
"C's Groups of people represent energy portals in cosmic rather than global terms. Light warriors are "connectors"
on a cosmic level. Transducers of energy of transitions of your sector of space and time rather like capacitors. Now, all of you have value far beyond your own understanding to this point. It would be wise to remember this and be cautious. Go from this point with joy in the knowledge and ...defend it. Session: 020731"

I like the idea that you can tune your "inner system", using grounding to store/release electromagnetic energy in your body.
For me, it helped tremendously to free my mind and better comprehend how it function and interact with universe :-).
Well I'm still learning, and on rather basic levels, how to interact with soul. And I know that this thread on grounding is a most wonderful thing.
But I would say, don't stop thinking, but embrace thinking with yearning because real life is in the soul.
This was an excellent interview about grounding with Dr. Laura Koniver:

A few highlights:

- Dr. Koniver found about grounding when she had a baby, who was colic (the pediatrician would have prescribed the 2 week old baby drugs, or the other option would have been to place the baby in a different room and let her cry. Neither choice sounded good to her). At the time, she was living in Arizona, and went barefoot in the backyard while holding the crying baby. Unexpectedly, the baby stopped crying, and as it happened repeatedly, the doc figured out that it must be from standing on the grass barefoot, grounded.

- If a hundred people are in a chain, holding hands, and only one of them is grounded, the other 99 are too.

- Grounding in urban environments can be potentially troublesome, but here she gives good advice on how to negotiate the problems.

- Water that is used in houses and apartments is grounded, so having a shower/ catching a faucet with bare hands, will get you grounded too.

- Dr. Koniver herself lives in an urban environment, but has been going to a cabin once a month for two days to counter the city living. Being out in the nature for a couple of days is restorative, as there aren’t excess EMFs and electricity around, and you can get plentiful grounding. Those few days give her the fortitude to better weather the "urban assault" for the next weeks.

- You could get grounding from trees, but if they have a thicker bark, it doesn’t work well. Surer bet is grabbing some leaves (plants, trees, etc.).

- If there is moisture between the skin and grounded surface, the grounding connection is better.

- Even a few seconds of touching grounded surface (more is better of course), will restore the "link": the blood pressure starts to level, inflammation starts to decrease, etc.

- The grid uses AC electricity, but the body runs in DC electricity. This amplifies a ”mismatch” when you are near electric wires (and devices) while inside. It would good to keep at least a few feet’s distance from the wires, and every now and then get grounded to even things out. (Using dirty electricity filters would probably be worthwhile.)

- It is important to go outside (or peek from an open window) once in a while when the sun is up. This way you get ”information” from the sun to ”locate” yourself, i.e. what time of the day it is/ what season is ongoing, and keep the bodily systems/ hormones running smoothly. Evidently, if you spend all your time indoors, you miss these signals, and it will eventually negatively catch up on you.

Being connected to the earth, receiving electrons and other energies from it, seems to be equally as important as keeping tabs on the sun.

There was a study put up, where people were ”disconnected” completely: no natural light, no grounding, no Schumann resonance, and so on. The study had to be stopped, as after only a couple of hours, the subjects’ organ systems were starting to fail.

I remember, when I once tried to sleep in an EMF blocking bed canopy (it’s placed over a bed, and material is also set underneath the mattress). I made several attempts, but every time I woke up about 2 am having a feeling of strange ”pressure”, and had to remove the canopy. (It wasn't a case of total disconnection as in the study, but still.) When it later occurred to me, to remove the material from under the mattress and leave the canopy on, it was more tolerable, but still something was ”off”.

The exclusion from outside energies must explain the issue some people have, when they have painted a room (ceiling, every wall and the floor) with EMF blocking paint, only to find out that they can’t spend much time inside the room, as they gradually start to feel unwell. (I guess some people are more sensitive to these things than others.)

- The astronauts who stood on the moon, have said that there was this strong longing to get back to earth, and get ”grounded” again. (Btw, they seem to have used Schumann resonance generators in the spacecrafts.)
Медитация для заземления более корректная у Шакти Гавэйн. Она начинается снизу вверх, начинать с ног и заканчивать головой и веками, а не наоборот, не с головы до ног. Это принципиальное отличие и имеет практическое значение. Даже если книга покажется вам "мусорной", она стоит того, чтобы найти это крошечное зерно знаний.
В йоге самой эффективной позой заземления является "Поза мертвеца".
А также, для заземления в вертикальном положении - необходимо изучить постуральный вопрос, нужно выстроить правильно ось. Касс упоминали "царей на каблуках". ;) Здесь вам поможет цигун, это правильная постура для заземления.
И еще кельтские танцы, ирландские танцы.
Посмотрите на это очень внимательно, чтобы увидеть механизм, как это работает.
Заземление - это секрет левитации.
И секрет антигравитационного двигателя. ;)

Shakti Gawain's meditation for grounding is more correct. It starts from bottom to top, beginning with the feet and ending with the head and eyelids, not the other way around, not from head to toe. This is a fundamental difference and has practical implications. Even if the book seems "trashy" to you, it is worth it to find that tiny grain of knowledge.
In yoga, the most effective grounding pose is Dead Man's Pose.
And also, for upright grounding - you need to learn the postural issue, you need to line up the axis correctly. Cass mentioned "kings in heels." ;) Qigong will help you here, it is the correct postural for grounding.
And also Celtic dancing, Irish dancing.
Look at it very carefully to see the mechanism of how it works.
Grounding is the secret to levitation.
And the secret to the antigravity engine. ;)
Grounding is the rage right now, I see it everywhere...grounding mats, bedsheets, pillow cases.

Got a grounding mat, but not sure I feel any benefit from it.

Anyone here have any of these methods? Contemplating getting grounded bedsheets but don't want to get scammed...I believe that grounding/Earthing is a real thing, I just don't trust these products to do what they say they do.
Grounding is the rage right now, I see it everywhere...grounding mats, bedsheets, pillow cases.

Got a grounding mat, but not sure I feel any benefit from it.

Anyone here have any of these methods? Contemplating getting grounded bedsheets but don't want to get scammed...I believe that grounding/Earthing is a real thing, I just don't trust these products to do what they say they do.
Hiker has posted quite extensively about these methods, for example in this thread.
Grounding is the rage right now, I see it everywhere...grounding mats, bedsheets, pillow cases.

Got a grounding mat, but not sure I feel any benefit from it.

Anyone here have any of these methods? Contemplating getting grounded bedsheets but don't want to get scammed...I believe that grounding/Earthing is a real thing, I just don't trust these products to do what they say they do.

It's hard to say if these methods are a scam exactly but they may not be as potent as earthing (standing on earth) or other grounding methods(meditational, imaginal, intuitive, etc). I find the later seem to work much better and some don't take much time at all.
I've done all three. I like 'em all!

As for whether grounding tech is a scam or not, you can always test your grounding pillow or mat or whatever. There are YouTube video tutorials about it.

I have a grounding pillow and I ended up testing it accidentally. I turned on my sauna blanket, and then laid my head on the grounding pillow. I got all these tiny little zaps!

About grounding tech, there is a session that covers the basic principle of a conductive metal connected to the ground outlet of your house - it discharges buildups of EM energies:

April 16, 2016:

Laura, Andromeda, and Galatea at the board

Pierre, Joe, Chu, Data, Ark, Possibility of Being, Oxajil, Scottie, Niall, Noko the Wonderdog, Luna

(the furry one, not the celestial body)

Q: (L) Today is the 16th of April, 2016. 16-4-16.

A: Hello children! Niodllaea of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) So, Ark has a first question about the headaches he gets in the mornings. He thinks it has something to do with energy, but he wakes up with these headaches. I occasionally wake up with them also. What is the cause of the headaches?

A: Buildup of EM energies in concert with Earth changes.

Q: (L) So how can one best deal with them?

A: Discharge them.

Q: (L) And how does one discharge them?

A: Wire mesh under mattress connected to ground.

Q: (Pierre) There are devices like that, actually. People put this chicken wire under their mattress, attach it to a wire, and the wire is connected to ground.

(Ark) Any particular form of the mesh? I mean, like rectangles, triangles, spiral?

A: Square and small mesh.

Q: (Scottie) There’s that fencing material where each square is 1cm by 1cm.

(Pierre) I’m gonna get some. It’s galvanized, so it won’t rust.

(Ark) Ground to what? Like radiator, or what?

(Scottie) Or just hook it up to the ground prong in an outlet. [radiators and metal piping here are actually not effectively grounded]

(Ark) Would the electrical ground work?

A: Yes, very well in fact.

Q: (Ark) What kind of wire?

A: Conductive.

Q: (Ark) It doesn’t matter? It can be aluminum or copper?

A: Yes

I made one of these - it's pretty simple. However, the C's also mentioned that balance is necessary with grounding tech. Over-using it can cause problems. You can always just go outside more.

May 7, 2016:

Q: (L) I guess we have some questions. Let me get some of the smaller questions out of the way. First of all, we all kind of installed these grounding sheets under our mattresses, and some of us started having new and different problems than without the grounding sheet. Is that due to the grounding sheets?

A: As you know, that was a response to Ark for a specific problem. Grounding in nature takes place differently and on a different schedule. In your case, you live much of the time on the second floor. If you spend time outdoors more, grounding occurs naturally. If you then add artificial methods, you can overdo and reverse the effect. Take it easy.

Q: (L) Okay…

(Galatea) Let me rest my arm a second…

(L) I’ve been doing this for years! 20 years! And you thought it was just sitting at the table messing around! (laughter)

(Galatea) No I didn’t!

(L) So, in other words, if we feel we need more grounding other than what we get from being outdoors, plug in the grounding sheet. But if we feel like our energy is being sucked out of us, then we should unplug it. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is that what was causing my plantar fasciitis?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) And all of my achiness the last few mornings?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So once again, we have dived into experimentation full steam ahead, and learned something new and interesting! (laughter)

A: Repeating pattern!
Funny enough, I got recently a grounding little sheet without realizing this thread existed, and I discovered after using it, that it works for me for certain amount of time, like really good and I do feel more energized and with less pain on my back area, however I can’t sleep with it, I tried and the first 2 nights, I was feeling uncomfortable in the middle of the night and I woke up very sleepy and cranky and I threw the sheet off the bed. So it’s matter of experimentation and see how much could be good for you.
I have a grounding mat that I take to work (I am on the 2nd floor) just to get some grounding while in my office, especially at this time of year ( autumn ) when there is less light more rain and less chance to get to the beach, I figure it's worth a shot. I can't say I have noticed huge changes but I do "feel" better for having it FWIW
Grounding is the rage right now, I see it everywhere...grounding mats, bedsheets, pillow cases.

Got a grounding mat, but not sure I feel any benefit from it.

Anyone here have any of these methods? Contemplating getting grounded bedsheets but don't want to get scammed...I believe that grounding/Earthing is a real thing, I just don't trust these products to do what they say they do.

Using grounding mats, sheets, etc. seems to work for some people, but with others, there can be difficulties. I guess one would have to test how it goes; each case is different, as the C's advised in the session quoted by iamthatis:

A: As you know, that was a response to Ark for a specific problem. Grounding in nature takes place differently and on a different schedule. In your case, you live much of the time on the second floor. If you spend time outdoors more, grounding occurs naturally. If you then add artificial methods, you can overdo and reverse the effect. Take it easy.

(Sometimes it is difficult to be barefoot when outside, so grabbing leaves/foliage is a good way to get direct connection with the "ground". Also, there are options to get your shoes grounded by DIY and ready to buy examples are available too.)

I have personally used a grounding rod that has been placed on the ground outside the house/building, with the wire going back inside through a window/door. This way, certain problems could potentially be avoided.

There was some good discussion about grounding in the "Are You Getting Enough Sleep? Sleeping properly?" -thread. For instance, starting here.

A couple of quotes from that thread, regarding the difficulties that can be encountered when grounding from the outlet:

You are taking risks when you do this dugdeep. For example, let's say your connection to ground on the external side of the panel box (usually a ground rod) begins to develop even a few ohms of resistance (due to eroded connection or dry earth). In this case some current that should go to ground gets returned the the home ground wiring. These are called ground loops. They can expose you and the ground sheet to current/electrons and build up charge. This defeats the purpose of giving your body a clean path to ground.

If there is a wiring error that you are not aware of, it can also be a shock hazard that may be triggered only when certain circuits are energized.

If your ground wiring (including hot/neutral) is not shielded in metal conduit throughout the building, then ambient RF radiation will induce voltage/current in the ground circuit, again defeating the purpose of the ground sheet.

This is why I recommend that if you want to try this, you should drive a separate ground for the sheet, use shielded cable, and run the cable such that there is nothing resembling a loop. The studies I have seen (that suggest benefit) took great care to use a separate shielded ground. The manufacturers point to these studies for marketing, and yet give no warning about the integrity of the grounding.

If you want to continue, you should, at the very least, check your ground connections at the exit side of the panel box and clean them. I would also throw a few cups of salt water on the ground around the ground rod.

If you have ground loop current in the circuit you are using for the ground sheet, think about it this way. That current is continually searching for a path to ground. If you tie into that ground with a conducting sheet with high resistance to ground (the rest of the room), some current will still flow charging the capacitor formed by the sheet and all other metal objects nearby (including bed frame and any metal springs). This sets up an electric field between the sheet and the potential path to ground represented by all metal objects (particularly heavy ones) in the vicinity. You are lying on one plate of this capacitor.

If your hot wires in the walls or floor are not in shielded conduit (you can verify this with a cheap electric field meter), then an electric field (capacitor) is also set up between these wires (110/220V) and the metal objects including the ground sheet - and current does flow due to ions in the air. [BTW, this suggests that the best placement of the ground sheet in the bedroom is as far away as possible from wall outlets and wherever hot wires run in the walls or floor/ceiling - this will minimize the strength of the E field (volts/meter)]

For pure 50/60 Hz voltage/current, it is likely that none of this is a health issue since these low frequencies manifest on the surface skin of the body and are not absorbed (see the EMF Exposure thread). But frequencies greater than about 2KHz penetrate and are absorbed by the body, and the evidence points to this high frequency noise as a contributing cause of cancer, leukemia, aggravated diabetes and a host of other EMF-sensitive symptoms (in cases of chronic long-term exposure). So, even if this noise is not present on the ground wire (unlikely), you increase your exposure to it through the capacitive electric field. [BTW, this issue exists even for the user of an isolated separate ground rod.]

You can minimize this particular threat by measuring this high frequency noise level and take steps to lower it. [The method mentioned in Shijing's post above is to simply shut the breaker in the panel box for the bedroom circuit you intend to use. This will work as long as there are no other active circuits running through the walls and floor/ceiling - and it will not stop ground loop current.] The best way is to use a GS meter (Stetzerizer Microsurge Meter | Stetzer Electric, Inc. - see also the EMF Exposure thread) to directly measure the noise at any wall socket. Then use either GS filters (Stetzerizer Filter | Stetzer Electric, Inc.) or Greenwave filters ( to reduce the noise and verify by direct measurement. You can easily get an order of magnitude (I've seen nearly 2 orders) reduction in this noise. The nice thing about the GW filters is that they also filter the ground circuit (GS does not), and filter up to 500MHz (GS filters to about 200KHz). [By doing this you also reduce your exposure to electric/magnetic AC high frequency fields throughout the house - and if you move, you just unplug them and take them away.]

A DC current component can also be induced in the ground circuit depending on its deployed geometry and orientation to components of the earth's magnetic field. I haven't seen this addressed/analyzed anywhere - either pro or con. The geometry of the wires can also act as antennas picking up primarily AM/SW signals in the environment if they are not shielded (a GW filter should eliminate this).

Sorry for all the detail but so many "researchers" proclaim warnings (and fixes - seemingly quoting each other) with no explanation of the physics behind them.

So there may be a subjective improvement in sleep patterns with short term use of the grounding sheet but this does not mean that it is free of negative consequences due to long term use. The safest approach (imo) is to use it sporadically to correct what can be corrected by dumping charge, but avoid habitual long term use - and better yet - know and fix your home EMF environment. FWIW
some good options already shared- for myself a good long walk in nature always seems to do the job well
at home as a kind of pincode to entter my meditation I visualise my trunk sinking deep down into the earth and then visualise molten rock entering through the tips of the toes of my left foot then moving into the ankle joint and up the leg to the knee joint and as it travels up to the hip joint area it solidifies into solid rock -- then repeat the same process with the right foot etc - then I visualise the molten rock filling my trunk up to the upper navel area and again solidifying into solid rock . I take a bit of time doing this especially when coming to the various joints. It has the effect on making my meditation much more anchored and grounded /rooted.

relexology has a very direct grounding effect as well imo

every good wish :)
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