The Field - Important Findings Valuable to All!

noise said:
...Of all the persons in our home my daughter is the only one being attacked besides family pets. Is this due to her highlevel of light...?
Interesting. A method of "catching" fleas is to put a pan of water on the floor with an electric light directly over it, during the night. The theory is that the fleas are attracted to the warmth of the light (as they would be to the warmth of a creature's body), and jump into the water. The method does work, and you can catch quite a number of the creatures that way. But what if it is because they are attracted to the light itself (as you suggest), rather than the warmth of the light? And what if this is true of other parasitic insects, like mosquitos, who are known to be attracted more to some humans than others...?
Cyre2067 said:
A second read through seemed apropos, so here's what stood out:
It is very well known from biological laboratory experiments that if you can blast a cell with UV light so that 99 per cent of the cell, including its DNA, is destroyed, you can almost entirely repair the damage in a single day just by illuminating the cell with the same wavelength of a very weak intensity.
Is there a source cited for this? Also, interesting that we see the same pattern in homeopathy.
Hmm, I was thinking of a different mechanism as the one that is hypothesized for homeopathy.
As to the source, I don’t have any reference, but I do remember such to be the case.

Cyre2067 said:
In quantum physics, quantum coherence means that subatomic particles are able to cooperate. These subatomic waves or particles not only know about each other, but also are highly interlinked by bands of common electromagnetic fields, so that they can communicate together. They are like a multitude of tuning forks that all begin resonating together. As the waves get into phase or synch, they begin acting like one giant wave and one giant subatomic particle. It becomes difficult to tell them apart. Many of the weird quantum effects seen in a single wave apply to the whole. Something done to one of them will affect the others.

Coherence establishes communication. It's like a subatomic telephone network. 'The better the coherence, the finer the telephone network and the more refined wave patterns have a telephone. The end result is also a bit like a large orchestra. All the photons are playing together but as individual instruments that are able to carry on playing individual parts. Nevertheless, when you are listening, it's difficult to pick out any one instrument.
This part seems very in line with what we're trying to do, by working on ourselves we're attempting to tune ourselves to the frequency of truth, a la STO.
Yes. And all it asks for is a certain extra sensitivity, one that every body can learn maybe, if only we could cast aside those nefarious assumptions (… and there’s also those that relate to the ‘official’ body of science).
The way I have come to see it tough, is that the STS part of the universe also “uses” this field, but in a form that continuously impoverishes the richness that can be resonated with. There are two reasons I see for this impoverishment: the lack of seeing and/or listening of what is REALly there, and the consistent DRIVE towards control and manipulation, and this based on false information because of absence of it (see the first mentioned) and the continuous making of assumptions (to calculate while trying to get a ‘better’ ‘position’ in the STS hierarchy).

So, the way I have come to see it is that such must necessarily lead to a ‘field’ which is monochromatic if present at all (or unsupportive of life).

Cyre2067 said:
A particularly gifted student of his talked him into trying an experiment. It is known that when you apply a chemical called ethidium bromide to samples of DNA, the chemical squeezes itself into the middle of the base pairs of the double helix and causes it to unwind. The student suggested that, after applying the chemical, he and Popp try measuring the light coming off the sample. Popp discovered that the more he increased the concentration of the chemical, the more the DNA unwound, but also the stronger the intensity of light. The less he put in, the lower the light emission., He also found that DNA was capable of sending out a large range of frequencies and that some frequencies seemed linked to certain functions. If DNA were storing this light, it would naturally emit more light once it was unwound.
I've actually done this before. We use ethidium bromide to label DNA. It's a nasty carcinogen, so you have to be very careful with it. The idea is that you label DNA with it, and then you chop up the DNA and run it out on a gel in a process called electrophoresis. (… one sentence skipped) In order to see your DNA on the gel, you hit it with UV light and it glows. Now, we've always been told that it glows because the EtBr is UV Reactive, from the above it seems equally possible that the UV light is reacting to the opened DNA.
Hey Cyre, you are (or were) active in the same field as I am.

Indeed, the ETBr is UV reactive, very much so actually. And it is a strong mutagen that causes so called frame shift mutations.

On a short side track, the idea is that the ET Br intercalates within the stack of basepairs along the DNA helix which causes the polymerase to ‘slip over’ thereby adding an additional nucleotide so that the reading of the frame for each amino acid is totally screwed (info: each next 3 nucleotides along the DNA sequence of a gene determines which amino acid has to be build in next while forming a protein).

That is why I don’t see much value in the experiment they have performed, at least not in the sense that it would prove that the opening of DNA would create more light to escape the coherence, and become counted by the photo multiplier detectors.

If ET Br intercalates within the righted handed DNA helix, it will 'open up' the DNA helix or create less turns along the helix, thereby forcing the remains of the DNA to 'close down' instead of 'opening up'. What really is happening is that because DNA is topologically constrained, the local 'unwinding' of the DNA because of ET Br intercalation will result in 'overwinding' somewhere else along the DNA.

It could very well be that the ET Br molecule once intercalated within the DNA-helix is simply hit by photons present within the DNA (as solitons or polarons or whatever), and then re-emit a photon that is no longer part of the coherent ‘symphony’.

There are also other ways to play with the opening of DNA. If there would be funding for such, many experiments are on the waiting list :
DMSO is one of them (reference to MSM), and there’s gyrases, and topoisomerases, and polyamines such as spermine and spermidine (which every single organism synthesizes itself) that have an influence on the negative superhelicity (which most live chromosomes possess) as they induce formation of a different DNA-helix (Z-DNA) that has left-handed turns, thereby forcing the remains of the topologically constraint (right handed) DNA to accommodate for more negative superhelicity, i.e. opening of the DNA, or the formation of cruciform structures that are stabilized with HMG1 (a protein that recently has passed the revue of SOTT as implicated in the purported effect of gold and its so-called effect in attenuating the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis.)

Cyre2067 said:
An experiment just came to mind: record EtBr's signature with the equipment they've already discussed, and play it back at DNA. If the DNA glows, then you can certify the cause as it being opened and not a function of the EtBr molecules jammed inside it.
See above. I don’t see what such could possibly prove.

But apart from that, which is only a disagreement within the ‘field’ :) we are engaged in (and I can be wrong also), I agree on all the other avenues you mentioned. Amazing insights seem possible with so many doors opened, isn’t it?

For years already, I think these were all major creative shifts or possible breakthroughs in seemingly separate domains (fields :) ). Still, after all these years, I keep on thinking that the cross-fertilization those various fields could experience, are of MAJOR potential.

If no terrible accident happens to me, for sure, more will follow ;-)
Cyre2067 said:
Also I wouldn't jump to the OP bit when it comes to individuals who inhibited the experiment. For all we know, it could be Souled individuals who inhibited it. Or maybe she and the man who inhibited it simply had a particular FRV due to their genetics.... it could be anything.
I guestimate that you are talking about the woman who seemed to scramble the information passed along with the coils right ?

If so, I adopted the same stance in regards to this, that is to say, to be at least cautious about premature conclusions that these were OP's or 'disruptive people' or what else. From what we can learn of the text given is for instance that such person could have cancer, or was contaminated with ET Br for instance. IMO it could also be that he or she has strong compulsive thoughts (and there's many I can imagine), or maybe he or she is treating his/her rheuma with DMSO ? And I for one seem to be able to often blow a light bulb while switching it on. Just imagine! This is becoming way above average to me. So,

What is there to say about all these things we encounter in our daily lifes? It's a cacaphony ... that's how I perceive it at least. And maybe the flapping of the wings of a butterfly can feel very disruptive at times, but at the same time be the trigger for a beautiful symphony in the making.
article said:
Benveniste suspected that the woman must be emitting some form of waves that were blocking the signals. Through his work he developed a means of testing for these, and he soon discovered that she was emitting electromagnetic fields which were interfering with the communication signalling of his experiment. Like Popp's carcinogenic substances, she was a frequency scrambler.
Maybe she was a smoker?

"Cigarette smoking related polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon—DNA adducts in peripheral mononuclear cells"

"Benzo[a]pyrene and nicotine alter prostaglandin E2 receptor and its functions in hamster buccal mucosa"

article said:
benzo[a]pyrene had a crazy optical property. It absorbed the light but then re-emitted it at a completely different frequency, like some CIA operative intercepting a communication signal from the enemy and jumbling it up. This was a chemical which doubled as a biological frequency scrambler. Popp then performed the same test on benzo[e]pyrene, another polycyclic hydrocarbon, which is virtually identical in every way to benzo[a]pyrene save for a tiny alteration in its molecular makeup. This tiny difference in one of the compound rings was critical as it rendered benzo[e]pyrene harmless to humans. With this particular chemical, the light passed right through the substance unaltered.
article said:
Popp kept wondering why a cancer-causing substance would be a light scrambler.
This is just a thought but this point does make me wonder about the affects of being a smoker and smoking- ingesting these carcinogens in relation to potential external man-made signals aimed at the population...i.e. HARRP. Just an impression I got reading the material that there might be a link or connection in that.

also another similarity between substances used in the experiment and cigarettes:
article said:
A particularly gifted student of his talked him into trying an experiment. It is known that when you apply a chemical called ethidium bromide to samples of DNA, the chemical squeezes itself into the middle of the base pairs of the double helix and causes it to unwind. The student suggested that, after applying the chemical, he and Popp try measuring the light coming off the sample. Popp discovered that the more he increased the concentration of the chemical, the more the DNA unwound, but also the stronger the intensity of light. The less he put in, the lower the light emission., He also found that DNA was capable of sending out a large range of frequencies and that some frequencies seemed linked to certain functions. If DNA were storing this light, it would naturally emit more light once it was unwound.
and the similar effects of a cigarette (smoke in this case) to ethidium bromide:
SafetyNet #53 - Ethidium Bromide Solutions Detoxification
Ethidium bromide is a powerful mutagen commonly used in molecular biology research and generated in dilute aqueous solutions. In the Ames test, 90 µg of ethidium bromide is as mutagenic as the smoke from one cigarette.

I need to do some more reading as I am not sure where I am going with that...maybe someone else has some thoughts...
jax said:
article said:
Benveniste suspected that the woman must be emitting some form of waves that were blocking the signals. Through his work he developed a means of testing for these, and he soon discovered that she was emitting electromagnetic fields which were interfering with the communication signalling of his experiment. Like Popp's carcinogenic substances, she was a frequency scrambler.
Maybe she was a smoker?

"Cigarette smoking related polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon—DNA adducts in peripheral mononuclear cells"
Note that this article cited above has nothing to do with nicotine, or probably even with tobacco, but rather, more likely, the additives put into cigarettes designed to make smoking harmful so that people will eschew good, natural tobacco.

jax said:
"Benzo[a]pyrene and nicotine alter prostaglandin E2 receptor and its functions in hamster buccal mucosa"
Since we cannot read the article in its entirety, we don't know what they mean by "Benzo[a]pyrene and nicotine". Do they mean TOGETHER, or each in the same way? Need to know that detail. Because, obviously, if benzo[a]pyrene is a known carcinogen, and it is being combined with nicotine, that's pretty evil manipulation.

jax said:
also another similarity between substances used in the experiment and cigarettes:
article said:
A particularly gifted student of his talked him into trying an experiment. It is known that when you apply a chemical called ethidium bromide to samples of DNA, the chemical squeezes itself into the middle of the base pairs of the double helix and causes it to unwind. The student suggested that, after applying the chemical, he and Popp try measuring the light coming off the sample. Popp discovered that the more he increased the concentration of the chemical, the more the DNA unwound, but also the stronger the intensity of light. The less he put in, the lower the light emission., He also found that DNA was capable of sending out a large range of frequencies and that some frequencies seemed linked to certain functions. If DNA were storing this light, it would naturally emit more light once it was unwound.
and the similar effects of a cigarette (smoke in this case) to ethidium bromide:
SafetyNet #53 - Ethidium Bromide Solutions Detoxification
Ethidium bromide is a powerful mutagen commonly used in molecular biology research and generated in dilute aqueous solutions. In the Ames test, 90 µg of ethidium bromide is as mutagenic as the smoke from one cigarette.

I need to do some more reading as I am not sure where I am going with that...maybe someone else has some thoughts...
And more careful reading, too, I suspect. How about finding out just exactly what chemicals are added to cigarettes? Find out exactly what is present in natural tobacco?

Best not to lump things together as "smoking" without being specific.

Also read: for a broad, overall perspective.

Do you REALLY think that a psychopathic government that is trying to kill us in thousands of ways would try to restrict something that actually did kill masses of people? If smoking was as dangerous as they claim, they would more likely be trying to blame the danger on something else so that people would keep smoking and dying. Because, do not forget, killing off 94% of the human population IS their goal!!! See:
Laura, in response to your statement, "Do you REALLY think that a psychopathic government that is trying to kill us in thousands of ways would try to restrict something that actually did kill masses of people?", I would respond that perhaps a psychopathic government would try to suppress the knowledge that smoking natural ingredient tobacco, such as that found in "American Spirit" cigarettes, has actually quite a beneficial and helpful effect on human beings.

Lest you think that I gainsayeth your statement, I offer the following quote from Reuters' "Senators say Bush moving goal on kids' health":
Senior U.S. senators on Wednesday accused President George W. Bush of "moving the goal post" on children's health care legislation by issuing a fresh veto threat over the tobacco tax increase contained in the bill.
Sen. Charles Grassley, an Iowa Republican who helped broker the legislation that would expand the popular children's health insurance program, said the White House cited the tobacco tax for the first time as a major reason the measure would draw a veto and said that fact is hurting his ability to negotiate a final compromise.
So I would say that I believe they're trying to kill us with "additive" cigarettes but don't want us to know that "natural" cigarettes are beneficial.

(I roll my own.)
Petey of Lone Tree said:
Laura, in response to your statement, "Do you REALLY think that a psychopathic government that is trying to kill us in thousands of ways would try to restrict something that actually did kill masses of people?", I would respond that perhaps a psychopathic government would try to suppress the knowledge that smoking natural ingredient tobacco, such as that found in "American Spirit" cigarettes, has actually quite a beneficial and helpful effect on human beings.

So I would say that I believe they're trying to kill us with "additive" cigarettes but don't want us to know that "natural" cigarettes are beneficial.

(I roll my own.)
That's pretty much what I meant.

Most everybody here rolls 'em too, but I still stick with my Mores. I suspect they are pretty evil, lacking only the burning agent and the white paper, so I take some steps to deal with that.
Not to sway the discussion back, but I printed this thread and took it home to read over the weekend, so have a few thoughts I'd like to offer.

The Bose-Einstein Condensation is a state where all molecules come into synch, vibrate together, allow for more energy to be contained, and emit biophotons. I hope I'm correct on that perception. And then Popp says that the "living system had to maintain a delicate equilibrium of light. In this instance, when it was being bombarded with too much light, it would reject the excess."

What I know is that the controllers of this matrix really do not want any of us to reach a Bose-Einstein Condensation state of being while in physical body. We would become a funnel for emitting zero state, not just for self, but for all who desire same and share in the excess light that's emitted. Controls outside of self are eliminated or nullified. Eventually, humanity is going to "remember" original state of being and existing. In 1997, I had the Bose-Einstein Condensate within. Rather than a balance, it was a positive reality to the exclusion of all negative. Maybe it was the perfect balance, as in the perfect atom. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the perfectly balanced atom has neutron(neutral) within, protons(positive) aligned and balanced with the neutrons, and electrons(negative) kept on the outside. I know the human entity can be a perfectly balanced atom, with positive on the inside and negative on the outside. I know that a reality can exist whereby it too can be a perfectly balanced atom, with only positive in the reality and negative kept on the outside of the reality. It's highly emotional. The positive attracts light, love, the sun. A high vibration is maintained that is constant and orgasmic. There is less gravity and more fluidity in mass. Nature sounds as a harmonized orchestra. The reality is beyond nirvana because it's here and now on earth. Waves can sometimes be seen, as in being in the desert and spotting an oasis. There's a difficult to define intensity of color and sound, much appreciated in a grateful sense of being. The human body is perfect, healthy, glowing golden.

Apologies for going off tangent, but I felt that someone somewhere needs to understand what we're coming to. The controllers already know and are prepared to stop it, if they haven't already. They stopped mine in 1997.
I've read it only once so far and the technology implications have stiken me most.

These findings could be utilized in incredibly positive way and on a mass scale in medical applications for example. If such vibrations can be stored as a sound file, then it's easy to imagine some audio database, accesible to all, wherever one is on the planet - a kind of global audio drug store with downloadable "medicines". Combined with the utilization of light/energy field meters in doctors offices (thus making health state estimation/illness analysis much more precise than whatever we know in todays medical institutions) it would be indeed a health service of a new millenium. Terrific stuff! So many possibilities, and so much potential for use or abuse, depending on who rules the planet. It boggles my mind :O
soulsurvivor said:
The Bose-Einstein Condensation is a state where all molecules come into synch, vibrate together, allow for more energy to be contained, and emit biophotons. I hope I'm correct on that perception.
The book doesn't say that a BEC emits biophotons. Biological lifeforms emit biophotons. Quantum coherence ("like one giant wave") found in "hot and messy environment of a living thing" is only compared with a BEC.

soulsurvivor said:
We would become a funnel for emitting zero state, not just for self, but for all who desire same and share in the excess light that's emitted.
If you consider this quote,
The Field said:
The healthiest body would have the lowest light and be closest to zero state, the most desirable state — the closest living things could get to nothingness.
your statement about "share the excess light that is emitted [in zero state]" does not make sense. If I understand it correctly, "zero state" means minimization of bio-light emission.

soulsurvivor said:
In 1997, I had the Bose-Einstein Condensate within. Rather than a balance, it was a positive reality to the exclusion of all negative. Maybe it was the perfect balance, as in the perfect atom.
Which experiences would you describe as a purely "positive"? Positive for whom? And can there be a "perfect balance" if you have just single-sided experiences? The book addresses this:

The Field said:
MS was a state of too much order. [...] Perfect coherence is an optimum state just between chaos and order. With too much cooperativity, it was as though individual members of the orchestra were no longer able to improvise. MS patients were drowning in light.
soulsurvivor said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the perfectly balanced atom has neutron(neutral) within, protons(positive) aligned and balanced with the neutrons, and electrons(negative) kept on the outside. I know the human entity can be a perfectly balanced atom, with positive on the inside and negative on the outside. I know that a reality can exist whereby it too can be a perfectly balanced atom, with only positive in the reality and negative kept on the outside of the reality. It's highly emotional.
Maybe you are confusing the so-called 'negative charge' of an electron with negative "emotional" experiences?

soulsurvivor said:
The reality is beyond nirvana because it's here and now on earth.
Which reality? Do you mean that the earth is beyond Nirvana?

soulsurvivor said:
The human body is perfect, healthy, glowing golden.
Which human body, or all human bodies?
soulsurvivor said:
The Bose-Einstein Condensation is a state where all molecules come into synch, vibrate together.
... allow for more energy to be contained, and emit biophotons.
Where did you read this stuff? Can you provide an EXACT source and an EXACT quotation? Or you just THINK that it is so?.
I am serious. It is my domain, so I need DATA. Please.

soulsurvivor said:
In 1997, I had the Bose-Einstein Condensate within .
Are you sure? Did you take a picture? You may well get a patent and become instantly famous.
But you know what: be VERY careful! Read this:

"When the scientists raised the magnetic field strength still further, the condensate suddenly reverted back to attraction, imploded and shrank beyond detection, and then exploded, blowing off about two-thirds of its 10,000 or so atoms. About half of the atoms in the condensate seemed to have disappeared from the experiment altogether, not being seen either in the cold remnant or the expanding gas cloud. Carl Wieman explained that under current atomic theory this characteristic of Bose–Einstein condensate could not be explained because the energy state of an atom near absolute zero should not be enough to cause an implosion; however, subsequent mean-field theories have been proposed to explain it.

Due to the fact that supernova explosions are implosions, the explosion of a collapsing Bose–Einstein condensate was named "bosenova", a pun on the musical style bossa nova."

You may have become a bossa nova!
(Now was it the moon?)
No, no, the bossa nova
(Or the stars above?)
No, no, the bossa nova
(Now was it the tune? )
Yeah, yeah, the bossa nova
(The dance of love)

Uh, couldn't resist. Complete lyrics to "Blame It On The Bossa Nova" by Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil are available at _

(Well Jeez! A teacher of mine said he was "counting on my memory". And I'm an old geezer. And the tune was written at least 30 years ago.)
Charles said:
Cyre2067 said:
A second read through seemed apropos, so here's what stood out:
It is very well known from biological laboratory experiments that if you can blast a cell with UV light so that 99 per cent of the cell, including its DNA, is destroyed, you can almost entirely repair the damage in a single day just by illuminating the cell with the same wavelength of a very weak intensity.
Is there a source cited for this? Also, interesting that we see the same pattern in homeopathy.
Hmm, I was thinking of a different mechanism as the one that is hypothesized for homeopathy.
As to the source, I don’t have any reference, but I do remember such to be the case.
Ah that's cool, i do cancer research, currently growing different CRC lines and analyzing the glycans on the proteins secreted for altered structures. I've never performed such an experiment, it just sounded a little 'out there' for me knowing how DNA responds to intense UV. I would agree that it's definitely a seperate mechanism from homeopathy, but interesting to see the same pattern - treat with a dilute version of something that would cause the problem.

Charles said:
Cyre2067 said:
In quantum physics, quantum coherence means that subatomic particles are able to cooperate. These subatomic waves or particles not only know about each other, but also are highly interlinked by bands of common electromagnetic fields, so that they can communicate together. They are like a multitude of tuning forks that all begin resonating together. As the waves get into phase or synch, they begin acting like one giant wave and one giant subatomic particle. It becomes difficult to tell them apart. Many of the weird quantum effects seen in a single wave apply to the whole. Something done to one of them will affect the others.

Coherence establishes communication. It's like a subatomic telephone network. 'The better the coherence, the finer the telephone network and the more refined wave patterns have a telephone. The end result is also a bit like a large orchestra. All the photons are playing together but as individual instruments that are able to carry on playing individual parts. Nevertheless, when you are listening, it's difficult to pick out any one instrument.
This part seems very in line with what we're trying to do, by working on ourselves we're attempting to tune ourselves to the frequency of truth, a la STO.
Yes. And all it asks for is a certain extra sensitivity, one that every body can learn maybe, if only we could cast aside those nefarious assumptions (… and there’s also those that relate to the ‘official’ body of science).
The way I have come to see it tough, is that the STS part of the universe also “uses” this field, but in a form that continuously impoverishes the richness that can be resonated with. There are two reasons I see for this impoverishment: the lack of seeing and/or listening of what is REALly there, and the consistent DRIVE towards control and manipulation, and this based on false information because of absence of it (see the first mentioned) and the continuous making of assumptions (to calculate while trying to get a ‘better’ ‘position’ in the STS hierarchy).

So, the way I have come to see it is that such must necessarily lead to a ‘field’ which is monochromatic if present at all (or unsupportive of life).
Yeppers, it's interesting because now that I'm thinking about it, if there's a quantum correlation to STO in this BEC phenomenon then there is likely a correlation to STS in some similar or related phenomenon, as above so below.

charles said:
Cyre2067 said:
An experiment just came to mind: record EtBr's signature with the equipment they've already discussed, and play it back at DNA. If the DNA glows, then you can certify the cause as it being opened and not a function of the EtBr molecules jammed inside it.
See above. I don’t see what such could possibly prove.

But apart from that, which is only a disagreement within the ‘field’ :) we are engaged in (and I can be wrong also), I agree on all the other avenues you mentioned. Amazing insights seem possible with so many doors opened, isn’t it?

For years already, I think these were all major creative shifts or possible breakthroughs in seemingly separate domains (fields :) ). Still, after all these years, I keep on thinking that the cross-fertilization those various fields could experience, are of MAJOR potential.

If no terrible accident happens to me, for sure, more will follow ;-)
Yeah i see what you're saying here, guess I got a little carried away with all this new science. j0da definitely had a great idea though:

j0da said:
If such vibrations can be stored as a sound file, then it's easy to imagine some audio database, accesible to all, wherever one is on the planet - a kind of global audio drug store with downloadable "medicines". Combined with the utilization of light/energy field meters in doctors offices (thus making health state estimation/illness analysis much more precise than whatever we know in todays medical institutions) it would be indeed a health service of a new millenium.
I think this has a lot of potential, if we had access to their equipment just think of all the experiments we could do! The venture capitalist in me is beaming at the possibilities lol.

and re: the woman who disrupted the experiment - yes, we are in agreement. One thing about the OP phenomenon that took me awhile to learn is that we should never ever jump to conclusions or throw it out as a label. We simply cannot conclude anyone is an OP until we ourselves begin to progress in the work(functionally we are no different from OPs up to this point), and that in and of itself takes years of dedication and experience, something I would only attribute to Laura, perhaps a few others.
just ended reading, and WOW!!!

If what is written in this text is true, it opens whole new range of
for me it's as much amazing, and as much frigtening because maybe
somebody is already using that knowledge against humans [it's rather
for sure], and also if we don't know principals of how it all works we
supposedly ignorantly make harm to ourselves [knowledge protects].

What for sure stroke me during reading of this material was, that
every one researching on this subject was censured or ridiculed.
It looks like somebody wants to supress this kind of knowledge.

I remember also when i was younger and asking my mom who is a doctor,
what is the homoeopathy about [after i saw some comercial of
homoeopathy dryg in TV], she replied that this is some stupidity [or
something along that line].

Thinking about rather "down-to-earth" aspects, for sure pharmaceutical
companies, woudn't be happy if everybody with some water and computer
set, with sound card could produce every medicine [i'm sure it's not
so easy; simplified idea].

More than that, it would mean that one could do "everything" with
other beign [containing water within] only by using sound/voice

one could kill other in blink of an eye only by his voice, "applying"
him potassium cyanide by his onw voice

one could heal other only by using voice

etc., etc.

It could also have something to do with light from supernovas that can
alter something in humans.

Are all sort of waves [electromagnetic, sound and light waves] so
Is it like that these above mentioned waves are means of transporting
of information? that can rebuild everywhere into material form?

Also if presence of some physical substances is insignificant to our
functioning [it's all about the information they convey], than maybe
existence of our physical bodies is also insignificant, as it's only
some information written in one of few/many possible ways.
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