John Kaminski Goes Off the Deep End

Thank you all for the very interesting posts.

I also have "enjoyed" reading his older essays of more than two years ago. I admit that they were often "feverish". But in contrast to Violet's opinion, this was actually part of the reason why I enjoyed reading them. You see, I too was "feverish" at times, I admit. And here was a great writer who expressed my feelings pretty well. His essays also appealed to my intellect for they could dissect the worldly theatre so eloquently, often shining a new and very creative light unto the world stage. Nor did he shy away from using psychological and spiritual insight of the characters that make the world stage the way it is: the psychopaths, the different factions of the masses, the indifference, the ignorance, the need for waking up. All these things were there (IMO) in very short essays. And they moved me, literally.

So I thought and felt that here was a basically very good person, a soul, who was ever so close to gravitate towards a magnetic centre, or to further develop an already existing one, precisely because of the things that he was seeing. Considering the pressure that all these shocks must have created I figured that there was only one way to go, and that is "up" or to go further "within", as in repentance.

However, during such times (I think) one also becomes extremely vulnerable. The psychophage knows this, the false personality too, as it's very "life" is threatened. It is important to know this, to self-observe and to remain "strong", to have faith in the process of awakening. When I read his essay wherein he came to the full realisation of his own impending death, I thought that he really was strong, for here was somebody who dared to die without falling back to a "life after death" tale and other such false promises. Despite the terror of such insight he chose to remain a human person with the ability to feel for other people.

But it is also important to take a step back at times, to see the full impact that ones own anger or sadness has on other people, and to re-treat. I see several reasons why such is important. It solidifies ones many different energy pockets into a coherent centre. Without it, ones energy would scatter again in many different directions, while the inner centre is eaten away. It allows correction at times of ones own personality. Without it, the false personality will steal control of the reins, before one even realizes. It grows the emotional body by a process of deepening of feelings and away from superficial emotions. Without it, we will remain addicted to all those emotions, which are generated by buttons pushed by our environment, or ... pushed by ourselves.

I have the impression that K. has not retreated enough. Maybe there was too much pressure, financial and otherwise, maybe a lack of time. Maybe he grew bitter for the apathy of the people had not decreased much. I have a better hypothesis though. While reading his essays, I caught myself more than once pondering on the danger of becoming addicted to emotions. So maybe, by then, he was too much addicted to his own emotions, and it was anger mostly that he kick-started with his own essays.

I also have had the impression that at the time SOTT invited him to France, which he than declined, he was truly at a tipping point. The timing of a psychophagous handler passing by with a firm grip on the processes he was going through, could not have been better. For the pathocracy that is.
ark said:
More probable is that he is a trap, and that he has a vague idea about his role as a trap, but his circuits has been re-wired in such a way that he accepts this situation of him being manipulated, because this brings him some psychological "rewards" that he "values".
Kaminski talks about "parasites", and while admitting to being a host to such parasites himself, he is unable to see that, given his continued infestation, he is apparently a willing host.

So which is worse: the parasite, or the host who is achieves some sort of payback as a result of parasitic infestation? In the end, it seems that the two are essentially cut from the same cloth.

Kaminski's parasitic piece reminds me of a bishop or other such 'man of the cloth' pontificating each sunday from the pulpit on the need for moral rectitude among others while himself engaging in all sorts of filthy and immoral acts.

my SO also received the email, which I read with some interest this morning. before reading this thread, I was telling myself that the email is somehow out of place:

- the problems of mr. kaminsky and ms. andreas have been known for some time - months by now. they have been discussed here and probably elsewhere. mr. kaminsky is in contact with the SOTT team from what I have read. all of this should have been a motivation for him to to either send a similar email to his readers much sooner, or, to approach in confidence those people disposed favorably towards him, like the SOTT team.

- upon re-reading the thread, the thing about ponerology serving as the template for totalitarianism is more than weird. abuse of psychiatry has existed forever, ponerology is not necessary as a template for totalitarianism, except that one which would make the world "as harsh for them, as their world is for normal people" to paraphrase lobaczewski, if calling such a thing could be called "totalitarianism" at all. funny how sanity becomes tiranny for some people ...

- i found it very interesting that mr. kaminsky would go out of his way to impute "jews" instead of "zionists" for the very troublesome current state of affairs, in effect denying and reversing conclusions arrived at by people researching current political developments, which all point at a small subset of jews (and other peoples) as the real troublemakers, not "jews" at large. i found this even more astonishing because i was of the belief that mr. kaminski is a jew himself. it is as if he was either trying to (re-) fabricate "good, old, mindless" antisemitism, or, alternatively, to smear interested people and researchers by association. some will always believe that it is "the jews" because it is so easy. that he would mention shamir and makow stands out. both shamir (lefty) and makow (righty) are sharp critics of israels govt policies for their own (sincere, i believe) political reasons. this is very revealing.

about self-pity, because laura said that he seemed immersed in a bout of same: states of depletion and self-pity have probably been experienced by most people (me included), few remain in that sort of pit for a long time, because either they themselves move on or they have a supportive environment. to bootstrap oneself out of such a state is not difficult, but few people know how to "do" it - my home-receipe: go out and enjoy nature, walk barefoot in the woods. at risk of being harsh and forward, it should not be unreasonable to expect of someone writing about issues like mr. kaminski and who is said to live and "alternative-style" life in his 60's to know how to get self out of such low-energy states. also true, to get ones life into shape while having an energy-leech attached is next to impossible w/o first disposing of the leech.

this kind of simple self-observation and knowledge about basic mental hygiene is perhaps what makes the difference between people who can be 'used' (or 'handled') and those who can't.

the word for balls is "cojones" with two o's. "cajones" is "boxes", as the ones for shipping tomatoes. no offense intended :-)
ark said:
Details differ and are personalized. When it is a man with an ego and difficulties with handling practical things of life, then a "friendly and taking care of practical things" woman is the standard solution. But JK IS aware of the fact that this may be his case, because he himself was contemplating this possibility. Yet he
has made his choice ( or the choice has been persuaded to him).
Or maybe: Kaminski's intellect is vaguely aware that he's being handled. But his emotions are definitely not. Unfortunately, one is hooked and controlled first and mostly through emotional needs, all too strong to let the intellect take any rational decisions.

How twisted are K's arguments in his article. What a poor understanding of human nature and psychology he displays.

He thinks ponerology is 'dangerous' cause it may be used for totalitarianism (while ponerology is actually an effort to prevent and cure totalitarianism!). Yet he sees no potential harm for innocent people in declaring that "all Jews bad". Poor guy, he's borderline schyzoid now.
Whoa! mr Kamisky is throwing images up of someone who is riding a horse which is totally out of control.Or it seems he has twisted and weaved his thread everywhere and is all tangled up.

Does he really want help has always been the question,Yes its hard to trust anyone these days,but these days he is reverting back to the same ways, friends and experiences that have failed him before.

If Kaminsky truly believes ALL jewish folk are the devil incarnate then what can one really say or do to help this man.

The intelligence we have in the past assigned to him is not really there now is it.Still its never a pleasant thought,to envisage what he and people like him are going through,one can only hope they find a way out of this particular trap,and a way is usually open if one is brave enough to try.Though the opening due to other forces in existence can of course disapear.

Kaminski for his own well being in my opinion should really take a break from his associates and friends,go camping. bird watching or whatever,because in the state he is in at present he is like mercutio in Romeo and Juliet who speaks of nothing.
I could be wrong, but isn't Ms. Andreas Jewish?!

...The point of interest being of course that John thereby totally and hopelessly refutes himself
starsailor said:
I could be wrong, but isn't Ms. Andreas Jewish?!

...The point of interest being of course that John thereby totally and hopelessly refutes himself
Yes, she is. And maybe that is part of his hatred. Since the relationship didn't work out (and I don't know any details except what Andreas wrote to me which is published elsewhere in this forum) maybe it triggered his whole "All Jews are evil" rant.

Apparently, there is a website run by Catholics in Poland that is working on exposing Jews that have changed their names and are pretending NOT to be Jews, even attacking Jews to create a public image. It's very strange. In Polish, so I can't read it, but you can have a look at it:

The list shows how many Jews changed their names and it shows from what name to what name in some cases, in short, how they "Polishized" their names to conceal their Jewishness.

Seems that the current president of Poland, the previous president, a whole raft of politicians, and even priests and bishops of the Catholic church are what DBS would call "crypto Jews."

Well, it's even worse. Seems that Lech Walesa is also one.

There is a current scandal in Poland about people getting Polish nationality status after WW II. Seems that all you had to do then was have two witnesses sign a statement that you were Polish and you were granted status and given a passport. However, now they are discovering that there were a LOT of people - including a major number of Jews - who were writing these attestations for each other and getting nationality fraudulently AND changing their names wholesale - based only on the testimony of two friends.

Anyway, get this: The name Kaminski is one that was commonly taken by Jews with the original name "stein" because Kamin in Polish is the same word: Stone.

It seems that Kaminski was a VERY popular name for Jews to adopt in Poland.
Laura said:
Apparently, there is a website run by Catholics in Poland that is working on exposing Jews that have changed their names and are pretending NOT to be Jews, even attacking Jews to create a public image. It's very strange. In Polish, so I can't read it, but you can have a look at it:

The list shows how many Jews changed their names and it shows from what name to what name in some cases, in short, how they "Polishized" their names to conceal their Jewishness.
While the list above is certainly partly correct, as there are no reliable sources of information given, the list can be wrong here and there.

Whether by inadequate discipline or deleberately, to serve someone's not so holy interests - hard to say.

Laura said:
Anyway, get this: The name Kaminski is one that was commonly taken by Jews with the original name "stein" because Kamin in Polish is the same word: Stone.

It seems that Kaminski was a VERY popular name for Jews to adopt in Poland.
That is certainly true. Polish word for "stone" is "kamien", and "Kaminski" is a typical and popular name taken by quite a number of Jews in Poland who decided to abandon their original names.

Example: Ida Kaminska
All I can say is the Illion quote must be correct because, in this thread, the force of John K's downward whirlpool path has inspired some amazing responses by those on the way up! Great posts!
We were talking about the curious timing of the Bollyn and Kaminski attacks this evening, along with the parallels between the types of attack. At first I thought there was a fine line between what Kaminski wrote and the open filth of Bollyn's use of Lisa's children, that if Kaminski wasn't careful, he'd cross over. But as we talked about it, it was clear that what Kaminski did was as bad or worse.

As Joe put it, Bollyn, in his own mind, could perceive he was 'attacked' by Lisa. That doesn't excuse what he did in any way. And one wonders whether he ever had a conscience to begin with or whether he has always been writing for his own promotion.

Kaminski, however, has received nothing but help, (financial, too) advice, and concern from Laura. And much of this help was offered long after John was complaining that he had been marginalised and abandoned by his former friends. Also, she has never said a bad word against him or about him - not even when he falsely claimed that Judy Andreas (his former girlfriend) was the same Judy Andreas who lives in California and is a gay, Wiccan activist. When Judy attacked Laura over this, she didn't even reveal that it was Kaminski who had confirmed the identity. It's on a thread in the forum somewhere.

So to turn on Laura in the sleazy way he did, calling her a "channeller" (in an obviously pejorative sense), accusing her of totalitarian ideas, "theft" of his precious mailing list, and basically including her with Andreas, Daryl Bradford Smith, Hufschmid, and others, is way beyond the pale.

Where Bollyn seems in some sense to have just been himself or to have revealed himself, Kaminski seems to have made a conscious choice towards entropy.

It really is a question of John sinning against his soul.
Henry said:
We were talking about the curious timing of the Bollyn and Kaminski attacks this evening, along with the parallels between the types of attack.
When we also take into account that less than a week ago Kurt Nimmo also came out attacking Wing TV, I think there's clearly something going on. When those who were seemingly once noble and logical start spewing verminous nonsensical diatribe in concert, one's mind normally has to wonder just how close the mass programming is to being complete.

You would think that BECAUSE Nimmo has experienced the wrath of Zionist Propaganda that he would be in a useful position to help the truth in the matter by connecting some apparent dots and in sharing and comparing his experience w/ that of Lisa and Victors. But no. His neurons seem to be lacking the same quality of connectivity that Kaminski is demonstrating, AND ON THE SAME MATTER but of opposite ends. Interesting. Now that it's been shown that the already small pool of genuine truth journalists has just gotten smaller (thus fewer to investigate and report on the real questions of this hellish world), it may be no mere speculation that there is something BIG just around the corner. ...October surprise??

As an aside to the 'programming being complete': I also notice the strengthening of programming in those around me. People who were once thoughtful and who seemed to contain at least some strand of empathy now have a plethora of apathetic responses that mimic the official racist mouthpieces, all the while ripping any freedom they have left from their being and obediently slaughtering it at their slave masters feet. It's getting really bad here. I've specifically noticed this in several people the past two weeks.
I think the comment that the Cs made about how so many people think that they are somehow "special" relates to this discussion.

There are three kinds of people (using a gross generalization) in my experience (and ignoring psychopaths - at least for the purposes of this posting).

There are those who are like corks floating on the waves, they are stimulus response engines and they simply respond to events and things based on their conditioning. If they hear about the war on terror enough, they believe it and simply echo the "party line" when asked. When asked if they are concerned about security, they respond yes because they have been told repeatedly that the world is dangerous, OBL is under their bed and "they hate us because of our freedoms".

The second type of people are more unusual. They have learned to see the cracks in the system, the flaws in the matrix. They question what they have been told. When they are told that WTC7 collapsed because of falling debris and fire, they ask questions and wonder about the truth and agendas of those doing the talking. However these second types do not question their own responses, they simply assume that they are somehow special, and the fact that they are asking questions is enough.

The third type of people are exceedingly rare. They have learned to see the cracks in their own thinking process and accept that they are subject to the same forces as all those around them. The media grinds mental grooves into your brain and it takes extreme effort to both see them and to remove your thought processes from those grooves and escape the bounds of your own internal conditioning. Also, just because you try does not mean you always succeed, it takes constant effort to recognize the conditioning and constant effort to remove your thoughts from the mental grooves and "think different".

I believe the problem is that the bulk of the commentators are in the second group. They see the cracks in the system but think somehow that "they are special" and naturally, without effort, rise above their own biases. This is of course problematic.

What I see the role of this group of people is, is to enable individuals to move from the second group to the third, where you learn to question the very basics of how you think and are influenced, where you learn to see the very mental grooves carved into your mind.

Only then can you start to discover real truth. OSIT.
I stopped reading Kaminski well over a year and a half ago. Whereas I regularly read his articles years ago finding them to be well-written, heartfelt and full of humanity where I could commiserate with his emotions and experiences, he since then dissolved into a ranting, paranoid, delusional madman delving into full blown anti-judaism. His fixation on Jews killed whatever credibility in my mind and I would occasionaly graze his articles and shake my head at the ravings his poor mind produced. What was once an inspiring writer he soon dissolved into some form of advanced narcissistic quasi-teen angst. His articles appeared to have more in common with an "Emo" teen posting whining incoherent chicken scratches on their myspace blogs than an adult delving in serious matters. With the fixation on the "evil jews" he almost appears like a Kleboid, Harris or some sort of teenage neo-Nazi wannabe. At any rate I do hope his mind becomes cleaner and that whatever dark forces are attacking him will be defeated.

Kurt Nimmo, while I enjoy his articles, I am not surprised that he would attack WING. He has nothing but praise for Alex "the Arachnoid" Jones whom he calls a "constitutionalist" (whatever that means) at a time when Jones has virtually no credibility left, (at least everyone at SOTT has his number). Not to be condescending either but Nimmo's lack of education shows. His refer's to certain people's works, philosophies and ideas often in vulgar caricatures the same way Jones and other halfwits in the Right and the so-called Christian Patriot Movement often do. Whenever he cites Trotsky's concept of the Permanent Revolution it's patently obvious he has no idea what the Permanent Revolution actually is. Ditto for Corporatism. He also says every revolution has failed but seems to hold the American one as the sole exception...surprise, surprise. As for Bollyn I've never really followed much of his work but AFP seemed more like a classier version of Jones' work. I'm not surprised he has shown his true colours. Personally I get the feeling that there is a "closing of the ranks" with the COINTELPRO agents in the "truth" community. Kaminski, Nimmo and Bollyn will likely just be the beginning.

I can't help but agree that there's "something in the air" as of late. Things feel more chaotic, like everything's coming to a boil. More greenbaums are going off. A highway collapsed near Montreal killing half a dozen people. I know people who have family and friends who are dying lately, much, much more than usual. That plus the sword of Damocles hanging over Southwest Asia and the possibility of a comet colliding with Earth at the end of the month I wonder what exactly this October Surpise will be?
That is very useful RS. The distinction between types 2 and 3 really explains a lot.

Nimmo and Kaminsky did share one other thing, IMO, they seem both to have depressive reactions to events. They both could use more of a sense of humor sometimes (although, that can be self-calming sometimes). The "hermit" quality of Nimmo and the lone wolf who can't work with anybody quality of Kaminsky probably contributes to the depression. On the other hand, Nimmo is WAY less emotional than Kaminsky. It's almost as if Nimmo has too little range of emotion in his writing while Kaminsky blasts out emotions all over the place.

rs said:
I think the comment that the Cs made about how so many people think that they are somehow "special" relates to this discussion.

There are three kinds of people (using a gross generalization) in my experience (and ignoring psychopaths - at least for the purposes of this posting).

There are those who are like corks floating on the waves, they are stimulus response engines and they simply respond to events and things based on their conditioning. If they hear about the war on terror enough, they believe it and simply echo the "party line" when asked. When asked if they are concerned about security, they respond yes because they have been told repeatedly that the world is dangerous, OBL is under their bed and "they hate us because of our freedoms".

The second type of people are more unusual. They have learned to see the cracks in the system, the flaws in the matrix. They question what they have been told. When they are told that WTC7 collapsed because of falling debris and fire, they ask questions and wonder about the truth and agendas of those doing the talking. However these second types do not question their own responses, they simply assume that they are somehow special, and the fact that they are asking questions is enough.

The third type of people are exceedingly rare. They have learned to see the cracks in their own thinking process and accept that they are subject to the same forces as all those around them. The media grinds mental grooves into your brain and it takes extreme effort to both see them and to remove your thought processes from those grooves and escape the bounds of your own internal conditioning. Also, just because you try does not mean you always succeed, it takes constant effort to recognize the conditioning and constant effort to remove your thoughts from the mental grooves and "think different".

I believe the problem is that the bulk of the commentators are in the second group. They see the cracks in the system but think somehow that "they are special" and naturally, without effort, rise above their own biases. This is of course problematic.

What I see the role of this group of people is, is to enable individuals to move from the second group to the third, where you learn to question the very basics of how you think and are influenced, where you learn to see the very mental grooves carved into your mind.

Only then can you start to discover real truth. OSIT.
rs said:
I think the comment that the Cs made about how so many people think that they are somehow "special" relates to this discussion.

There are three kinds of people (using a gross generalization) in my experience (and ignoring psychopaths - at least for the purposes of this posting).

There are those who are like corks floating on the waves, they are stimulus response engines and they simply respond to events and things based on their conditioning. If they hear about the war on terror enough, they believe it and simply echo the "party line" when asked. When asked if they are concerned about security, they respond yes because they have been told repeatedly that the world is dangerous, OBL is under their bed and "they hate us because of our freedoms".

The second type of people are more unusual. They have learned to see the cracks in the system, the flaws in the matrix. They question what they have been told. When they are told that WTC7 collapsed because of falling debris and fire, they ask questions and wonder about the truth and agendas of those doing the talking. However these second types do not question their own responses, they simply assume that they are somehow special, and the fact that they are asking questions is enough.

The third type of people are exceedingly rare. They have learned to see the cracks in their own thinking process and accept that they are subject to the same forces as all those around them. The media grinds mental grooves into your brain and it takes extreme effort to both see them and to remove your thought processes from those grooves and escape the bounds of your own internal conditioning. Also, just because you try does not mean you always succeed, it takes constant effort to recognize the conditioning and constant effort to remove your thoughts from the mental grooves and "think different".

I believe the problem is that the bulk of the commentators are in the second group. They see the cracks in the system but think somehow that "they are special" and naturally, without effort, rise above their own biases. This is of course problematic.

What I see the role of this group of people is, is to enable individuals to move from the second group to the third, where you learn to question the very basics of how you think and are influenced, where you learn to see the very mental grooves carved into your mind.

Only then can you start to discover real truth. OSIT.
Kudos, I couldn't have said it better myself. Most people cannot seem to get outside their own ego and are never willing to do go to the next level, dig deeper and fall further down the rabbithole. Most people refuse to admit they're wrong or allow humility into themselves or admit they are under control of the irrational subconcious. Most people refuse to recognize how their emotions (and themselves) are so easily manipulated, especially by those in power. Most people are never willing to put themselves in the other shoes, seperate from themselves and "be someone else" (i.e. see from their point of view entirely). And of course most people are MORE than willing to judge others, point fingers, look at all the cracks, vices and faults in others. But very few are willing to look in the mirror and see themselves fully, warts and all. Everyone is also more than willing to play doctor for someone else but never themselves cuz they're "special."

To them I say physician heal thyself. :)
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