Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

As of mid December last year it was estimated that nearly 1/2 million Israeli's left Israel and did no return. Today's numbers are not known yet. (dual passports and going mostly to Europe)

Recently high ranking military are resigning...(also leaving?)

Now the Haifa airport? I'm guessing we could soon be seeing a mass exodus, or at least a continued "We're vacationing in Europe" trend.

Nearly half a million people depart Israel amid Gaza war: Report​

“The figures show that the number of Israelis who left and did not return is estimated at around 470,000,” Zman said.

"Therefore, there is a negative migration of about half a million people, and this does not include thousands of foreign workers, refugees, and diplomats who left the country,” it added.

I think that if you are living there and you can smell and feel the vibe and you have the money , would you stay ?
Two excellent videos for those who may not fully appreciate how Israel is just the current tip of the spear for a long-running, variously-masked psychopathic enterprise that's dominated humanity for thousands of years. The host is efficient and clear in his presentation of a lot of material, including many helpful timelines, illustrations and photos.

Part 1

Part 2
Speaking of this, I wonder about Dekel and his family. He’s has been quiet on this thread for some time
Is there some kind of censorship going on for Israeli citizens?
About 8 years ago I met an Israeli selling at a stall in my home town, we chatted for about a month and then he left. I would occasionally check up on his social media to see what he was up to. I recently tried to search his name and I couldn’t find him, I don’t have social media so I would use a google search and when I typed in his name this time only about 15 similar names came up before google had no more suggestions. Moshe is a very common Hebrew name too so this stuck me as odd and made me think there is some censoring going on over there.
a great interview with Thierry Meyssan, who explains what he understands about Nuland's departure as Secratary of State.
Basically, he announces the ousting of both Netanyahu and Zélinsky.
30 minutes of erudite insight into the Arab and Jewish players in Palestine.

Israel has rejected permanent ceasefire in Gaza because it's not profitable, so ethnic cleansing will continue.

No...ethnic cleansing will continue because it is their visceral loathing required to ultimately burst all our human faces. Their bad faith is so bad that it precludes anything other. The West's relationship with Zionism is gargantuan and most of its technology is being run also by that club. It is an architecture with world control in mind. Its called the open reign of the anti Christ with Jerusalem as its bursting capital.
Is US aiming to control part of Gaza?

According to the official who spoke to reporters shortly before Biden delivered his address, the US will “coordinate with the Israelis on the security requirements on land,” and work with the UN and humanitarian groups to distribute the aid. The new method will “take a number of weeks to plan and execute,” the official said.
Two excellent videos for those who may not fully appreciate how Israel is just the current tip of the spear for a long-running, variously-masked psychopathic enterprise that's dominated humanity for thousands of years. The host is efficient and clear in his presentation of a lot of material, including many helpful timelines, illustrations and photos.

Part 1

Part 2
Thank you for the videos, what I saw in them, primarily the torture of family units, was sickening. I kind of knew that this kind of activity was going on, but what they showed was far beyond anything I could have ever imagined it to be.

Years ago, in my childhood there was a church in the area, it was run by a group that was known as the Jones church, yes, the same one that killed everyone with Kool-Ade in Jonestown. They started here in my valley by bringing black deprived families from the San Francisco Bay area up here by the bus loads. The people were unknowns, most living on the street even back then. They were drawn here by the offers of work, food and housing.

Let me step back a little, local families that went to their church were abducted in a sense. They changed after only a couple of visits to this church, they turned submissive to the church, completely submissive. I suspected Drugs were being used by this church group, incense candles were burning all the time there, you could really smell them as you drove by the church. This was not just the local half-educated souls here but doctors and lawyers, what I would consider smart people. Those that joined gave everything to the church, land, homes, families, paychecks … they ended up owning about a quarter of the valley I live in today which included many acres of wine grapes. Families were removed and collected in alternate locations. They would assign a person to take care of a house, one of their church group.

What I saw was on the school bus, they had to have the front three rows of seats on the bus, they filled them but never more than that. What I did notice was that there was a rotation of kids in these seats, and I really didn’t understand this until I saw these videos. About every month there were new kids with them and several that were not there anymore.

The busloads of people coming up here were put up in these houses, sometimes as many as thirty or forty sleeping wherever they could, floors many times (I got these stories from the kids). They were changed to one of the submissives and worked in the fields that they owned picking grapes and such.

The church had the only swimming pool in the area, I got invited to join them one day but was ejected when I splashed too much, thank goodness. But what I saw was a lot of men, few women, individual kids but never a family unit with kids. My brother actually went to school with Jim Jones himself. Of note: That church stands to this day, swimming pool is still there but now it is a community building, I still won't go there, I suspect that there is an underground there.

They were here a few years doing this in what I consider steeling land from any who joined them. One day there was a great yard sale, everyone's possessions were sold off, that included all the lands and homes that they used and left for South America, of course the church pocketed the money. What was happening behind doors in that church was an unknown to everyone in the local area.

Now I spin this forward to today, immigrants, complete unknowns here, are coming in and right away they are given food, housing, medical … all for free where the common man has to work and pay for it. Now in a way I thought it was good, give them a new life as some of these people were really deprived, coming here with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. Then I see these videos … OMG is this what is happening to some maybe all of the families brought in … let me go regurgitate. Haiku …
Now I spin this forward to today, immigrants, complete unknowns here, are coming in and right away they are given food, housing, medical … all for free where the common man has to work and pay for it. Now in a way I thought it was good, give them a new life as some of these people were really deprived, coming here with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. Then I see these videos … OMG is this what is happening to some maybe all of the families brought in … let me go regurgitate. Haiku …
This that you comment is transmarginal inhibition that now has become more evident to me since the war against Palestine started, at many levels and at different scale. Just to give an example in the Argentina-Milei or Salvador thread you can find the topic of this inhibition that is made against the descendants of the Salvador war that become the Maras salvatrucha, This war forced these people to flee and migrate to another context completely contaminated and designed that You very well describe from what you have seen and lived, where new generations were born and grew up "fermenting" the worst of them to serve the darkness and return to the country of their ancestors as torturers.

In thread Christopher Langan's Cognitive Theoretic Model of the Universe iamthatis better explain this condition with a similarity:
First you cut humans apart by severing their relationship with the earth and the divine, the relationship between body and mind, and also cut decent relations between men and women, between families and their children. You add something granular that will preserve them but also release the living water inside and then just start pounding. After they've softened, you seal them up in a frequency fence, let them stew in their own juices and eat as needed. Maybe it's a bit of a crude metaphor, but our own 'culture' looks to me like it is being made more and more edible through a kind of dark fermentation process.
Extrapolating from the example and in the context of Palestine, what was happening there before October was completely subhuman
and the development of this human extermination proves it. Is more than certain that from the expelled survivors will expect hatred and more violence of all kinds to name only the obvious. This war has only been the denouement laid out before our eyes of how the international political correctness can act unjustly with with contempt and malice aforethought against humanity. Don't expect anything.
The alchemy continues and the "solve" seems to be in its first phase unveiling all the iniquities that feed the darkness and sink the "elite" deeper.
As grim as things are at the moment, I still come back to the fact that Israel/US/UK are sowing some very bad karma and will have to "do the reaping" sooner or later. As an activist and observer to a mild extent, my mind, though shocked at the plight of the Gazan population, tends to wander back to how things at home are gonna transpire with regards to it being election year in the UK too. We are, as the Rastas lovably phrased it, "Babylon", "the shit-stem". As young hippies living in England 25 years ago we'd talk about this. It's nothing new, the University modules were filled with analyses of it back in the mid 90s. We'd talk about elites in kinds of ways that anticipated my reading which brought me here eventually. Once Dr David Kelly was killed, I lost all doubts about the British intel squads. I've had conversations with British friends, and we've agreed that we're probably all on files of some sort, as dissidents, or "extremists". UK intel has been involved in many dodgy events in the last 30 years and again I think about karmic blow-back. What does the future hold for us in the fading west? What do we in the UK have to look forward to in our immediate future?

I think we look to the essential strengthening of the individual, on the physical, emotional and intellectual planes. There's a greater emphasis on good conduct, sound reasoning, and decent spiritual hygiene now. And it's needed, because the old hippy ways I enjoyed were complacent, self-satisfied. They lost their edge. That won't happen so much in society now, too many people in disparate groups are seeing and calling out the Beast all over Sott/X/Forum now. We're dealing with a society in the west that is a dire re-run of a collapsing civilisation dynamic. We can learn from Atlantis, we can learn from Greece, we can learn from Rome. We can learn from the western axis of chaos now. What not to do, how not to behave, how to mend one's ways hopefully. As a UK resident I'm well aware that karmic blow-back can be an awesome bitch, so I tend to stay mindful on how far the UK elites push their desperate agenda.

The general election will be called later this year, and Sunak will have to seek a mandate. I predict the Tories will get a bit of a whipping, and I also welcome back George Galloway back into parliament. He'll spice things up as a voice of clarity for sure. I'll be voting for an independent candidate in all likelihood, and I hope the UK Muslim population comes out and tells Sunak and Starmer where they can shove it. It's our country after all, screw those parasites, I'd love it if we could take it back but we just have to watch the pathocracy implode I think. To be sure though the coming elections in the US and UK will make this autumn very interesting indeed. But both left and right in both nations are compromised, all support Israel and co-operate with them to varying degrees. The Cs said that one day Israel would have to "pay the piper", so that little debt will be passed westwards too. These days truly are a battle for souls. The soul of the UK is malignant from the head down, and eventually it will be our responsibility to rehabilitate our benighted land. I hope to live to see the day that we kick the pathocratic "shit-stem" of "Babylon" out of London for good, but that's just a fool's dream. But the challenge is to create a kind of "campaign for objective reality", to effect a genuine and lasting form of change. Getting shares on X is good but it's a drop in the bucket. I guess I just feel that we're missing something at the moment, that nagging feeling that we should be doing more? Maybe...
In a speech delivered back in time by the president of Syria, Al Assad, on the subject of Ukraine before the abject murder, torture and starvation ramped up in Palestine's Gaza:
The West has proven that it does not have friends or enemies. It only has one enemy – anyone who stands in the way of its interests. Communism, Islam, Nazism, China, Russia, or anyone else are not enemies of the West. If they serve the interests (of the West) – they are friends. If the oppose those interests – they are enemies. In other words, they have zero principles.

The ugliest truth of the all – and not many people know this - is the lie that the West and Zionism oppose Nazism.

Not many people know that the leaders of the Nazis in Ukraine – Nazis organizations that closely collaborated with Hitler in terms of security, military, and ideology – were driven out of (of Ukraine) at the end of WWII, some of them to Europe, and some of them to America.

In the 1950’s, the CIA asked the American administration to lift the ban on these Nazi groups, because America needed them in Ukraine which was then part of the USSR.

What proves these historic facts today is that Zelensky is a Zionist Jew, yet he supports the extremist nationalist organizations that fought (alongside the Nazis) in WWII when Hitler invaded (the USSR), and some of them took part in the massacres committed against the Jews.

So how come the that Zionist Jew is supporting these organizations? The West supports these organizations, which today are called the right-winged “Azov organization.” And Zionist Israel, which keeps crying about victims of the Holocaust, supports a leader that supports the Nazis that killed the Jews. This proves that the West is lying – in everything that it is saying, and it does not care about anything except ruling the world, plundering resources, and filling its coffers.

- Al Assad

If this photo is genuine, it eradicates in my opinion the possibility that RFK Jr. is just ignorant and not well educated on the Gaza/Zionist topic. From what I've seen this Rabbi Shmuel is one of the vilest, most dishonest and disgusting people you can imagine, and for someone like RFK Jr. to associate himself with this guy is beyond belif. From following Robert for a long time I have the impression that he does have a conscience and a pretty sharp mind. There's no way that he wouldn't know what a scumbag this 'Rabbi' is. So, the question, again, is: what do they have on him?


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If this photo is genuine, it eradicates in my opinion the possibility that RFK Jr. is just ignorant and not well educated on the Gaza/Zionist topic. From what I've seen this Rabbi Shmuel is one of the vilest, most dishonest and disgusting people you can imagine, and for someone like RFK Jr. to associate himself with this guy is beyond belif. From following Robert for a long time I have the impression that he does have a conscience and a pretty sharp mind. There's no way that he wouldn't know what a scumbag this 'Rabbi' is. So, the question, again, is: what do they have on him?
I don't know how discriminating this is in relation to what is happening in Palestine ( I have a hard time intervening in this thread because of the title), given that the totality of the American elite (and beyond, with nuances of façade for dummies) are on the same side.
Is US aiming to control part of Gaza?

Interesting. Even while delivering humanitarian aid, the Americans are killing Palestinians. How well-honed are the means of destruction, what does Biden want to change? Is not enough being destroyed?!
The dumping of American humanitarian aid on the Gaza Strip. Several deaths have been reported.

Интересно. Даже доставляя гуманитарную помощь американцы убивают палестинцев. Насколько отточены средства уничтожения, чего же хочет менять Байден? Мало уничтожается?!
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