
actually, can anyone tell me if this is going to be good enough for resired dream affect?
Bought 120 tablets of 3MG Melatonin right after work today. Plan on do EE before taking it and falling asleep. Feedback will be provided soon!
My experience with melatonin has been very positive.

Ive found B vitamins that (so google says) help produce melatonin naturally.

These are the ones i used.

Jarrows 'B right' multi-vits. (1 a day)
Source naturals P5P 50mg sublingual (2 a day)
Jarrows Methyl-B-12 1000mg sublingual (2 a day)

Ive also tried using 5-HTP and tryptophan with melatonin, and its pretty effective. (in small dosages so to be safe).

The best melatonin ive used is the NOW foods branded liquid melatonin. You can take it sublingually for 5 minutes under your tonuge before swallowing.

Overall i think melatonin is amazing, but i wouldnt use it constantly. I find towards the end of a month or so im taking nearly 20mg to get the same effect as 2mg at the start. Maybe i should stick to a low dosage over a longer period in future. I began taking melatonin as id realised i that i was cut off from dream state.
Since taking it ive seen how healing my dream state is for my phscological well-being, especially as a victim of severe trauma.
I have to admit that I am guilty of taking the full 3mg as well. I was taking it to see what the benefits would be and I slept like a log through the night. Waking up in the morning was a bit groggy but i have stopped using it after one night I took it and I started shaking, kind of like a jittery sensation that one might get from drinking an energy drink loaded with sucrose. Needless to say I may take melatonin again but in a lesser dosage as I did have some interesting dreams at the time. None that I can recall at this point.

Last night I had a dream about a UFO that was changing its lights in the sky. It was blinking and transforming into different things and I watched it as it landed and it transformed into a Ferris wheel? Then back into a UFO as it took back off from the ground. I woke up having to question my sanity ha. What I truly bizarre dream. Any comments? Not a Ferris wheel that I would choose to ride.
I've been using Melatonin (5Mg) for a few months now (on and off, usually because of jet lag) but never seemed to notice any difference in the quality of sleep / dreams. From what I've read here, 5 Mg is more than the usual people take. I also take B6 vitamins during the day, helps get ride of the after meal sleepiness.

Can it be that:
1) I'm naturally resistant to supplement and medicine ?

2) Just doesn't work on everyone ?

3) I'm a big guy, I should think about increasing the dose ?

4) Anything else you guys can think of...

Omega said:
I've been using Melatonin (5Mg) for a few months now (on and off, usually because of jet lag) but never seemed to notice any difference in the quality of sleep / dreams. From what I've read here, 5 Mg is more than the usual people take. I also take B6 vitamins during the day, helps get ride of the after meal sleepiness.

Sublingual melatonin works better for me than the pill form. I had to take 10mg of pill form melatonin to achieve the same results as 3mg sublingual melatonin (and I am not a big guy :)). Perhaps try that?

As well, do you use GABA or 5HTP in combination with melatonin? If you are unfamiliar with these, try using the search function for more information here on the Forum.
My 5mg are Sublingual. Do not know the quality of it, might be the problem also. I'm not that big, just tall :D

I don't know anything about GABA or 5HTP so I'll definitly do more research on that.

Thx for the reply !
John Chang said:
I took 6mg last night. I started feeling sleepy, so I went on to bed.

About 3 hours later, I woke up and boy was I feeling wierd. The room looked like it was pixelated, and then I closed my eyes and I started seeing all kinds of wierd stuff. Then I started feeling sleepy again, and went back to sleep.

This stuff is cool. Tell the C's I said "Thanks". This stuff is safe, right?
I've said this before, but especially with the room being pixelated; It sounds like sleep paralysis. :huh:
m said:
Ryan's sig:
If there is no spoon, how do you eat soup?
We're IN the soup! I don't think we need to eat it -- instead, maybe what we need is an inter-density straw and a really strong well pump to send it back where it came from! ;)

To John:

If you're waking up after only a few hours with that much melatonin in you then you're probably taking too much.

Or you are used to pharmacuticals. sometimes they work for me, and sometimes not.
Vulcan59 said:
Hi all,

Just returned from the Natural Health Store here where I live in Auckland, New Zealand. I went there looking for Melatonin and was surprised to find that it is not sold in stores here. The lady behind the counter told me that melatonin was taken off store shelfs nation wide because apparently people were overdosing themselves on it!!
When i first read about melatonin on the cass site i couldn't find it. It was still some years befor it became available in Canada.
I've been taking melatonin for over 10 years now and I find that I have to adjust the dosage based on different factors, like stress level, etc. During one period of recent illness, I was taking up to 10 mg per night, but after a few days, that got to be too much, so I'm back down to my regular dose which is higher than what I took for the first few years. I take 7 mg per night now and for a long time, I only took 1 mg.

It's kind of like vitamin C, you find your right dose by experimenting for tolerance. Also, sublingual is way better than a pill you swallow.

If you have no trouble sleeping at the right hours, for the right length of time, you don't need it.
Justin said:
Fifth Way, It's a chemical that the human body produces naturally to help the sleep process. Some people's bodies don't produce enough or don't produce it at the correct time, so taking it as a supplement helps to induce natural sleep soon after the melatonin is taken. Many people use it while traveling to "reset" their internal clock that regulates the sleep cycle... :)

Melatonin produced in the pineal gland, which is outside of the blood-brain barrier, acts as an endocrine hormone since it is released into the blood. By contrast, melatonin produced by the retina and the gastrointestinal (GI) tract acts as a paracrine hormone.[citation needed]

Melatonin can suppress libido by inhibiting secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) from the anterior pituitary gland, especially in mammals that have a breeding season when daylight hours are long. The reproduction of long-day breeders is repressed by melatonin and the reproduction of short-day breeders is stimulated by melatonin. During the night, melatonin regulates leptin, lowering the levels; see leptin. :/
davey72 said:
Melatonin can suppress libido by inhibiting secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) from the anterior pituitary gland, especially in mammals that have a breeding season when daylight hours are long. The reproduction of long-day breeders is repressed by melatonin and the reproduction of short-day breeders is stimulated by melatonin. During the night, melatonin regulates leptin, lowering the levels; see leptin. :/

So... melatonis decreases your sex drive and can make your hair fall out?? :scared: First time I heard of that. :huh:
Mrs. Peel said:
davey72 said:
Melatonin can suppress libido by inhibiting secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) from the anterior pituitary gland, especially in mammals that have a breeding season when daylight hours are long. The reproduction of long-day breeders is repressed by melatonin and the reproduction of short-day breeders is stimulated by melatonin. During the night, melatonin regulates leptin, lowering the levels; see leptin. :/

So... melatonis decreases your sex drive and can make your hair fall out?? :scared: First time I heard of that. :huh:

Ummm... FSH is the hormone that stimulates the follicle of the ovary to make a blister and eject an egg. Has nothing to to with hair.

There's more to this hormone interaction than just that, though. New book for everyone: "Lights Out" by T.S. Wiley... all about why sleeping more is a good thing.
Laura said:
[Ummm... FSH is the hormone that stimulates the follicle of the ovary to make a blister and eject an egg. Has nothing to to with hair.

Eep! :-[ I knew from reading about hair loss that it would have something to do with the follicles not being stimulated, or being gunked up, or something like that. Must have been a bad hair day...
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