"Get the Kids" campaign is about to heat up now.

Manipulation of data trends will be used to say, "See, it is due to them. School kids"

Yep -

Ramping up the FearPorn™ regarding the kids to justify masks and the coming below age12 vaxxing. I'm wondering if these kids are actually suffering from transmission shedding of parents/grandparents or are they the 12 and up who've gotten the experimental clot-shots? I remember reading a couple of years ago of college kids having the flu shortly after school started in August and I thought how is that possible after being outdoors in sunshine since school ended in May? Wouldn't their vitamin D levels be at the max? Viruses are also supposed to be lowest due to sunshine as well. Or does the stress of going back to school itself depress their immune systems enough for latent bugs in themselves or others to trigger infection? I would expect colds rather than flu - Epstein-Barr virus even?

The rest of the story:

It appears PCR testing/rapid tests are driving the diagnoses. Is medical mistreatment sending these kids to the ICU? I suppose exceedingly poor diets/junk food accounts for some of this. Then there's the monetary factor of $ reward for more Covid identified patients. Are these kids being treated with just Remdesivir? Based on the outcry by the docs and hospitals of Ohio's most prestigious medical institutions regarding the use of Ivermectin, I truly doubt kids are being treated with it. Criminal of course, but sanctioned getting away with murder while advancing the agenda and collecting the $ windfall. 👿
while others are mere puppets, even brainwashed and controlled by their handlers, probably OP s, psychos or whatever that do not even know why they are doing things in the grander plan
Remember the Greed factor - Cs said it's a sickness.
Just this times there are no allies coming to liberate, it is almost whole world gone nazi and we are all on our own.
Yes, the Nazis are our neighbors/former friends/general population in a mad rush to global annihilation - and on board with internment camps for the unvaxxed - for the Greater Good™ don't cha know!
If Fauci and Gates consciously know what it is they are doing and why, then it doesn't matter that they are in the foreground. Of course, if they don't know what it is they are doing and why but instead they are being controlled by other people in the shadows then it is a different story.
Remember Gates is MKultra mind programmed - not sure if that counts as consciously knows.
I think and Ra said this, it is to do with conscious intent. If Fauci and Gates consciously know what it is they are doing and why, then it doesn't matter that they are in the foreground. Of course, if they don't know what it is they are doing and why but instead they are being controlled by other people in the shadows then it is a different story.

Personally, looking at Fauci and Bill Gates, I think they know what it is they are doing. They don't come across as stupid or naive. Do they know the risks of being in the headlines and that if things go wrong they will be scapegoats? I think yes. I think they are playing high risk high reward game like the people in wall Street. I think they know the risks but they've gamed it out with their handlers how to manage the risk. At the end of the day, someone had to take on the roles of Fauci and Gates and it isn't the case that those people who took these roles had to be naive or stupid - I don't think this is a precondition.
They do not have to be naive or stupid but that does not mean they are not but just a wishful thinking on their part. You think their handlers ask them anything. They are told to do what asked of them or else if they are not brainwashed like Gates, the more person thinks he does it for the greater good as being a believer the better it is because he will believe in it. It was also said in sessions that Gates is a greenbaumed patsy and he is long way from smart when knowing his history. I mean they greenbaum a whole lot of people of lesser status for different purposes as said in Wave, and what do they do then with people of "influence" that have to have their mouths thight. And those kind of that are brainwashed are people that are mentally weak and easily influenced. And you still think after all the information that those on lower level have the whole story lol. There is always segregation of information on need to know basis if we do not take into account other things.
I say it's worth respecting the enemy here and acknowledging that the enemy isn't naive or stupid and that they are competent and capable on multiple levels. I think if we underestimate the enemy it gives them an upper hand and you actually put yourself in a vulnerable position.

It does not mean they are smart and competent but that majority of common folks are ignorant, stupid and naive to be sold the same story over again.
They do not have to be naive or stupid but that does not mean they are not but just a wishful thinking on their part. You think their handlers ask them anything. They are told to do what asked of them or else if they are not brainwashed like Gates, the more person thinks he does it for the greater good as being a believer the better it is because he will believe in it. It was also said in sessions that Gates is a greenbaumed patsy and he is long way from smart when knowing his history. I mean they greenbaum a whole lot of people of lesser status for different purposes as said in Wave, and what do they do then with people of "influence" that have to have their mouths thight. And those kind of that are brainwashed are people that are mentally weak and easily influenced. And you still think after all the information that those on lower level have the whole story lol. There is always segregation of information on need to know basis if we do not take into account other things.

It does not mean they are smart and competent but that majority of common folks are ignorant, stupid and naive to be sold the same story over again.
What I know, from a strategic point of view, it is wise not to underestimate your enemy regardless of the actual capabilities of the enemy. It is better for you to go in fully prepared expecting to face a fully capable and competent opponent because that means you come fully prepared and in the right mindset.

A good example is a decent chunk of people believe in vaccines because they think the enemy isn't competent enough to pull off a conspiracy on such a grand scale. As a result these people go and take the jab because they think the conspiracy can't be true because the PTB are a bunch of dimwits who can barely do anything competently. Look where this mindset gets these people.

I say in certain things if you don't know the truth, it's best to take a risk based approach that covers you. In this case we'll never really know about these people really but we know their impact because we can see it so it's best based on this observation to take them and their capabilities seriously and take all necessary precautions to ensure they don't consume you - mind, body or soul.

An example, I will fully respect a rabid pitbull even if I know it acts on the behest of a master's orders. It doesn't make the pitbull any less dangerous that it doesn't act off its own will. It doesn't matter really, what matters is the pitbull is dangerous and fully capable of mauling you if you don't take appropriate measures.
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What I know, from a strategic point of view, it is wise not to underestimate your enemy regardless of the actual capabilities of the enemy. It is better for you to go in fully prepared expecting to face a fully capable and competent opponent because that means you come fully prepared and in the right mindset.

A good example is a decent chunk of people believe in vaccines because they think the enemy isn't competent enough to pull off a conspiracy on such a grand scale. As a result these people go and take the jab because they think the conspiracy can't be true because the PTB are a bunch of dimwits who can barely do anything competently. Look where this mindset gets these people.

I say in certain things if you don't know the truth, it's best to take a risk based approach that covers you. In this case we'll never really know about these people really but we know their impact because we can see it so it's best based on this observation to take them and their capabilities seriously and take all necessary precautions to ensure they don't consume you - mind, body or soul.

An example, I will fully respect a rabid pitbull even if I know it acts on the behest of a master's orders. It doesn't make the pitbull any less dangerous that it doesn't act off its own will. It doesn't matter really, what matters is the pitbull is dangerous and fully capable of mauling you if you don't take appropriate measures.
You are mixing apples and oranges, it does not have anything to do with competence of ptb and people take the jab for just an opposite purpose, because they think them competent and because they lack knowledge, so it is competence based on people s weakness here of loving to be enslaved, manipulated and led for hand. Ignorance of people is their "competence", but is not a much to go by when oponent is not so much strong universally looking, then it is very easy to be competent.
You are mixing apples and oranges, it does not have anything to do with competence of ptb and people take the jab for just an opposite purpose, because they think them competent and because they lack knowledge, so it is competence based on people s weakness here of loving to be enslaved, manipulated and led for hand. Ignorance of people is their "competence", but is not a much to go by when oponent is not so much strong universally looking, then it is very easy to be competent.
This is true but I'd add that the situation didn't arise by itself. Ignorance of people didn't arise by itself. The situation is engineered by the PTB. This engineering shows an ability to enact and carry through a plan on a global scale.

My point is they are very capable and that includes those in the headlines e.g Fauci or Gates. The results of their capabilities is self evident. However this doesn't mean they'll win in the end, it just means victory if it were to ever occur won't be easy to achieve and it'll be hard won.

Ps, for clarity I think we're both right. We're just talking at "cross-purposes". We're pointing at 2 different things both of which are correct in my opinion. You're saying how their strength is derived from others being weak, ignorant and manipulated plus how key members in the PTB are manipulated themselves whilst I'm saying despite all these they are still quite capable because the situation did not arise by itself, it was engineered by them.
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Anti-vax protesters storm UK drug regulator’s London office in protest over planned Covid jab for children​

RT 3 Sep, 2021 12:46 / Updated 12 hours ago
Protesters have stormed the headquarters of the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency in London’s Canary Wharf and clashed with police amid a demonstration against plans to roll out Covid vaccines for children.
London’s Metropolitan Police force confirmed that a group of protesters attempted to breach the building that serves as the drug regulator’s headquarters but were thwarted by officers and security guards who are now standing guard outside.
Protesters in London try to storm the MHRA HQ in Canary Wharf, London. It is home to a medical regulatory body. pic.twitter.com/M43AlbOxfw
— Urban Pictures (@Urban_Pictures) September 3, 2021
Police were reportedly able to quickly respond to the attempt to storm the MHRA’s office building as they were already in the area to halt an Extinction Rebellion protest earlier in the day, according to UK media.
It is not yet known if anyone was injured or detained in the clashes with police. The protest was taking place ahead of an expected decision by the UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) on expanding Covid vaccinations for 12- to 15-year-olds. While the JCVI’s decision is advisory, the UK government has followed its guidance on the Covid vaccine rollout.

The UK government has already stated that it’s prepared to begin vaccinating the age group, in line with other European nations, as soon as possible, with school-age children set to return to classrooms in the coming weeks.

The demonstration at the MHRA’s Canary Wharf office comes after similar protests elsewhere in London. On August 23, anti-vax activists gathered outside the office of tech giant Google to accuse the company of seeking to suppress those who are critical of Covid vaccines and restrictions imposed during the pandemic. Similarly, activists stormed the offices of ITN productions, which is behind news channels ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5, to oppose the media’s coverage of the Covid pandemic for, in the protestors’ view, failing to hold the government to account.
The MHRA, an independent drug regulatory body, is responsible for authorising the development of vaccines, clinical trials of potential new medicines and managing the supplies of vaccines and other medical items. Throughout the pandemic, it has worked closely with the UK government and medical providers, including the NHS, to coordinate the response to the Covid crisis.

UK's vaccine advisory body REFUSES to approve Covid jabs for healthy 12- to 15-year-olds​

RT 3 Sep, 2021 14:45 / Updated 10 hours ago

The UK government’s vaccine advisers have recommended Covid-19 shots for 12–15-year-olds with underlying health conditions, but they won’t make them universally available to the age group, claiming there’s little benefit.
On Friday, the UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) said it would expand the administration of Covid vaccines to those between the ages of 12 and 15 who have underlying health conditions.
However, in contrast with decisions made elsewhere around the world, the vaccine won’t be offered more widely to that age cohort, with the JCVI claiming there may be little benefit in inoculating healthy teens against the virus.
“The JCVI’s view is that overall, the health benefits from Covid-19 vaccination to healthy children aged 12 to 15 years are marginally greater than the potential harms,” said chair of Covid-19 immunisation for the JCVI, Wei Shen Lim.

The group said they would be taking a “precautionary approach” on the issue, noting that the benefit of inoculating the whole age group with Covid-19 vaccines was only marginally greater than the potential harms. The mRNA vaccines, which are the only shots available to younger generations in the UK, have been linked with rare side-effects, such as myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart.
The JCVI said that the vaccines are reviewed in an ongoing basis.
The government’s vaccine advisers emphasised that very few people in the age group have been hospitalised with Covid-19, and the majority of those who had, suffered from underlying health conditions.

There had been calls to make the vaccine universally available to teens, as kids in England and Wales head back to school. Evidence from Scotland, where children are already in class, suggests the return to school has been partially responsible for a jump in case numbers.
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