Session 29 July 2023

In regards to “undergrounders” as YT influencers:

This one that goes by the creator “Poppy” came to mind (she’s actually backed by a major label if I recall correctly). When I first watched these short videos they were very off putting, yet mesmerized many of my co-workers at the time. They still creep me out. With the context above the videos seem more like training videos made by non-humans for non-humans on how to be human.

Here’s a couple:

Those are creepy. Here is compilation of videos, before Covid.

The first name I thought of upon hearing about the Adrenochrome was

Elizabeth Báthory​

Q: (L) Are we going to be wiped out by aliens as part of this natural progression?
A: Maybe. What makes you feel you are special?
Q: (L) Let me ask this one before the tape runs out and we take a break. What is the "ultimate secret" being protected by the Consortium?
A: You are not in control of yourselves, you are an experiment.
These are fascinating questions and carefully crafted answers.

They did not say we are not special, they asked why we would think that.
Good question!
Thank you very much for your time and work. The "underground cities" subject has brought to mind some thoughts and questions.

The information the C's have provided strongly suggests that the composition of the inner earth is not at all in line with our conventional theories. For example, according to the C's there are cities at a depth that would be considered to be within the earth's core, and these cities remain at a comfortable temperature.

There is a victorian-era book called Etidorhpa about hollow cavities within the earth, and this book makes an interesting claim that the interior of the earth is not in fact filled with magma. Rather it claims that the earth contains gigantic oceans of water, and during certain internal upheavals and pressures, the waters of these oceans reach incredible temperatures and race toward the surface, melting solid rock along the way. When we see lava erupting from volcanoes on the surface of the earth, what we are seeing is in fact rock from within the earth that has been melted by superheated and super-pressurized water from oceans deep within the earth.

The interesting thing about this idea is that under this model, cities could conceivably exist far below the earth, where conventional theories suppose only red-hot layers of magma exist.

Just wanted to share this idea with you guys. Thanks Laura and others for your time and work.
I would agree that whatever we have been taught about the inner earth is definitely not the full story.
Those are creepy. Here is compilation of videos, before Covid.

The first name I thought of upon hearing about the Adrenochrome was

Elizabeth Báthory​

I would say that the clown girl is definitely a problem. The way the youtube video was created (including the background audio) was also problematic.
Thanks a lot for that incredible session!

With regard to announcing plans:

I remembered a thread I started years ago about my observation that anticipation might reduce the probability of that which is anticipated actually happening. There are lots of fine points though, some of which are discussed in some excellent posts on that thread, such as

I think there is a mundane explanation for the failure of plans or predictions to materialize, as well as the supra-mundane explanation; the inability to see objectively, and tendency to wishfully think.

I take the cash flow forecasts for my business as an example - they rarely come true, but I think this is largely a product of my unwillingness to face cold hard reality.
Yeah, this one of the possessed looking woman from the complication you posted stood out to me too (hadn’t seen the others).

One thought I had is that she’s just really sleep deprived - up all night writing the speech, too much No Doz maybe? Anyway, they’re out there…handling.

The guy that stares dead pan and only blinks with one right eye and rarely does so is also extremely odd. I counted 6 times he blinked in 4 minutes. Normally we blink about 15-20 times per minute. I tried to capture the still frame of his blink, and it doesn’t even look like an eye lid. It could be the distortion as a result of the poor image quality. However each still frame gives a similar impression with the supposed right eye being closed. Very strange indeed!

NB In retrospect I think the frame rate isn’t high enough to capture the still frame of one eye being closed. But the blink rate and only with one eye is bizarre on its own!


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Take a look at these 3 examples of politicians, who seem to be mentally controlled by those certainly eerie and robotic looking peeps in the back


Oh boy, those are seriously creepy, and so is that Poppy girl. In the animal kingdom, the predator is easily distinguishable from its prey (Think cats and mice), and the preys know who the predators are. But here in 3D, we have humans who look perfectly human, yet... Learning is "fun". :umm:
It reminded me of Game Theory and what Laura has written about it here:

An extract:
Yes, it would behoove us to be wise as snakes and gentle as doves.

Btw, there are other types of "game theory" that involve more than just black and white
It's know to know about and be versed in many modes of hammering and building, because you have more wiggle room so that you can learn to soar eventually.
Q: (Keyhole) Are there members of the elite who consume the bodily fluids and or body parts of other humans?

A: Yes

Q: (Keyhole) If so, why do they do this?

A: Sickness.
Margaret Thatcher to the rescue, about whom I posted ~10+ years ago here that on the photo linked here then, she looked like fancy eating baby meat. Remember Ark also asked about cannibals.

Q: (L) So you're saying Barry Obama is a sick person. Sick in what way?

A: Psychopath.
Then I was probably wrong that in that interview, where he was sitting leisurely in the comfy chair with arms hanging at his sides, looking slowly speaking and tired: I got the impression I was seeing a battery-operated zombie-Obama-Clone robot.

(L) No, raaasberry! Okay. That's the sum and substance of this video they have shared of a real alien, supposedly. Was it a real alien in the video?

A: Yes
Just for reference: in this YT-reaction video right here there is a speaking second alien created via CGI by probably CIA PSYOPS or some artists, who I often describe faking saucers on YT to proudly show-off their expertise.
But the little yellow-brown one then is real, about which my first impression was its a Hollywood puppet. But right here in the hi-res original video we see it moves its mouth, which is harder to do and only mainly done by professional Hollywood 'Creature Team' puppeteers. Anyway its good military-style intelligence, thank You!
Q: (Keyhole) Is there any truth to the theory that human blood is consumed for adrenochrome?

A: Not exactly. It is extracted from the blood first.

Q: (Joe) And it's created in the way that people claim it's created...

A: Yes
Earlier when it was first mentioned I thought adrenochrome was real is clear from reading Lethbridge's books. I just didn't find the time - and successively forgot - to post it.
Anything in the body - especially your teeth - and the tools you work with applying lots of force with your hand - like if you are a Michelangelo working with a chisel or if you are a carpenter and work with an analog wood peeling-hacking tool like this your very life-force / aura gets forcefully IMPRINTED into-onto that object. Aura sticks & glues [usually] inseparably. Shroud of Jesus hysteria and especially the holy bone parts /remains of real Saints stored by the Church. They KNOW this! Now we know probably from where..

Therefore if children are torture-murdered in extreme-fear-pain state that very intense-feeling gets forcefully imprinted into their physical bodies. If anything is extracted from those children - blood, skin, meat, organs - and eaten or consumed, it transfers some of that very same aura-energy to the person who eats it. Same happens through telepathy!
Energy Potential Differences apply. Remember hunter-gatherer warriors and barbarians eating animals, drinking / cooking blood and eating their enemies hearts and brains, because they believed - quite correctly, I think - it might confer them [some of] their beaten enemy's power?

Remember Lethbridge's multiple accounts: "threw herself off the cliff", then she became a ghost-imprint forever replaying at the exact location and urging-imprinting-soaking psychically-sensitive peeps to MIMIC SAME THOUGHT IMPRINT ==>throw themselves OFF the cliff in similar fashion?

In the very same way, I think, the human-sauce extreme-fear-pain energy that Lizzies consume STICKS to extracted adrenochrome from blood, probably because its is some of the best "bio-available" [sorry] substance to consume-digest-activate the body, therefore the Lizzie-style feeding off tortured humans is best emulated via eating adrenochrome.

Probably just for evil. But if there is any gray-Lizzie science behind it, adrenochrome might be the ideal agent to which the very AURAL LIFE FORCE ENERGY of a dying-tortured kid sticks and therefore it might be that it actually nourishes Deep State psychos, who are then - hypothetically - could be literally consuming the very life-force energy of the tortured kids via adrenochrome.

BTW: I wanted to write Soros especially, before continuing reading the session and finding this
(Joe) George Soros. Are they aware that they seek out adrenochrome, and take it actively? They have done?

A: Yes

It requires a special kind of evil to finance first tattooing abducted kids for The "damage group" and fully knowing there is an industry for extracting, what these psychos will consume.. I mean that could definitely ensure 95% evil STS graduation into 4th Density!
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