Session 22 August 1998

@Bernardo GA said:
But, the damaged part of the DNA, or antenna in this context, has only been physically damaged.
At the ethereal level it remains.
@Bernardo GA that is an interesting idea I think. It makes me wonder if we were not more endowed with the ability to perceive 4D before this burning off occurred which makes us unable to detect their manipulations.

I do not know if the antenna remains at the ethereal level but that would be nice.

I think the Cs told us about a way to replenish the strands of DNA that were "burned off".

It is not so much something we do but a matter of our "vibration" which is affected by "The Wave".

Session 21 December 1996:
Q: (A) Are there some particular DNA sequences that facilitate transmission between densities?

A: Addition of strands.

Q: (L) How do you get added strands?

A: You don't get, you receive.

Q: (L) Where are they received from?

A: Interaction with upcoming wave, if vibration is aligned.

Q: (L) How do you know if this is happening?

A: Psychophysiological changes manifest.
@Bernardo GA that is an interesting idea I think. It makes me wonder if we were not more endowed with the ability to perceive 4D before this burning off occurred which makes us unable to detect their manipulations.

I do not know if the antenna remains at the ethereal level but that would be nice.

I think the Cs told us about a way to replenish the strands of DNA that were "burned off".

It is not so much something we do but a matter of our "vibration" which is affected by "The Wave".

Thank you Goyacobol for your comments, and for refreshing this information.
Yes, I think it is as you said in the form of a question.
For something 4D STS, those who executed that terrible act of cruelty, destroying part of the DNA of ¡ Others!, are the same ones who today are desperate, generating as much discomfort as possible in the human population.
And they are doing this with much more intensity than they have always done.
They seem to know very well, that the arrival of the "Wave" brings with it the possibility of regeneration in the DNA, for those who are in the appropriate frequency or vibration.
Preventing people from being on that frequency has always been part of their activities, but at this special time, it is crucial to them.
Obviously, the chances of detecting their manipulations are greater if you have better antennae.:flowers:
My goodness session dated 22.Aug 1998. That's 25yrs. The questions Laura was asking so far back and we are still talking about them and still trying to connect the dots.

Thank you for the time and effort spent posting these sessions.
Perhaps there is a 'time' for everything. And we are better 'prepped' in the foundational 'knowledge' department to receive these to our better benefit/comprehension at this 'time' ;-)
Thank you Goyacobol for your comments, and for refreshing this information.
Yes, I think it is as you said in the form of a question.
For something 4D STS, those who executed that terrible act of cruelty, destroying part of the DNA of ¡ Others!, are the same ones who today are desperate, generating as much discomfort as possible in the human population.
And they are doing this with much more intensity than they have always done.
They seem to know very well, that the arrival of the "Wave" brings with it the possibility of regeneration in the DNA, for those who are in the appropriate frequency or vibration.
Preventing people from being on that frequency has always been part of their activities, but at this special time, it is crucial to them.
Obviously, the chances of detecting their manipulations are greater if you have better antennae.:flowers:
@Bernardo GA,

This is such a diverse and expansive forum that I often miss replies and wonderful comments. I would just like to thank you for being here and adding to the total of what we are.

I totally agree that what STS tried to destroy we are awaiting a chance to be a part of a restoration of balance. Thank you for adding to my awareness of the possibilities.
Thank you for your words Goyacobol.
My feelings are identical.
I am grateful to have met this wonderful group of people, with whom one can learn so much.
You mentioned Equilibrium, and that is one of my favorite words.
I think "balance" is the key to almost everything.
I say almost everything and not everything, because the undesirable also exists.
But for those who seek the healthy and access to Truth, I think it is the key.
At least, that is what I interpret from what life has shown me.:flowers:
Q: When you say that it was built using sound wave technology, were these sound waves produced by human voices or by instruments or mechanical devices of some sort?

A: Mostly latter.

Q: What kind of a device would this be? What would you call it?

A: Something like tuning fork.

Q: It would be something that could be struck and would produce a sound that could then be directed in some way?

A: A sound enhancing collector/focuser.

Q: Can we build such a thing?

A: Must be like a two-way antenna; solidly brass or bronze.

Q: Other than a solid piece of metal, were there any other internal parts such as a mechanism of some sort?

A: Silicon arterial wand.

Q: (A) Can we see somewhere a picture of this?

A: No pictures exist to where you have access.
While watching a cartoon called Samurai Jack I stumbled upon something interesting. Even though it is only a cartoon and not the best source for facts. On the other hand to use it as an image representation may serve well.
In the cartoon this dagger looking like thing could shatter stones or metal when those being struck by it. Everthing the dagger struck exploded by amplified sound resonance. Maybe this could be some clue or close representation?
Below is a short excerpt from the cartoon it self.

In the cartoon this dagger looking like thing could shatter stones or metal when those being struck by it. Everthing the dagger struck exploded by amplified sound resonance. Maybe this could be some clue or close representation?
Below is a short excerpt from the cartoon it self.
I think that is probably what the technology would comparatively look like if weaponized. Seems that is the way technology gets used these days and for almost 309,000 years perhaps.
Very interesting topic about DNA. A few days ago, by chance, I came across material from a Russian researcher named Pjotr Gargajev. He discovered that, in the so called "junk DNA" are the keys to understand its functions. He realized that it was "an organic superconductor that unlike artificial superconductors (they require extremely low temperatures), this one could work with normal body temperature". The researcher joined a group of Linguists and Geneticists to "explore that 90% of "junk DNA" and its vibrational behavior".

Transcription of the video subtitles:
Amazing documentary about Russian pioneer Dr. Pjotr Garjajev on DNA research and its holographic and energetic structure.
In the human genome there are millions of DNA base pairs.

Although the DNA sequence contains the coded information necessary for the human protein set, it represents only 2% of the totality. The rest, 98%, is non-coding DNA, commonly called "junk DNA". According to Garjajev, this fraction of DNA plays a very important role in the transmission of information at the vibrational level, which is essential for the organism.

It emits electromagnetic radiation, which creates wave interference patterns in the form of holograms. Cells capture this information and thus have a model to create shapes and structures.

DNA in aqueous solution also emits acoustic waves. According to Garjajev it produces a complex melody with repetitive musical phrases. Special emphasis is placed on the importance of these electromagnetic and acoustic emissions for the proper functioning of the organism.
Subtitle Translation

Department X by Oleg Vakulovslky
Oleg Vakulovsky: Good morning, attention, get ready!
Because of what you are going to hear and see for the next 30 minutes, it hardly fits into our usual paradigm, or to be completely honest, it doesn't fit at all!

And at first glance, it may seem like this is all the figment of some sick science fiction writer's imagination, on the frontier of science.
But the truth is that you should take it very seriously, because it's about the most serious scientific research, and the most serious scientists
It turns out that our DNA molecules are antennas, and not only DNA, but proteins as well, because they contain metal atoms, which are spatially oriented antennas and are receiving directed cosmic information.
When I took a DNA molecule away from the laser focus, and the laser was actually scanning an empty space, this empty space indicated as if the DNA molecule was still there.
In a water solution, the DNA molecule is constantly producing sound, and it is also producing sound in a cell.

It is producing a complex melody with repetitive musical phrases.
It makes a beautiful sound and melody, and it is a very interesting fact by itself.
When I irradiated it with ultrasound, with radiation similar to the usual ultrasound medical ultrasound scanning, what was I hearing?

Instead of a very complex melody, only one monotonous note remained!
Who is saying all this? Introducing Petr Petrovich Gariaev,
Sc.D. in Biology from the Russian Medical-Technological Academy, 62 years old.

Most of his career he has been working for scientific institutions in Russia, but once he worked in Canada, he was invited to Toronto by his Canadian colleagues

Genetics is convinced that, starting from conception, the development of all living beings, including human beings, is programmed by the information stored in chromosomes.

It is believed that there is no other place to store it. This is the place where all information must be recorded, in what strict order proteins must be synthesized as building block organs in order to later build these organs, where each of the proteins must occupy its own specific place ensuring interaction with other organs and creating a unified organism.

We can only wonder and pay homage to nature, which can hardly be seen even under the microscope.

How does it work?

According to the opinion of academician P. Garjajev, there is only one way to make it possible.
The recoding of information occurs at the wave level by electromagnetic and acoustic radiation.
Garjajev conducted the experiment, which after him was repeated in many laboratories, practically always with the same results.

It turns out that our DNA molecules are antennas, and not only DNA, but proteins as well because they contain atoms of metals, which are spatially oriented antennas and are receiving directed cosmic information.

Why is this so? There are very simple experiments that demonstrate this.

Take, for example, frog eggs. If they are placed in metal-shielded cells they provide the usual conditions for normal cell development with only one exception: the electromagnetic radiation is extremely reduced and altered.

So there is only one abnormal electromagnetic environment, and the gravitation field remains unchanged. Everything else is altered. Perhaps there are neutrinos as well.
It turns out that frog eggs, placed in these cells, turn into malformations.

Do you see the point?

The external electromagnetic environment is absolutely indispensable for us, it creates a kind of wave metabolism, a wave regulation that is transmitted from space.

In simple words, frog eggs placed in an ordinary metal box will create normal tadpoles that will later become frogs.

In a cell made of an alloy of iron and nickel we see the birth of ugly beings, none of which can, in fact, become a normal frog later on.

That is the idea of wave genetics, which says that our genetic apparatus builds the organism with the help of electromagnetic and acoustic waves of different lengths.

And furthermore, an organism not only receives them from the outside, but also generates them itself.

Experiments showed that DNA produces radio wave radiation, laser beams, which create information holograms.

Namely, the cells of the embryo after receiving the information on the wave level draw the template, which directs where and how the legs, eyes, nose, etc. should grow. And all this is fully in accordance with the law of conservation of information, the law formulated a few years ago.

The fact is that our genetic apparatus, and that of any living being, represents a structure that emanates light. But this light is in a different wavelength spectrum: from dark blue to red and so on, following the wavelength spectrum of light.

And not just light but laser light, coherent light.

I have worked with very advanced physics. For the first time in history we have shown that DNA can work like a laser. With a simple experiment we have proven its superluminescence. You may ask, why is there a laser in DNA? Why is it coherent light?

There are many examples: luminescent bacteria, luminescent fish, luminescent water plants... but in all these cases it is not coherent light.
In the previous cases, luminescence occurs due to different processes. Here we see a special light, a laser light. And this particular fact is extremely important.

It is important, because once again it takes us back to holography, because it is a laser beam that can read strictly specific data from strictly specific holograms. And it was made that way, to read our chromosomes as a catalog of billions of images, one by one; if one tries to read them all at once, it will be a disaster.

So, we talk about a differentiated reading of information. Imagine our body as a massive cellular ensemble, consisting of hundreds and hundreds of billions of cells. And each of these cells exchanges data about its state with all neighboring cells.

How is this action administered?

Perhaps, by the nervous system. But the nervous processes circulate with a very low speed, 8-10 meters per second. It is not enough to ensure the normal functioning of the state of the cells. Even the speed of light is not enough to distribute all the information to hundreds of billions of cells. Otherwise, our development would have ended at the bacterial level, where information does not have to be delivered through the cells, since there is only one cell.
In our body, information about all cells is distributed among them instantly.

How is this superfast communication problem solved?

Petr Gariaev and his colleagues then carried out theoretical and experimental work, which allowed them to introduce the idea that cells continuously exchange information at an indefinitely high speed.

The scientists based their work on the attribute predicted by Einstein and his disciples, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosan, in 1935. At that time they predicted that when two entangled photons are separated, and one of them changes its parameters, for example, bumps into something, it disappears, but the information instantly moves to the other photon. Thus, one photon becomes the other.

Later, this attribute of quantum events was called teleportation. In 1997 Austrian scientists demonstrated experimentally that a photon can be teleported, that means to be moved instantaneously from one place to another, and what is more, with all information preserved. They have clearly demonstrated that photons can be teleported.

And our DNA, our chromosomes work with photons!

Our cells communicate with each other at an infinitely high speed.
At this level, the concept of time disappears, information becomes known at once. All complex metabolic processes in the hundreds of billions of our cells happen, because the cells know about each other at once, instantaneously, thanks to the information provided by photons.

These photons are intertwined and this concept of 'entanglement' is the key to explain this instantaneous communication in our body. It leads us to a mainly different basis for understanding biology and understanding the functioning of the genetic apparatus and living beings.

For cells and our body to function normally, the nuclei of cells function as bio-computers. Now you may wonder about the function of the nervous system as it also distributes data ...

We assume and we are trying to prove that these massive data need large blocks of information, the quanta; and then, these large blocks distribute them among organs, cells and tissues. So, there are no contradictions here.

This story began in 1953, when two very happy-faced men walked into one of the pubs in Cambridge... and loudly announced that they had just discovered the secret of life.
One of them was the British biophysicist and geneticist Francis Crick ... and the other man was the American biochemist James Watson. They discovered the spatial structure of DNA.
In 1988 one of the first discoverers of the DNA double helix, Nobel Prize winner James Watson, publicly announced that science was close to the discovery of the chemical basis of human heredity.

Three years later relevant scientific research was carried out in Russia and the U.S. Later the International Human Genome Research Organization was created. A global research carried out under the auspices of this organization
lasted 12 years and cost more than 3 billion dollars, according to unofficial sources.

The first results of the decoding of the human genome
showed a total of more than 100,000 genes. This was exactly the amount we were thought to have in our body. There are a large number of worm-like genes and every fifth gene is similar to microbes.

On the other hand, it was later found that the amount of human genes is 3 times less than expected:
About 30,000 only!

If 100,000 genes are considered by scientists to be not enough to guarantee the diversity of the human body, what can be said about one third of it!

And yet decoding the human genome became the goal of medical biology. But it was clear that this was only the first step.
And the big question is what will be the next step?

The next great achievements that followed the discovery of the DNA molecule ...
No matter how paradoxical it may be.... It's quite normal, because every great discovery becomes obsolete, sooner or later, and it reaches the saturation point and then it becomes a stumbling block.

Now, the euphoria after the first decade of DNA research, no matter how, paradoxically, is quite natural, and it ends up being very disappointing.

This disappointment is due to the fact that the grandiose human genome program, which has been conducted for about 10 years, and which cost an enormous amount of money, tens of billions of dollars, and our country participated in it, ended up what people would describe as "the mountain gave birth to a mouse."

Every biosystem has a DNA molecule, even the simplest quasi-living structures such as viruses, and so this DNA molecule contains only about 35,000 genes.
The notion of genes has strongly penetrated the minds of biologists. If earlier the concept of gene was denied, today it has become an axiom or dogma that the gene is the part of DNA, responsible for protein synthesis ... and this is it.

It turned out that to decode this sequence is almost the same thing to first pronounce the letters of a word and only then the word itself. But the fact is that the words form the sentence and you should be able to read these sentences.

Today 98-99% of the genome cannot be explained by modern scientists. This 98-99% is called "junk DNA" by scientists and they do not really know what it hides.

In fact, it is unacceptable that biologists and geneticists are unable to explain the function of most of the DNA molecule and simply call it "junk".
In fact, the main function, perhaps, is hidden exactly there.

Research on the human genome showed that the human genetic apparatus contains about 35,000 genes, practically identical to a fruit fly, a worm, a pig or a monkey. Now you may wonder how we differ from them, if genetically, at the gene level, there is practically no difference.
Isn't that a paradox? It seems absurd.

And biologists and geneticists shamefully avert their eyes in search of different explanations, that these genes come in different combinations.
In coli-Bacillus they come in one combination, in a human being they come in different combinations...but this is just an excuse.

The truth is that proteins with enzymes are mainly the working set, universal tools for all organisms, whether it is human, animal, plant or a virus. So this is the same set of tools that carries out the work of metabolism. But... the question is still there: where does the difference that comes from the genetic level come from?

Hereditary information is found in our chromosomes and nowhere else. There is a paradox here. From there there were negative consequences, as long as biologists continue to consider that this is the only significant genetic material - genes.

They certainly began to manipulate these genes, placing them in different organisms.

They began to combine them, thinking that there are useful enzymes, which produce useful proteins.
Here's an example, the potato. The potato beetle eats the potato leaves. Something had to be done about it. And they did.

Genetics added a gene to the potato to encode the protein that kills the potato beetle. Potato crops increased when the potato beetle was no longer eating.

Now we need non-perishable tomatoes, super sweet beets, or plants that are able to accumulate much needed vitamin E for our body.
Genetics developed and gave rise to these plants, which nature does not know.

They say that the development of transgenic crops is profitable. Since due to genetic modifications, plants are no longer susceptible to pests and pesticides.
This means that they produce better crops, which do not require additional expenditure of chemicals and without them it would be inevitable that mankind would starve.
But back to the potato.

Meticulous ecologists have discovered that if you feed this potato to mice, they gradually develop intestinal cancer.
they gradually develop bowel cancer. Why is everything going so fast?
Genetics predicts that everything will be fine Everything will be fine. but it's not fine!
But they can't explain what's wrong there. And they can't explain it for the simple reason that they ignore the function of the notorious "junk" DNA.

It turns out that this "junk" DNA plays an extremely important role.

How can it play such a role if it is just that simple? We came to the paradigm-shifting point.

It was found that coding in our chromosomes occurs at two levels,
two levels at least, because it actually occurs at many levels.
The first level is the matter coding level when mainly protein-enzymes are encoded. They are represented by 1-2%.
The 98-99% of 'junk' performs the coding on a completely different basis.

How does it happen?

To describe it in a very simple way:
this 98-99% 'junk' in our DNA, in physical terms, represents liquid crystals.

Liquid crystals can shape themselves into certain physical patterns as holograms. If you direct a beam of light into a hologram, it will produce a spatial light image. It can be the image of anything, human, animal or plant.
In relative terms, this image is composed of the smallest pieces, but one should not simply think that in the fertilized ovum we have a whole image of the adult man. Like every system, every organism must be built according to a correctly determined program.

If there is no such prior plan or it is altered, that is exactly what happens when genetic mutation occurs. They are trying to explain it by the mutation of genes ...
Yes, sometimes it happens that known genes, morphogenetic genes, mutate and give rise to this kind of anomaly. But here you have to explain that, in addition to this 2% of genes, mainly coding proteins, there are genes that define morphogenesis or the structure of the body.

And the structure of the body is realized by two levels, the first level is the hologram.
The hologram defines the spatial structure, an image or a model according to which the organism is built, but these chromosomes also contain text programs.
But we are not yet able to understand these texts.
These texts are written according to the same principles as human language.
DNA is the text.

And proteins are actually the copy, the recoding from one language to another,
that is, from the DNA language to the protein language, proteins are also texts. And it happens that all this work of printing proteins, requesting more and more new proteins, is similar to working with a typewriter, new texts are written. And phrases and sentences appear from proteins similar to computer programs, which, in turn, dictate the details in the structure of the body.
Thus, we have seen two levels of construction.

These lead to the conclusion that this 98% "junk" is not really junk.
In 1974, Senior Researcher Petr Gariaev worked at the Institute of Technical-Physical Affairs and with his colleagues investigated DNA problems.
During these 20 years he managed to solve many problems related to the emergence of life from DNA and became the founder of the new science called "Wave-Genetics".
Trying to understand what drives the construction of a more complicated biological system, scientists took DNA from the calf's thymus, placed it in a spectrometer and irradiated it with a beam of red light.

From a scientific point of view, these are very simple experiments.
When I moved the DNA molecule away from the laser focus, and the laser was actually scanning an empty space, this empty space indicated as if the DNA molecule was still there.
So, I saw the 'ghost' of the DNA.

It was not absolutely identical, of course. The signal was weaker, but the overall character was as if there were real DNA molecules and prior to this experiment, this had not been observed.
The experimenters thought the equipment was faulty.
And a few years later, continuing his experiments with cell nuclei, that time in some other scientific institution, Garjajev realized that he found a laser beam ... the 'phantom' DNA.
For example, if you heat the DNA to the temperature of 42 degrees, which is deadly to humans, by the way, it has not yet been explained why it dies at this temperature of 41-42 ... but we understood. At this point, liquid crystals of DNA begin to melt.
This means that our chromosomes at this temperature fuse together. The DNA double helix remains, but its liquid crystal state collapses. These advanced programs that are the basis for human life are eliminated, and a man dies.

Knowing that the 'phantom' DNA stays, I decided to cool the sample compartment and placed the DNA in it at normal room temperature.
I was doing this and looking at the oscilloscope and, my goodness, the DNA molecule behaved as if it was heating up!
This is approximately what happened, although when assayed under normal conditions, it behaved normally. So, I made the conclusion and determination that DNA 'ghosts' are biologically active. And, in fact, in 1993 we proved it.

At the Tertyishev Problem Management Institution we have been able to prove that these 'ghosts' are indeed active. These ghosts are not merely active, they live.
Although scientists do not yet know how long they can live. This same spectrometer that scientists considered defective has been recording 'ghosts' for 40 days. We cannot exclude that this 'ghost' lasted longer or it could still exist, as we do not yet have the equipment sensitive enough to record it.

Generally speaking, the term 'phantom' is not unique here. Everyone has heard references to 'phantom' pain, when people after an amputation complained of pain in the missing limb. And this is when the energetic 'phantom' is revealed.
In medicine there were cases when women who had a miscarriage experienced the contractions at the expected date of birth. It could be the result of the 'phantom' fetus, which is identical to the DNA 'ghosts', experimentally demonstrated by Garjajev's team, when after the disintegration of the 'phantom' wave, its subtle membranes remain. But no one knows yet how they behave.

Regarding the effect of ultrasound, well known to all, Garjajev believes that it is harmful to the human body. Yes, in 1995 or 1996, working with light scattering of DNA, I decided to test how ultrasound affects DNA to destroy the DNA molecule.

It doesn't actually destroy it, as I used it under approximately the same conditions as we did during the usual ultrasound, so there should be no destruction ... affecting the DNA molecule with ultrasound. I observed the facts that stunned me ...
In a water solution, the DNA molecule is constantly producing sound. It is producing a complex melody with repetitive musical phrases.
What am I listening to?

Instead of a very complex melody, only a monotonous note remains!
This means that the ultrasound has erased a large layer of information from the DNA molecule, which was done through the sound. And then I thought, my God, we have no healthy children?

All over the world we don't have healthy children, because all of them, except for those in the wild tribes, have to have an ultrasound.

The functioning of DNA can be compared to a computer that at every moment makes a huge number of decisions. But if you hit a computer with a hammer, it may happen that it will always produce the same answer regardless of the problem.

In essence, the same thing happens to our body when it is subjected to ultrasound. Its wave matrix becomes so altered that it only dominates one frequency, but this does not happen at the same time.
but this does not happen at the same time. The DNA molecule experiences a strong pressure after ultrasound radiation, it takes a long time for it to come back to life ... and then, there is the 'ghost' of pain and fear.
The rest of the research shows that...

Here are some excerpts from an article (in Spanish) explaining what the research and findings are about:
Can DNA be modified without causing damage? A group of Russian researchers, led by molecular biologist and biophysicist Pjtor P. Garjajev, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and The New York Academic of Sciences, seems to have found the answer. Their studies have concluded that DNA can be modified through words and, ultimately, through sounds and frequencies.
As we have stated, many researchers disagree. This is the case of the aforementioned Russian scientists, who share neither the mechanistic view of DNA nor the enthusiasm of their colleagues in the field. They believe that cutting and pasting genes, as if the human being were a simple machine, entails enormous risks. They propose an alternative perspective, more holistic and non-invasive, and in harmony - and with the utmost respect - for the functional complexity of the organism.
Thanks to the linguists he included in his team, he demonstrated that the nucleotide sequence of DNA is articulated in a logical and defined way, according to the same norms and rules that underlie all the languages of the world. Like a language, the genetic sequence follows a coherent syntactic and grammatical pattern, forming biological words and phrases.

The study states that:

-... Human texts, regardless of the language used and genetic texts have similar mathematical-linguistic and entropic-statistical characteristics and where in case of genetic texts the characters are identified with nucleotides... -
If one takes as a premise the fact that DNA predates any language in time, Russian researchers have postulated that genetic linguistic rules served as a template for the development of human language. Surprising, isn't it? Even more unusual is Garjajev's own assertion that the structure of DNA follows an intelligent immaterial plan that constitutes the original pattern of languages. It is impossible not to recall the words with which the Gospel of John begins - ... In the beginning was the Word... - or those of the Book of Genesis - ... And God said, Let there be light... -. Both passages consolidate, in an allegorical way, the idea that in the word or the verb we find the material origin of the universe.
The researchers did not end their study by discovering the structure and linguistic order of nucleotides. They observed that these material molecules emit frequencies, so that DNA as a whole would act as a wave-transmitting antenna. But not only does it transmit, it also has the capacity to receive wave energy from the environment.
[...] discovered that the waves generated in DNA are solitonic, characterized by their ability to store a large amount of information for long periods of time and to propagate without deformation through nonlinear media and over long distances. Thus, information rides on the back of wave energy.
Hence, they came to conceive of DNA as a biological computer (biocomputer), which, based on the material sequence of nucleotides, processes information that it then transmits in the form of solitonic waves. In addition, the biocomputer could receive wave energy and decode the information contained therein. This exchange of information-laden wave energy would serve the DNA to control cellular functions and behavior. In other words, it could be said that DNA interacts with its environment through a language similar to that of humans, but through energy waves.

As Garjajev states,

-Most people try to understand the principles of the biological computer that is DNA through the rules of Watson, Crick and Chargaff, but this is not enough. DNA in living systems possesses wave attributes that take us into an unknown dimension...- [...]
As described above, Russian researchers discovered that DNA radiates energy in the form of waves. But what is curious, to say the least, is that it does so at a frequency of 150 MHz - just the high-frequency band used in human telecommunications! Thanks to this frequency band we can listen to our favorite music on FM radio, or watch the latest news on TV and use our cell phone to contact friends.

In short, technology uses the same frequency band to transmit and receive information-laden signals as DNA. It is amazing that we have a two-meter-long telecommunications antenna in each of our cells.

by harmonizing sounds at certain frequencies, DNA could be regrouped into new sequences.

These claims are reminiscent of the discoveries of the late Masaru Emoto. This Japanese researcher discovered that both words and music could alter the molecular structure of water. Nor is it new that words and music induce health benefits. Ancient spiritual traditions from around the world teach us that it is possible to promote a healthy state through the recitation of mantras, prayer or even positive affirmations.
To demonstrate their postulates, the Russian researchers carried out experiments, managing to repair chromosomes damaged as a result of exposure to X-rays. Also, they managed to capture vibrational patterns of information from DNA and after implanting them in a frog embryo, it became a salamander embryo. All in all, something amazing.

Garjajev stated that:

-... The well-known genetic code is only the part of the code referring to protein synthesis and nothing else. But the chromosomes operate as holographic solitonic computers under the influence of endogenous laser radiations of DNA... -. -DNA can also store 150 MHz harmonic waves. The same as visible light. The 22 octave of 150 MHz that directly in that range... and the color of that light radiation is blue. Is it also a coincidence that solar radiation decays in the earth's atmosphere in such a way that we live in a world with a blue sky?

Here are some excerpts from sessions:
Q: (L) AB wanted us to ask what were the original number of chromosomes the human being possessed?

A: 135 pairs.

Q: (T) And we now have 23 pairs. So, we lost quite a few chromosomes. (L) A lot! (T) Will we get them all back?

A: Wait and see.

Q: I want to start off tonight with a question that has been bugging me all week: I want to know why whales sing?

A: Communication.

Q: They sing to communicate. I kind of figured that. Is this an elaborate and complicated form of communication?

A: Yes.

Q: Is it as complicated as a spoken language such as what we know?

A: More so.

Q: Is there any key you could give us as to how to interpret this language?

A: You would need to think in an entirely different way.

Q: What way would this be? Is it an image based language, or is it tone based? Do the tones evoke images or concepts and ideas?

A: It is psionic/practical wave modulation through flange scopotic transmisson.

Q: Could you define your use of psionic for me?

A: Seeing, hearing, feeling, absorption and response in simultaneous thought wave profile.

Q: Okay. What do whales talk about?

A: Not correct concept.

Q: What is the correct concept?

A: Total thought transference.

Q: What subjects interest whales enough that they exert energy to transfer those thoughts?

A: No need for "subjects" when one has total simultaneous comprehension.

Q: What do whales feel about human beings?

A: Wrong idea again!! You are not grasping this!!!

Q: I know that! I'm trying to... how do they feel about human beings?!

A: Each whale is able to absorb all truths that exist past, present and future at all "times."

Q: Well then, they are pretty awesome creatures and humans ought not to be hunting them down and killing them!

A: Lesson profiles interject experience.

Q: Who gets the experience interjected, us or them? We must be the ones getting the lesson here...

A: All there is is lessons.

Q: If there is anything else you want to tell us about whales, because obviously I am not understanding here. Are dolphins similar in make-up and ability?

A: Not "yet."

Q: They are down on the scale from whales. I think that whales are absolutely awesome. Are whale souls sort of like a composite soul - sort of like a bunch of dolphin souls make up a whale soul?

A: No.

Q: Is a whale soul always a whale soul from the beginning?

A: Whale is unified soul.

Q: Unified from what to what?

A: All whales share the same soul!

Q: Are human beings like that or moving in that direction, becoming unified soul?

A: Fragmented.

Q: Human beings are a fragmented soul. Were we once a unified soul?

A: Once and future.

Q: When one is a unified soul, then obviously all the experiences of the former fragments become everyone's experience, so to speak. Is that correct?

A: Close.

Q: Now, the other night, in front of the psychomantium, I did not exactly have a vision, but something came into my head, and the idea was that prime numbers are important because, the principle that they are only divisible by themselves and by one is indicative of the fact that they are direct links, channels, or conduits to seventh density, or first density, or something...

A: How about all densities?

Q: Okay, that is sort of what I mean, that they are, in a sense, gateways - would that be a good term?

A: Close.

Q: How does one utilize the energies inherent in prime numbers in this respect? Do they represent frequencies or frequency relationships?

A: Verities.

Q: Is there any formula, or any thing about prime numbers that makes it easier to find them... anything about them that is unique?

A: Pyramidal.

Q: Pyramid relationships would help one find prime numbers?

A: Graph.

Q: A pyramid type graph. Okay, anything else about prime numbers? When you said that they were the 'dwellings of the mystics' I had an idea that a prime number could be a dwelling of a mystic because the individual would express in some manner a frequency that related in some way to a prime number. Is that somewhere along the line...? That mystics can traverse all densities because of frequency?

A: Something like that.

Q: My next thought was that it could indicate actual places or locations in space time on the planet that would be represented by coordinates.

A: Zuber.

Q: What does THAT mean?

A: Research.
I could not find who made this comment (I have it written down in my notebook without further reference). :-/As it seems important to me I decided to copy it:


Die Zauberflöte- The Magic Flute by Mozart. So maybe it's related to sound and 'magic'.

Q: (L) Now, Allen acquired some interesting software. (Allen) The choir software. (L) Yes. And we had the idea of making some just regular meditation audios where I could recite the prayer and maybe sing it, or even sing some other songs and he could manipulate them with this software to make it melodic and meditation-worthy type music. So, we were wondering if this was something that was a good idea?

A: Oh definitely!!! In fact, that is a superb way for truly cosmic frequencies to be transmitted via your/our voice!!

Q: (DD) So long as it's not Patsy Kline tunes! (laughter) (L) But I wanted to channel Patsy Kline!!! (Allen) I was actually wondering if my multiplying your voice several times would actual multiply whatever it was they were putting through your voice that many times?

A: Not only that, it will enable us to insert frequency modulation directly between the layers of sound. Why don't you play a sample now?

Q: (Allen) Play a sample of the chorus, or of the music I've been working on?

A: Our voice!

Q: (Allen) How can I play a sample of your voice? I've got some music that I've been working on, but it doesn't have any choral stuff in it yet? Is that the music that you're talking about, or is there something that I'm missing?

A: What did you record today?

Q: (Allen) Ah! So, any particular song?

A: U pick!

Q: (Allen) Okay. So right now, all I have is me playing guitar, and Laura singing with a little reverb sweetening it. Would that do?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I had the idea to take ordinary songs and sing them and then for Allen to take say one ordinary song that was like a familiar melody to people, and then stretch it out to an hour CD. A song that would take 4 or 5 minutes to sing, make it stretched to one hour. And then put a musical track in the background that's more in time. So anyhow, is this a good idea?

A: Very! Try it!

Q: (L) Well, that wasn't very informative. I could have answered that, Jesus. (DD) Hang up on them! (laughter) (Keit) So which song would you choose? (L) Well, just a whole bunch of them.

[Pause while Allen tries to burn music to disc. Everyone then ends up listening to music in the office.]

Q: (Keit) On an emotional level, Amazing Grace had the most effect on me. (Allen) We can have you sing solo and then a choir of us come in and back you up. That's a thought.

A: Many possibilities, eh? Notice the "effect?"

Q: (Joe) Music to soothe the savage the beast!

A: Music to communicate to the soul.

Q: (L) Well, I really don't understand.

A: There are frequencies in your/our voice that are inaudible to the physical ear but affect the spirit.

Q: (Joe) True. (Scott) I wonder if that's why there are certain bands where the people totally can't sing, but everyone thinks they're great - I mean, above and beyond marketing and all that kind of stuff?

A: Yes! And some of them activate "interesting" frequencies!

Q: (L) When you say "interesting", what does that mean?

A: Shall we say that it is planned and deliberate for nefarious purposes.

Q: (Joe) What music were you thinking about, Scottie? (Scottie) I was just thinking after our talk the other day about objectively and subjectively good music and everything. I was thinking about some of the popular music, like pretty much everything... Like my workout music, grunge music, electric guitar music, rap music - all these different types of popular music. And some of it is actually done by somebody who can't even sing at all and people just absolutely love it. So there are all these different genres where some bands become popular, whereas you can go to a bar and here's somebody singing a song and they're ten times better, but... (L) But they're not famous. (Scottie) So why do these people who have absolutely no talent become famous, beyond the fact that they were "discovered", or advertising, etc...

A: Laurel Canyon anyone?

Q: (laughter) (Keit) We were just talking about it today! (Joe) Yeah, they were all picked. (C**) So would Laura's voice be kind of what Gurdjieff called "objective music"?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) I've got a great name for your album: Laura Canyon! (laughter) (L) I think I'll pass on that one. Unless you want to put an echo in so it sounds like I'm singing across the canyon. (PL) So, those bands in Laurel Canyon, those singers like the Mamas and the Papas, those bands that were obviously sponsored, because, through their music, they could put a kind of spell on some listeners, manipulate them, generate some negative emotions...?

A: "Spellbinders."

Q: (Keit) Maybe you can ask about movies? (L) What about movies? (Keit) We were talking about Laurel Canyon in relation to movies, and we see this same effect. (L) Did Laurel Canyon do movies? (Keit) Because it has that lab. (Allen) Oh, it has that CIA lab at the top of Laurel Canyon. (DD) Which is the spook lab. The spook's cinema lab. (Allen) It's all part of that same thing. (PL) They did some horror movies.

A: Yes. All part of the same programs.

Q: (PL) Does it generate just general negative emotions in listeners, or is it more specific nefarious purposes?

A: More specific...

Q: (Joe) Dissociation. (PL) To trigger some kind of programmed murderers or stuff like that?

A: In some cases. Like an audible "Catcher in the Rye."

Q: (C**) What's Catcher in the Rye? (Allen) Catcher in the Rye was the book that the guy who shot John Lennon had in his hands when he shot him. (L) Yeah? (Joe) Sirhan Sirhan. (L) And also the guy that shot John Lennon. (DD) It's supposedly a kind of MKULTRA trigger thing.

A: Many triggers for many programs. Now you have the means to cancel much of this.

Q: (L) What do you mean "means to cancel much of this"? (PL) Counter-music. A counter-signal. (L) You mean it's gonna be the Battle of the Bands?! (laughter)

A: You got it! On a cosmic level too!

Q: (L) I think it's strange. (PL) One of the triggers is for murderers. But they say it's one of the specific nefarious purposes. Are there examples of other specific nefarious purposes? Can they trigger suicide in people?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) General association among young people, ya know what I mean? Turn their brains into... (Keit) Like psychopathy, and violent... (Allen) I don't think it has to be that serious. It's part of the frequency fence, the music...

A: Frequency fence! [spelling at the same time Allen is speaking)

Q: (L) So you read their minds, Allen. (PL) But this music is available all over the world. (L) Yes. And our music is not. We haven't even made it! (laughter)

A: Time is awastin! And how are the videos going???!

Q: (laughter) (A***) The dog ate them. (laughter) (L) The dog ate my homework!

A: No dice!

The image of Pierre and his "Information Field" comes to mind. :love:
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