One a different note, regarding protesting, the C's mentioned that, and here I'm paraphrasing, when you can't create within you create without and that expresses itself through earth changes, cosmic phenomenon which may be our way of protesting against the 3d and 4d sts attempts to bend us to their will without our consent. And that will lead to more suffering and maybe eventually to more awakened souls which eventually may lead to serious changes on this planet. OSIT
Sorry, the above bold part, I've got it wrong, it's the other way around. If one can't create without one creates within. :-[
Jeez, sometimes it's a toss up as to whether to post in this thread in the Corona Craziness thread.

Victoria's Chief Health Officers response to journalist asking whether they will continue using the PCR now that CDC has withdrawn support for it.

Yeah, it doesn't work, but we'll keep using it and add extra quality assurance measures. 🤷‍♀️ He also says the flu doesn't exist anymore.
Following this sudden speeding up, Argentina just acquired 20.000.000 Pfizer's vaccines.

TL;DR, they mention how they are also talking to other laboratories to get other vaccines from different countries. Boy, Argentina always seemed to be a big guinea pig and this pandemic is no exception! Looks like the mRNA vaccine push is reaching everywhere now. So far, most of the jabs delivered to people were either the Sputnik, Sinopharm and AstraZeneca. Besides the Pfizer, they will also include the CanSino in their repertoire.

The biggest concern is the anticipation created by our Health Organization, mentioning how they would start vaccinating 12 years old kids+ with the mRNA vaccine. It didn't stop there, the FDA also JUST approved the STUDIES of both Moderna and Pfizer's vaccine on 5 and 11 years olds... I'm typing this and I can't help it but to feel chills, it's unreal...

I hope, if it comes to the point where I can't resist anymore, I could at least choose the vaccine. Media everywhere is on the hype train to make the total vaccination project a thing, denying that the Numberg's Code doesn't apply to the COVID-19 vaccine (Just to mention one source), exposing "myths" that the "evil" antivaccine spread in social media, etc. I have decided to stay quiet for the time being and give vague answers, but the moment they require me to show papers showcasing my status of vaccinated livestock, then I'll be running out of cards to play.

EDIT: Funny thing! Media is parroting the resolution of EU countries approving the health pass, but they don't mention the big protests and riots that this decision is generating.
This is a masterclass on virtue-signaling and gaslighting given by Canadian PM Justin Trudeau today. To paraphrase his speech: "If the country goes into further restrictions this fall, it is the fault of the unvaccinated". "If our kids get sick and die, it is the fault of the unvaccinated". "The unvaccinated will prevent us from getting back to normal." "It is not my fault that we won't get back to normal. Blame the unvaccinated!"

“With enough doses for everyone, there's no more excuses to not get your shot,” Trudeau said, encouraging those who have held off to think about their loved ones, the children in their lives, and the health care workers who have been on the front lines for a year and half.

“It's about stepping up to do the right thing, as Canadians have been doing all throughout this pandemic,” he said, noting that the unvaccinated will be “missing out” on taking part in going forward, citing international travel as an example.
Deplorables, eh?
Hi Yupo, I would not phrase like that. I see a huge push to frame this issue as a political one. I think it's more of a class divide. It's the working class, poor people, who are sceptical of TPTB. Working class folks have watched their governments destroy so much of what makes life worth living for decades, and they are fed up!

Another idea I've noticed, is the idea that there are NO legitimate reasons to refuse the shots. Excuse me, I think the likelihood of me being injured or dying if I took that shot outweighs you feeling "uncomfortable" with other people's health medical decisions!
Investigative Corona Committee Berlin
> Meeting 62 “The Wave”

It was a very interesting meeting, and i am still only half way through the 6 hour video.

As this meeting is also about the many strange whereabouts and underpinnings related to the flooding catastrophe - which i will bring up in a different thread later when i have the time, because i am at work right now. Such as in the thread (‘crazy storm weather around the world’). The meeting also spoke about vaccines, healthcare systems starting to degrade in Germany in the 80s and how it accelerated (same happened in Sweden by the way, since the 90s)

Also a very interesting interview by a guy (Matthew Ehret, from Canada (held in english) about the similarities behind today’s push of the ‘great reset’, which also was performed back in the early 1930s - and how the PTB in so many ways supported it, e.g. Hitler and Fascism in order to pull through their agenda of a Great Reset. Highly fascinating and i believe most of it known to the forum. But still, for me it was a good lesson (i still have to finish listening to that part)

The german held interview of the nurse/healthcare worker, Christine Pelz,who was in person present at the meeting was fascinating to listen to.

She appeared to me as both a professional, very human knowledgeable but also highly sensitive person. Her statements of the people around her who got vaccinated - in which she observed a rapid decline in people; their movements, their walk, coordination, the faster progress of illnesses they had before vaccination, the faster loss of muscle mass, especially in visible on their arms, and a strange sense of that their eyes had a “veil” - a different kind of look, as something felt “missing”.

In my personal opinion I believe these are the things a sensitive person can sense and observe but is overlooked by most other people, plus they often tend to play it over, reject it as illusions. I was impressed by Christiane Pelz’ clarity of her observations in her long profession within the German healthcare system
Somebody leaked the contract! Pfizer-Albania 1-0! 52 pages pdf:
Pfizer or anybody working on the contract is not liable for anything.
Ordered doses must be paid in full in advance even when no longer needed/wanted.
Contract must be kept secret for next 10 years.
Moderators please check if this can be published or delete it? Art 10.1 confidentiality.
I have a question. How are people perceiving the encroaching situation with regards the sense of fear and danger they feel?

Are you feeling it whispering to you to surrender and submit? How does submission look like? Will there be a release of tension when the needle goes in and the cold liquid is injected deep into your veins? I'm curious to know how others perceive this in relation to themselves as sometimes I almost feel this little devil on my shoulder whispering to me to just submit and things will be easy. He says it'll only take a second and I won't feel anything and it'll all be done before I know it.

Or do you perceive the situation as the moment you've been waiting for? The moment to be the hero in your own movie, to persevere, to display strength and walk the walk? If wars are fought through choices, do you see yourself as having the opportunity to help the effort of the light as it were in the face of the darkness? Does this give you strength even when you feel like you're fighting alone, seemingly surrounded on all sides? Do you remember of the heroes in the movies and the strength they displayed, the glory they experienced by being true to themselves and doing what was objectively right?

Do you think you incarnated to be a soldier in this fight? Do you think by learning all we have over these many years provided you with what you need? Do you trust there are others out there who will not succumb and who are even more prepared than you? Do you see yourself as alone or flanked by others who are of a similar nature, with the connection between you and them being in the choices you make in each moment?

How do you perceive the encroaching sense of danger and fear? Where do you see yourself in relation to this moment?
I have a question. How are people perceiving the encroaching situation with regards the sense of fear and danger they feel?

Are you feeling it whispering to you to surrender and submit? How does submission look like? Will there be a release of tension when the needle goes in and the cold liquid is injected deep into your veins? I'm curious to know how others perceive this in relation to themselves as sometimes I almost feel this little devil on my shoulder whispering to me to just submit and things will be easy. He says it'll only take a second and I won't feel anything and it'll all be done before I know it.

Or do you perceive the situation as the moment you've been waiting for? The moment to be the hero in your own movie, to persevere, to display strength and walk the walk? If wars are fought through choices, do you see yourself as having the opportunity to help the effort of the light as it were in the face of the darkness? Does this give you strength even when you feel like you're fighting alone, seemingly surrounded on all sides? Do you remember of the heroes in the movies and the strength they displayed, the glory they experienced by being true to themselves and doing what was objectively right?

Do you think you incarnated to be a soldier in this fight? Do you think by learning all we have over these many years provided you with what you need? Do you trust there are others out there who will not succumb and who are even more prepared than you? Do you see yourself as alone or flanked by others who are of a similar nature, with the connection between you and them being in the choices you make in each moment?

How do you perceive the encroaching sense of danger and fear? Where do you see yourself in relation to this moment?
For me, the whole situation is odd. If I only paid attention to news sources and social media, I would think society is on the verge of collapse and going maskless in public is putting my life in danger.

In reality though, day to day life for me is relatively normal in my neck of the woods. I live in Iowa in the USA and I’m currently working across the border in Nebraska. Rarely do I see anybody wearing masks and I don’t see any businesses requiring them. People are living life like normal. I send my daughter to a private school that was in-person the entire year last year and already said they weren’t going to require the kids to wear masks this upcoming year. My governor in Iowa already made it illegal for businesses to have mask mandates.

Like I said, it’s a weird dichotomy for me. I don’t feel any fear or pressure. I’m just sitting back keeping my eyes and ears open enjoying the show.
I'll tell you how I perceive myself in relation to all these. I see myself as a DEEPLY embedded agent of disruption withing the general law. On the face of it, not much to look at or consider as potentially dangerous but really, highly disruptive by the virtue of being able to penetrate deep into the "conquered" space. In my day to day I rarely come across anyone who is supposedly "awake". The people I come across are deeply embedded in the general law and by all means highly dangerous and capable of inflicting serious wounds if one doesn't exercise the right kind of care and duplicity i.e. appearing what you are not. It took me a while to realise my role, the role I seemingly took upon myself. My role is to be within the general law, seemingly surrounded on all sides but to still maintain my frequency and integrity of my soul. It is strange as by simply being this way you disrupt the integrity of the system. The darkness, the general law never takes full hold in the space around you. The hope is in that by holding a somewhat disruptive frequency it allows other things to enter the system. I understand others are taking on the fight in a different way, attending marches, openly campaigning and the like. It's nice to know those are out there as they are the most visible and the signal that you aren't alone.

So yes, you heard that right, I see myself as a bad ass deeply embedded agent worthy of working for the cosmic STO MI6 agency and you know what, thinking this way gives me a whole load of strength and makes my rather mundane life seem super cool. 😂

This is the moment to step up guys. If not now, there will not be any other time. So feel the fear and danger but don't let it get to you. Remember you're a bad ass cosmic agent 😜 and you're here to cause some disruption to the plans of those crazy Lizzies and 4D STS consortium. 🤺

Your choices connect you to others of a similar kind and it gives them strength or takes away from their strength and might. So it's also worth remembering it's not just about you. By being strong you also protect your kind and reinforces the frequency of the shield against the darkness that threatens to engulf us. Choice matters. Remember that.
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