Session 9 May 2020

Thank you for your hard work! When C's said about something with same name to corona and weather and previously about disclosure of cosmic forces the activity of sun came to my mind. If I remember correctly, the sun bursts are similar in name to the crown and "corona"-COVID-19 in Polish is almost the same as "crown". The sun activity could give us large electromagnetic pulse which would destroy a lot of electronic's devices like 5G which could give us connection to cosmic forces but I could be wrong :-)
Thank you so unbelievably much for this incredibly inspiring, calming and balancing session! Helps immensely.

Thank you very much for the session. I noticed during last few months each time I get super tired of this crazyness, new session appears and new ray of hope showers my thoughts :) It means a lot!
Due to the possible food shortage, we should get prepared again.
Yes, I feel exactly the same.

Just occurred to me, if the C's say the effects of the modificaltions are 'deleterious' and face masks have been shown via studies to increase an individuals reuptake of their own viral load, might these face masks be a way of 'reactivating/keeping active the modifications'

.....a thought that came along while looking out a window and seeing people drive by in their cars with masks on
So many people here driving with masks on, but I also see many people without masks, so it's a strange dichotomy here, but I saw recently a local poll in an article which said 80% (!) of people supported the government response to this plandemic and were happy with the response :headbash:

I'd also love to get more info from the C's regarding Musk. That neurolink stuff is chilling!

There are some interesting elements which bear examination:

In that Joe Rogan clip, what they were discussing with regard to neurolink sounds a lot like striving to achieve 4th Density awareness through 3rd Density technology.

That can be seen either as a way to prevent true 4D evolution by hyper-controlling the process from 3D, taking away the pressure for a population to make the natural evolutionary leap by providing a substitute.

OR it could be a natural expression of the actual evolutionary process. -We often expect to see the Wave bring us all to a magical dividing line, and upon crossing it we will simply be 4D beings. Poof! You're a higher level energy being! -But it seems unlikely that it wouldn't be a gradual process made from natural steps. Maybe the technological approach is simply that; one of the steps. At 18:00 what he is describing sounds very much like what I've so far deduced it might be like to exist at 4D.

Although, given the whole Starlink net and other bits and pieces Elon has displayed, I find it very difficult to extend the benefit of the doubt towards him, and lean much more heavily toward the idea that those steps (from 3D to 4D) ought to properly be genetic in nature, (EE breathing to allow high oxygen infusions to fuel the process of DNA unlocking, as well as all this concern over the Coronavirus doing the 'wrong' thing (from the PTB's perspective) in helping people grow).
This neuralink is gonna be the ultimate STS control factor - with a shiny front. Look at what you can fix, you can see better, be smarter, cure problems, etc etc. Oooh, you were a bad boy today, *switch off neuralink* Think youtube or facebook jail, but for your brain! :scared:
Plus, of course, they gonna record everything too, so all your video/audio/etc permanently digested by A.I. and available to whoever has access - like someone hacking your PC or nanny cam on steroids...
Thank you for your hard work! When C's said about something with same name to corona and weather and previously about disclosure of cosmic forces the activity of sun came to my mind. If I remember correctly, the sun bursts are similar in name to the crown and "corona"-COVID-19 in Polish is almost the same as "crown". The sun activity could give us large electromagnetic pulse which would destroy a lot of electronic's devices like 5G which could give us connection to cosmic forces but I could be wrong :-)
Korona/Crown for everyone :)

I am wondering, à propos, the session, is Korwin Mikke greenbaumed?
(Ark) But I don't understand because they have supercomputers able to do simulations of everything. So they probably did the simulation. And the simulation did not show probably that this policy will fail. And we think it will fail...
The human mind and "the machine mind" can be good allies. But if they put the data and want and interpret the result as they wish, without any logic in it, the conclusion will be always "correct and satisfied". The "poor algorithm" only can make the calculations. And they show how to not use it. I need to buy something again until money has some value, lol.
Putin maybe reacting to the possibility that the virus is genetically engineered to kill Russians. Since, there may have been some hints of this type of bio-warfare in the past.

What we have not heard anything about is what the Russians found out in Italy when they sent their medical teams there. Totally silent. Playing along to get along has been a good strategy for Russia recently. They may know more than seems apparent.
Thank you so much Laura for this session. Good to know I'm not going insane knowing all the lies that are in the news. I just wish I could explain it better to the people I love and are close to. It can be depressing because they think I'm all doom and gloom but I'm just trying to prepare them for what lies ahead. It just isn't the good news they want to hear. You are are such a blessing, again a big thank you for all you do!!
It just occurred to me this morning that this last act of 3D existence maybe a comedy of errors as well as a war with a happy ending. Since the media is more hysterical than needed to paint Trump in a negative light maybe they are really terrified by this virus. So they are terrifying the people because their greatest fear is the STO-Covid affect on their own kind. What if the C's-initiated sting operation on the whole Eliminate the Opposition by Genetic Warfare plan by the overly intelligent arrogant elite scientist was the cause of this overt power/money grab.

This is my take pitch for a current event movie:

Title: Sting by the C’s

Cast: Pauleae C Newmaneae, Roberteae C Redfordeae, Laura Knight, Ark and The Chateau Gang.​
Extras: The Cassiopeia Form Network Members​
Plot: STO vs STS. Mad STS scientist and the elites who believe they are destined to own the whole world and all humans decide to genetically engineer a common retrovirus to infect the STO opposition with their STS consciousness genes. To protect their chosen followers, they developed a vaccine to protect them from any possible negative affects of this genetically engineered virus.​
The C’s and helpful 4D STO’s tweak the retrovirus to flip the STS followers, especially the enforcers(mossad), into STOs. The comedy of errors ensues!​
The STS’rs freak out after their enforcers refuse to implement planned false flags against their mortal enemy. Mass hysteria, bumbling control measures, uncontrollable economic chaos, and internal warfare disrupts their plans, thus causing them to unintentionally reveal themselves to the unaware humans.​
Reviews: by Futureself R. Us. The Sting by the C’s is a side-splitting laugh-fest for all. It is full of thrills and unbelievable hysterical comedy-of-errors by the excessively intelligent soulless scientist, politicians and propagandist. It’s guaranteed to keep you laughing all the way to your 4D home!​

I know the C’s will not release any trailers but maybe we could ask them, “On a scale from 0-10 how hilarious this the final 3D act going to be?”

This inspiration has helped me to feel less anxious and gave me a chance to have fun. Hope the same for all.:cool2:

Thanks, I needed that!
When you see this footage of Bill gates - it makes so much sense he was Greenbaumed.
The site is in Croatian but you can watch the videos. Scary.
Thanks for the session info. It is a good continuation from the last one.

Today I came across this talk between Richard Hoagland and Joseph Farrel, and since this session is kind of the continuation of the 21st of March one, i will leave this here.


What i would like to point out from that talk is that Hoagland makes the connection between this virus and the fact that it could be a virus designed to manipulate the hosts mind, like the C's stated. He reached that conclusion by observing the geometry of the virus, and the fact that it can cross the blood/brain barrier. The geometry side of it, is has he says speculative, but because the virus has a triangular/tetrahedral shape he is suspicious of that. He goes further stating that it resembles the "Andromedra strain" virus, "Andromedra strain" being a sci-fi book/movie. Stating that sometimes popular culture fiction does precede reality.


This geometry idea is interesting, but of course it would need a bit more investigation to see if it can stand the probability of being accurate.

They also go about the idea that it could be electromagnetic related, but not in a sense of people dying from it, but the perspective that an electromagnetic field can be used to activate it in a future opportunity in persons that carry it.
Thank you very much for the lastest session! :-)

So Bill Gates turns out to be a victim himself...

Q: (Joe) Back on the last question about how the governments of the world were lied to... At this point, after seven or eight weeks, surely most of them have some doubts about it?

A: At this point, yes indeed. But the populace is programmed to panic, so what can they do?

Q: (L) In other words, if they start to try to say something against the panic that's been programmed into everyone, then THEY will be targeted as...

(Joe) From both sides. One, for endangering the population and lifting the lock down so quickly, and two, for the other group who've been suspicious of the lock down in the first place.

(Andromeda) Yeah, and from those people who have been hurt because of the lock downs.

(L) So they're really between a rock and hard place. I just don't see how they're going to fix things. They're printing money like they were manufacturing Monopoly games. The only thing that that's going to do is the same thing that happened in the Weimar Republic when they did that. At some point, a whole truckload of money won't buy a loaf of bread. It'll be worthless. They're making money absolutely worthless!

The acting pawns of the PTB have maneuvered themselves between a rock and hard place.

That leaves me with an eased feeling.

They will get stick from the covidians, from the "corona deniers" as well as from the increasing number of people who will be out of work, out of money and out of a decent future. Of course they will be throwing fiat money at the growing problems but the ruling system is heading deep into a dead-end street. ⛔

I always love to hear about the furry folk at the chateau and I do hope they'll be doing fine. 🐶 🐱

Finally one I always wanted to ask: Who is The Lunar Module? [2D/ 3D]? :-[

Yours truly, 🐻 UM
We live in an apartment here. Not so much space for gardening, but I have considered a proper freezer and to just horde what I can. I envy those in the country for their space, I'm probably going to be home invaded... orlikely not, I won't be surprised that I move in with other family out of the way at some point, raiding is still reality though no?
See if you can become friendly with your neighbors. You may be able to help each other out, and if there are ever any difficulties, you'll have people who you know, and you'll be able to look out for each other, even if its just in little ways. Kind of like a community. We've all become so socially isolated over the years. It's just an idea, anyway. If it's possible.
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