Predictions and Prophecies

I ran the video transcript through a large language model and asked it to just tell me what all the predictions are. The models make mistakes but this gives an idea of the video content in case anyone wants to watch it. Otherwise it's a good enough "gist".
1. A public figure might get assassinated, possibly while giving a speech, with a sense of betrayal and political motivation.

The above prediction reminded me of the event in Slovakia.

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is in critical condition after being shot several times Wednesday following a cabinet meeting.​

Moreover, Robert Fico had been the only leader of a NATO country who had had the courage to publicly acknowledge that the Western strategy in the Ukrainian war was not working and to advocate for a peace process two months ago: "I maintain that the Western strategy in Ukraine is not working," Fico said.​
I was searching for a remote viewing of instructional videos by major Ed Dames and found an interesting prophecy by him. He predicted a kind of sun's "killshot" to happen in the last solar cycle 24 that didn't occur.
I don't think very much of Ed Dames and his "killshot" prediction. I listened to Art Bell for a while many, years ago. Ed Dames predicted this "killshot" several times in the latter 1990s. The one I remember most was that it was supposed to happen at the end of the millennium. None of them happened, however. Not to say that one won't occur in the future as anything is possible. But Ed Dames is not a favorite of mine for accurate remote viewing.
I leave this for your consideration, I think it is another hit.

Active volcano in Nicaragua has an eruption, it is not something strong, destruction of nature without human losses.

A few hours ago the Concepcion volcano erupted in Nicaragua. The question is whether the volcano has recurrent eruptions that would overturn the prediction. According to the University of Oregon​
Since 1883 Concepcion has erupted at least 24 times. Eruptions are characterized by frequent moderate-sized explosions. The most recent eruption ended in 1986.
Concepcion/ Volcano World

According to Volcanodiscovery the volcano had minor activity in the period 2007-2009.​
Eruptions at Concepción during 2007-09 consisted of intermittent small ash explosions, often many months apart. Eruptions occurred on 9 February, 8 April, and 22 April 2007, during June-July 2007, November-December 2007, July 2008, and December 2009. Eruptions of Concepcion volcano

So the volcano woke up. So far, ash, gases and rocks are being expelled, which is beginning to affect the islanders living in the areas surrounding the colossus.​
Eruption of #Volcano #Concepción on Ometepe Island, #Nicaragua 🇳🇮
Strong explosions and high column of gases and ashes reported.

Nicaragua's prediction corresponds to the set of predictions that point to a big earthquake in May for Mexico and Argentina, strong winds in Ecuador, political problems in Cuba, people see signs and religious images in the skies, Elon Musk has problems and terrorist attacks on the US-Mexico border.

By the way, in the middle of May there was a strong tremor in Mexico, as mentioned by the seer, although it was not in any of the states he mentioned.​

Strong earthquake in Chiapas Mexico

M 6.4 - 17 km WSW of Brisas Barra de Suchiate, Mexico
2024-05-12 11:39:14 (UTC)
14.452°N 92.363°W. 75.4 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● Texas

This prediction falls within the expected range. Tornado season in Texas falls during April, May, and June and Texas is the most tornado-prone state in the U.S., averaging roughly 136 twisters each year.​
Two tornadoes hit Texas later this month. There is much material destruction and fortunately no loss of life. The cheapest thing you can lose in life is your house, your belongings, as long as you don't lose your life everything is fine.

Powerful #storm hits #Houston #Texas US Tonight a fierce storm causes severe damage in Houston, they report downed trees, power lines and windows. There are nearly a million users without power

● Antarctica

Images and videos of Antarctica will be released in 2024. The Antarctic Treaty States will go there. Supposedly because of the scarcity of natural resources that are necessary to survive what is coming. Countries that are not members of the Antarctic Treaty want to participate but they will not be allowed to do so and a silent political war will be unleashed.

Something is developing in Antarctica and it has to do with a resource that is considered non-renewable such as oil.

Russia Discovers Massive Oil and Gas Reserves in British Antarctic Territory​

May 13, 2024, 4:00 PM CDT

Russia has found huge oil and gas reserves in British Antarctic territory, potentially leading to drilling in the protected region.

The reserves uncovered contain around 511bn barrels worth of oil, equating to around 10 times the North Sea's output over the last 50 years.

The discovery, per Russian research ships, was revealed in evidence submitted to the Commons Environment Audit Committee last week. The committee was assessing questions regarding oil and gas research on ships owned by the Kremlin's Rosgeo, the largest geological exploration company in Russia.

Antarctica is currently protected by the 1959 Antarctic Treaty, which prohibits all oil developments in the area.

Chile opposes oil exploitation in Antarctica​

May 16, 2024

The Chilean government reacted to the news that Russia had discovered 70 billion tons of oil and gas in an Antarctic territory claimed by Chile, Argentina and the United Kingdom.

The president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, warned this Thursday (16.05.2024) that he will "firmly" oppose any oil exploitation in Antarctica, after a British media reported that Russia would have discovered vast oil and gas reserves in areas of the white continent claimed by Chile, Argentina and the United Kingdom.

Boric said in X that Chile defends that "Antarctica is a continent of science and peace" and that they will "firmly oppose any commercial exploitation of minerals and hydrocarbons".

"We will work together with all claimant countries and signatories of the Antarctic Treaty to ensure that this norm is respected by any nation," he added.

Antarctic Treaty signed by 12 countries
Antarctica is governed by the so-called Antarctic Treaty, initially signed by 12 countries on December 1, 1959, which establishes that no country owns the territory and designates the region as a continent dedicated to peace and science, meaning that all oil developments are prohibited.

The treaty is in force indefinitely and has not been amended, but as of 2048 any of the consultative parties may request its revision, with relative majority approval.

Although Antarctica is not governed by anyone, countries such as the United Kingdom, Argentina, Chile, Australia or New Zealand have historically claimed parts of its territory.

The Antarctic issue including the anomaly and the political fight for control of the oil reminds me of the BP accident in 2010 and what the Cs commented on it

Q: (L) Okay, so what's going to happen? Is the Gulf Stream breaking up, and is that going to bring on an ice age?

A: It is, it will.

Q: (L) Is that like imminent?

A: The cause is more than the oil. But the people will only see the oil reason and turn against the elite for bringing on such a disaster. Also note that the nonlinear effects will take some time to develop fully.

Q: (L) Okay, so are you saying that there are going to be some people who are very aware sooner than others, and then it's going to spread?

A: Yes.

Yesterday I accidentally came across a video about a Russian boy Sasha. He is called the Wanga-boy and it is said that much of what he says comes true. I can't say anything about it myself, but we all have a good opportunity to check it out.
In addition to a large number of personal questions from those that are asked to him, there are also general ones, in particular: when will the war in Ukraine end? He gave a rather specific answer - the war is already ending and it will end with some kind of "hysteria" in Ukraine during some event, which he called "lunastral" (full moon?) in Moscow. It seems to be in the middle of October. So let's see. In the video it's at 4.40

Я вчера случайно наткнулся на видео о русском мальчике Саше. Его называют мальчик-Ванга и говорят, что многое из того, что он говорит сбывается. Я сам ничего по этому поводу сказать не могу, но мы все имеем хорошую возможность проверить это. Помимо большой массы личных вопросов из тех, что ему задают, есть и общие, в частности: когда закончится война на Украине? Он дал достаточно конкретный ответ- война уже заканчивается и закончится она какой то "истерикой" на Украине во время некоего события, которое он назвал "лунастрал" (полнолуния?) в Москве. Это вроде бы должно быть в середине октября. Так что посмотрим. На видео это на 4.40
Visions of Andreas May 14, 2024

"It is a vision or message and I am going to read it to you as I wrote it, I hope it does not happen.

Something intense is coming for the world [a sentence appears on the screen that says "Mexico you are next"] You have to have your bug out bag ready. I know it will happen at night in Mexico or some Latin American country... I feel something very strong... probably an earthquake, but I don't want to base it on that, it is something of nature. I see darkness, people under debris, it can also be a hurricane... inside this event there was a... very intense heat.

Some time ago in a Latin American country there was a tsunami or something like that... I don't remember... a storm... but there was a very well known case of a girl who was trapped among the bodies and debris of everything that caused this natural phenomenon. A little girl who was trapped in the water... I don't know... her eyes were full of dirt... and the little girl unfortunately went to the right of the Lord.

A similar case is going to happen again that will captivate the world. Within this devastation, which I think is going to happen in Mexico... [the seer sighs] I hope not... There will be no satellite communications, there will be no telephony, no Internet and a few radios will have a signal to know what happened because there will be total silence. There will be darkness and a very rare clarity.

I think... in July or August. If you have to evacuate or flee you have to do it, do not forget your pets, everything material recovers, life does not, what is coming is not good at all. [In Mexico] the government will be worried about the outcome of the election more than anything else."


The girl referred to by the psychic was Omayra Sanchez. The event is known as the Armero Tragedy caused by the eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano.

Omayra gained worldwide recognition for three days trapped in the mud and debris of her own home, while television cameras incessantly transmitted her last hours of life.
In November 1985, the small town of Armero, Colombia was inundated by a massive mudslide brought on by the eruption of a nearby volcano. Thirteen-year-old Omayra Sánchez was buried in a giant vat of debris and neck-deep water. Rescue efforts were futile and, after three days trapped up to her waist in mud, the Colombian teenager died.​

i found an interesting prophecy, ref:

which appears to be coherent with our present times.

also, i found the containing site of value and i suggest you explore it.

since i did not find a suitable thread, i start this new one, which the coordinators can assign to any suitable already existing thread.
in general, i want to express my admiration to the existence of the www and the persons who fill it with infinite content. indeed, network...
i found an interesting prophecy, ref:

which appears to be coherent with our present times.

also, i found the containing site of value and i suggest you explore it.

since i did not find a suitable thread, i start this new one, which the coordinators can assign to any suitable already existing thread.
in general, i want to express my admiration to the existence of the www and the persons who fill it with infinite content. indeed, network...
She seems to have predicted the end of the Cold War, the disarmament in Europe and even the massive immigration from poor countries to Europe. Though regarding a Third World War, I would caution that the future is not set in stone and that it is just one of the possibilities.

The above prediction reminded me of the event in Slovakia.

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is in critical condition after being shot several times Wednesday following a cabinet meeting.​

Moreover, Robert Fico had been the only leader of a NATO country who had had the courage to publicly acknowledge that the Western strategy in the Ukrainian war was not working and to advocate for a peace process two months ago: "I maintain that the Western strategy in Ukraine is not working," Fico said.​
this is why i refer to orban as a lone voice of reason in europe. everyone should be aware of the reason for the russian special operation and moderate their claims regarding ukr.
Here we go, remember that this "silent political war" between the Antarctic Treaty countries, members and non-members, was predicted in October 2023.​

Images and videos of Antarctica will be released in 2024. The Antarctic Treaty States will go there. Supposedly because of the scarcity of natural resources that are necessary to survive what is coming. Countries that are not members of the Antarctic Treaty want to participate but they will not be allowed to do so and a silent political war will be unleashed.

Russia Discovers Massive Oil and Gas Reserves in British Antarctic Territory​

May 13, 2024, 4:00 PM CDT

Chile opposes oil exploitation in Antarctica​

May 16, 2024

And now USA make the next move
After Russia confirmed the discovery of a gigantic oil reserve in the Argentine Antarctic Sector, Biden published this Friday a "National Security Memorandum" on the white continent. It states that: The U.S. claims to be the controlling power in Antarctica; The US ignores any sovereign claim of other countries (including Argentina); It orders the expansion of the icebreaker fleet in order to "guarantee peace in the region".

These are Milei's friends, they are already preparing the assault on our Antarctic territory to steal its resources.

I am struck by the use of the icebreaker fleet. Because there is also the possibility of the collapse of ice walls and the discovery of things that are not very good for humanity.​

"Antarctic Treaty countries have already entered a place in secret. A place where nature is untouched, clean. At the end of this year or early 2025 the Antarctic Treaty States find not very good things in the falling ice walls, diseases, viruses. Pay attention to Chile and Argentina with the Antarctic issue."

Now, Iran is not listed as a country belonging to the Antarctic Treaty, however, in September 2023, Iran claimed rights to the "South Pole"

This news went almost unnoticed because it was followed by the attack on Israel on October 7, 2023.

Iran’s Navy commander announced in a televised broadcast last fall that the regime owns Antarctica and will build a military operation in the South Pole.
Commander of the Iranian Navy Rear Admiral Shahram says in a September 28, 2023, show on Channel 1 (Iran) that Iran has property rights in the South Pole and pledges to raise the Iranian flag there. He said that Iran has much military and scientific work to carry out there. In response to the interviewer’s question: "So we can declare that Admiral Irani promises that we will build a permanent base in the South Pole?" Irani responded affirmatively: "Inshallah, inshallah."​
Interviewer: "Many of our people are wondering if the army will be able to raise the flag of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the South Pole? As the Commander of strategic Navy forces, can you make this promise to our people? [Can you promise] that we will have a base there?"​
Iranian Navy Rear Admiral Shahram Irani: "With regard to the South Pole, as you know… The beautiful beaches of Makran connect us to the South Pole, we have property rights there, and they belong to the public. Our plan is to raise the flag there, inshallah. It is not only military work but also scientific work that needs to be carried out."​

The plot thickens
Here we go, remember that this "silent political war" between the Antarctic Treaty countries, members and non-members, was predicted in October 2023.​

And now USA make the next move

View attachment 96084

I am struck by the use of the icebreaker fleet. Because there is also the possibility of the collapse of ice walls and the discovery of things that are not very good for humanity.

Now, Iran is not listed as a country belonging to the Antarctic Treaty, however, in September 2023, Iran claimed rights to the "South Pole"

This news went almost unnoticed because it was followed by the attack on Israel on October 7, 2023.

Iran’s Navy commander announced in a televised broadcast last fall that the regime owns Antarctica and will build a military operation in the South Pole.

The plot thickens
fascinating arrogance of the usa...who is supposed to read and respect what they write ???
could antarctica not be declared "PATRIMOINE MONDIAL DE L'HUMANITE" ??? that would be a clear sign of the will of humanity to be united??
we should not repeat the mistake of louis14 concerning the "few arpents de neige" you know where......
Andreas posted a video to confirm (among other predictions) that the Vatican's announcement of "guidelines" for "apparitions" and "other supernatural phenomena" is part of his April 6th prediction.​

In the world people see signs in the skies, lights, unidentified objects, not necessarily extraterrestrials, they simply do not identify what is seen, supposed apparitions of religious images, but they are only distractions of the government, they want to do very ugly, strong things.

Vatican releases new norms on alleged supernatural phenomena​

A new document from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith published on Friday, May 17, has updated the norms for discerning alleged supernatural phenomena. The norms come into force on Sunday, May 19, the feast of Pentecost.

The Cs have told us on other occasions to expect more of these paranormal manifestations or window fallers as the veil thins. It appears that the Vatican is preparing to respond to the possible multiple questions about what people are seeing in the skies or apparitions of religious images as virgins.

Recall that these phenomena increase when there is electromagnetic activity, such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes and lately severe geomagnetic storms.
(L) So, it doesn't really look like anything is necessarily connected. What was the impetus for the opening of the window?

A: The Earth was still settling and did so for many years after. This creates good EM conditions for breaching of the curtain. In this case there were also some astral elements piggybacked on the faller phenomenon.

Andreas published a prediction that refers to the militarization of the Americas and a new virus in Europe.​

Visions of Andreas May 12, 2024

I had a vision, in the coming months, mainly in America, a strange situation is going to occur, it is not a pandemic, it is something military, from the government. I saw in this vision or message that in the United States, Mexico and other countries of Americas the inhabitants could not leave their homes, it is not because of a disease, but because of orders from the army, things that they are doing, you know, in that confinement, chaos begins in the different cities because drinking water starts to be scarce.

It starts in the United States but is replicated in Mexico, because you know, Mexico is like the battered wife of the United States, with all due respect. Don't forget to store water, because these new governments, in the United States and Mexico, are going to do things... we have to be prepared... before September...
let's hope it doesn't happen.

Visions of Andreas, May 20, 2024

Europe, especially Austria and the Netherlands and from there to the entire European continent. A virus developed in Asia breaks out in these countries and from there to Europe, unrelated to covid-19.

Hurricane Aletta is headed for Mexico but will not be as strong as Otis which hit Guerrero last year. Strong earthquake in Oaxaca, Chiapas, and surrounding areas, M5.8 or M6.6 Panama and Dominican Republic, very intense storm without loss of life. Demonstrations in Cuba against the government and in favor of change.
FWIW it seems none of the extreme gloom and doom scenarios from the recent new moons, eclipses, astrology, clairvoyants, Fatima etc have produced much that is obvious. …Yet. Sure the Iranian copter crash, I guess, but they would have to go all in on attacking Israel for it to really get next level.

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