What time is it???

Perceval said:
What it said to me was there is something missing in a dogs 3D perception, that they cannot deduce that the food is on top of the table, even though they can see the table, maybe they just can't visualise the table top

Aha... but they can smell and figure out where that smell comes from. Dogs may not logically think/deduce, but I really cannot say that for sure. Another thing I cannot prove is perhaps our senses and true abilities have been systematically dumbed down. Stories like the Druids using the power of memorization and losing brain power when the written word came on the scene. Or, centuries of city life have lessened our need for instincts that were necessary for survival (hearing, sight, and smell) ...

edit: Perceptions from experience also may form what & how we think. Can't find it now, but there was a survey some time ago asking people "less civilized" than us if they were happy. They did not understand the concept of happy. How could they know happy when every day they work, toil, and do what is necessary for sheer existence. Happiness seemed to be part of "civilized" life. For those who had liesure "time" to contemplate navels, so to speak.
Perceval said:
...something missing...they cannot deduce...even though they can see...

Considering the thought line here, separate from the dog, prompted a train of thoughts.

This is probably gonna sound weird, but here in 3rd Density, as we grow up, we learn to 'experience time' as a perpetual forward motion due to the constant exposure to clocks, second hands, sun movement, people's explanations, our own attempts to 'beat the clock', evidence of growth, age and death in living things, etc.
As a result, we learn to experience ourselves as 'linked into' the passage of time and can identify with time and experience it in terms of that linkage, thus our 'understanding' of time in 3D.

So, it seems to me, there's not even going to be any way to acquire an understanding of 'time' as a 4th density experience until we can experience the self as an integrated part of it.
But then, what do I know? Just my 2 cents.
Hi everyone. It's been a while since I've participated here, but this seems like as good a thread to jump back in on as any.

Perhaps time, as it is experienced in 4th density, is a wholly individual thing. In 3rd density we experience time as a shared phenomenon: our minds are more or less bound to the same time-stream, or at least, we cannot perceive when our individual time-streams diverge and thus we appear to be embedded in the same worldline. In 4th density, however, the individual timestream decouples from the greater worldline, allowing an individual consciousness to go into the past, visit the future, and move sideways into alternate timelines. Time still exists from the individual perspective, but it becomes a very subjective thing: one still remembers what happened in one's 'past', even if that 'past' happens to be, objectively, in the 'future'.

There's a great deal more I could say here, but reading over these excellent posts it seems most of it has already been said.

Has anyone here read Neal Asher's science fiction novel Cowl? It contains possibly one of the most well-thought out and original treatments of time travel within SF, including a monster (the title character's pet) that is born in our distant future but lives in its own paratime, opening portals into the timeline at opportune moments (battles, shipwrecks, etc) in order to feed, and reaches its greatest physical size in a deep past alternate earth in which the organism consumes all life on the planet (and then, of course, expands off into alternate timelines to consume all life on those alternate earths....) It's a fantastic read with a lot of provoking ideas.
One thing I've thought about regarding time was how it seems to be only felt when in the present moment. Outside of that, it just becomes thoughts (if thinking about the future) or memories (if thinking about the past). By the time someone reads this, it will be in the past for me, and if I think about my memory of it, I can access it in seconds. I can also go back to a memory that happened last year or even since childhood, and that would also take me just a moment. Of course, as time goes on, they get a little fuzzy and certain details will be lost (although not to the subconscious). So individually, we can 'time travel' to moments in time (or 'places') in our mind... It is said that in 4D thoughts become real (or something along those lines) so perhaps there is some sort of relation ship?

There does seem to be though, some mysterious barrier that prevents us from knowing or realizing the 'real' future, maybe that barrier is the "openness" of the future? Having lots of data can help us to "predict" a probable outcome, so even though in 4D one can see the future - there are 'probable' futures that can manifest. It seems that even at that level not all is revealed. Just more to "see".

So if time can also be considered a locater, then being 4th density allows for greater movement in 4 dimensions due to ones expanded perception. We are 3rd density, and move around 3 dimensional space with relative ease (as do 2D). Not so much for our 1D denizens. ... Is it possible to apply this as a case of 'as above so below'? Maybe we can even say that 4th dimension movement is governed by certain laws in the same way the our vertical (up/down) movement is constricted by the effect of gravity, osit.

Anyway, just some things that came to mind while reading.
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