Session 25 February 2023

Thanks for the Session and all the comments. :-)

Q: (Summerlite) What percentage of the World Economic Forum plans will come to fruition in the USA?

A: 80 or thereabouts.
Pareto principle: Doing 80% of a project is easy and takes only 20% of the total time/energy, while doing the remaining 20% of tasks to finish the project takes 80% of the total time/energy, or 'forever' if the project is never finished.
Q: (Fallen_735) Who is Elon Musk? On one side he releases controversial twitter files for the whole internet to see and makes fun of the "branch covidians" but on the other side his starlink tech is being used by Ukraine in the war… is he a man of the people but greedy? Or is he part of the PTB and just distracting the masses?

A: More complex than that. Good intentions but blinkered by beliefs like everyone.
I've been studying Musk for a few years now. I thought he was 'one of them' and I'm happy to hear that he's not.

However, I'd like to know if he's knowingly lying about things in order to achieve his good intentions. Some of his stuff does seem rather bogus to say the least. It half works or doesn't work at all. Various claims have been made that come to fruition years late and are often half baked.

I wonder if he knowingly lies about what he's doing or does he have a bunch of yes men telling him lies regarding his various projects.

Anyway, glad to know he's a more or less decent chap!
Thank you for the session people. I like them all but I say... This one was a tad depressing.

Now the weather forecast (sponsored by Pfizer:) says:


A bit warmer next week-end with a 94% chance of containment.

Perfect time for a walk!

See you around!
Q: (Joe) When you say "sequence", you don't necessarily mean in the same geographic region then?
A: No.
Q: (Joe) On the...
A: However, watch Africa.
In America, we don't hear much about Africa... unless the US starts a "peacekeeping" mission to feed an army of "rebels" to overthrow a "dictator."
Now that all eyes are on Africa, could the current "instabilities" in Sudan trigger a natural disaster?

Maybe this was called out on another thread, but after looking back at the session and the exchange below, it seemed to parallel with this article about the “crack of doom” within the cascadian subduction zone releasing gases:

(Joe) You could have more of those with gasses bubbling up...

(Chu) And an earthquake.

A: Yes. Close enough

CRACK OF DOOM: Red alert for magnitude-9 mega-earthquake off Pacific coast as crack discovered in 600-mile fault at bottom of ocean

EXPERTS are on high alert amid fears a crack at the bottom of the ocean could trigger an apocalyptic earthquake.

The hole, just 50 miles off the coast of the US state of Oregon, is spewing hot liquid that scientists warn could spark a magnitude-nine earthquake with the potential to devastate the west coast.

It is located along a 600-mile fault line that stretches from California to Canada known as the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Although the hole was first spotted in 2015, scientists now warn that the liquid coming out is a so-called "fault lubricant", which allows tectonic plates to move easily. Therefore, the more fluid that is in the cracks of the faults, the less pressure there is between the two tectonic plates. Without it, pressure beneath the earth's crust can grow, leading to an unbelievably powerful quake.

Co-author Evan Solomon, an oceanography professor at the University of Washington who co-authored a report on the zone, said in a statement:
"They explored in that direction and what they saw was not just methane bubbles, but water coming out of the seafloor like a firehose. That's something that I've never seen and, to my knowledge, has not been observed before. Loss of fluid from the offshore megathrust interface through these strike-slip faults is important because it lowers the fluid pressure between the sediment particles and hence increases the friction between the oceanic and continental plates."
Comparing the process to an air hockey table, he went on:
"If the fluid pressure is high, it's like the air is turned on, meaning there's less friction and the two plates can slip. If the fluid pressure is lower, the two plates will lock - that's when stress can build up."
Would be interesting to know if something similar was happening off of Madagascar that lead to the “chamber collapse”. 🤔
Q: (seek10) Forum member Aragorn wants to ask: "You've said that the Secret Government has technology that is thousands of years ahead of what exists publicly. If Russia is such a threat to the plans of the PTB, why don't they use this superior technology to destroy Russia?"

Searched the transcripts for this but can't find it.

In which session does the C's say, 'the secret Government has technology that is thousands of years ahead'?
Searched the transcripts for this but can't find it.

In which session does the C's say, 'the secret Government has technology that is thousands of years ahead'?

I found this (by searching for the phrase "years in advance"):
A: Assumptions. Awareness needs to be increased. And, we must tell you that "secret world government" technologies are approximately 150 years in advance of anything that you have access to.
..though that's 150 years, not thousands.. but it's from an early session, 1997.. there are other places where they mention 4D STS technology thousands of years in advance of ours, they mention 3D people being given some tech, "secret government" being part of a consortium of 3D & 4D, etc... so you can combine these things and get an idea of the overall picture..
..though that's 150 years, not thousands.. but it's from an early session, 1997.. there are other places where they mention 4D STS technology thousands of years in advance of ours, they mention 3D people being given some tech, "secret government" being part of a consortium of 3D & 4D, etc... so you can combine these things and get an idea of the overall picture..

Yeah, I suppose 4D tech would be extremely advanced. I'll have to look those sessions up. Thanks!
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