The Money Masters!

Franco said:
I'm directing these questions mostly at Laura because she is likely to give the most accurate answers.


Ok, so what is the best way to practically deal with these incorrect beliefs?

hi Franco,

It seems that these issues are very much tied in with your 'programming' as a child, and your general family environment while growing up. I think you would find it very useful to explore this further in order to untangle it, and the following books can really help shed light on this (recommended to be read in the following order):

1. The Myth of Sanity by Martha Stout
2. Trapped in The Mirror by Elan Goulomb
3. Unholy Hungers by Barbara Hort
4. The Narcissistic Family by Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman and Robert M. Pressman

You may also find the following thread useful, especially Laura's response on page 1 explaining 'buffers' and 'thought loops': Recapitulation

(to avoid confusion, ignore the reading order recommended in that post, it is corrected later in the thread)
Hi Nomad,

Thanks for the reply, I'm having a look through that and linked threads in the post.

Any idea where this article went to?

Any idea where this article went to?

Hi Franco,
There is a copy of the article located in the "Depression As A Stepping Stone (to Soul Growth)" thread
Laura said:
Funny that you bring this up since I wrote a post about it just today for the QFG discussion group.

Keep in mind that the conditions of your life reflect who you are inside.

"You will see that in life you receive exactly what you give. Your life is the mirror of what you are. It is in your image. You are passive, blind, demanding. You take all, you accept all, without feeling any obligation. Your attitude toward the world and toward life is the attitude of one who has the right to make demands and to take, who has no need to pay or to earn. You believe that all things are your due, simply because it is you! All your blindness is there! None of this strikes your attention. And yet this is what keeps one world separate from another world."
Nearly everything that the average person thinks about money and prosperity is loaded with falsehood and hypocrisy. As Gurdjieff said:

"No, even if we needed no money at all it would still be necessary to keep this payment. It rids us at once of many useless people. Nothing shows up people so much as their attitude towards money. They are ready to waste as much as you like on their own personal fantasies but they have no valuation whatever of another person's labor. I must work for them and give them gratis everything that they vouchsafe to take from me. 'How is it possible to trade in knowledge? This ought to be free.' It is precisely for this reason that the demand for this payment is necessary. Some people will never pass this barrier. "
Keep in mind that money represents energy. Casssiopaens have said:

A: It should be noted that the STS system can only be penetrated by becoming "wise as serpents and gentle as doves." There is nothing negative about networking. Details of a network include the necessity for those who are involved to invest "energy" in the exchange. If the individual comes upon the life work of another and expects to benefit and gain by that work, they will naturally wish to have their own position balanced by putting forth a commensurate amount of energy. Otherwise there will be an imbalance of energy. This then leads to an STS pyramid. An example of this principle in reverse is a teacher who demands payment for no real work on their own part. The fact that both of you have devoted yourselves to this work for not just a short time, but literally your entire lives, and have not asked for the support that this intensive labor earns has, in effect, created an imbalance for those who are benefiting. Many of those who are experiencing blocks in their own lives would find those blockages dissolved by the action of opening the flow of energy in the exchange. In your world, money equals energy!!!
The fact is that the idea that "you cannot be spiritual and have money too" is part of the psychopathic control system incepted with the Christian church. It was useful for them because it kept the common people down and out and made them accept the yoke of church control. The psychopaths promote such ideas as:

"A person is closer to God with nothing."

"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man enter the kingdom of heaven."

"No honest man ever made a million dollars."

"Nothing GOOD ever comes easy."

"He's lousy with dough."

The implication is that God favors the poor and looks with disdain upon the wealthy.

And so, anybody who might have the spark of spirit is programmed to not ever be a threat to the control system.

The so-called Christian idea that there is something inherently dirty or wrong with having substance is contradicted in the parable of the loaves and fishes. Jesus was showing in a story that abundance is good and that when one has abundance, how much can be done for others.

One of the side-effects of the particular "money inhibition" program is the prevalent idea that a spiritual teacher should not have any money at all. (And notice I'm not talking about obscene riches, jets, helicopters, multiple houses, but simply a comfortable life where the ability to work on behalf of the students is made possible.)

The fact is, to charge or ask for payment IN ANY OF ITS VARIED FORMS for an honest service is not only NOT evil, it is necessary in a network as the C's described above. If you block the flow of energy, it is blocked returning to you.

To NOT receive payment for work is a violation of Cosmic Law and NEGATES the service given.

The concept that money - i.e. ENERGY - is not "spiritual" exists to some degree in all of us because it has been deeply inculcated into us by this Western Christian psychopathic control program.

This unconscious attitude actually blocks us from success no matter how much we may consciously desire to have enough to pay our bills or have a life where we have enough for ourselves, our families, and to help others.

The conscious mind may know that money is needed but the unconscious mind holds firmly to the idea that money is basically evil. This creates the condition that even if money is made, the individual is unable to utilize it effectively.

George Bernard Shaw, in reaction to the obvious pseudo-Christian money ethic wrote: "Lack of money is the root of all evil."

Fact is, cliches - psychopathic paramoralisms - buffer us against the cold, hard facts of life. Belief in them actually perpetuates poverty in our consciousness and in our lives.

For example, if you believe that no honest man ever made a million dollars, your unconscious mind accepts that you must "become dishonest" in order to make money and that your "honesty" will keep money away from you.

If you believe that nothing good comes easy, your unconscious mind will cause you to work harder and longer than you should have to just to produce a modicum of convenience in your life.

If you believe someone is "lousy with dough" then your subconscious mind will demand that you must become "lousy" to get money, and of course, because you are good, you cannot have money.

The primary problem here is a failure to correctly identify the symbols of reality. The real value of money is not in the symbol - money - itself, but in that for which it stands: ENERGY.

We have to stop confusing the symbol with reality and, at the same time, stop confusing our present self-image - the false personality - with what we are in reality.

Most people do not even know what money really is. They think that it is ONLY material. They think it is ONLY the "acquisition of status symbols" such as a gigantic bank account or a lot of houses, cars, furs, jewels, prestige positions, jet set lifestyle and so forth.

Certainly, an individual who accumulates all those things has "symbolic wealth," but not real wealth which is a proper "flow of energy" into and out of their lives in a constantly increasing exchange with others. And we should note that the symbols can be lost or taken away at any moment but a person with the "inner wealth" will be easily able to replace them because they are not attached to the symbols but know what they stand for.

Most people are so conditioned by their upbringing that they think they are inadequate, unworthy and inferior so it becomes impossible for them to accept the fact that, proper use of energy will always and inevitably provide for them the external conditions that match their internal state.

Some people are so thorougly conditioned that they actually cannot stand the idea of prosperity or success. Their unconscious mind is so programmed to poverty living conditions, poverty habits, and poverty thinking that when there ARE opportunities to make money, to manifest their own creativity and energy, they always reject them or pass them by. When they get money, they compulsively spend it in ways that do not lead to any long term benefits for themselves or those they love. Anytime they have some kind of success, they compulsively undo it. Some people even get sick "on cue" so that they must spend all their money or lose a good job.

Many people seem to be actually afraid of money and success because their subconscious is so conditioned to being a "loser" that it actually hurts them to be a winner. It becomes uncomfortable to be comfortable.

This is a devastating form of self hypnosis which can rule and ruin a person's entire life by causing them to take the wrong job, marry the wrong person, live in the wrong area, act in the wrong way, have the wrong friends, for their WHOLE LIFE.

Certainly it is true that an academic education can be totally unnecessary and most often it stifles creativity, but there are also situations where this can be used as a stepping stone, a platform for other things and energy invested into it wisely can give a good return in terms of helping others.

For some two thousand years, Christianity has foisted upon mankind the fallacious and destructive belief that their memorized rote prayers to an anthropomorphic God will bring them rewars and salvation in the "world to come." The truth is: Christian praying and beliefs have caused more poverty, more ill health, and more unhappiness than any other single factor in our Western civilization.

The same is true for the whole New Age idea of "positive thinking" and "affirmations" and so on.

If you look at it carefully you will see that praying or affirming or working on "positive thinking" is a VIGOROUS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF PRESENT LACK OR EVIL and it will only cause more lack and unhappiness to come into your life.

Positive thinking, visualizing, affirming, and meditating can NEVER rid the unconscious mind of the rigid thought patters that keep people in lack and limitation. Sure, you might feel "euphoria" or a transitory "feeling of success," but it will never bring permanent results.

The more force or emphasis you give anything, good or bad, the more it will inevitably outpicutre in your life and experience. That is just simply how the unconscious mind works.

TRUE prayer is "thinking straight without prejudice or bias of any sort." Real prayer is objective thinking. PERIOD. As the C's say:

Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past." People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future."
Now, consider this a long time: "Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God."

A person living in poverty is directly expressing their interaction with God/Cosmos.


You cannot be truly spiritual and poor at the same time. It's that simple.

An authentically spiritual person cannot experience lack of any kind. And I'm not just talking about someone who has been so hypnotized that they think a robe and a begging bowl is all there is to life, either.

The word "spiritual" is derived from the Latin root "spiritus" which means to be spirited, full of life, alive, animated, ENERGETIC.

A truly spiritual person is RICH in every sense. He thinks rich thoughts, he has rich feelings, rich sensations, rich emotions, rich relationships of every kind. His entire attitude emanates wealth of ENERGY.

The truly spiritual person lives RICHLY in everything he does.

And don't misunderstand and think I'm talking about obscene amounts of money piled up in a bank, rolls royces or private jets here.

What I DO mean is having the means to meet ones needs - ESPECIALLY those needs that relate to being able to pass the energy through one's life to others, to be of service, to be a "good and well-paid workman" for the Cosmos.

The truly spiritual person is a person of plenty... a competent "debugger of the universe".

Look around you and consider the tremendous, unending creativity of Nature: flowers, trees, grass, plants, forests, animals, people, rain, sun, moon, planets, stars, galaxies.

Nature is infinitely and endlessly prolific. It is the involuntary and effortless nature of Nature to constantly and abundantly create and give of itself to ALL. This activity never stops for an instant. From a single acorn grows a majestic oak, from a single cell comes the complex and fantastic human body.

This is Nature at work.



Behind the visible Nature is the invisible nature of spirit guidng, prodding, compelling Nature to express itself in myriad designs, forms and patterns.


Perceiving the world this way makes all of Life one creative encounter after another. No other vision is valid. No other experience is authentic.

Life is Universal Creativity at work everywhere at the same time. The Universe constantly reproduces itself, a new self, over and over again.

There is Invisible intelligence everywhere in the Universe that knows how to make every living thing. It possesses the power - the ENERGY - and the KNOWLEDGE to impress in Nature the living forms of all things.

Nature is infinitely creative and prolific because SUBSTANCE is everywhere. There is nowhere it is not. Substance is universal also. The Universe is opulent and affluent. Infinitely perfect substance is eternally available.

The source of all supply is the same principle that creates the Universe - consciousness, intelligence, knowledge.

The true nature of the spiritual being is the same nature as that of the Universe - infinite creativity and everlasting substance.

All there is is lessons. This is one infinite school. There is no other reason for anything to exist. Even inanimate matter learns it is all an "Illusion." Each individual possesses all of creation within their minds. Now, contemplate for a moment. Each soul is all powerful and can create or destroy all existence if know how. You and us and all others are interconnected by our mutual possession of all there is. You may create alternative universes if you wish and dwell within. You are all a duplicate of the universe within which you dwell. Your mind represents all that exists. It is "fun" to see how much you can access. Challenges are fun. Where do you think the limit of your mind is?

Q: (L) Well, I guess there is no limit.

A: If there is no limit, then what is the difference between your own mind and everything else? .... And when two things each have absolutely no limits, they are precisely the same thing.
OPULENCE is the nature of the Universe and when you are spiritually aligned with the Creative principle the OPULENCE is YOUR nature as well.

And so, let's look at some things:

1) Know that money is, indeed, spiritual as is all that exists when perceived correctly. Remember that to be "spiritual" means to be alive, vigorous, energetic.

2) The real nature of money is to INCREASE. A child sees only part of the world, as an adult he sees more of it. So, too, will abundance in your life increase for you as you progressivly discover more of the infinite Universe in Truth which is aligned to the creative principle.

This means that as you shed your illusions, you will unlock your own creative potential in all areas of your life.

3) Know that your TRUE nature is "rich and affluent" just like Nature. The Universe itself is infinite and unending, and so are you.

By becoming your true self, your real, permanent "I", you will have the only real security and happiness available in the Universe. This will reflect in your outer life. Because certainly we know that the material expression - the symbols - are material and impermanent and constantly change in the flow of life.

4) Money is made of "mind stuff." The fact is that nothing exists external to you. Money consists of consciousness of energy and thus is part of you.

In the final analysis, Knowledge is acquired by the expenditure of energy. "Knowledge application generates energy, which, in turn, generates light."

Knowledge protects.

The more knowledge you have, the more you APPLY it, the more "richness" you will have in your life in ALL respects, including money.

Acquiring knowledge is like building a magnet inside you. It will attract people and circumstances to you that will literally change your life.

Regard everything in your life as an opportunity to be as creative as the Universe is.

And never forget that giving of yourself must be done as the Universe does it: completely and infinitely and without strings. To give of yourself is to receive.

If you are unable to recive without immediately offering something in return or becoming embarrassed, or you accept something from another without appreciation, you violate the law and it means that you do not know how to give.

At the same time, if you are constantly giving your work, time, money, or energies of any kind away without expecting and receiving proper payment (which doesn't always mean money), you are violating the law. That which you give therefore cannot and will not be appreciated by the recipient. To be ONLY able to give, is selfish and egocentric. When you understand that it is your true nature to share your life with all of Life, you will give intuitively to the right people at the right time.

Learn and practice the Law of "Tithing." Traditionally, this meant giving a percentage of one's income to something you believe in. But the fact is, it is not just ordinary giving; it is giving to the Universe with no strings attached, for the love of giving, as Nature does it. It is a giving that is done in demonstration of the inner knowledge that the Universe is infinite and opulent. It is aligning oneself with Nature by doing as Nature does. More than this, giving to the Universe creates a vacuum which immediately causes more substance to begin to flow toward you. If you worry about how your money will be used or if you will be paid back or if you will be praised, you are not giving as Nature gives, freely and opulently.

Never resent anyone else's success. Because others exist in your consciousness, any resentment of their success is self-resentment. Always be glad for the success of others because their success is your success.

Don't be afraid to experiment, gamble with ideas, test ideas and concepts, try new things, invent new products or services. Using the law of averages, if you try enough things, expose what you do to enough people, eventually you will succeed. Each time you fail in something, you learn what NOT to do and this means you are getting closer to having the KNOWLEDGE of what works. You can then apply this knowledge to generate "energy" in the form of money.

Live always in a state of pure possibility. "Impossible" is not an option.

Just start DOING things, experimenting with ideas. As Goethe said:

Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward; they may be beaten, but they may open a winning game.
Always equate yourself with the infinite. Constantly remind yourself that opulence is the nature of Nature.

And finally, remember this:

Money is of no value: it cannot spend itself. All depends upon the skill of the spender." (Emerson)

A very, very interesting post.
Is undeniable, the manipulation by the psychopathy side, have managed to insert a false moral wich associates money immediately with something negative, and is a particularly important subject.

As Laura and the Cass pointed us, money equals energy in this reality, we need this energy to live successfully, this energy gives us food, housing, we use it for books that give us knowledge, for medical items, money is indispensable, we just have to see what poverty does in some countries, how they survive malnourished and without opportunities.

Money is a basic need in this world and this is the reason why all our money, and everything we do with it, is directly controled by the system. Controling the money they are controling to us.
3D Student said:
I was reading this interesting thread and thought to bump it for clarification. The discussion quoted by Laura really sheds light on money, But I'm a little confused about the giving part. I'm not much of a giving type, and have mostly been a receiver in my life. So it seems I have a naturally imbalanced bias in that regard.

Laura said:
And never forget that giving of yourself must be done as the Universe does it: completely and infinitely and without strings. To give of yourself is to receive.

I understand this part, it seems to reflect giving all of oneself, but then it seems to be contradictory here:

Laura said:
If you are unable to receive without immediately offering something in return or becoming embarrassed, or you accept something from another without appreciation, you violate the law and it means that you do not know how to give.

Here it seems to say that we should receive and offer something in return, not become embarrassed, and be appreciative. I see how the dynamic between giving and receiving should be complementary so that it doesn't end up in an imbalanced STS manner. If you're offering something in return, that seems like having a string attached, which is not like the first example of giving to the Universe. Is there a difference in giving to the Universe, and simply receiving? Or am I just confusing the acts of giving and receiving?

I've been unappreciative, a little embarrassed, and not with immediate offering of something in return before. So I think it's something I definitely don't have down yet. I think it's cultural programming of where you, "Give until it hurts", but don't expect anything in return because that's "more spiritual" or "less greedy". Or the other way around when you're the receiver and don't give back because, "They shouldn't need anything, they are givers and the deed shows they are noble." These two examples, of course, have a ring of self-importance to them and presuppose that one of the individuals is "better". This of course would be a hierarchy, and isn't an equal exchange, and thus is STS.

Laura said:
At the same time, if you are constantly giving your work, time, money, or energies of any kind away without expecting and receiving proper payment (which doesn't always mean money), you are violating the law.

So I'm not really sure still how to go about giving and receiving. What I am getting is that, we should give to the Universe freely and without strings, and we also should receive and then return the favor, and give in expectation of receiving. I think it's that I just don't know how to go about it because I have false notions of the process. Any advice or clarification is appreciated. Thank you.

Well maybe the first thing to consider is the current difference that exists between the high standarts of balanced, collinear and knowledgeable beings, who give without expecting immediate reward, but knowing that they will receive for sure in any other way because that's how this side of the universe works in a reality where STS and STO are balanced, and our current situation in this reality where there is no balance just because it is an STS reality.

So ie Laura, or someone who shows an advanced readiness to act in a STO way in this reality will sure suffer from energy deficiency etc, just because she is entering into this reality a force that can not be compensated in his whole.

There is a practical necessity here, that's why one has to ask for payment, in order to continue...
Pryf said:
Well maybe the first thing to consider is the current difference that exists between the high standarts of balanced, collinear and knowledgeable beings, who give without expecting immediate reward, but knowing that they will receive for sure in any other way because that's how this side of the universe works in a reality where STS and STO are balanced, and our current situation in this reality where there is no balance just because it is an STS reality.

I see, I just don't know the best procedure for being both a giver and a receiver. It seems this is an important lesson I haven't yet learned.

While I love the Recommended books by QFS., I missed at least something like a primer about "What is money (where does it come from where does it go to)", "How does the (central) banking system work". Of course, there is no financial section (and obviously no focus on economy in general) in the recommended books list, which I second because as far as I am concerned, it's enough to at least be aware of the scam of the (debt) money system.

I hope I don't sound like captain obvious. I'm sure many are perfectly clear about the debt money principle, effectively enslaving humankind. I for my part re-evaluated my school propaganda-knowledge about money a couple of years ago with the easy to read basics about money Meet the system by Joseph Plummer (online in HTML, there was also a PDF version I can't spot it anymore) which was an eye opener to me.

So if you haven't done that step yet, or you want to recommend your friends/beloved ones something to easy to read on money/FED, this one is a good choice.

PS: It seems, that Joe Plummer was mainly inspired by G. Edward Griffin's "The Creature from Jekyll Island". I haven't read that one, though it should be an interesting read. I'm doing fine with just knowing what the money control game/tool is all about.
Hi Odysseus, to add to your picks; could recommend Dr. Larson’s ‘The Federal Reserve and our Manipulated Dollar’ and then there is Niall Ferguson’s book called ‘The Ascent of Money’, which is a type of history, yet he seems to leave out critical things of fiat organization/manipulation.

There is a long list of books available with many a professor of economics weighing in on why this is better than that and so on; seems that it was Larson and I could be mistaken, who discussed things like derivatives as being only really understood by only a hand full people, or something along those lines. The scary thing is that politicians and many an appointee have not a clue whatsoever, let alone the average Joe Plummer. When it come to personal debt, probably most see the mechanisms if not part of the totality, but they may not see the psychological hypnotism that worms its way into their every want and need program and the great lengths that governments, et al, employ to keep them in that perpetual state.
FIAT Money, Gold, Silver and the possible connection to wizard of OZ.

The Cs once talked about the wizard of Oz and how it was inspired by them. I believe they also went on to discuss about what the symbology meant interms of STS and STO dynamics. There is a recent documentary which surprisingly was inspired by the same very story. Only this time, the narrator was talking about the economic system and possible connections, between Fiat money, gold and silver and the like. The argument about what gives money value.

Apparently the author of the book according to the narrator, wrote the book hiding in symbology about this very same argument. All the characters, the "silver" slippers, which in the movie got turned to "ruby slipers," they were not originally ruby, are all interconnected with trying to convey a message about the politics of the time and of soon to be forgotten history. Also, notice how the yellow brick road, is abit like, hmmm... the gold brick road! I mean, they both look yellow? Why did the author choose the colour yellow? Yellow brick road, silver slippers....

For anybody interested on hearing a new slant and maybe trying to mix and match it with the whole STO vs STS element of the story, give it a watch. Here is the link

_ The documentary is called The Secrets of Oz and here is the summary of what it is about

In 1996, in a documentary called The Money Masters, we asked the question why is America going broke. It wasn’t clear then that we were, but it is today. Now the question is how can we get out of this mess. Foreclosures are everywhere, unemployment is skyrocketing – and this is only the beginning. America’s economy is on a long, slippery slope from here on. The bubble ride of debt has come to an end.

What can government do? The sad answer is – under the current monetary system – nothing. It’s not going to get better until the root of the problem is understood and addressed. There isn’t enough stimulus money in the entire world to get us out of this hole. Why? Debt. The national debt is just like our consumer debt – it’s the interest that’s killing us.

Though most people don’t realize it the government can’t just issue it’s own money anymore. It used to be that way. The King could just issue stuff called money. Abraham Lincoln did it to win the Civil War. No, today, in our crazy money system, the government has to borrow our money into existence and then pay interest on it. That’s why they call it the National Debt. All our money is created out of debt. Politicians who focus on reducing the National Debt as an answer probably don’t know what the National Debt really is. To reduce the National Debt would be to reduce our money – and there’s already too little of that.

The economy of the U.S. is in a deflationary spiral. Nothing can stop it — except monetary reform.

1. No more national debt. Nations should not be allowed to borrow. If they want to spend, they have to take the political heat right away by taxing.

2. No more fractional reserve lending. Banks can only lend money they actually have.

3. Gold money is NOT the answer. Historically gold ALWAYS works against a thriving middle class and ALWAYS works to create a plutocracy.

4. The total quantity of money + credit in a national system must be fixed, varying only with the population.

Those interested in economics and history should find this interesting and need I say, fun to watch.
Thanks for posting that quote, luke wilson. I really enjoyed the simplicity of that explanation:

All our money is created out of debt. Politicians who focus on reducing the National Debt as an answer probably don’t know what the National Debt really is. To reduce the National Debt would be to reduce our money – and there’s already too little of that.
Yes, I saw this a while ago. Thought it quite well done.

After checking the website,, I notice there is a new video, "money as debt 2 Promises Unleashed", which is about 77 mins long. You have to pay $3.00 to watch it on their site, apparently.

Here is a youtube link:

Edited: corrected video title
wants to share with you something I came across recently;)
a week ago I read this thread .. I printed myself what laura wrote and read to understand a couple of times, I've added to ee meditation money is energy and I started to look differently at work ENERGIE hm is that we create and we choose our work is not putting energy focusing on the money.
I made a website for a friend for free because I wanted to help her sister the same for ... turned out to instruct me and other people came up to me a project where I earned twice as much as I earn in a job within a month.

At work I started to look at the money not only on what I'm doing to do it best - it gives me satisfaction like it before I did, but sometimes subconsciously in your mind and told myself that I pay enough now not thinking about the money I make, I'm just wonder what happens:)
Hi lukas, Many times I'm having difficulty understanding what you are saying, especially here. I realize english is not your native language but maybe you are using a translator which distorts your message?

Lukas said:
ENERGIE hm is that we create and we choose our work is not putting energy focusing on the money.

I don't think we create energy. To my understanding we are 'travelling' in energy which we can attune to differently, make more room for, conserve, transform and channel etc.

The last part on 'energy focusing on the money' and the part quoted below I can't understand.

Lucas said:
At work I started to look at the money not only on what I'm doing to do it best - it gives me satisfaction like it before I did, but sometimes subconsciously in your mind and told myself that I pay enough now not thinking about the money I make, I'm just wonder what happens:)
yup you have right i'm using tran. maybe you know some better translator ?

my bad what I wanted to write, that when I change my thinking about money now there are opportunities to transfer creative energy with my action
3D Student said:
Pryf said:
Well maybe the first thing to consider is the current difference that exists between the high standarts of balanced, collinear and knowledgeable beings, who give without expecting immediate reward, but knowing that they will receive for sure in any other way because that's how this side of the universe works in a reality where STS and STO are balanced, and our current situation in this reality where there is no balance just because it is an STS reality.

I see, I just don't know the best procedure for being both a giver and a receiver. It seems this is an important lesson I haven't yet learned.

Just discovered this thread, and it is a 'godsend!!' It feels very important to assimilate this.
All the money programming and trauma around it, from living in a STS world, seems like it will take 'forever' for me to unravell. That's how it feels after reading this thread and feeling a whole lot of pain around this topic.
I also don't know the best way for being both a giver and a receiver. I feel very FAR away from grokking this or even knowing anything about what money really is as energy. I see certain forum members along with Laura, Ark and the chateau team living in a way that is an example of money as energy, STO. But I don't know how to go about it myself.

Lately, I feel I have NOTHING to offer the forum/network--no words to help. I haven't been able to participate much.
I am feeling stagnant and in need of outside help professionally (in the process of finding the right 'somatic experiencing' therapist in our area.) I hope this helps, because my body must be holding a lot of trauma patterns related to poverty thinking, self-worth.
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