Thiaoouba Prophecy


The Living Force
I hope this doesn't end up in baked noodles. I did a search and found no references.

I don't remember what I was searching for yesterday morning when I found this material, but anyway, I downloaded the e-book yesterday morning and just finished it (183 pages). It's my first alien abduction account I've read. A little out there, which is perfectly okay on this forum.

Since I have no other abduction accounts to compare it to, I think that most abductees claim that it's only their astral bodies being abducted, where this author keeps emphasising that he travelled in his physical body.

Much emphasis is placed on the history of our planet and our current predicament. Without passing judgement on it's validity, it was certainly enjoyable and enlighting. Not much mention is made of various densities, although the word 'categories' was often used with regard to development, which might just be different lingo for the same thing.

I'd be happy to elaborate with excerpts from the material out of external consideration, if everyone is unfamiliar with it. The references to Jesus, Moses, religion, pyramids, Easter Island statues, Atlantis, Mu, reincarnation and anti-gravity was quite...interesting.

Thiaoouba Prophecy said:
‘If certain of the leaders who read your book don ‘t believe you, or doubt what is
written, challenge them to explain the disappearance of billions of ‘needles’ put
into orbit around Earth1 several years ago. Ask them also to explain the second
disappearance of billions more ‘needles’ again put into orbit. They will know what
you are referring to, never fear. We are responsible for the disappearance of these
‘needles’, judging them to be potentially disastrous for your planet.
‘We do, at times, prevent your experts from ‘playing with matches’ but it is
important that our assistance not be relied upon when mistakes are made. If we
judge it appropriate to ‘lend a hand’, we do so, but we can’t, and we don’t wish to
save you from disaster automatically - that would be to contravene Universal

1. ‘needles’ - 11 years after Michel's adventure, Scientific American, August 1998 (Vol 279, Nr 2, article
by N.L.Johnson, p43, (63 in US edition?!)) explains: ‘80 clumps of needles (were) released in May 1963
as part of US Department of Defense telecommunication experiment. The radiation pressure exerted by
sunlight (???) was to have pushed the tiny needles - all 400 million of them - out of orbit...’ Has anyone
ever heard of anything else in the Universe that has been pushed out of orbit by the ‘pressure of
sunlight’?? Why do we use rockets? To comprehend the situation, I invite you to calculate the MASS of
400 million needles. (Editor’s comment)


Anyone read it?
Hello E:

I haven't read it, but am intrigued, so I've ordered the free download of the book.

But in the meantime, I wanted to comment on what you say here:

E said:
Since I have no other abduction accounts to compare it to, I think that most abductees claim that it's only their astral bodies being abducted, where this author keeps emphasising that he travelled in his physical body.

I have obsessively read almost every abduction account I could get my hands on over the last 40 years, and in my experience it is usually the other way around. Most alleged abductees believe that they have been PHYSICALLY abducted, they are usually very insistent on that point.

I'll let you know what I think of the book once I've had a chance to look at it.
[quote author=PepperFritz]
I have obsessively read almost every abduction account I could get my hands on over the last 40 years, and in my experience it is usually the other way around. Most alleged abductees believe that they have been PHYSICALLY abducted, they are usually very insistent on that point.


[quote author=PepperFritz]
I'll let you know what I think of the book once I've had a chance to look at it.

Cool! Thanks! :)
here is the FAQ about the book, _

this part is looking familiar to me.

Q. There are tons of info on Grays, Reptilians, Plaedians, TauCetis, Cassiopeans, Arcturians, Andromidans etc. on almost every Web site I visit but nothing on the Thiaooubans ?
A. There are many ways to distort the truth. People on Earth are busy amusing themselves with theories, fairy tales and scary stories - they are not yet ready for Reality... By the way, Thiaoouba is The most frequently used word in the Bible.

Translators twisted it from Hebrew as Yehova. You have to admit that this word has been known on Earth for thousands of years...

In particular, the "angel of God" in the first contact with Moses demanded to be called Thiaoouba (Yehova) ‘‘for generations to come’’. This demand is still recorded in the Hebrew version of the Old Testament (Torah). Priests soon distorted this and now Hebrew people are not even allowed to pronounce this name (!!!)

God is God and YHWH is Thiaoouba - the name of the planet, on which everyone is at least as evolved as Moses, Buddha or Jesus.

Q. Some UFO books talk about "fights" between advanced aliens. What is the truth ?
A. There are no fights for Earth, or for anything at all, among truly advanced people. It cannot be. Truly advanced people can create anything material they want by their thoughts alone.

Our ancestors on Earth called them "gods" for a reason. In addition, all material things, including suns, planets, galaxies etc... are actually temporary. Every atom is just a vibration and will eventually disintegrate into nothingness. True, eternal stuff is the consciousness - intelligence, sense of humor etc... You have to admit that it is impossible to "fight" for that. Everyone in the Universe has to learn all lessons individually.
Windmill knight said:
Sounds like disinfo to me.

Me too:

Q. What about Grays and other aliens seen on Earth ?
A. There are some races of people on a similar level of mentality to ours, visiting us on Earth. Michel was given telepathic permission from Thiaoouba in 1995 to talk about Grays in front of TV cameras in the USA. Gray people are from a "planet of sorrows" too, and on their own planet they have completely lost their immune system, as a consequence of their "civilized" activities. Simply speaking they are going extinct very quickly.

They have the technology to come to Earth and they come here to watch the reactions of our immune system, because we just started loosing ours in 1948. They hope, that by observing our reactions they can help themselves. They have implanted about 150 people world-wide (not 5 million as some say) with monitoring devices. People from Thiaoouba watch this activity too and clearly say that there is no danger.

Q. Some people say that aliens prepare for an invasion on Earth. What is the truth ?
A. Fake alarms: there is no invasion. There can't be. Earth is extremely close to a global catastrophe, and therefore is a very unlikely destination for anyone intelligent. Scare tactics are used just to exercise control over people, because fear completely blocks logical reasoning.

source: _
If i remember correctly they say that it is them, (they are the nephilim but unsure ; 3d abductors in 4d who can't see his astral body after the pill taken) who have destroyed sodhom.
This thread feels very nostalgic for me. Thiaoouba was one of the first New Age disinfo websites I came across. While I don't recall too much about the specifics of the material (and I was too lazy to read his book), the main message that I got from the website was, "The aliens are coming, they will save us all from the apocalypse on their spaceships, return us to Earth, and then take care of us in an Edenic state for the rest of our lives."

Luckily, my brain wasn't completely made of tapioca at the time, so it set off a red flag for me. "Why would I want to do nothing but relax all day and let aliens take care of me?" I thought. So, I emailed the guy who runs the site and asked him a question that, to my preadolescent mind, seemed like the perfect way of determining whether this guy was a hypocrite or not. I asked something along the lines of, "Is it ethical to wear jewelery?" And he approximately responded, "No, because crystals are living beings. Besides, to wear jewelery is a vanity." Well, that settled it for me, because if he practiced what he preached, he wouldn't be using a computer out of concern for all of those poor silicon crystals!

That being said, I loved those ridiculously expensive tie-dye T-shirts they were selling. Apparently, wearing one inside out would allow one to absorb the natural positive energy of the colors more effectively!

Thanks for bringing this up. :)
I have read the book and it had some interesting details, if the account that is written is true, the beings who abducted Michel may be 4D STS. I have never read any account that is very close to this one! The beings say that there are different categories of planets ranked 1-9. Earth they say is at the bottom at 1 and their planet is at 9. They explain that they are ranked by spiritual evolution of the beings.

I definitely could see a possible connection to the Nephalim, from their explanation that they have been in contact with Earth since ancient times. They indicate that the Easter Island statues are of them, because of their large natural size(due to lower gravity conditions on their home planet). Also when Michel is traveling with them on their mothership to their home planet, they stopped by another planet to view the inhabitants. The people were described as deformed humans and there were giants insects attacking them. It was explained that this situation was caused by nuclear radiation. The beings then starting destroying the insects with electrical weapons from their mothership, with the intent to assist the humans. This was another instance of abridging free will.

If the events happened exactly as remembered by Michel and no psy-op was involved, it's hard to figure out what to make of the story other than general disinfo. It seems as if the beings deify themselves by explaining how nice their home planet is and how supreme their knowledge is. It could be a full account of Nephalim type beings who are attempting to ease the public into their coming return to Earth.
Hi mnmulchi,

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I read the book some 10 years ago and when you read it is like one galactic Star Trek soap opera. If you don't have enough information about what is REALLY going one, it can very easily make you feel "dreamy", and than can come the feeling of guilt ( because you don't do enough for "enlightenment" ), unworthiness ( because there are this highly develop beings - all golden light- superior technology- higher consciousness entities, who watch over the Universe and THEY DECIDE what is good for you, because you are "not there yet"- if You read the material You "learn" that you are on the lowest level planet 1, the 9 is highest by them ), etc.
Where I stand now seems very clear to me, that this is disinformation to make you "out of the track" so to say. Beside some interesting information that you my find is good to remember that believing and supporting the disinformation is worse than not knowing.
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dear forum, i want to present to you a case of serendipity.
i was reading a sott article

in the comments section there is a comment by isc6822, which refers to

i visited this site and i found it highly interesting by its spirit and its affirmations, some of which are coherent with the cass and some are not. it includes a paper on physics of gravity:

which can be downloaded. since i lack the knowledge to assess its credibility or validity, i suggest that ark has a look.
the site offers books for purchase and their ebook version, which can be downloaded at a price you can set yourself.
please explore, as the affirmations in this site are not less credible than those of the cass.
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