Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Thank you for pulling all this information together and compiling it like you did. I did find it helpful to gaining a deeper understanding of what might be going on. All I can do is share what it's like (for me) living in a house full of jabbed people and with one of them having some serious side effects. If others get something out of it then that is good and if not or disagree that is ok too.

I started noticing a big difference after my daughter got her second shot. She did some strange things indicating that she was trying to push me away. Then she became ill herself and those outward things stopped. But the feeling of something is really off kept growing in me. Then the feelings of hollowness I keep picking up. I started crying a week or so ago and that lasted a day. I realized I had started the grieving process. I've been there before and recognized the process. I pushed that feeling away because it seemed so grim and I did not want my thoughts about this to make it so. After reading your post it seems I may be grieving for what is happening to her soul.

She is in my crystal prayers and now I will prayer for her soul to find peace. It is horrible to think that part of her is in confusion and pain. And many others! This is a nightmare.

I've tried to get her to try Ivermectin on more than one occasion but she won't do it. I explained to her how it worked and it would calm down her immune reaction but no. She will only listen to what the mainstream media is telling her. I can't break through that. Although I have been able to get her to change her diet a bit which is something. I will research your suggestion about the Opium 200C. I need to try and understand what the DCM will say about this for her. Should I try to call her soul back? On the surface it seems like yes, but there is so much going on that I don't understand yet about all of this. And if she won't take any suggestions about calming her immune system down then maybe her soul is better off free from the physical pain at least. So many unknowns.

Thank you again for all this information. It has given me some deeper insights and things to think about.
I did not know, that your daughter would not listen to your advice. I am sorry to hear that. I was quite enthusiastic to write the previous post, because no matter how gloom it might look, there appears to be an accessible solution to it i. e. ivermectin. What I suggested to you was to clear up the mess created by the hydrogel first, and only then try to "call the soul back", if it did not come back by itself. I am really sorry to cause you more distress instead of help. Please try to find the way to get through to your daughter to try ivermectin, it could possibly help her a lot. I wish to not cause you even more distress, but it seems to me, that what I am going to talk about can be helpful to others and I feel I need to continue.

In my previous post I was talking about strict correlation between the etheric/soul body and physical body and presented my hypothesis that something contained in the vaccinations may work in such a way as to push the soul out from the body or loosen the connection between the two. Basically what I think is that all things in the vaxxes put together make such an incompatible with the the spiritual body witch brew, that there is no way to say, which one does what to it. But I was concentrated on the Darpa hydrogel, because I see a good chance, that this particular substance can be unbearable for the etheric/soul body and push it out, and yet there is a known antidote to it, i.e. ivermectin.

Now I want to develop farther my hypothesis about the possible workings of hydrogel and about possible goal that PTB want to achieve by using it. So I intend to present the whole thing with hydrogel from different perspective.

Darpa hydrogel appears to be one of the ingredients of both, PCR tests and vaccines. There is not that much talk about the hydrogel in connection to vaccines as it is about the other stuff, like mRNA, spike proteins, nanochips, etc.

That is because we were basically officially informed that the vaxxes are untested gene therapy, even though it was not put in such a way, that the side effects are yet unknown and might be severe, and by doing so PTB basically conditioned us to some extend as to where to look for the main culprit, if something goes wrong, for example if somebody drops dead. Yet we were not officially told, that vaxxes and PCR contain hydrogel. And it might be so by design. Maybe they do not want us to look too closely to what it can do to human body and maybe they do not want us to concentrate too much on another goal they wish to achieve, and which must be a first and primary goal for them, if the rest of their plans are to go on according to the design.

Most people who to a greater or lesser extent see through the game, think of the vaxxes in terms of the depopulation, but I do not think, they want too many people die at the moment, because it would scare many others away, and they want to jab all of us. They will have all the time needed for depopulation later on, once they achieve what they plan.
We see many deaths, but not that many, we see many damages, many horrible side effects, but not that many. We all know a lot of people who are vaxxed and yet appear to be unaffected. I personally know quite a few vaccinated people, who appear to be fine.

If they really intended to just kill us, they would have no problem with that, but then how many would they manage to kill before the rest of us would turn against them; and there are very few of them compared to us, they would have nowhere to hide. It must be a nightmarish thought for them.

I think what they are really doing is changing the structure of human bodies, preparing them for some future project, and the deaths etc. can be really mostly side effects of that. I think mRNA and nanobots are part of that, but not only. For now they need to vaccinate as many people as possible as fast as possible. It's kind of a race, the more so, that I think it is possible that many vaccinated people will start dying during autumn and winter season, then the rest might start waking up.

Then what can be this prime goal for them to achieve? Control. And better still, total control. My hypothesis here is that this Darpa hydrogel together with lithium plus perhaps some other stuff in the vaxxes are there to serve exactly this purpose, and if achieved, this will totally change the rules of the game. Even if it is not the hydrogel in the vaxx that is designed to serve this purpose, then there is something else, but the purpose remains the same.

I will be repeating some of the same quotes from my previous post, I am sorry about that, but I want to keep the line of thought clear.
Dr. Pierre Gilbert in 2012 was talking about vaccines containing liquid crystals:
In the biological destruction there are the organized tempests on the magnetic fields. What will follow is a contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind, creating intentional infections.
This will be enforced via laws that will make vaccination mandatory. And these vaccines will make possible to control people.
The vaccines will have liquid crystals that will become hosted in the brain cells, which will become micro-receivers of electromagnetic fields where waves of very low frequencies will be sent.
And through these low frequency waves people will be unable to think, you’ll be turned into a zombie.
Don’t think of this as a hypothesis. This has been done. Think of Rwanda,

I will go back to the the analysis of the swabs from the Slovak Republic, as it seems reliable to me.

It states at the beginning:
Anyone who has at least a standard school microscope and a test microscope can verify the information regarding the test swabs published here. All information about test swabs, Darpa Hydrogels, and lithium is publicly available in scientific and corporate work. Links to some are at the end of the document.
Maybe somebody here with a microscope and some skills and knowledge would wish to try and verify it?

The analysis talks about hydrogel, which looks like something similar to those liquid crystals.
Few sentences from this document.
After contact of the Darpa Hydrogel with organic fluids (e.g. saliva), within a few minutes they begin to form rectangular crystal structures. These gradually grow in a fractal manner.
These Darpa Hydrogel Crystals create a 3D spatial structure and grow through the tissues.
Darpa Hydrogel Crystals grow under the microscope in the direction of the magnetic field.

So what we understand from the above is that the very structure of the body tissue changes, some artificial crystals, alien to the body, grow through it and form some kind of a web, kind of being fused with our own tissue. Check the photos to see what it looks like.
Human saliva with antibodies causes its permanent disintegration, (though ivermectin looks still more efficient) which means that people with a strong immune system are more able to fight it. How about destroying the immune system with mRNA and/or other ingredients in the vaxx?

Depending on how durable these crystals are, and if they are cumulative, as I suppose this is the case, finally human body could become permeated by such a crystalline web. Note, that they are pushing for many vaccinations, in some countries they already talk about third ones, and next ones, or every half a year...

Why pushing for so many PCR tests, they made it a daily or weekly routine in some schools. Is it to cumulate more and more of this stuff in the head? Why putting the swabs deep into the nasopharynx, would it not be enough to take samples of saliva from the mouth? Why so close to the pineal gland, our window to the spiritual? Could it be so in order to close the window up? And to permeate the brain?

The characteristic feature of the hydrogel is its electromagnetic properties.
Darpa Hydrogel Crystals grow under the microscope in the direction of the magnetic field.
This mixture immediately reacts with living structures to form crystals that are directionally oriented to the pineal gland, which has its own electromagnetic field. The shape of the crystals determines the type of hydrogel used. The crystals are conductive due to the lithium contained in it. The crystals can receive the signal from the transmitter to the cell and transmit signals from the cell to the transmitter. These are actually nano-antennas.
Darpa Hydrogel (reference) is an artificial substance that creates a converter between the electromagnetic signal and living cell, tissue and organ. Converts an electromagnetic signal from a transmitter to a signal which a living cell understands and responds to.
I cannot confirm, that all the above conclusions made by the authors are correct, that it works exactly the way they say, I do not have enough knowledge in the field, but my mind made immediate association with magnetic people. It might be The reason or one of the reasons of humans attracting magnets and other stuff. The crystalline structure can spread slowly through the body, beginning from the place of injection, or from PCR test, in cases where people attract magnets to the forehead.

It looks like they do not necessarily have to jab us in order to magnetize us, some people are magnetic without being vaxxed, it might be through shedding, it might be through food, there are videos now showing meat from shops attracting magnets.

There are some people talking about hydrogel, one of the first ones was Dr. Carrie Madej, you can easily find her videos on Bitchute, they all vanished from YT.

You might read this article, it attempts to explain exactly how it works,
the author says:
The synthetic hydrogels are self-replicating and that means the alien (unidentified) DNA and RNA is being fused with your own tissue and altering irreversibly what it means to be human. This artificial substance grows inside your body in a biosynthesis of inorganic nanomaterials using microbial cells or bacteriophages. Millions of foreign proteins are being synthesized into the bodies of the vaxxed as we speak. The nanobots can also disassemble from the nanotube, reassemble, build and reproduce on their own inside your body.
Nanobots and hydrogels are an “on demand delivery system” targeting your bodies cells with the a DNA payload. Hydrogels are biosensors which work tirelessly with external electronics, forwarding your biometric data to the AI. This new operating system is patented for cryptocurrency exchanges using the human body. This is the ultimate intrusion of your bodies cells, personal thoughts and your bodily autonomy which is 100% breached with this biohacking technology that’s making people part synthetic. The vaxxed are therefore already themselves patented.
I think people speculate a bit trying to understand how it works, and present their hypothesis as facts, but whether this works exactly this way or another way is not as important as the thing itself, that this hydrogel is contained in the vaxxes, it forms crystalline structure through our tissue and is magnetic. If people are becoming magnetic, there must be something magnetic added to them.

PTB were working on the subject of remote control for a long time. The Slovakian document mentions the beetle injected with Darpa Hydrogel into its nervestructures which became controllable via a radio. There was actually such a beetle controlled by radio, I did not manage to confirm if it was done through the use of hydrogel. But that demonstrates that they successfully experimented on controlling living beings from the distance.

You might have a look at the radio controlled beetle here, with nice photos:

And another article about DARPA's cyborg insects:

That is even enough to check in Wikipedia, though obviously they would not say much:

Remote control animals are animals that are controlled remotely by humans. Some applications require electrodes to be implanted in the animal's nervous system connected to a receiver which is usually carried on the animal's back. The animals are controlled by the use of radio signals. The electrodes do not move the animal directly, as if controlling a robot; rather, they signal a direction or action desired by the human operator and then stimulate the animal's reward centres if the animal complies. These are sometimes called bio-robots or robo-animals. They can be considered to be cyborgs as they combine electronic devices with an organic life form.

Now they are coming for us, humans, and they are doing this with the vaccines, me think.

Am I making too much of it all, I hope so, but I am afraid I am underestimating it.

They are actually telling us, what they are doing. It is all about transhumanism. Just read the whole text on the web of government of Canada: "Exploring Biodigital Convergence. What happens when biology and digital technology merge?" written in February 11, 2020

I know it was covered in SOTT and there was some discussion on this forum, but I do not think it brought enough attention.
I will quote just same sentences from this website, and only those in connection with human body, biology. There are many more aspects to it all.
In the coming years, biodigital technologies could be woven into our lives in the way that digital technologies are now. Biological and digital systems are converging, and could change the way we work, live, and even evolve as a species. More than a technological change, this biodigital convergence may transform the way we understand ourselves and cause us to redefine what we consider human or natural.
I do not know about you, but for me even the term "biodigital" sounds ominous.
[...] But we may be on the cusp of another disruption of similar magnitude. Digital technologies and biological systems are beginning to combine and merge in ways that could be profoundly disruptive to our assumptions about society, the economy, and our bodies. We call this the biodigital convergence.
Three ways biodigital convergence is emerging
1 Full physical integration of biological and digital entities
2 Coevolution of biological and digital technologies
3 Conceptual convergence of biological and digital systems

Biodigital convergence is opening up striking new ways to:
  • Change human beings – our bodies, minds, and behaviours
  • Change or create other organisms
Now read this:
What is biodigital convergence?
Biodigital convergence is the interactive combination, sometimes to the point of merging, of digital and biological technologies and systems. Policy Horizons is examining three ways in which this convergence is happening.
1 Full physical integration of biological and digital entities
Digital technology can be embedded in organisms, and biological components can exist as parts of digital technologies. The physical meshing, manipulating, and merging of the biological and digital are creating new hybrid forms of life and technology, each functioning in the tangible world, often with heightened capabilities.

Robots with biological brains and biological bodies with digital brains already exist, as do human-computer and brain-machine interfaces. The medical use of digital devices in humans, as well as digitally manipulated insects such as drone dragonflies and surveillance locusts, are examples of digital technology being combined with biological entities. By tapping into the nervous system and manipulating neurons, tech can be added to an organism to alter its function and purpose. New human bodies and new senses of identity could arise as the convergence continues.
2 Coevolution of biological and digital technologies
There is also a blurring between what is considered natural or organic and what is digital, engineered, or synthetic. For example, biosynthetic vanilla is created using ferulic acid, eugenol, and glucose as substrates, and bacteria, fungi, and yeasts as microbial production hosts. Although it does not come from a vanilla plant, under both U.S. and EU food legislation, its production from “microbial transformations of natural precursors” allows it to be labelled as a “natural flavoring”.
3 Conceptual convergence of biological and digital systems
A third form of biodigital convergence involves a shift in perspective that could reshape our framing and approach to biological and digital realms, facilitating the blending of the two.

As we continue to better understand and control the mechanisms that underlie biology, we could see a shift away from vitalism – the idea that living and nonliving organisms are fundamentally different because they are thought to be governed by different principles. Instead, the idea of biology as having predictable and digitally manageable characteristics may become increasingly common as a result of living in a biodigital age. Any student of biology today will have grown up in a digital world and may consciously or subconsciously apply that frame of reference to bioinformatics and biology generally.

From a digital perspective, we see a potential shift in the opposite direction. Computing began as a means of producing predictable, replicable, and relatively simple outcomes. As digital technology became more complex and connected, the system began to mimic the characteristics of the biological world, leading to the notion of technological ecosystems. Biological models are also being used to develop digital tools, such as AI based on neural nets.

It is funny to see, how they changed the meaning of the world "vitalism" After the Wikipedia:

Vitalism is the belief that "living organisms are fundamentally different from non-living entities because they contain some non-physical element or are governed by different principles than are inanimate things". Where vitalism explicitly invokes a vital principle, that element is often referred to as the "vital spark", "energy" or "élan vital", which some equate with the soul.

Now that we have progressed in evolution and in our understanding, this old belief became obsolete and now we know better, that there is not any fundamental difference between 'living and nonliving organisms' and that we are not governed by any different principles. That was a joke, of course.
And more seriously, there is no place for the soul or any higher consciousness in the so called 'biodigital age', which they are attempting to impose on us and now.

I think that the vaxxes have multiple purposes, depopulation is definitely one of them, but it will not start in really serious way, before enought people are vaccinated. It might be soon enough. My take on it all is that humanity is supposed to be gradually rebuilt in their body structure, turned into biodigital entities, so that they can be connected as elements into the internet of things and controlled by AI, or something along this line. And this is what I think might be the real task of this Darpa hydrogel. In any case it is well worth some farther research. Because if it is not the hydrogel, then there still is something in the vaxxes causing people to become magnetic.

And the coming zombie apocalypse can be more real, then we think, just you wait till they activate all the created soulless biodigital humans, for example with 5G technology and most probably other "higher" technologies. And if that happens, they can be directed against us, the unvaccinated ones.

I need to add, that I do not think, that all vaccinated people are immediately becoming such soulless biodigital humans, I think vaxxes differ in content, the hydrogel or this something else needs to accumulate, so more jabs are needed, some have stronger immune system, so they can disintegrate the hydrogel, some have stronger souls, that can manage to do something about it. And some can help themselves with ivermectin, if it really is that effective.

But yes, I believe, that all those who will go with the flow and take all the jabs offered and many PCR tests, will sooner or later end up as such soulless biodigital humans, if their bodies will adapt to it. Many will not. And I do not know, how much it takes.

Now you can amuse yourself a bit and read how they envision our brave new world.
Good morning, biodigital.
Many factors could affect how biodigital convergence technologies could impact different societies, countries, cultures, environments, and people around the globe. The following is one of many possible narratives depicting some of the innovations in a future biodigital world.

I wake up to the sunlight and salty coastal air of the Adriatic sea. I don’t live anywhere near the Mediterranean, but my AI, which is also my health advisor, has prescribed a specific air quality, scent, and solar intensity to manage my energy levels in the morning, and has programmed my bedroom to mimic this climate.

The fresh bed sheets grown in my building from regenerating fungi are better than I imagined; I feel rested and ready for the day. I need to check a few things before I get up. I send a brain message to open the app that controls my insulin levels and make sure my pancreas is optimally supported. I can’t imagine having to inject myself with needles like my mother did when she was a child. Now it’s a microbe transplant that auto adjusts and reports on my levels.

Everything looks all right, so I check my brain’s digital interface to read the dream data that was recorded and processed in real time last night. My therapy app analyzes the emotional responses I expressed while I slept. It suggests I take time to be in nature this week to reflect on my recurring trapped-in-a-box dream and enhance helpful subconscious neural activity. My AI recommends a “forest day”. I think “okay”, and my AI and neural implant do the rest.

The summary of my bugbot surveillance footage shows that my apartment was safe from intruders (including other bugbots) last night, but it does notify me that my herd of little cyber-dragonflies are hungry. They’ve been working hard collecting data and monitoring the outside environment all night, but the number of mosquitoes and lyme-carrying ticks they normally hunt to replenish their energy was smaller than expected. With a thought, I order some nutrient support for them.

My feet hit the regenerative carpet and I grab a bathrobe, although I don’t need it for warmth. My apartment is gradually warming up to a comfortable 22 degrees, as it cycles through a constantly shifting daily routine that keeps me in balance with the time of day and season. Building codes and home energy infrastructure are synchronized, and require all homes be autoregulated for efficiency. Because houses and buildings are biomimetic and incorporate living systems for climate control wherever possible, they are continuously filtering the air and capturing carbon. I check my carbon offset measure to see how much credit I will receive for my home’s contribution to the government’s climate change mitigation program.

As I head to the bathroom, I pause at the window to check the accelerated growth of the neighbouring building. Biological architecture has reached new heights and the synthetic tree compounds are growing taller each day. To ensure that the building can withstand even the strongest winds – and to reduce swaying for residences on the top floors – a robotic 3D printer is clambering around the emerging structure and adding carbon-reinforced biopolymer, strengthening critical stress points identified by its AI-supported sensor array. I am glad they decided to tree the roof of this building with fire-resistant, genetically modified red cedar, since urban forest fires have become a concern.

While I’m brushing my teeth, Jamie, my personal AI, asks if I’d like a delivery drone to come pick up my daughter’s baby tooth, which fell out two days ago. The epigenetic markers in children’s teeth have to be analysed and catalogued on our family genetic blockchain in order to qualify for the open health rebate, so I need that done today.

I replace the smart sticker that monitors my blood chemistry, lymphatic system, and organ function in real time. It’s hard to imagine the costs and suffering that people must have endured before personalized preventative medicine became common.

Also, I’ll admit that it sounds gross, but it’s a good thing the municipality samples our fecal matter from the sewage pipes. It’s part of the platform to analyze data on nutritional diversity, gut bacteria, and antibiotic use, to aid with public health screening and fight antibiotic-resistant strains of bacterial infections.

Supposedly, the next download for my smart sink will allow me to choose a personalized biotic mix for my dechlorinated drinking water.

Today’s microbiome breakdown is displayed on the front of my fridge as I enter the kitchen. It’s tracking a steady shift as I approach middle age: today it suggests miso soup as part of my breakfast, because my biome needs more diversity as a result of recent stress and not eating well last night.

The buildings in my neighbourhood share a vertical farm, so I get carbon credits by eating miso made from soybeans produced on my roof and fermented by my fridge.

My fridge schedules the production of more miso and some kimchi in preparation for the coming week. It also adds immune-boosting ingredients to my grocery order because we’re approaching flu season, and a strain that I’m likely to be susceptible to has been detected only a few blocks away.

I take my smart supplement, which just popped out of my bioprinter. The supplement adjusts the additional nutrients and microbes I need, and sends data about my body back to my bioprinter to adjust tomorrow’s supplement. The feedback loop between me and my bioprinter also cloud-stores daily data for future preventive health metrics. The real-time monitoring of my triglycerides is important, given my genetic markers.

As my coffee pours, I check my daughter’s latest school project, which has been growing on the counter for the past week. She’s growing a liver for a local puppy in need as part of her empathy initiative at school. More stem cells are on the way to start a kidney too, because she wants to help more animals. I grab my coffee, brewed with a new certified carbon-negative bean variety, and sit on the couch for a minute.

It appears the nutrient treatment I had painted on the surface of the couch and chairs has allowed them to rejuvenate. I’ll have to try the treatment on my bioprinted running shoes, as they’re starting to wear out.

Oh wow – is that the time? I have only 10 minutes before my first virtual meeting. I tighten the belt on my skeleto-muscular strength chair, lean back, and log into my workspace. First I get the debrief from colleagues finishing their work day on the other side of the world. I shiver momentarily as I think about how intimately we’re all connected in this digital biosphere – then it passes. Let the day begin.

This story may sound far-fetched, however all the technologies mentioned exist in some form today. While they are not yet commercially available in the form presented here, a world where we take the interaction between biological and digital technologies for granted is already starting to emerge.

While this is a representation of technologies that could be part of a biodigital world, it does not represent the only plausible future. Rather, it is an imaginative vignette outlining the radical shifts that could take place within an optimistic biodigital future. Varying levels of access, adoption, and alternative realities could exist.
I did not know, that your daughter would not listen to your advice. I am sorry to hear that. I was quite enthusiastic to write the previous post, because no matter how gloom it might look, there appears to be an accessible solution to it i. e. ivermectin. What I suggested to you was to clear up the mess created by the hydrogel first, and only then try to "call the soul back", if it did not come back by itself. I am really sorry to cause you more distress instead of help. Please try to find the way to get through to your daughter to try ivermectin, it could possibly help her a lot. I wish to not cause you even more distress, but it seems to me, that what I am going to talk about can be helpful to others and I feel I need to continue.

In my previous post I was talking about strict correlation between the etheric/soul body and physical body and presented my hypothesis that something contained in the vaccinations may work in such a way as to push the soul out from the body or loosen the connection between the two. Basically what I think is that all things in the vaxxes put together make such an incompatible with the the spiritual body witch brew, that there is no way to say, which one does what to it. But I was concentrated on the Darpa hydrogel, because I see a good chance, that this particular substance can be unbearable for the etheric/soul body and push it out, and yet there is a known antidote to it, i.e. ivermectin.

Now I want to develop farther my hypothesis about the possible workings of hydrogel and about possible goal that PTB want to achieve by using it. So I intend to present the whole thing with hydrogel from different perspective.

Darpa hydrogel appears to be one of the ingredients of both, PCR tests and vaccines. There is not that much talk about the hydrogel in connection to vaccines as it is about the other stuff, like mRNA, spike proteins, nanochips, etc.

That is because we were basically officially informed that the vaxxes are untested gene therapy, even though it was not put in such a way, that the side effects are yet unknown and might be severe, and by doing so PTB basically conditioned us to some extend as to where to look for the main culprit, if something goes wrong, for example if somebody drops dead. Yet we were not officially told, that vaxxes and PCR contain hydrogel. And it might be so by design. Maybe they do not want us to look too closely to what it can do to human body and maybe they do not want us to concentrate too much on another goal they wish to achieve, and which must be a first and primary goal for them, if the rest of their plans are to go on according to the design.

Most people who to a greater or lesser extent see through the game, think of the vaxxes in terms of the depopulation, but I do not think, they want too many people die at the moment, because it would scare many others away, and they want to jab all of us. They will have all the time needed for depopulation later on, once they achieve what they plan.
We see many deaths, but not that many, we see many damages, many horrible side effects, but not that many. We all know a lot of people who are vaxxed and yet appear to be unaffected. I personally know quite a few vaccinated people, who appear to be fine.

If they really intended to just kill us, they would have no problem with that, but then how many would they manage to kill before the rest of us would turn against them; and there are very few of them compared to us, they would have nowhere to hide. It must be a nightmarish thought for them.

I think what they are really doing is changing the structure of human bodies, preparing them for some future project, and the deaths etc. can be really mostly side effects of that. I think mRNA and nanobots are part of that, but not only. For now they need to vaccinate as many people as possible as fast as possible. It's kind of a race, the more so, that I think it is possible that many vaccinated people will start dying during autumn and winter season, then the rest might start waking up.

Then what can be this prime goal for them to achieve? Control. And better still, total control. My hypothesis here is that this Darpa hydrogel together with lithium plus perhaps some other stuff in the vaxxes are there to serve exactly this purpose, and if achieved, this will totally change the rules of the game. Even if it is not the hydrogel in the vaxx that is designed to serve this purpose, then there is something else, but the purpose remains the same.

I will be repeating some of the same quotes from my previous post, I am sorry about that, but I want to keep the line of thought clear.
Dr. Pierre Gilbert in 2012 was talking about vaccines containing liquid crystals:

I will go back to the the analysis of the swabs from the Slovak Republic, as it seems reliable to me.

It states at the beginning:

Maybe somebody here with a microscope and some skills and knowledge would wish to try and verify it?

The analysis talks about hydrogel, which looks like something similar to those liquid crystals.
Few sentences from this document.

So what we understand from the above is that the very structure of the body tissue changes, some artificial crystals, alien to the body, grow through it and form some kind of a web, kind of being fused with our own tissue. Check the photos to see what it looks like.
Human saliva with antibodies causes its permanent disintegration, (though ivermectin looks still more efficient) which means that people with a strong immune system are more able to fight it. How about destroying the immune system with mRNA and/or other ingredients in the vaxx?

Depending on how durable these crystals are, and if they are cumulative, as I suppose this is the case, finally human body could become permeated by such a crystalline web. Note, that they are pushing for many vaccinations, in some countries they already talk about third ones, and next ones, or every half a year...

Why pushing for so many PCR tests, they made it a daily or weekly routine in some schools. Is it to cumulate more and more of this stuff in the head? Why putting the swabs deep into the nasopharynx, would it not be enough to take samples of saliva from the mouth? Why so close to the pineal gland, our window to the spiritual? Could it be so in order to close the window up? And to permeate the brain?

The characteristic feature of the hydrogel is its electromagnetic properties.

I cannot confirm, that all the above conclusions made by the authors are correct, that it works exactly the way they say, I do not have enough knowledge in the field, but my mind made immediate association with magnetic people. It might be The reason or one of the reasons of humans attracting magnets and other stuff. The crystalline structure can spread slowly through the body, beginning from the place of injection, or from PCR test, in cases where people attract magnets to the forehead.

It looks like they do not necessarily have to jab us in order to magnetize us, some people are magnetic without being vaxxed, it might be through shedding, it might be through food, there are videos now showing meat from shops attracting magnets.

There are some people talking about hydrogel, one of the first ones was Dr. Carrie Madej, you can easily find her videos on Bitchute, they all vanished from YT.

You might read this article, it attempts to explain exactly how it works,
the author says:

I think people speculate a bit trying to understand how it works, and present their hypothesis as facts, but whether this works exactly this way or another way is not as important as the thing itself, that this hydrogel is contained in the vaxxes, it forms crystalline structure through our tissue and is magnetic. If people are becoming magnetic, there must be something magnetic added to them.

PTB were working on the subject of remote control for a long time. The Slovakian document mentions the beetle injected with Darpa Hydrogel into its nervestructures which became controllable via a radio. There was actually such a beetle controlled by radio, I did not manage to confirm if it was done through the use of hydrogel. But that demonstrates that they successfully experimented on controlling living beings from the distance.

You might have a look at the radio controlled beetle here, with nice photos:

And another article about DARPA's cyborg insects:

That is even enough to check in Wikipedia, though obviously they would not say much:

Now they are coming for us, humans, and they are doing this with the vaccines, me think.

Am I making too much of it all, I hope so, but I am afraid I am underestimating it.

They are actually telling us, what they are doing. It is all about transhumanism. Just read the whole text on the web of government of Canada: "Exploring Biodigital Convergence. What happens when biology and digital technology merge?" written in February 11, 2020

I know it was covered in SOTT and there was some discussion on this forum, but I do not think it brought enough attention.
I will quote just same sentences from this website, and only those in connection with human body, biology. There are many more aspects to it all.

I do not know about you, but for me even the term "biodigital" sounds ominous.

Now read this:

It is funny to see, how they changed the meaning of the world "vitalism" After the Wikipedia:

Now that we have progressed in evolution and in our understanding, this old belief became obsolete and now we know better, that there is not any fundamental difference between 'living and nonliving organisms' and that we are not governed by any different principles. That was a joke, of course.
And more seriously, there is no place for the soul or any higher consciousness in the so called 'biodigital age', which they are attempting to impose on us and now.

I think that the vaxxes have multiple purposes, depopulation is definitely one of them, but it will not start in really serious way, before enought people are vaccinated. It might be soon enough. My take on it all is that humanity is supposed to be gradually rebuilt in their body structure, turned into biodigital entities, so that they can be connected as elements into the internet of things and controlled by AI, or something along this line. And this is what I think might be the real task of this Darpa hydrogel. In any case it is well worth some farther research. Because if it is not the hydrogel, then there still is something in the vaxxes causing people to become magnetic.

And the coming zombie apocalypse can be more real, then we think, just you wait till they activate all the created soulless biodigital humans, for example with 5G technology and most probably other "higher" technologies. And if that happens, they can be directed against us, the unvaccinated ones.

I need to add, that I do not think, that all vaccinated people are immediately becoming such soulless biodigital humans, I think vaxxes differ in content, the hydrogel or this something else needs to accumulate, so more jabs are needed, some have stronger immune system, so they can disintegrate the hydrogel, some have stronger souls, that can manage to do something about it. And some can help themselves with ivermectin, if it really is that effective.

But yes, I believe, that all those who will go with the flow and take all the jabs offered and many PCR tests, will sooner or later end up as such soulless biodigital humans, if their bodies will adapt to it. Many will not. And I do not know, how much it takes.

Now you can amuse yourself a bit and read how they envision our brave new world.

Your post did not upset me anymore than I was already upset by all of this.You gave more information and that is what this forum is for. I doubt I will ever get my daughter to take Ivermectin but that is her choice. It is a terribly sad situation for those who will not listen and those who love them. I did ask the DCM if I should try to call her soul back to her body (if that is what is going on) and I received a no. I'm still praying for her though. Sometimes we just do the best we can and trust that the cosmic mind will take care of them somehow. Or least their souls. Or whatever is there. Just have to wait and see. I still remember my cute curly haired little daughter skipping along and stopping to smell all the flowers. I despise the people running this scam. They are the ones without a soul.

And I've been dreaming of a borg/zombie like scenario off and on for about 15 years now, but seeing it begin to happen in real time is almost beyond belief.

Thank you for this added information.
Your post did not upset me anymore than I was already upset by all of this.You gave more information and that is what this forum is for. I doubt I will ever get my daughter to take Ivermectin but that is her choice. It is a terribly sad situation for those who will not listen and those who love them. I did ask the DCM if I should try to call her soul back to her body (if that is what is going on) and I received a no. I'm still praying for her though. Sometimes we just do the best we can and trust that the cosmic mind will take care of them somehow. Or least their souls. Or whatever is there. Just have to wait and see. I still remember my cute curly haired little daughter skipping along and stopping to smell all the flowers. I despise the people running this scam. They are the ones without a soul.

And I've been dreaming of a borg/zombie like scenario off and on for about 15 years now, but seeing it begin to happen in real time is almost beyond belief.

Thank you for this added information.
Can you tell me what DCM stands for?
My cousin just died. :-( I'm counting that as the first vax casualty I know of personally, because in all likelihood that's what it was. It happened so fast, to someone still fairly young and healthy, with the secondary effects that critical doctors warned about, and all because of the stupid scamdemic. I wish his death was not in vain, if only my family put two and two together - but that's not going to happen any time soon.

Also, I know of two personal acquaintances who have family members with magnetic post-vaccine symptoms. So it's definitely not a conspiracy theory then. We are living in a dystopian movie now, and there are very real effects on common people. Very sad.
So sorry for your loss, Windmill knight, it is very sad, a big hug.
I understand....My family agrees with the vaccine, at first I was very upset and sent them videos with information about the dangers, and they just turned a "deaf ear".

Now I just think about relaxing and enjoying my daughter and husband, fortunately my husband is against the vaccination now.
With all kinds of crises, chaos and what may be to come, I only think of enjoying, relaxing and doing as much as possible what is in my hands, I am not even afraid of dying, if that is in the possibility of destiny, it is not healthy, nor good in any sense to live with stress or anguish or sadness for a long time.
That letter is wild. No booster shots "at this time" indeed 🙄

My employer, luckily, isn't requiring vaccines. For employees. Yet. For students it is mandatory. Looking forward to the lawsuits on that one.

However, we were recently informed that when we finally go back to the office after August, if we're not vaccinated we will have to wear a mask. Further, we're all required to upload proof of being an idiot in order to avoid the mask, social distancing, and the rest of the nonsense.

Frankly, given the choice I'll probably just continue working from home. I've gotten used to it and there's no one there I particularly care about or strongly need to work with in person. I'm also toying with the idea of just ... not wearing a mask, and daring anyone to do anything about it. If they say "you have to leave" I really don't care that much. And frankly, I don't expect this career path is going to be viable in any case. Either a) things stumble on as is, and I'm unemployable for reasons of race, genitalia, and what I prefer to do with my genitalia or b) the whole academic system collapses. Right now it's looking like b) could happen for any of several reasons.

That probably doesn't help much. I guess my main point is, getting vaxxed to keep a job is not a good trade, given that there is zero guarantee that your job will even exist in a year's time what with the accelerating social upheaval and economic collapse. To say nothing of the implications of widespread vaccine injuries and deaths, in the event that this this is a slow kill weapon.
Would it be possible for you to change job? Maybe move to a smaller structure. The work would be perhaps less interesting, the pay more modest, but you could perharps dodge the bullet of mandatory vaccination for a while longer.

People like you are precious, in the next months or years, your community will need people like you who are healthy to care for people. If the Cs are right, we have less than a year left before a real and deadly pandemic arise. When that happens, hospitals won't be choosy with their employees.

Finally, regarding you wish to conceive, ideally, I would wait after the birth of the child before considering taking those vaccine, because we don't know what it does to the foetus and to the immune system of the child once he/she is born. There also has been an increase of miscarriage in vaccinated women as well a genecological problems.

At my work, many people are on short term contracts and since most are vaccinated, many people are on sick leave, or just tired. As a result, some may not keep their job when the contract comes to an end. In every sectors of the industry, there are shortages in raw material, prices are soaring. It won't be long before everything crashes, if things continue their course.
Is there a central database of all the vaccinated people or is it just a "certificate of vaccination" that you get?

Perhaps something you may find worth looking into, @candasiri ?

My condolences for the pressures you're under currently. I very much appreciate how you're going about it - not in haste, and without illusions, sharing your concerns. And holding firm to your Aim! Best of luck with it, and please do keep us posted.

Thank you for all of your replies and support. Very much appreciated. I had a very vivid dream last night with the Cass dream crystal under my pillow: I was in a maze of buildings where there were lectures about how wonderful the mRNA vaccines are and how all the health care providers needed to take them. People were lining up. I kept dodging and getting out of line at the last minute. I even saw Bill Gates and lectured him. So, I think that's what I'm going to do: keeping dodging until I can't. I am relieved to see that there are medical exceptions being granted and being of a geriatric maternal age, I'm sure that I can get one of those.

Yeah, unfortunately I can't work from home. As a nurse, I think my job is a relatively safe one if the economy crashes. We sure saw a huge uptick in "business" during the pandemic as people got pushed over the edge with isolation and loneliness. My job would be the "safe" one compared to my husband who works as an audio engineer. Although I have to say that I am bored with it and wanting to move onto something more independent. I think that healthcare is going to be first to be mandated to be vaccinated and then private businesses may be next. My hospital system is avoiding the legal wrangling involved with trying to mandate something that has not been fully approved by the CDC but as soon as Pfizer is approved by the FDA it will be open season.

It does seem like the psychopaths are reconsidering their push to vaccinate children--at least I hope so. Once you have a growing crowd of parents of vaccine-injured children, you've got a real problem on your hands.
Doctors in Pennsylvania have reported the first known case of severe blood clotting believed to be linked to Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine, after an elderly man contracted the condition and died within days of his second dose.

Healthcare professionals at the Allegheny Health Network in Pittsburgh reported the case on Monday, noting that a 65-year-old man arrived at the hospital with a serious form of blood clotting known as thrombosis with thrombocytopenia (TTS) just 10 days after his second and final dose of the Moderna shot. Two days later, the unnamed patient, who also suffered from chronic hypertension and high cholesterol levels, died, with doctors concluding his symptoms were consistent with vaccine-induced clotting, also known as VITT.

“The distribution of thrombosis, especially the cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, was characteristic of VITT or TTS,” the doctors wrote in a journal article published at the Annals of Internal Medicine.

They said their findings “fulfill the interim case definition of VITT or TTS” set out by the CDC and that further blood tests “[strengthened] the likelihood” of a vaccine-linked condition. However, while they called their evidence for VITT “robust,” the doctors cautioned that they could not rule out other causes for the clotting.

The report in Pittsburgh would be the first known case of blood clotting linked to a vaccine based on messenger RNA, or genetic material located in the cell, which includes those developed by Moderna and Pfizer. While a number of recipients of the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson shots have developed clotting, including some fatal cases, those vaccines use different technology and are instead based on a deactivated adenovirus.

The doctors at Allegheny Health said their research “complicates” theories that prior clotting cases were specifically caused by adenovirus-based vaccines, as some experts have previously speculated.

While adverse reactions have remained uncommon among the millions of vaccine recipients in the US, clotting is not the only vaccine-related condition to crop up. Last week, the CDC reported more than 1,200 cases of a rare disorder known as myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart, in those who took the Pfizer and Moderna shots, which comes out to about 12.6 per million doses. The health body found a “likely association” between the vaccines and the condition, though noted it is “still a rare event.”

Ongoing clotting complications with the AstraZeneca and J&J inoculations have also prompted some countries to put the shots on hold, with Denmark opting to continue its suspension last Friday. Though the AstraZeneca formulation has yet to be approved in the US, American health officials previously paused the J&J shot over safety concerns, but resumed its rollout in April.

While the doctors in Pittsburgh may have discovered the first clotting case linked to an mRNA vaccine, they noted that “many millions” had received such immunizations without serious side effects, adding that their report “should not prevent persons from receiving the benefits of these vaccines.”

From the The Duran
Long read by Seraphim Hanisch June 26, 2021
While “important people” try to implement mandatory vaccination rules, Muscovites give little sign of concern.

WARNING: What you are about to read is rampant speculation based on observation. It may well be wrong, but then again…

The “Delta” or “Indian” strain of COVID-19 surged in its spread in Russia over the last two weeks, forcing Moscow citywide daily counts of new cases of the illness to the highest recorded since tracking the pandemic started over a year ago.

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However, for Anna Popova of Rospotrebnadzor, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov, and the Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin, this spike was like a massive call to arms, and a spate of news articles quoting these individuals was unusually heavy-handed in a common reference to the inhabitants of Moscow, 90% of whom are presently not vaccinated. The term, translated into English was “nihilism” – as shown below:

Total nihilism of Russians to the precautionary measures introduced in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, and an increase in the level of migration led to a sharp increase in the incidence, said the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova.
“The first is total nihilism in relation to the measures that we used to protect ourselves from the coronavirus for a long time. When everyone took off their masks, went out into the street and for some reason thought that the coronavirus had already left, it made itself felt,” Popova said on the air of the TV channel “Russia 1” (VGTRK), talking about the reasons for the increase in morbidity.
From this, all manner of new and rather severe restrictions were hatched, seemingly almost overnight:

  • Everyone MUST be vaccinated.
  • Everyone MUST present proof of vaccination, or of COVID-19 antibodies or a clean COVID test less than three days old in order to go to a restaurant.
  • All restaurants (and customers, of course) are to use QR-coding to ensure compliance.

The Muscovite reaction? Well, this was educational for me, because at first upon hearing this, well… anyone who reads my news pieces knows exactly how I think about forced vaccination of an as yet not really safe vaccine, so draw your own conclusions. You will probably be mostly correct.

Some people in Moscow had a different reaction, both in social networks but more significantly in reality:

But more telling was it to actually be on the streets of Moscow observing people. The city was placed on an extended “paid holiday” last week because of the surge in Delta cases and its coincidence with Russia Day, which gave everyone Monday off last week anyway. When that week expired, most people simply went back to work.

On the streets, I saw what at first looked to be a slightly higher incidence of people wearing masks, but still a whole lot of them not doing so. This even applied in the Moscow Metro, which “by the book” is supposed to be with masks and gloves worn at all times. Well…

It appears to be that “nihilism” is unaffected by the panic of the city government. It further would appear that while there will be some compliance and probably a brief surge in Moscow residents going for vaccination, the overall effect of this effort may actually lead to a reduction in vaccination rates and steady noncompliance, fines or not, against people and businesses that refuse to abide to the regulations set by the mayor.

Now, to be sure, there is an increasing press for vaccine compliance, and there are a lot of reasons that being vaccinated is important. However, the effort to force people into this is ignoring the reason why there is such resistance in the population. In Russia, first of all, there is simply a natural distrust of the government when its activities proceed past a certain point. The culture is not given to wild panic, so COVID was never really met with fear in Russia. However, this also applies to the vaccine. It seems that much of the population was happy that their country developed one, and if a given person should decide he or she needs it, they can get it. Done.

When the first lockdowns came, over a year ago, the people were not terribly disturbed about it because there were many unknowns about the virus so it seemed prudent, if a bit extreme.

However, Moscow has been running on a more-or-less normal basis for a significant amount of time and while COVID has certainly made its presence felt, the overall reaction is to take it in stride. This all goes into what has been termed “nihilistic” but it really isn’t so at all.

The other issues may or may not be part of this, as each person has his or her own opinion. Nevertheless, these two factors probably account for a lot of resistance:

  • The lack of any frank, honest and direct messaging on the part of the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church. There are bioethical issues, such as the use of HEK293 cell lines, which originated from an aborted fetus. This is a major issue of “cooperating with someone else’s sin” which is also listed as a sin itself, and abortion being as grave as it is, it is difficult for any Orthodox Christian to justify using this vaccine, especially at the urging of the government with no explanation.
  • The very high death count resulting from administration of COVID-19 vaccines, which mostly resemble one another in the US and Europe. At the present time, the US’ VAERS site records more than 4,600 deaths associated with the vaccine. The European counterpart, EudraVigilance, reports an astonishing 15,400 deaths attributed to the vaccine.
Put these two factors together and add them to the conspiracy theory stuff and you get what we see quoted from this news piece below:

Dr. Peter McCullough – COVID Vaccines Have Already Killed 50,000 Americans, According To Whistleblowers​

In an extraordinary interview last week, Dr. Peter McCullough, an American professor of Medicine and Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University, declared that the world has been subjected to a form of bioterrorism, and that the suppression of early treatments for COVID-19 — such as hydroxychloroquine — “was tightly linked to the development of a vaccine.”

Dr. McCullough made the explosive comments during a webinar on June 11, with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, a German trial lawyer, who believes the pandemic was planned, and is “a crime against humanity."
McCullough said he believes the bioterrorism has come in two stages—the first wave being the rollout of the coronavirus, and the second, the rollout of the dangerous vaccines, which he said may already be responsible for the deaths of up to 50,000 Americans…
McCullough explained that both the coronavirus and the vaccines deliver “to the human body, the spike protein, [which is] the gain of function target of this bioterrorism research.”
He acknowledged that he couldn’t come out and say all that on national television because the medical establishment has done such a thorough job of propagandizing the issue.
“What we have learned over time is that we could no longer communicate with government agencies. We actually couldn’t communicate with our propagandized colleagues in major medical centers, all of which appear to be under a spell, almost as if they’ve been hypnotized.”
“Good doctors are doing unthinkable things like injecting biologically active messenger RNA that produces this pathogenic spike protein into pregnant women. I think when these doctors wake up from their trance, they’re going to be shocked to think what they’ve done to people,” he said, echoing what he, and Dr. Harvey Risch, professor at the Yale School of Public Health, told Fox News host Laura Ingraham during an interview last month.
The credentials of this doctor are significant, and he has suffered COVID himself and lost a family member to it, so he has little reason to take up a point of view that would be dangerous.

As long as this kind of information is suppressed and as long as “the powerful” try to impose draconian rules upon people for no adequately explained reason, there will be resistance.

There simply has to be. Political repressions of the past went pretty far – attacking one’s religion was really bad. But this repression actually attacks something a bit more obviously simplistic – the control any person has over their very own body. It does not take being a religious person or an ethicist to comprehend great fear in allowing some stranger to have access to one’s very body.

This may be the basis of any pushback that takes place.
Exactly my feelings. It needn't have happened. This is probably one of the most obvious examples we've seen of 'knowledge protects, ignorance endangers'. But that's the story of this world, isn't it? How many tragedies for the common people could have been prevented if they had paid 'strict attention left and right' to reality? Heartbreaking.
Yes, especially when it hits home - so sorry for your loss, WK, heartbreaking indeed.
Here’s another article that explains about how to blocking spike-proteins.

(Natural News) The engineered spike proteins from SARS-CoV-2 can be STOPPED by a common “weed” that is exterminated from lawns every year. A German university study found that the common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) can block spike proteins from binding to the ACE2 cell surface receptors in human lung and kidney cells. The water-based dandelion extract, taken from the plant’s dried leaves, was effective against spike protein D614 and a host of mutant strains, including D614G, N501Y, K417N and E484K.

Dandelion extract blocks SARS CoV-2 spike proteins and their variants

The researchers used high molecular weight compounds taken from a water-based dandelion extract and put them to the test in human HEK293-hACE2 kidney and A549-hACE2-TMPRSS2 lung cells. The dandelion blocked the protein-to-protein interactions between the S1 sub unit of the spike protein and the human ACE2 cell surface receptor. This effect was also true against the spike protein mutations from the predominant variants in circulation, including the United Kingdom (B.1.1.7), South African (B.1.351) and Brazilian (P.1) variant.

The dandelion extract stopped SARS-CoV-2 spike pseudotyped lentivirus particles from attaching to lung cells and stopped an inflammatory process called interleukin-6 secretion. Because the study was conducted in vitro, further clinical studies are needed to understand how the dandelion extract is absorbed and utilized in biological systems of the human body.
Just to add a bit more information on this, these disclosure forms are designed to culpify (if that's a word) whomever is enforcing a vaccine. So currently, if a school or employer is enforcing a vaccine mandate, they aren't liable in case of injury. They can just walk away, or dump employees for being sick. This was noted earlier in this thread about nurses who've been vaxxed, then fall ill, and then aren't able to return to work - and not compensated.

As far as I can understand it, with these forms, a school or an employer can be made liable. The liability hinges on disclosure of vaccine ingredients. It makes a legal challenge to schools and employers to disclose exactly what they're forcing their students and employees to take into their bodies. If there's an injury, or death, and those reactions are caused by known toxic substances, this gives legal grounds for a lawsuit. In an ideal situation, the institutions in question will have to take the responsibility and pay the cost of vaccine injury. It may also slow down a mandatory vaccination campaign when the form is brought forwards, leading to a legal battle over disclosure itself.
From that link of reference (, and only quoting when it comes to employees, not students et cetera, this is what it says:

Form for Employees Whose Employers Are Requiring Covid-19 Injections

This puts employers in a box. This is a form every employee who is faced with this needs to submit to the authorized officer of their company. It is 100% legally accurate, forces them to respond to your questions (already on the form for you), provide you with all requirements by the FDA, makes them review all of the ways they are breaking the law, and holds them 100% financially responsible, requiring a signature.

Not sure if it actually would in the case for many employers (perhaps they just won't sign it for one) as they are protected; well sort of. From what I can understand, whether under OSHA or provincial legislation (likely the EU is the same), the trick played out on employees was to make vaccine damage related to the workplace, a 'possible' compensatable claim, which moved vaccine damage off the backs of health ministries et cetera (of course never to the manufacturers) onto the aggregate classification of what industry is being addressed. For instance, both public and private education includes schools, universities and trade schools that fall under one type of classification in many jurisdictions. Medicine; hospitals et cetera another, and so on and so forth. The employer may still be held for the cost of claim, but it is spread out among all who share that classification (e.g. pennies or a dollar per $100 of wages x how many employer). In the case of Canada's socialized medicine, it is back to the taxpayers anyway (and claims are more readably accepted). This is when the vaccine is mandatory for employment, and also possibly when it is advertised through the employer, yet not a condition of employment.

This seems not so everywhere, though. In Ontario for instance, here it is pointed out to employers:

Of note, where an employer is made aware that a vaccination received by an employee as a compulsory part of their employment has triggered an adverse reaction, the employer is obligated to report the injury or illness to the WSIB. {OSHA said they don't have to report} That said, even if the employee’s claim for benefits is accepted, the costs associated with COVID-19 vaccination claims will not be allocated at an employer or class level. Rather, they will be allocated on a Schedule-wide basis. {meaning all classifications pay} Further, employers will not show an incident against their records, nor will they be subject to a change in premium rates. {well that is silly (premium rates), they will all pay something, someway, yet not directly against their record - a get out of jail free card, so they don't mind making it mandatory}
If you look at how MARSH fames this - and they act for employers in North America, you can see this language now in many occupational claims legislation (with variations):

Can an employee’s adverse reaction to the vaccine be considered a compensable workers’ compensation claim?

If an employer mandates that employees be vaccinated, it is likely that a worker’s compensation claim filed by an employee with an adverse reaction would be found compensable, as the vaccine could be seen as a requirement for work.

If an employer offers the vaccine and potentially advertises its availability through company emails and signage, an employee that files a claim for an adverse reaction may be granted workers’ compensation benefits even if vaccination is voluntary and not mandated by an employer.

Employees who decide to be vaccinated on their own — without any requirement, influence, or advertisement from their employers — may still be able to file workers’ compensation claims due to adverse reactions. To be deemed compensable, however, an employee would need to prove that an injury was related and/or connected to the course and scope of employment and meet compensability requirements within the relevant jurisdiction.

In all of the above cases — and as in all workers’ compensation claims — the facts of a claim and jurisdiction will ultimately determine the outcome.
And ah, proving damage for a claim is a whole other matter i.e. claim denied.

In many places, employers are protected from legal suit by the occupational system in place (with some historical reasons that was never designed for the subject of modern so called vaccines) - i.e. the claims system.

When it comes to workplaces, whoever dreamed all this up knew exactly what they were doing, the leverage to us to shield the systems that gave us, or mandated vaccines in the first place, which is not to say that there will not be lawsuits in the background, it is just that legal and systems advice seems to be favouring employers ability to demand it for employment (another matter) while being meshed tight within jurisdictional laws. Judges seem to agree - well of course they do, by design.

It might in theory give grounds for a liability suit, but there are very big forces behind the push for vaccination. Moreover, the judicial system in USA has shown itself to be stinking corrupt. We see what happens when people go up against these forces. It might be different if it was almost everyone banging the same drum.
Yes, exactly, this seems so.
Thank you for all of your replies and support. Very much appreciated. I had a very vivid dream last night with the Cass dream crystal under my pillow: I was in a maze of buildings where there were lectures about how wonderful the mRNA vaccines are and how all the health care provide

It does seem like the psychopaths are reconsidering their push to vaccinate children--at least I hope so. Once you have a growing crowd of parents of vaccine-injured children, you've got a real problem on your hands.
The Vaccine Committee in Germany, STIKO, is as of yet against vaccinating children (with the exception of 12-17 year-olds with pre-existing conditions), but the media is definitely trying to push through this agenda. Karl Lauterbach, German politician, medical expert, and leading voice during the plandemic, claims the new Delta variant, is far more virulent and poses a far greater danger to children. Karl Lauterbach says STIKO's decision to not vaxx the children is based on older strains of the virus, but that children are now in grave danger from contracting the Delta variant. He says that many children have been hospitalised with Covid in the UK and STIKO should reconsider its decision to not vaccinate children.

Many parents are extremely concerned.
Karl Lauterbach, German politician, medical expert, and leading voice during the plandemic, claims the new Delta variant, is far more virulent and poses a far greater danger to children. Karl Lauterbach says STIKO's decision to not vaxx the children is based on older strains of the virus, but that children are now in grave danger from contracting the Delta variant.
This is a good example of how the lies and baseless claims are getting more and more outrageous. Of course there are mutations and every virologist knows that it is in the nature of viruses to mutate, to become more and more virulent and at the same time more harmless in their symptoms.

The claim that children (who have so far shown no symptoms at all) are now supposedly particularly at risk is just deeply twisted and an infamous lie. That mutations can be dangerous for vaccinated people from now on is on a different paper and should be clear to each of us by now.

This twisting of facts is just disgusting and shows that this "expert" Karl Lauterbach is not only a crazy psychopath on the verge of self-dissolution, but is to me the proof that psychopaths have a significant lack of intelligence. But that's exactly what makes these guys in positions of power so dangerous. :headbash:
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