation, is not in fact making the wrong choice?

What follows just after in the same session is challenging :
Q: (L) Well, choosing makes me think of what the Apostle Paul was saying when he talked about making... I mean, basically what it amounted to was making your choices based on the unseen world or on unseen realities. In a funny sort of way, today I had like a little realization because I was trying to understand why for Paul, the death of his Christ or the crucifixion was THE most important thing. For him it was the death, not the resurrection. It finally occurred to me that the reason it was so important was because - and this is according to Paul - his Christ went to his death with absolute faith even in the face of everything being wrong and against him. The way it's depicted in the Gospel of Mark, not only did the disciples not understand, not only is he abused, tortured, and rejected by literally everybody... I mean, everybody flees from him in the Gospel of Mark, which is the first gospel. Everybody. There are no women at the cross. There are no supporters. There's nobody. He did that willingly - the way it's depicted, and it's an allegory - because his faith in the unseen necessity and the other world and what would happen after the death was so strong he could and would do it. It was a matter of this faith that what was unseen was more real and lasting that the seen reality. Am I right? Seeing the unseen is the key?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So Paul was concerned with restoring humanity to the Edenic state. He uses the symbol as one man, the First Adam, and death came to all. And then by one man life came to all. It struck me that the possibility... Well, what the C's have said is that when the Fall happened, it happened to everyone. It wasn't just like one person. It happened to everyone. So it seems to me that this primal man that is Adam is a representation of all. It's not just one man that caused everybody to go kaflooey. And they've said that it was the female energy consorted with the STS reality. Is that what we're looking at here, only the reversal of the process? In other words, a group of people that have that kind of faith that in the face of everything being literally awful as it is in our world today, that they still have faith in the other reality, they still have faith in doing good, doing right, being loving, that they do not buy into the whole Darwinian materialistic thing, and basically they don’t believe those lies and by those means they are able to, at a certain point in time that Paul called the culmination of the ages, be restored to this Edenic state... in other words a 4D STO reality. Am I interpreting that correctly?

A: Oh that was beautiful!! We are impressed!

Finally, these 2 sentences of the C's coming from the session of 6/12/2014 and which speak of faith:
A: You suffer from a lack of faith in the process and have allowed fear to make choices for you.

Q: (Chu) For what it's worth, what I'm understanding is that because of this lack of faith in the process, you chose to intellectualize it as the right decision to prepare for them materially here, because that's something tangible that you can see. But the spiritual and emotional preparation is a lot more vague and requires a lot more faith. Being there might prepare them more for later when they have to take a harder or necessary step...

A: If you are not there guiding developments and simultaneously watching for the signs, how will you be able to do what is needed for them when it is needed?

I don't know if I've expressed myself well, I don't even know if in fact I've turned things around and it's up to me to give up my hope for Trump because it's "wishful thinking" and that's the lesson I have to learn? But I wanted to explain as rationally as possible something that is not entirely rationally explainable, without any claim to be right or wrong, just share it with all of you.

Afin de mieux m'exprimer, j'ai d'abord écrit ce texte dans ma langue, en Français, puis l'ai auto-traduit en anglais avec quelques corrections mineures.

Je n'ai pas réussi à exprimer hier ce que j'avais sur le coeur, et c'est en regardant un nouveau épisode de Ertugrul que j'ai eu la réponse, ou l'inspiration.

Il y a le raisonnement rationnel, qu'on pourrait qualifier de raisonnement 3D. La difficulté du raisonnement 3D est qu'il soit influencé par nos émotions et donc soit faux, biaisé. Je pense que la majorité des personnes ici le savent et essaient tant bien que faire de garder un raisonnement juste tout en limitant l'influence de leurs émotions.

Où en sommes-nous en ce moment, quelle est la situation ? On peut tous affirmer qu'elle est mauvaise, ou du moins, du peu d'informations que nous avons, si on devait faire un sondage sur le forum, je ne serais pas étonné que le résultat soit quelque chose du genre 10% de personne qui continue à penser/espérer pour Trump et 90% (à regret) pour Biden, cela serait LOGIQUE, rationnel, 3D. Mais en concluant (en toute logique 3D) que ça sera biden qui gagnera, est-ce que vous ne faites pas alors le choix de cette future réalité ?

Voilà où je veux en venir : je pense qu'il y a une dimension supérieure au simple souhait humain (celui alimenté par les émotions), qu'est le souhait d'espérer un meilleur future, et les deux mots qui me viennent en tête sont la foi et l'espoir. C'est surtout ce dernier mot qui m'a interpellé en regardant ce dernier épisode de la série, l'espoir et faire le choix d'espérer.
Même si les chances que Trump puisse encore renverser la situation sont maigres, selon les informations dont nous disposons en ce moment (et donc notre perception, notre rationalisation et notre logique 3D), ce que j'ai envie de dire et même plus que dire, ce que je ressens au fond de moi, et je ne pense pas ici qu'il s'agit d'une émotion s'étant emparé de mon intellect et biaisant mon raisonnement, c'est que j'espère et je continuerai à espérer jusqu'au bout tant qu'il restera ne fut-ce qu'un faible espoir (rationnellement parlant).
Certains diront qu'il s'agit de wishful thinking, car en résumé c'est espérer un résultat qui, statistiquement, a très peu de chances d'arriver ... oui, si vous appliquez un raisonnement rationnel bien de notre monde 3D. Mais l'espoir là dedans, le simple fait d'espérer et le dire, même si toutes les statistiques vont contre ce que vous espérez et que vous le savez en prime, mais que néanmoins vous continuez à espérer, est-ce vraiment mal ? Est-ce être un doux rêveur ? Est-ce qu'ici ce "espérer" n'équivaut pas plutôt à faire un choix, le choix de vouloir que notre monde aille néanmoins dans cette direction ? (voir les passages de sessions plus bas)

Il y a quelque chose avec Trump que je ne sais pas exprimer avec des mots mais qui ne veux pas s'en aller, cela va au-delà de ma logique et j'oserais dire aussi que cela n'est pas non plus lié à mes émotions (tout en gardant en tête que peut-être cela l'est et que donc c'est une de mes leçons à apprendre), mais cette chose est celle-ci : tant qu'il n'est pas mort je continuerai à espérer, à croire en lui, à faire ce choix en toute conscience de continuer à croire en lui.
Et j'irai même plus loin, je me demande si croire en lui, continuer à avoir foi en lui (une foi basée sur maintenant une assez bonne connaissance du personnage, donc pas une foi aveugle) n'est pas en fait un grand test pour tous. A force de tellement (voire trop) rationaliser ici sur le forum, j'ai cette impression que beaucoup en ont perdu leur capacité à simplement espérer, à utiliser cette capacité que nous avons et qu'ont les héros à continuer coûte que coûte à se battre, à continuer à croire en en leurs idéaux, à s'opposer à ceux qui veulent tous nous contrôler.

Et si cette période indécise, de brouillard, dans laquelle nous sommes en ce moment n'était pas cette leçon à apprendre, tout comme avec Jésus lorsque les apôtres ont perdu la foi en lui ? Ces apôtres là n'avaient-ils pas eux aussi toutes les raisons pour justifier cette perte de foi, car rationnellement c'était logique de la perdre ?

Enfin, je me demandais si en fait tout ceux ayant garder cet espoir (certains diront espoir aveugle) en Trump, si cela ne constituerait pas sa force, son énergie, sa raison d'être. Un million de personnes ont-ils toujours foi en lui, cela équivaut à 1 million de raisons pour que Trump se batte, 10 millions de personnes = 10 millions de raisons, et ainsi de suite. Si on considère Trump comme un héro (de nos temps modernes), je me pose donc la question à savoir si les difficiles décisions qu'il doit prendre maintenant ne sont pas directement liées à ces espoirs qu'il reçoit, "en pensées", de tout ceux qui continuent à croire en lui, à avoir foi en lui.

J'ai difficile d'exprimer ce que je ressens et le résumer, mais j'ai cette impression que ces X (3?) jours d'obscurité, comme je l'ai posté précédemment, il ne s'agit pas en fait de X jours durant lesquels votre foi sera mise à l'épreuve, X jours durant lesquels elle sera testée. Et cela résultera en la direction que prendra notre monde, car cette foi, en résultante, c'est en fait un CHOIX que nous faisons.

Je reprend un passage de la session du 22/3/2020 :
Q: (L) So in other words, there are a number of possible new realities and it depends on either... Okay, is it that a group can anchor a frequency and thereby determine the template of the new reality for all?

A: Not exactly. Determines which branch you will move to.

Q: (L) So anchoring a frequency as a group in a sense is not exactly like creating the new reality... It's more like choosing. Is that it?

A: Yes yes yes

... et je me demande si le fait de "choisir" comme quoi Trump a perdu et Biden a gagné, en justifiant cela car c'est ce qu'on perçoit, c'est ce qu'on déduit vu la situation actuelle, ce n'est pas en fait faire le mauvais choix ?

Ce qui suit juste après dans la même session est interpellant :
Q: (L) Well, choosing makes me think of what the Apostle Paul was saying when he talked about making... I mean, basically what it amounted to was making your choices based on the unseen world or on unseen realities. In a funny sort of way, today I had like a little realization because I was trying to understand why for Paul, the death of his Christ or the crucifixion was THE most important thing. For him it was the death, not the resurrection. It finally occurred to me that the reason it was so important was because - and this is according to Paul - his Christ went to his death with absolute faith even in the face of everything being wrong and against him. The way it's depicted in the Gospel of Mark, not only did the disciples not understand, not only is he abused, tortured, and rejected by literally everybody... I mean, everybody flees from him in the Gospel of Mark, which is the first gospel. Everybody. There are no women at the cross. There are no supporters. There's nobody. He did that willingly - the way it's depicted, and it's an allegory - because his faith in the unseen necessity and the other world and what would happen after the death was so strong he could and would do it. It was a matter of this faith that what was unseen was more real and lasting that the seen reality. Am I right? Seeing the unseen is the key?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So Paul was concerned with restoring humanity to the Edenic state. He uses the symbol as one man, the First Adam, and death came to all. And then by one man life came to all. It struck me that the possibility... Well, what the C's have said is that when the Fall happened, it happened to everyone. It wasn't just like one person. It happened to everyone. So it seems to me that this primal man that is Adam is a representation of all. It's not just one man that caused everybody to go kaflooey. And they've said that it was the female energy consorted with the STS reality. Is that what we're looking at here, only the reversal of the process? In other words, a group of people that have that kind of faith that in the face of everything being literally awful as it is in our world today, that they still have faith in the other reality, they still have faith in doing good, doing right, being loving, that they do not buy into the whole Darwinian materialistic thing, and basically they don’t believe those lies and by those means they are able to, at a certain point in time that Paul called the culmination of the ages, be restored to this Edenic state... in other words a 4D STO reality. Am I interpreting that correctly?

A: Oh that was beautiful!! We are impressed!

Enfin, ces 2 phrases des C's venant de la session du 6/12/2014 et qui parlent de foi :
A: You suffer from a lack of faith in the process and have allowed fear to make choices for you.

Q: (Chu) For what it's worth, what I'm understanding is that because of this lack of faith in the process, you chose to intellectualize it as the right decision to prepare for them materially here, because that's something tangible that you can see. But the spiritual and emotional preparation is a lot more vague and requires a lot more faith. Being there might prepare them more for later when they have to take a harder or necessary step...

A: If you are not there guiding developments and simultaneously watching for the signs, how will you be able to do what is needed for them when it is needed?

Je ne sais pas si je me suis bien exprimé, je ne sais même pas si en fait j'ai inversé les choses et c'est à moi de laisser tomber mon espoir concernant Trump car il s'agit de "wishful thinking" et que c'est la leçon que j'ai à apprendre ? Mais je tenais à expliquer le plus rationnelement possible une chose qui n'est pas entièrement explicable rationnelement, et ce, sans la moindre prétention d'avoir tort ou raison, juste le partager avec vous tous.
In this scenario we are the one's playing the role of Jesus as described above. Having the faith of Jesus we carry on for the sake of the unseen reality we imagine can be because we choose to regardless of the apparent hopelessness of the situation. It's not about Trump. OSIT
I’m getting a bit tired of “insert influential name” taken into custody by “insert elite law enforcement/military organization”. If I were to take every instance of that happening on this thread alone it would take me days to read. And NONE of it has happened.
I don't know if I've expressed myself well, I don't even know if in fact I've turned things around and it's up to me to give up my hope for Trump because it's "wishful thinking" and that's the lesson I have to learn? But I wanted to explain as rationally as possible something that is not entirely rationally explainable, without any claim to be right or wrong, just share it with all of you

That was really beautifully expressed.

I've been making a habit, during my daily prayers, of praying for the seven heavenly virtues - the four cardinal or pagan virtues of fortitude, temperance, prudence, and justice; and the three Christian virtues of charity, hope, and faith. This amounts to something of a daily meditation upon one or another of the virtues, during which I consider their nature and request of God that I be granted the grace of knowing them.

Regarding hope, hoping for one specific outcome is probably not the way to go. That amounts to trying to constrain reality - a violation of free will - and leads to anticipation, leaving the door wide open to wishful thinking and therefore blindness to reality in the moment. In other words, it makes it more likely that one will fall victim to false hopes.

Rather, I think it's better to try and retain a more formless hope - not a hope that one specific outcome will manifest, but simply a hope that whatever does happen will ultimately be for the good ... whether tomorrow, or next year, or a generation from now, or thousands of years in the future. This decouples hope from any one specific timeline, and shields hope from disappointment, keeping it alive when it is needed most - when things look really bad, as they currently do.

To bring it home a bit, maybe this really is the end for Trump, and he will finish his days broken and imprisoned, while his supporters will languish under brutal totalitarianism. In the short term, that seems like the worst outcome. But what will that lead to in the long term? Will that totalitarianism be able to last? Will it succeed in permanently breaking the spirits of the people? Or will the people discover within themselves previously unguessed at reserves of strength and ingenuity that enable them to come through the other side renewed and revitalized?

We can't really know exactly what the future will bring. And wishing for something to be so, obviously does not mean that it will be so. Keeping hope alive really means maintaining an unbounded optimism, one which is independent of any given outcome, and therefore can serve as a source of spiritual strength, a light in the heart, when things are at their darkest. Without this it is all too easy to succumb to despair, at which point one's ability to act in the world essentially disappears.
Claims that the FCC Issued a EAS Enforcement Advisory in Los Angels, (on the 8th).

Mel K Catches Up with the Brilliant Catherine Edwards
Jan 8, 2021 / 58:09

Published January 9, 2021 / 9:48
Rumble — The contents of the video speaks for itself. It concerns Dennis Montgomery's gag order and the declassification of Hammer & Sucle scorecard information. It is also regarding Nancy Pelosi's missing computer.

The Trump Administration led the world in reforming multilateral institutions and ditching bad deals. #EffectiveMultilateralism
That was really beautifully expressed.

I've been making a habit, during my daily prayers, of praying for the seven heavenly virtues - the four cardinal or pagan virtues of fortitude, temperance, prudence, and justice; and the three Christian virtues of charity, hope, and faith. This amounts to something of a daily meditation upon one or another of the virtues, during which I consider their nature and request of God that I be granted the grace of knowing them.

Regarding hope, hoping for one specific outcome is probably not the way to go. That amounts to trying to constrain reality - a violation of free will - and leads to anticipation, leaving the door wide open to wishful thinking and therefore blindness to reality in the moment. In other words, it makes it more likely that one will fall victim to false hopes.

Rather, I think it's better to try and retain a more formless hope - not a hope that one specific outcome will manifest, but simply a hope that whatever does happen will ultimately be for the good ... whether tomorrow, or next year, or a generation from now, or thousands of years in the future. This decouples hope from any one specific timeline, and shields hope from disappointment, keeping it alive when it is needed most - when things look really bad, as they currently do.

To bring it home a bit, maybe this really is the end for Trump, and he will finish his days broken and imprisoned, while his supporters will languish under brutal totalitarianism. In the short term, that seems like the worst outcome. But what will that lead to in the long term? Will that totalitarianism be able to last? Will it succeed in permanently breaking the spirits of the people? Or will the people discover within themselves previously unguessed at reserves of strength and ingenuity that enable them to come through the other side renewed and revitalized?

We can't really know exactly what the future will bring. And wishing for something to be so, obviously does not mean that it will be so. Keeping hope alive really means maintaining an unbounded optimism, one which is independent of any given outcome, and therefore can serve as a source of spiritual strength, a light in the heart, when things are at their darkest. Without this it is all too easy to succumb to despair, at which point one's ability to act in the world essentially disappears.

Reflecting a bit more on this topic, it might be helpful for us to consider what things must have looked like to the average Roman citizen or imperial subject during the days of Caesar.

Caesar was the champion of the people, elected to the highest office (consul) and highest priesthood in Rome. Arrayed against him were a who's who of the great and the good in Rome: essentially every grand old patrician family; Cicero, a highly persuasive master rhetorician; and Cato, widely perceived as the living embodiment of republican virtue. On his side he had only the people, and a small coterie of low-born allies such as Mark Antony.

When the civil war started, he was immediately betrayed by his old ally Pompey, who was himself considered the greatest general of Roman history, who moreover had been granted imperium over the richest provinces in Rome. Caesar went to fight him on his home turf, and very nearly lost everything at Dhyracchium. Even after his miraculous victory there, he very nearly lost everything again in Alexandria, surrounded and massively outnumbered; and again was nearly wiped out in North Africa by Scipio and Juba; and again fought against desperate odds for his very life in Spain, against Pompey's sons.

Each time, rumors of his death and defeat would have swirled through the Roman world, filling his supporters with dread. Yet finally he prevailed ... Only to be struck down in the Senate.

Imagine the emotional shock that must have rolled through the empire at that event. Their champion, murdered at the eleventh hour by the oligarchs it seemed he had finally vanquished ... who now would possess total power over their lives, and would no doubt take their revenge for their many years of humiliation. The proscriptions of Sulla were after all still within living memory, and Sulla's revenge against Marius and his supporters had been motivated by a far less serious challenge to the power structure than that posed by Caesar.

And yet ... In the end, they were defeated. Caesar's assassins came to bad ends, without exception. Caesar himself was elevated to a godhood, the nucleus of an imperial cult that gave birth to Christianity - for all its faults, one of the most potent forces against tyranny of the the last two thousand years.

Trump is no Caesar, obviously. But there are parallels in the situation, not the least of which is the emotional rollercoaster of the ride for his many supporters. The lesson, though, is that Caesar always prevailed against desperate odds - just as has Trump. And even in death, when it seemed Caesar had finally been defeated by the powers and principalities of this world, he triumphed more completely than they ever could have imagined.
It's maybe worth at this time of uncertainty keeping an eye to the Cosmic picture.

We seem (at least in the case of those manifesting that reality) to be transitioning into 4D - into literally the new age so often spoken of by so many traditions.

The suggestion from multiple sources is that STS will still be around in that case, but playing a different variant of the game - but that it marks the beginning of a massive awakening. I hesitate to say of humanity since the vast majority of those presently incarnated by quite a few credible accounts probably won't graduate to 4D - but on the other hand that will likely be the de-facto result when viewed from the 3D perspective since those coming in going forward will be 3D graduates incarnating for 4D experience.

My personal inituitive sense is that we passed a fudnamental turning point in late December (astrologists?) - I don't quite know what it was but am inclined towards the feeling that it was the definitive closing of the door on the outgoing age. We're consequently perhaps into a time where the old karmic rules of non-interference no longer apply - one where the (despite current appearances) last thrashings of the 3D variant of STS cannot be permitted to muddy the playing field too much for the more balanced 4D generations, lessons and age to come.

This to my mind is one solid reason for optimism at this time - the alternative (which could be the case too - we're each required to decide) is the possibility that the predictions of the new age, the wave and so on don't hold water.

It's despite what has been said by some probably very important to stay with the programme - to keep on working to envision and to pour energy into the selection and creation of this positive future, and to not to get sucked into attachment and negativity. This is likely the means by which we choose the reality we create - 'with our minds we make the world'.

There of course in addition to this is the requirement to act in the world in accordance with our hearts/intuition depending on the situation we find ourselves in.

This might all sound a bit quaint, but the fact is that we're not in control, and cannot anyway know what is for the greatest good. Which is why failure to cultivate a reasonable degree of equanimity/becoming overly attached to any particular conception of what an optimal outcome might look like is unwise. It's stressful and wastes energy too since it ties us to an emotional roller coaster. Our task is to ground the energy and to when required act as guided, but it's for higher guidance and those they work with and through to decide what is for the greatest good.

It's as ever very Zen. We're required to care a lot, but at the same time to not care. Whatever happens it seems very likely that Source has it in hand, that as before whatever manifests will be for the greatest good.

There are currently two factions seeking dominace in the US end of the essentially self interest driven, sub-optimal and entropic game of global power, hierarchy and control. It's important to recognise that both are of the old energy and that while one is likely a far more attractive proposition than the other that it's not a matter of enlightened leadership versus the opposite or anything of the sort.

The likelihood is that (while upstairs will no doubt work through all of them to achieve it's ends) neither is an answer of itself. It on the other hand may be reasonable to suspect that upstairs will guide matters to create a reality favourable for the ongoing 4D experience described above (the Law of One has a lot to say about the different nature of the lessons to be learned in 4D, it's well worth looking up) - almost certainly by subtle means.

Whatever the case there's if nothing else an awful lot that has come through in the various bodies of channelled material that is positive and reassuring.

The outlook probably isn't as apocalyptic as some might suggest, but none of this means that we haven't got a bumpy and challenging period to get through before the dawn starts to break. Even if the above is true and we're not headed for an IT enabled and micro-controlled dystopia it's pretty much a given that events will sort themselves out in unpredictable ways...
52-48 is really no better than a coin toss.

Tails, we lose.

So Trump himself may not be able to do much but I don't really think he's by himself. I think Trump offers a huge opportunity to the "other side" and I'm not sure the game is as of yet fully over.
If one wants to fix this situation and he happens to be POTUS, then President Trump needs an independent, non-censorable platform, to become able to inform the majority of the public - his voters - what he is doing and why, on a regular basis:
‘We will not be SILENCED!’ Trump tweets from official @POTUS account after ban, posts scrubbed within minutes

Also, this strange & weird news-piece is just in:
‘Free speech’ platform Gab surges in popularity in wake of Silicon Valley’s Trump purge

In one other recent article about him, on a photo, he was shown as giving the thumbs-up with some hopeful one-liner under the picture. I got a hopeful-vibe looking on that picture.

. . .

When someone here in this thread first commented on the topic of impending persecution, regards the Dems using Trump-supporter lists, I got an image-flash of civilians - political refugees - fleeing the US. Logic says however that in a country, which might have its borders locked down by Biden-Tyranny Troops, that won't be possible. Still.. I think, that was a remotely possible timeline, I mean successfully fled US-refugees (former civilians) arriving to the EU.

Give him some time, while the Deep State controlled Dems are showing their true colors. These things need major preparations.
I think, he needs to be in a bunker to prevent is assassination if he still undertakes Martial Law. Then I was thinking the Deep State can go there and cut the communication lines to the bunker easily to shut him off from world media. So this problem / threat needs to be solved, I think.
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