Sol (Sun) and its phenomena

Ahhh... My partner tried filming them, but it did not show. Only the overexposed picture worked, and I wasn't able to take more than 3-4 good ones. Only green showed in his pictures.
It was excruciating to wait for darkness while this huge storm was going on since 15h EST for us. By the time it was dark, we were moving out of the red zone and into the green.
In any case, I could tell the Montreal sky was a weird hue before we left. It must have been like the pictures you took if we could have captured it.
I think you were a bit to early. Listened to MétéoMédia yesterday and they advised that the best window for watching the Aurora would be between 2:00 and 5:00 and they may have been right on for once. Video didn’t work for us as well.
I think you were a bit to early. Listened to MétéoMédia yesterday and they advised that the best window for watching the Aurora would be between 2:00 and 5:00 and they may have been right on for once. Video didn’t work for us as well.
Really? Damn! That's too bad. When we left our spot, it was slowing down big time. I was back home at 2am EST. I looked back at the 3h forecast page of NOAA, and Montreal was almost out the aurora oval. West of Canada was having the big show. It comforted me knowing "it was over" so I could go to sleep without missing much lol

I found a superb real-time photo Gallery of Northern Lights to enjoy for those who did not see them Realtime Image Gallery

If Starlink is struggling now, we're only 3 CME impacts into this shindig. Most grids are holding, satellite radio and gaming platforms, plus some websites like Disney+ and Target were having issues. We've got 4 more CMEs to go. The last one, the 7th, was the largest, an X 5.8. But Davidson says there's only a small likelihood of a Carrington Killshot. More likely there will be extended network and systems issues, so there's a chance infrastructure will be affected.

The geomagnetic storm has decreased to G2 for the moment.

● Moderate G2 geomagnetic storm (Kp6)
Threshold Reached: 15:20 UTC Solar wind speed 765 km/s IMF 14nT


It appears that the X5.9 flare had an associated CME, confirmation models are awaited.
Midst among the excitement of the very first Extreme G5 geomagnetic storm since 2003, sunspot region 3664 continued doing what is is best at: producing major solar flares. It produced it's strongest solar flare thus far and the second strong solar flare of the current Solar Cycle. An X5.8 solar flare that peaked at 01:23 UTC. Yet another asymmetrical full halo coronal mass ejection was launched with a likely earth-directed component. We're in for a couple of more days with stormy space weather!​

At this time (15:48 UTC) people in East Asia may have a chance to see auroras. Moderate Radiation S2 storm persists
aurora-map (1).jpg

An electromagnetic storm whip all memories out!
Video from 2012
Paris, 2020.
A beautiful couple, a city over-saturated by holograms and digital stream.
A polaroid camera.
Tomorrow will never be the same.
Video by Francois Ferracci
Interesting timing - HAARP was turned on in Alaska during the auroras.

HAARP can cause artificial auroras - so maybe HAARP was turned on during this real aurora event in other places, using the real show as cover?


Solar activity has been at high levels for the past 24 hours. The largest solar event of the period was a X5 event observed at 0123 UTC from Region 3664 (S18W62).​
X5.89 from AR3664 occurred at 01:23 UTC the flare generated a Strong R3 radio blackout over Western Pacific Ocean


In addition, AR3664 produced the following M-class flares on May 11

● M3 at 10:18 UTC the flare generated a Moderate R2 radio blackout over Africa
● M1.6 at 10:56 UTC the flare generated a Minor R1 radio blackout over Africa

● Extreme G5 geomagnetic storm (Kp9)
Threshold Reached: 11:28 UTC

● X1.5 at 11:44 UTC the flare generated a Strong R3 radio blackout over Africa

● Severe G4 geomagnetic storm (Kp8)
Threshold Reached: 12:37 UTC

● M1.7 at 13:49 UTC the flare generated a Minor R1 radio blackout over Atlantic Ocean

● M8.7 at 15:25 UTC the flare generated a Moderate R2 radio blackout over West Atlantic Ocean

● Strong G3 geomagnetic storm (Kp7)
Threshold Reached: 15:45 UTC

● Severe G4 geomagnetic storm (Kp8)
Threshold Reached: 16:47 UTC

● Strong G3 geomagnetic storm (Kp7)
Threshold Reached: 19:37 UTC

● M1.2 at 20:41 UTC the flare generated a Minor R1 radio blackout over East Pacific Ocean

The total number of sunspots has decreased to 148 of which 68 of them are grouped into 8 active regions as follows:

Active RegionSunspotsSize (MH)
AR3664432100 Byd
AR3673130 new reg
AR3674380 new reg
AR3675530 new reg
AR3666 is gone

AR3664 Maintains a beta-gamma-delta-class magnetic field that harbors energy for strong X-class flares. Its size is 2100MH

NOAA's forecast for the next 24 hours: 99% chance of C flares, 95% chance of M flares and 75% chance of X flares.

● Auroral Activity

The geomagnetic field has been severe storm levels for the past 24 hours. On May 11 Solar wind speed reached a peak of 993 km/s (very high speed) at 14:33 UTC. Total IMF reached 73 nT at 23:05 UTC
WAITING FOR THE NEXT CME: A geomagnetic storm is underway, but it is minor (G1). Conditions won't intensify again until the next CME arrives. NOAA forecasters are currently predicting a return to extreme (G5) storming on May 12th. We think May 13th is more likely when a CME from yesterday's X5.8-class flare is expected to arrive.​

Aurora Oval Bz: 2.77 nT North. Radiation Storm has subsided.

● Current Conditions at 05:17 UTC on May 12

Strong G3 geomagnetic storm (Kp7) in progress. The solar wind has a high speed of 894 km/s pointing north with positive Bz value of 2.77 the radiation storm has subsided however good conditions exist for aurora sightings at high and low latitudes.

Aurora in Yucatan, Mexican South East.
On May 11 Solar activity is likely to be high with a chance for an X-class flare while the geomagnetic field is expected to be at severe storm levels.​

▪︎ Strong G3 geomagnetic storm (Kp7)
Threshold Reached: 04:33 UTC

▪Solar wind speed record: 894 km/sec (high speed)
▪︎ density: 4 p/cm³ (low density)
▪︎ Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF)
Bt: 6.11 nT
▪︎ X-ray Solar Flare : M3 0045 UT May12
▪︎ Thermosphere Climate Index
today: Warm
▪︎ Neutron Counts today: -6.5% (Low)
▪︎ Sunspot number: 148 (SN 155 May 11)
▪︎ Spotless Days 2023 total: 0 days (0%)
▪︎ There are no significant equatorial coronal holes on the Earthside of the sun. .
Its been all overcast at night where I'm at for the past three days :cry:

Interesting timing - HAARP was turned on in Alaska during the auroras.

HAARP can cause artificial auroras - so maybe HAARP was turned on during this real aurora event in other places, using the real show as cover?

I'm wondering if they're trying to set the stage for a future claim of a natural event as their own? So in the future if there's any unexpected auroras that dips farther than normal.. Oops! it was just HAARP!

In terms of a "reasonable" story, I would think researchers wouldn't want to launch a test of something during an actual event that could skew their results (AKA a CME hit), unless if the goal was more monitoring related. Hm, I guess also could send something with the auroras if one knows how?
Its been all overcast at night where I'm at for the past three days :cry:

I'm wondering if they're trying to set the stage for a future claim of a natural event as their own? So in the future if there's any unexpected auroras that dips farther than normal.. Oops! it was just HAARP!

In terms of a "reasonable" story, I would think researchers wouldn't want to launch a test of something during an actual event that could skew their results (AKA a CME hit), unless if the goal was more monitoring related. Hm, I guess also could send something with the auroras if one knows how?

I don't think they were measuring anything. The C's have suggested that HAARP is designed, at least in part, to 'resurrect the Atlantean crystals', with one possible use being effective mind control:

May 4, 1996:
Q: (L) You once said that HAARP was something that was to be used to “transfer perimeters.” I am assuming that this means to manipulate space, time and density.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it possible that they are planning to use this to bring up the Atlantean crystals to utilize?

A: Not so much to “bring up,” as to utilize.

June 9, 1996

Q: (L) Speaking of Montauk, Roxanne quoted at length some information received from some Native American about Montauk being used to change the weather on the planet, and also sending out energy waves to generate anger and other negative emotions. Is this one of the used for the HAARP assembly?

A: No.

Q: (L) Once before you said that the HAARP assembly was a continuation of the Montauk project, and was being used to ‘transfer perimeters.’ I guess this meant space/time travel, correct?

A: Yes. And resurrect Atlantean crystal principle.

Q: (L) Do they plan to actually attempt to bring up the Atlantean crystals?

A: No.

Q: (L) Do they plan to use this for mind control?

A: And other uses.

Q: (L) Can you give us a few of these uses?

A: Technical.

Feb 22, 1997:

A: We told you that “HAARP” was being designated for capturing and modulating electromagnetic fields for the purpose of total control of brainwave patterns in order to establish a system of complete “order on the surface of the planet” in either 3rd or 4th density.
Q: (L) Is HAARP in operation at the present time?

A: Yes, in its early stages.

Q: (T) Is the spreading of all these communication towers out across the country the equivalent of a HAARP program on a continental scale?

A: Back up system.

I infer from the session below that HAARP is also part of a general attempt to artificially contour Earth's EM grid.

July 18, 1998:
Q: (L) What gravity is and what it is not is a controversy. (T) But if gravity is part of the UFT, and somebody knows what it is… (L) They are building HAARP. (T) I think there is more to it than this HAARP. UFT is a major step…

A: Grids.

Q: (L) What kind of grids… (T) They keep jumping off… wait a minute…

A: We are not “jumping off.”

Q: (L) What kind of grids?

A: The planet has been enshrouded with EM grid.

Q: (T) Are these the ley lines?

A: No.

Q: (L) Are they artificially generated?

A: Contoured.

Q: (L) They are artificially contoured. What is the result of this shrouding?

A: Manipulated for use by 3rd/4th Consortium.

Q: (A) What kind of EM grid? (L) The natural EM grid is being contoured…

I don't know much about the Atlantean crystals, but somehow they stored and moved energy. If HAARP is designed to resurrect that in principle, maybe the array was turned on (1) to 'harvest' in some way the influx of solar energy causing the auroras. Maybe the grid is contoured to allow this kind of thing to happen.

Either that, or (2) HAARP was activated in preparation for the upcoming program change - a mind control test run, under the cover of the auroras? Or (3) they were happily beaming away like they always do, and it was just a coincidence that they did so on the date the auroras arrived.

Whatever it was, luckily we can become stronger by noticing the beaming and resisting its affects through self-remembering:

Jan 13, 2024
(Ryan) In a similar way to how the coronavirus strengthened anti-authoritarian tendencies and resilience in some of the population as a result of the hubris of the PTB, does beaming the population with HAARP and other such signals cause a risk of the population’s FRV actually being strengthened by the beaming?

(L) I think what he’s asking is, is this like having a boomerang effect, the fact that people have to resist the beaming strengthens them and thereby increases their FRV in the other direction? Is that possible?

A: Yes. To those with knowledge!

Q: (Joe) Exactly. You have to know that it’s happening to resist it.

Did anyone feel weird during the 8th-10th? I know some people who reported headaches, but what about any unusually murderous thoughts?
I don't think they were measuring anything. The C's have suggested that HAARP is designed, at least in part, to 'resurrect the Atlantean crystals', with one possible use being effective mind control:

May 4, 1996:

June 9, 1996

Feb 22, 1997:

I infer from the session below that HAARP is also part of a general attempt to artificially contour Earth's EM grid.

July 18, 1998:

I don't know much about the Atlantean crystals, but somehow they stored and moved energy. If HAARP is designed to resurrect that in principle, maybe the array was turned on (1) to 'harvest' in some way the influx of solar energy causing the auroras. Maybe the grid is contoured to allow this kind of thing to happen.

Either that, or (2) HAARP was activated in preparation for the upcoming program change - a mind control test run, under the cover of the auroras? Or (3) they were happily beaming away like they always do, and it was just a coincidence that they did so on the date the auroras arrived.

Whatever it was, luckily we can become stronger by noticing the beaming and resisting its affects through self-remembering:

Jan 13, 2024

Did anyone feel weird during the 8th-10th? I know some people who reported headaches, but what about any unusually murderous thoughts?
Well, if it has anything to do with what's been happening to me for a while now, it's more like a black cloud on my head. Cranial pressure and continuous negative fatality.

It's quite boring in the sense that knowing that it is something external to me, it bothers a lot, especially when I wake up in the morning with that black cloud in my head every day.

But knowing it helps, at least for me.
I don't think they were measuring anything. The C's have suggested that HAARP is designed, at least in part, to 'resurrect the Atlantean crystals', with one possible use being effective mind control:

May 4, 1996:

June 9, 1996

Feb 22, 1997:

I infer from the session below that HAARP is also part of a general attempt to artificially contour Earth's EM grid.

July 18, 1998:

I don't know much about the Atlantean crystals, but somehow they stored and moved energy. If HAARP is designed to resurrect that in principle, maybe the array was turned on (1) to 'harvest' in some way the influx of solar energy causing the auroras. Maybe the grid is contoured to allow this kind of thing to happen.

Either that, or (2) HAARP was activated in preparation for the upcoming program change - a mind control test run, under the cover of the auroras? Or (3) they were happily beaming away like they always do, and it was just a coincidence that they did so on the date the auroras arrived.

Whatever it was, luckily we can become stronger by noticing the beaming and resisting its affects through self-remembering:

Jan 13, 2024

Did anyone feel weird during the 8th-10th? I know some people who reported headaches, but what about any unusually murderous thoughts?
On the contrary, during my time outside observing the aurora, I was kind of in a kind of euphoria and trough out the day yesterday, I was in a very merry kind of mood all day but, I'm presently writing a post that may give a different perspective or a complementary one to your post above. I will share my thought and questioning soon, it is almost completed but as today is mother day here in Canada, I may not have the time until tomorrow. Let just say that as for the covid miscalculation that obliged them to come with the vax to prevent beneficial reaction in a portion of the human population, using as you suggested the energy from the aurora may produce the same effect in some case, reinforcing certain human.

Solar activity has been at high levels for the past 24 hours. The largest solar event of the period was a X5 event observed at 0123 UTC from Region 3664 (S18W62).​

In addition, AR3664 produced the following M-class flares on May 11

● M3 at 10:18 UTC the flare generated a Moderate R2 radio blackout over Africa
● M1.6 at 10:56 UTC the flare generated a Minor R1 radio blackout over Africa
View attachment 95700

● Extreme G5 geomagnetic storm (Kp9)
Threshold Reached: 11:28 UTC

● X1.5 at 11:44 UTC the flare generated a Strong R3 radio blackout over Africa
View attachment 95701

● Severe G4 geomagnetic storm (Kp8)
Threshold Reached: 12:37 UTC

● M1.7 at 13:49 UTC the flare generated a Minor R1 radio blackout over Atlantic Ocean
View attachment 95702

● M8.7 at 15:25 UTC the flare generated a Moderate R2 radio blackout over West Atlantic Ocean
View attachment 95703

● Strong G3 geomagnetic storm (Kp7)
Threshold Reached: 15:45 UTC

● Severe G4 geomagnetic storm (Kp8)
Threshold Reached: 16:47 UTC

● Strong G3 geomagnetic storm (Kp7)
Threshold Reached: 19:37 UTC

● M1.2 at 20:41 UTC the flare generated a Minor R1 radio blackout over East Pacific Ocean

The total number of sunspots has decreased to 148 of which 68 of them are grouped into 8 active regions as follows:

Active RegionSunspotsSize (MH)
AR3664432100 Byd
AR3673130 new reg
AR3674380 new reg
AR3675530 new reg
View attachment 95705
AR3666 is gone

AR3664 Maintains a beta-gamma-delta-class magnetic field that harbors energy for strong X-class flares. Its size is 2100MH

NOAA's forecast for the next 24 hours: 99% chance of C flares, 95% chance of M flares and 75% chance of X flares.

● Auroral Activity

The geomagnetic field has been severe storm levels for the past 24 hours. On May 11 Solar wind speed reached a peak of 993 km/s (very high speed) at 14:33 UTC. Total IMF reached 73 nT at 23:05 UTC

Aurora Oval Bz: 2.77 nT North. Radiation Storm has subsided.
View attachment 95706

● Current Conditions at 05:17 UTC on May 12

Strong G3 geomagnetic storm (Kp7) in progress. The solar wind has a high speed of 894 km/s pointing north with positive Bz value of 2.77 the radiation storm has subsided however good conditions exist for aurora sightings at high and low latitudes.

Aurora in Yucatan, Mexican South East.
View attachment 95707
View attachment 95708
View attachment 95709
On May 11 Solar activity is likely to be high with a chance for an X-class flare while the geomagnetic field is expected to be at severe storm levels.​

▪︎ Strong G3 geomagnetic storm (Kp7)
Threshold Reached: 04:33 UTC

▪Solar wind speed record: 894 km/sec (high speed)
▪︎ density: 4 p/cm³ (low density)
▪︎ Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF)
Bt: 6.11 nT
▪︎ X-ray Solar Flare : M3 0045 UT May12
▪︎ Thermosphere Climate Index
today: Warm
▪︎ Neutron Counts today: -6.5% (Low)
▪︎ Sunspot number: 148 (SN 155 May 11)
▪︎ Spotless Days 2023 total: 0 days (0%)
▪︎ There are no significant equatorial coronal holes on the Earthside of the sun. .
In the region of Catalonia in Spain, the trains arriving to the city of Barcelona have stopped working due to electrical fires in the tunnels that reach the city. The electrical fires were reported around 02:00 UTC of sunday 12.

The official explanation of the Spanish government is a theft of copper from the tunnels carried out by thieves.

It is not known when the trains will run again, but they were thieves.

Nothing strange to see here.
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