Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection

The effort to understand the emotional cleansing, which is a consequence of the lower emotional center connecting with the higher emotional center, became seeds for the writing of The Wave, which represents a cosmic cleansing, which is a consequence of merging of densities, or cosmic "chakras". Cosmic chakras of cosmic beings?
For some time now, something that I call "accelerations" has been happening to me, a feeling of dizziness in the pit of my stomach, but different from the normal feeling of dizziness.

Since this Sunday I have been feeling it almost daily and what helps me when the sensation is very strong is to hyperventilate.

I need a lot more oxygen to stabilize myself.

What would normally make me feel bad (excess oxygen in the blood) makes me feel good.

I don't know that a hyperkinetic sensation has anything to do with what's happening to me, but breathing more oxygen helps me.
Some more quotes about electromagnetism:

Q: (L) Is the amnesia related to UFO abductions deliberately induced or is it a product of the mind's inability to deal with the event?

A: It is an equal commingling of both.

Q: (L) The part that is deliberately induced, how is that accomplished?

A: By using a cosmic energy flow to influence memory function through a combination of spiritual and chemical interaction.

Q: (L) Can you be more specific?

A: Being more specific would be in another way less specific, but a good way to put it is altering the flow of electromagnetic energy in the brain. Electromagnetic energy, electromagnetism, is the life force that exists within all that evolves through long wave or short wave cycles.

Session 22 October 2008

A: What do you know about electromagnetism?

Q: (Terry A. ) Just the basics, you know, with energy fields, with the globe.

A: How does this relate to humans?


Q: (Laura) Back up to electromagnetism.

A: The field you speak of is not possessed, it is "borrowed."

Q: (Laura) Is he borrowing the other person's field?

A: No.

Q: (L) How is the field borrowed? (Terry A.) Going back to creation, is this energy field, is the electromagnetic field passed on from one generation of beings...

A: No.

Q: (Terry A.) ... to the next generation...? (Laura) No... (Jan) Is it a continuous field? (Terry R) We're getting off the topic now. It's about the interrelation of Terry's field and his patient's field, that's what we got to, it's electromagnetic interaction...

A: Terry made reference to this field in such a way as to suggest that it is indigenous to human beings, it is not. It is borrowed.

Q: (Terry R) The source is everywhere. (Laura) Ok, so he made reference to this field as though each individual had one; the field is borrowed. Where is the field borrowed from?

A: Density number 7.

Q: (Laura) Okay, that's the highest density, number 7. That's "God." (Terry R) The "Creator."

A: No, it is "union with the one."

Session 25 January 1997

Q: Does the recharging of the souled being come from a similar pool, only maybe the "human" pool?

A: No - it recharges from the so-called sexual center which is a higher center of creative energy. During sleep, the emotional center, not being blocked by the lower intellectual center and the moving center, transduces the energy from the sexual center. It is also the time during which the higher emotional and intellectual centers can rest from the "drain" of the lower centers' interaction with those pesky organic portals so much loved by the lower centers. This respite alone is sufficient to make a difference. But, more than that, the energy of the sexual center is also more available to the other higher centers.

Q: (L) Well, the next logical question was: where does the so-called "sexual center" get ITS energy?

A: The sexual center is in direct contact with 7th density in its "feminine" creative thought of "Thou, I Love." The "outbreath" of "God" in the relief of constriction. Pulsation. Unstable Gravity Waves.

Session 13 July 2002

(L) We were told we were getting close when we said "consciousness" but that it was not our consciousness, but that of level seven. [Laura's note: Could electromagnetism be the "field" of the consciousness of "God" or level seven that crosses all densities? Cayce once remarked that "God is electricity." Is there some range of electromagnetism in the human consciousness that can be detected, amplified, augmented by controlled electromagnetic waves?]

Session 27 May 1995

Q: (A) Okay, why does this increase in the Sun's gravity have anything to do with electromagnetism? We were told that the Brown star will not radiate any radiation, so, in particular, no electromagnetic radiation. So, where does electromagnetics come in? I do not understand...

A: Gravitational pull incites electromagnetic impulse.

Q: (A) Okay, that means we go beyond gravitational theory, and this is part of Unified Field Theory?

A: Yes, exactly!! The complete UFT was withheld from you!

Q: (L) I think they mean humanity in general...

A: Yes.

Q: (T) So, the complete UFT is known to someone here on the planet?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) And they are not making it available...

A: Oh no, because "The Truth Will Set You Free!"

Q: (J) From gravity!

A: You may access hyperspatial truths with UFT.

Session 18 July 1998

A: Gravity and electromagnetism are intertwined.

Session 4 March 2012

Q: (A) Yes, but why is this reality shift related to magnetic field disturbance? What is the connection?

A: Your physiology and etheric orientation are both tied into the magnetic state of your environment.


Q: (A) Now, about the relation between the phenomenon of physical disasters that are going to happen and psychic changes related to the realm border. What is cause and what is effect?

A: One precedes the other.

Q: (L) Okay, so disasters happen and then the reality changes in psychic terms?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, in practical terms, it may be that, what we observe will be a series of cataclysms, disasters, the 'cleansing' of the Earth...

A: This has already begun.

Q: (L) So, it is already happening. It will accelerate and intensify. And what we will observe is all of these things happening. And, as a result of the intersecting of these various energies, this realm border, this reality change, this change in the magnetics because of the interaction with the comet cluster, the sun's companion, the realm border, and so forth, it will then have an effect upon the people left on the planet who will then change in some way as a result of this, is that correct?

A: Your Bible says that there will be many wonders on the Earth and in the Heavens in the last days.

Session 11 July 1998

Q: (Pierre) In 2015, it was reported what they call a "smile" on Venus. From the north pole to the south pole, there was this luminous arc. Scientists said it was gravity waves. It sounds like baloney to me. It looked like a plasma phenomenon. So what was this "smile"?

A: It was indeed a plasma phenomenon caused by approach of electrical wave from dynamic interaction with outer solar system body approach grounding the sun.

Q: (Pierre) Nemesis.

A: Close

Q: (L) In other words, by any other name...

(Pierre) Yeah, well, we can call it Nemesis. The sun's companion.

Session 25 March 2017

So, electromagnetism is a life force in all creation, and that is what we borrow from 7D when we sleep and regenerate our energy. Electromagnetic impulse is also created by the gravitational pull, such as when the sun's companion, or comet cluster, are being pulled into the solar system. This approach will increase the electromagnetism of the solar system, which will have an effect on people on the planet because our physiology and etheric orientation are both tied into the magnetic state of our environment. The electromagnetic waves from the interaction between sun and outer solar system bodies will amplify the electromagnetic energy in the human body, causing psychic changes in human beings.

The same effect could be produced by earthquakes:

Q: What is the symbology of the 'breaking of rocks,' as in the alchemical texts, as well as related to Perseus as 'he who breaks?'

A: Occurs at a time when rocks break, as in the electromagnetic impulses that emanate from earthbound rocks when sheared by tectonic forces, and much more importantly, the possible utilization of said forces whether naturally or otherwise induced.

Session 7 June 1997
The same effect could be produced by earthquakes:
And fireball also as well as opening window in this case and, if I remember correctly, tornado do as well to maybe at a lesser scale.

Cassiopaean Session Transcripts Search

Q: (Joe) There was what we believed to be a fireball around the same time. Was that an actual fireball that was seen in the sky?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Was it in any way related to the opening of the window?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So the fireball fell, the window was opened, and something was seen momentarily?

A: Yes

(Joe) Is that something that happens frequently with fireball sightings, or is it a less frequent phenomenon?

A: Rather often.

Q: (L) All right.

(Andromeda) They open windows, or they come through windows that are already open?

(L) The fireball blows the window open and then something comes through.

: It seems to me that if what he was saying was true, that he certainly would not be allowed to say it. It's based on and converges with all the stories they are telling about Rennes-le-Chateau and seems to be more smokescreen. Anyway, Mike has questions. (M) You said that this place over Rennes-le-Chateau was a window. What is a window? (L) Now, I realize that we have all assumed that we know what a window is, but we have never really asked for a definition. Could you define for us a 'window?

A: Convergence; opening to alternative states via energy grid points.

Q: Are windows where you can pass back and forth? Moving between realms?

A: It is possible.

Q: How does a window differ from a 'portal?'

A: Window is open, portal is crafted.

Q: A window is naturally occurring portal?

A: Close.

Q: Does a window remain open all the time, or does it open and close for various reasons.

A: Closer to latter.

Q: What determines its opening and closing?

A: Frequency.

Q: Frequency of what?

A: Energy patterns.

Q: Frequency patterns of the area itself, or of people, or of people in interaction with the area?

A: Former.

Q: What could occur to change the frequency of the area?

A: EM pulse.

Q: Where do these EM pulses originate from?

A: They are transmutable.

Q: Transmutable from what?

A: Not online.

So if you combine all the factor together happening simultaneously or in very close sequence, that may produce the EM energy necessary for the transfer of perimeter for the whole earth from 3rd to 4th density.
So if you combine all the factor together happening simultaneously or in very close sequence, that may produce the EM energy necessary for the transfer of perimeter for the whole earth from 3rd to 4th density.

Yes. But it seems that human beings also have to play their role in this phenomenon. And Laura thinks that the Wave will help us to learn what we need to do.

(L) And what they are saying, I think, is that this oncoming realm border, this density change, is being felt and is stimulating consciousness. Essentially what has been said is that what is coming up for us is the ending of a Grand Cycle. A Grand Cycle is 300,000 years... (T) Give or take a day... (L) we measure time. At the beginning of this Grand Cycle, we were genetically altered to reduce our awareness and also genetically altered through our DNA to perceive time itself. It is in our DNA to be limited this way. Now, at the end of this 300,000 year cycle, a lot of people are reassembling this broken DNA as a result of the changes in energy, and that this is causing their mental powers and perceptions to expand exponentially. I think that they are telling you that this energy is acting on you in a way to allow you to have the breakthrough that you need to finish the puzzle that you have been working on. By having the concepts that you are being given now, you will be able to hold this as a visual and this will give you the key.

Session 27 May 1995

Now, let's see what is the connection between iron and electromagnetism:

Why Is Iron the Best Core for an Electromagnet?

Iron is widely regarded as the best core for an electromagnet, but why? It isn’t the only magnetic material, and there are plenty of alloys such as steel that you might expect to be used more in the modern age. Understanding why you’re more likely to see an iron core electromagnet than one using another material gives you a brief introduction to many key points about the science of electromagnetism, as well as a structured approach to explaining which materials are mostly used for making electromagnets. The answer, in short, comes down to the material’s “permeability” to magnetic fields.

Understanding Magnetism and Domains

The origin of magnetism in materials is a little more complex than you might think. While most people know that things like bar magnets have “north” and “south” poles, and that opposite poles attract and matching poles repel, the origin of the force isn’t as widely understood. Magnetism ultimately stems from the motion of charged particles.

Electrons “orbit” the nucleus of the host atom a little like how planets orbit the Sun, and electrons carry a negative electric charge. The motion of the charged particle – you can think of it as a circular loop although it’s not really quite that simple – leads to the creation of a magnetic field. This field is only generated by an electron – a tiny particle with a mass of about a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a gram – so it shouldn’t surprise you that the field from a single electron isn’t that big. However, it does influence electrons in neighboring atoms and leads to their fields aligning with the original one. Then the field from these influence other electrons, they in turn influences others and so on. The end result is the creation of a little “domain” of electrons where all of the magnetic fields produced by them are aligned.

Any macroscopic bit of material – in other words, a sample big enough for you to see and interact with – has plenty of room for a lot of domains. The direction of the field in each one is effectively random, so the various domains tend to cancel each other out. The macroscopic sample of material, therefore, won’t have a net magnetic field. However, if you expose the material to another magnetic field, this causes all of the domains to align with it, and so they will all also be aligned with each other. When this has happened, the macroscopic sample of the material will have a magnetic field, because all of the little fields are “working together,” so to speak.

The extent to which a material maintains this alignment of domains after the external field is removed determines which materials you can call “magnetic.”
Ferromagnetic materials are ones that maintain this alignment after the external field has been removed. As you may have worked out if you know your periodic table, this name is taken from iron (Fe), and iron is the best-known ferromagnetic material.

How Do Electromagnets Work?

The description above emphasizes that moving electric charges produce magnetic fields. This link between the two forces is crucial for understanding electromagnets. In the same way as the movement of an electron around the nucleus of an atom produces a magnetic field, the movement of electrons as part of an electric current also produces a magnetic field. This was discovered by Hans Christian Oersted in 1820, when he noticed that the needle of a compass was deflected by the current flowing through a nearby wire. For a straight length of wire, the magnetic field lines form concentric circles surrounding the wire.

Electromagnets exploit this phenomenon by using a coil of wire. As the current flows through the coil, the magnetic field generated by each loop adds to the field generated by the other loops, producing a definitive “north” and “south” (or positive and negative) end. This is the basic principle that underpins electromagnets.

This alone would be enough to produce magnetism, but electromagnets are improved with the addition of a “core.” This is a material that the wire is wrapped around, and if it’s a magnetic material, its properties will contribute to the field produced by the coil of wire. The field produced by the coil aligns the magnetic domains in the material, so both the coil and the physical magnetic core work together to produce a stronger field than either could alone.

Choosing a Core and Relative Permeability

The question of which metal is suitable for electromagnet cores is answered by the “relative permeability” of the material. In the context of electromagnetism, the permeability of the material describes the ability of the material to form magnetic fields. If a material has a higher permeability, then it will magnetize more strongly in response to an external magnetic field.

The “relative” in the term sets a standard for comparison of the permeability of different materials. The permeability of free space is given the symbol μ0 and is used in many equations dealing with magnetism. It is a constant with the value μ0 = 4π × 10−7 henries per meter. The relative permeability (μr) of a material is defined by:

μr = μ / μ0

Where μ is the permeability of the substance in question. The relative permeability has no units; it’s just a pure number. So if something doesn’t respond at all to a magnetic field, it has a relative permeability of one, which means it responds in the same way as a complete vacuum, in other words, “free space.” The higher the relative permeability, the greater the magnetic response of the material.

What Is the Best Core for an Electromagnet?

The best core for an electromagnet is therefore the material with the highest relative permeability. Any material with a relative permeability higher than one will increase the strength of an electromagnet when used as a core. Nickel is an example of a ferromagnetic material, and it has a relative permeability of between 100 and 600. If you used a nickel core for an electromagnet, then the strength of the field produced would be drastically improved.

However, iron has a relative permeability of 5,000 when it is 99.8 percent pure, and the relative permeability of soft iron with 99.95 percent purity is a massive 200,000. This huge relative permeability is why iron is the best core for an electromagnet. There are many considerations when choosing a material for an electromagnet core, including the likelihood of wastage resulting from eddy currents, but generally speaking, iron is cheap and effective, so it is either somehow incorporated into the core material or the core is made from pure iron.

Which Materials Are Mostly Used for Making Electromagnet Cores?

Many materials can work as electromagnet cores, but some common ones are iron, amorphous steel, ferrous ceramics (ceramic compounds that are made with iron oxide), silicon steel and iron-based amorphous tape. In principle, any material with a high relative permeability can be used as an electromagnet core. There are some materials that have been made specifically to serve as cores for electromagnets, including permalloy, which has a relative permeability of 8,000. Another example is the iron-based Nanoperm, which has a relative permeability of 80,000.

These numbers are impressive (and both exceed the permeability of slightly impure iron), but the key to the dominance of iron cores is really a mixture of their permeability and their affordability.

Can the human brain generate electromagnetic waves, and how would that affect Earth?

If the electromagnetic wave generated in the “brain” leaves the “brain source”, the speed of propagation in space can be understood as the speed of light. Medium and long waves can bypass obstacles and spread on the earth’s surface. Although the ionosphere reflects long, medium and short waves, and the longer the wavelength is, the easier it is to reflect, the absorption of the ionosphere to electromagnetic waves also increases with the increase of the wavelength [9]. Therefore, if the electromagnetic wave generated in the brain leaves the “brain source”, its final destination should be the same as the electromagnetic wave in engineering technology. Some are reflected by the ionosphere, some are absorbed by the ionosphere, and some “escape” to space through the ionosphere. Electromagnetic waves are energy waves and never disappear.


Theoretically, neurons can generate electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves are energy waves and never disappear. Neurons are equivalent to engineering antennas. In addition to “electricity → chemistry → electricity”, the information transmission mode between neurons may also include electromagnetic waves. The material basis for neurons to generate electromagnetic waves is the result of the mutual replacement of cations on the inner surface of the cell membrane, especially Na+ and K+. The essence of consciousness should be electromagnetic wave. The conclusion that “neurons can produce electromagnetic waves” provides theoretical support for human beings to finally solve the mysteries of the brain and reveal the essence of consciousness.

In the dynamic polarization theory, Cajal described how information is transmitted within a single neuron, but he did not doubt that the “electricity → chemistry → electricity” conduction mode between neurons was not unique. Francis Crick believed that all aspects of brain behavior came from the activity of neurons, but Crick’s work did not find that the neurons were “antennas”. In fact, is there a so-called ionosphere in our “mind”? Could it be cerebrospinal fluid? Because our brain is suspended in the cerebrospinal fluid.

In addition, is it possible for the electromagnetic wave in our brain to pass through the “cerebrospinal fluid” and float in the air? How to explain human telepathy [11]? Also, the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane is a light oil liquid that can flow [10]. Can it be regarded as the “ionosphere” of the cell? A single neuron is equivalent to a person with independent thinking. Is the information exchange between neurons with reservations that between human beings? Are animals and people alike able to generate electromagnetic waves in theory?

The brain waves we usually speak of are not electromagnetic waves, but the wave patterns measured are just the maps of voltage fluctuations with time. Brain waves, electroencephalogram, artificial intelligence (AI), etc. have not really touched the mystery of the brain. From the perspective of human historical development, the main goal of brain research is not only to understand and treat various brain diseases, although this is very important, but also to master the true essence of the human soul [2]. The brain is a huge gold mine, and it is too important to crack the mystery of the brain. It should be a joint operation of “multiple arms”. It should not only be the work of brain scientists, but also the participation of physicists, chemists and mathematicians.

Q: (A) Okay, why does this increase in the Sun's gravity have anything to do with electromagnetism? We were told that the Brown star will not radiate any radiation, so, in particular, no electromagnetic radiation. So, where does electromagnetics come in? I do not understand...

A: Gravitational pull incites electromagnetic impulse.

I remember somewhere that an electrical impulse, in its most theoretical form, has (near) infinite power but exists for (near) zero duration. So I wonder if what initiates the electromagnetic impulse is the initiation of the gravitational field rather than its steady state once it has appeared. Just like the initial expansion of a magnetic field will generate an impulse of current in a conductor. but no current flows in a steady-state magnetic field. Relative motion between conductor and field must be constant for constant current flow.

Perhaps the C's specific use of electromagnetic impulse here may be something to keep in mind.
I don't know how it works between the Sun and its twin, but the C's described how it works with Earth:

Q: (A) I want to ask about this magnetic pole reversal. It's the current theory or understanding of magnetic field of planets in terms of dynamo mechanism, where there is a liquid metal - iron - which is hot - there are convective currents, and there is self-excitation through magnetic field. That's the present model. They were able to model this magnetic pole reversal using this kind of magneto-hydro-dynamics. Is this model essentially correct?

A: Only partly.

Q: (A) What is the main thing that is important, and that is lacking from this model?

A: Crystalline ammonia core.

Q: (A) Everybody thinks that the core is a crystal iron; that's the present thinking. Say it's an ammonia core: is an ammonia core in all planets with magnetic fields? Is this so?

A: From this perspective, no but from the perspective of organic life, yes.

Q: (A) When we speak about crystalline ammonia, do you mean a new kind of crystalline ammonia that is not yet known on Earth to our scientists?

A: More or less.

Q: (L) I think we need to find out something about this crystalline ammonia. (A) What would make it go into the very core? (L) I don't know. We don't know enough about it to even know how to frame a question. I know we thought it was crazy when they were talking about Jupiter and the ammonia, and then of course all this ammonia shows up on Jupiter. And I remember them saying something about this at the time, but I don't think we ever followed up on it because I thought it was even to crazy to think about. Maybe we need to find out something about ammonia, crystalline ammonia. (A) Is there a mini black hole in the center of the Earth?

A: No.

Q: (L) I remember when I was a kid - this is a funny thing - we got this kind of chemistry experiment. You put these chemicals together and it grew crystals. I think ammonia was part of it. I think you had to use ammonia to grow crystals. (A) Okay, now this crystalline ammonia core inside the Earth, can we have idea how big it is, what radius?

A: 300 km.

Q: (L) What is surrounding it, what is the next layer? (A) Normally people would say it's an iron crystal. What is the next layer?

A: Correct.

Q: (A) There is this ammonia - crystalline... (L) Surrounded by iron crystal. Is it crystal iron? (A) Probably at this pressure that is here, it may very well be crystal. (L) Okay, is the iron surrounding the ammonia, is it crystalline?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What's the next layer?

A: Molten iron.

Q: (A) Okay, now we know that some planets have this crystalline ammonia, and some do not. When we consider planets that have this crystal ammonia inside, how did it get there? Was it a kernel first around which the planet was formed, or first the planet was formed and then during some processes the ammonia sank and crystallized inside? I would like to know how it got there?

A: It is the natural formation process for ammonia to accrete iron from supernovae.

Q: (L) I read somewhere - about supernovae - that the only reason we have iron is because it's produced in supernovas. That would mean that our solar system is formed from a supernova, right? In which case what blew up and when? (A) I understand that this crystalline ammonia core - 300 km radius - must have certain magnetic properties which are important. Because it was mentioned that it was lacking in dynamo theory or certain very important properties concerning heat convection. So there are these two main things in dynamo theory - conductivity and electric properties - on the other hand heat convection properties. Why is this ammonia important for the magnetic field because of what properties?

A: Super conducting.

Q: (A) According to what we know it's very hot inside the earth because of the pressure. Now, is this ammonia also hot, as much as iron?

A: Grows alternately cold and hot.

Q: (A) Is it super conducting even if when it is very hot?

A: No.

Q: (A) When it gets cold, how cold does it get?

A: 55 degrees below absolute zero.

Q: (L) What is absolute zero? (A) That is something you can't get below. That's why it's called absolute zero. It's a new thermo-dynamics. (L) How often does it alternate?

A: Close to hour long periods.

Q: (L) So when it gets so cold and becomes super conducting, the act of super-conducting is what heats it up? Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well once it heats up, how does it then get cold again?

A: It stops conducting.

Q: (L) What is it conducting? When something is super conducting what does it conduct?

A: Electrons.

Q: (A) The point is, you see, that when something is super conducting it offers no resistance. Which means that the current it flows through it, is not heating it. Well we learned that it gets hot because it's super conductive, right? Which is somewhat contradictory because when it is super-conducting there's no reason for it to be hot except it can become hot because there is the hot external shell of iron. So that is very likely why it would become hot. Because by the very definition of super conductivity you don't become hot when you conduct, see? Well, if there are big, very big currents, then okay, they can stop super conductivity, then it gets warm.

A: Currents of this nature set the surrounding iron to vibrating which produces heat, not heat produced by the current.

Q: (A) Now, I want to go back to this 55 degree below absolute zero. And here I would like to have a confirmation of this 55 degree below zero. Because. according to the current knowledge of physics, the absolute zero was set by definition, as the temperature on the scale, according to the science of thermo-dynamics, which is - so to say - nothing moves so you cannot go below this temperature. If you say 55 degrees below zero it means we have to redo physics and redo thermo-dynamics.

A: You have entered a different realm.

Q: (A) What?

A: Lack of movement as measured by physics is based upon 3rd density conventions.

Q: (A) What causes this appearance of new physics in the center of the planet? We do not see this need for new physics around us. But somehow there are specific conditions, apparently, in the center of the planet that cause necessity of entering this new physics.

A: Windows.

Q: (L) Let me ask this, if it was possible to measure a temperature of something that was being subjected to a very intense electro-magnetic field what would it show? (A) Well the question is different, you see, because we asked first about why there is this ammonia crystal inside, okay? The answer was it was a natural process. But now we see there is this window inside. What is the reason that there is this window inside? Now you suggest, honey, that the widow inside is because there are - or because who knows what causes what - but there are very strong electro-magnetic fields. Is the window inside related to the fact that we have to go beyond standard physics? Is it related to the fact that there are very strong electro-magnetic field inside?

A: Reciprocal function.

Session 31 October 2001
Laura and Pierre talked about two major causes of mass extinctions: Sun's twin and comets. But there are some cosmic factors that also come into play. One of them is the passage of the Sun through the galactic plane. Through its orbit around the galactic center, the Sun moves up and down through the galactic plane. You can see a visual representation of that here. And every time it passes through that plane, it might hit into something. Or something else might happen in electrical sense.

But there is another very interesting thing, and that is the period when the Sun is at the north side of the galactic ecliptic:

Earth Biodiversity Pattern May Trace Back to Bobbing Solar System Path

A puzzlingly regular waxing and waning of Earth's biodiversity may ultimately trace back to our solar system's bobbing path around the Milky Way, a new study suggests.

Every 60 million years or so, two things happen, roughly in synch: The solar system peeks its head to the north of the average plane of our galaxy's disk, and the richness of life on Earth dips noticeably.

Researchers had hypothesized that the former process drives the latter, via an increased exposure to high-energy subatomic particles called cosmic rays coming from intergalactic space. That radiation might be helping to kill off large swaths of the creatures on Earth, scientists say.

The new study lends credence to that idea, putting some hard numbers on possible radiation exposures for the first time. When the solar system pops its head out, radiation doses at the Earth's surface shoot up, perhaps by a factor of 24, researchers found.

"Even with the lowest assumption, this exposure provides a real stress on the biosphere periodically," said lead author Dimitra Atri of the University of Kansas, who presented the findings last week at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.

Dangerous cosmic rays

Cosmic rays are primarily high-energy protons that are spawned by supernova shock waves and other dramatic events throughout the universe. They're constantly flooding Earth, hitting every square inch of our planet's upper atmosphere several times per second.

But cosmic rays don't make it all the way to the ground. Instead, they slam into various atoms in the atmosphere, generating a cascade of lower-energy particles, such as muons.

"It's kind of a particle shower," Atri told

Thousands of muons pass through our bodies every minute. Though these particles can ionize molecules by knocking out spare electrons, potentially damaging DNA, humans and other lifeforms can deal with this normal, background radiation.

"Life has evolved with this kind of radiation dose," Atri said.

But what may be able to knock life for a loop, Atri added, are spikes in the radiation dose. Such massive increases could come from an occasional event, such as a nearby supernova explosion. Or they may result if Earth loses some of its protective shielding from time to time.

Peeking out from under the galactic shield

On the Milky Way's "northern" side, about 60 million light-years away, lies the huge Virgo Cluster of galaxies. The Virgo Cluster's powerful gravity tugs the Milky Way toward it at about 450,000 mph (720,000 kph). This mad rush creates a shock wave, which generates lots of high-energy cosmic rays on the north side of the galactic disk, researchers said.

Usually, the Milky Way's magnetic field shields the solar system from most of these potentially dangerous particles. But every 64 million years or so, our solar system pops up above the northern edge of our galaxy's disk, exposing Earth to more cosmic rays, researchers said.

This periodicity matches up well with a biodiversity pattern detected by other researchers in 2005: Over the last 542 million years, the diversity of life on Earth has fluctuated regularly, with the total number of species on the planet rising and falling every 62 million years.

In 2007, researchers Mikhail Medvedev and Adrian Melott, both of the University of Kansas —Melott is Atri's graduate advisor and a co-author on the current study —proposed that the synchronicity of these two cycles is no accident.

A surge in cosmic ray exposure slashes species richness, the theory goes; biodiversity recovers, only to be cut down by the next surge 60-odd million years later.

The new study puts some numbers on that conjecture for the first time.

Atri and Melott modeled the radiation dose Earth receives when the solar system bobs up above the Milky Way's disk. Simulating cosmic-ray particle showers is a complicated enterprise, so the team used supercomputers at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, located at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

After chewing through many hours of supercomputer time, Atri and Melott determined a range for the radiation dose received at Earth's surface during our planet's periodic vulnerable periods. At the lower bound, Earth would receive 88 percent more radiation than normal, or about 1.88 times the average dose.

The upper end is scary: 24.5 times the background dose.

"That is just huge,"
Atri said.

And even radiation doses nearer to the lower bound are likely substantial enough to affect biodiversity, he added. They could stress organisms and ecosystems, making them more vulnerable to other damaging events, such as volcanic eruptions and asteroid impacts.

"Even if it's not directly causing biodiversity to go down, such a dose produces a stress on the biosphere," Atri said.

So what's in store for Earth in the near future? The solar system is on the upswing now, bobbing toward the northern edge of the galactic disk. But big increases in cosmic-ray exposure are probably still about 10 million years off, researchers have said.

Another factor is the passage of the Sun through the spiral arms of the galaxy.

Earth's perilous journey through the Milky Way's spiral may shape the planet's geology

Earth's journey through the Milky Way may have had a profound impact on our planet's geology. New research indicates that every 200 million years, when Earth passes through its galaxy's spiral arms, the planet is pummeled with high-energy comets, and this bombardment may thicken Earth's continental crust.

The team behind the new findings thinks the dense clouds of gas in the spiral arms interact with comets at the edge of the solar system, sending them hurtling toward Earth.

"As geologists, we normally think about processes internal to the Earth being really important for how our planet has evolved," Chris Kirkland, a geologist at Curtin University in Australia and lead author of the study describing the findings, said in a statement. "But we can also think about the much larger scale and look at extraterrestrial processes and where we fit in the galactic environment."

The team reached their conclusion by examining zircon crystals from two of Earth's oldest continents and regions, where the planet's earliest continental history is preserved: the North American Craton, in Greenland, and the Pilbara Craton, in Western Australia.

The decay of uranium in zircon crystals in these regions has been used to create a geological timeline spanning 1 billion years, from 2.8 billion to 3.8 billion years ago, during the Archean eon. This timeline could help geologists discover how Earth became the only planet known to have continents and active plate tectonics.

Isotopes of the element hafnium in zircon enable scientists to spot periods in Earth's history that experienced an influx of juvenile magma — magma containing elements that have never reached the surface before — a sign of crust production.

Kirkland and his team found that over a long timescale, patterns of crust production corresponded with galactic years . (A galactic year is  the time it takes the sun to complete an orbit around the center of the Milky Way.) These findings were further supported by examinations of oxygen isotopes, which revealed a similar pattern.

Therefore, Earth's journey around the Galactic Center helps shape the planet's geology, the team concluded.

Not only does the solar system travel around the Galactic Center, but the spiral arms that radiate from it also turn, albeit at a different rate.

The sun orbits the Galactic Center at around 536,000 mph (863,000 kph), while the spiral arms turn at approximately 470,000 mph (760,000 kph). This means the sun and the solar system, as well as many of the Milky Way's other stars, move in and out of the spiral arms, much like fans doing "the wave" at a stadium.

When the solar system moves into the spiral arms, icy planetesimals in the Oort cloud at its outer edge  (around 4.6 trillion miles, or 7.4 trillion kilometers, from the sun) interact with dense gas clouds of the whip-like arms, sending icy material hurtling toward the inner solar system — and our planet.

These objects arrive with more energy than the asteroids that regularly pelt Earth. Most of those space rocks come from the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, a region that is much closer to Earth than the Oort cloud is.

"That's important, because more energy will result in more melting," Kirkland said in the statement. "When it hits, it causes larger amounts of decompression melting, creating a larger uplift of material."

The influence of impacts on rock formation and increased crustal generation was also apparent in the team's examination of spherule beds, which are deposits of small spheres created by ejected material that cools, condenses and falls back to Earth after impacts. Spherule beds were also correlated with Earth's passage into the Milky Way's dense spiral arms between around 3.3 billion and 3.5 billion years ago, when the planet was just over 1 billion years old.

Determining the ages of more deposits in spherule beds could further support the team's findings and, in turn, encourage geologists and astrophysicists to start thinking more about the influence of Earth's wider cosmic environment on the planet's geology.

"It's very hard to prove these things; we want to make that link and start the conversation to look at geological processes beyond the Earth, beyond the solar system, and what might drive those," said study co-author Phil Sutton, a lecturer in astrophysics at the University of Lincoln in the U.K. "We didn't just form in isolation."

The consistency of the 165 Myr impact signal with spiral arm positions, and support from recent astrophysical estimates and zircon analyses, suggests spiral arm passage to be a strong contributor to impact periodicity. If so, this should form the basis of a chronology from which to interrogate the galactic contribution to terrestrial phenomena. The suggestion is that arm passage not only increases the frequency of large impacts, but also creates conditions that increase the probability of large igneous provinces and black shale formation, thereby directly and indirectly increasing the likelihood of mass extinctions. Interpretation of the periodicity results and investigation of causal mechanisms are dependent on development of astrophysical and Earth science knowledge. However, the growing coincidences of temporal signals across different phenomena are indicating that seeking galactic solutions to Earth system processes may be a fruitful line of enquiry.

Yes. But it seems that human beings also have to play their role in this phenomenon. And Laura thinks that the Wave will help us to learn what we need to do.
Absolutely, @Persej human consciousness as a great role to play I think in the process as transducer of the energy produce by the different medium as the earth, impacting meteor, cosmic energy, nemesis interaction as it approach etc... My intervention was more to add more possible source of energy (electro magnetism), element of what I would call the’’ mechanical`` part but how it will be use and in which way consciousness play a part is still an enigma but, we may have some clue as stated in your previous post.

Q: (L) Are these aspects of our being coming to earth as part of the realm border crossing?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are all of us going to have to face these aspects of ourselves as other beings?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are there other parts of us in all realms doing other things at this moment?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And how is this going to be affected by the realm border crossing?

A: Will merge.

Q: (L) Do we need to do extensive hypnosis to bring these aspects of ourselves up and deal with these things a little at a time?

A: Will happen involuntarily. Will be like a thermonuclear blast.


A: When wave reaches earth, we merge with you.

Q: (T) Okay, you are riding on the crest of this wave in 6th density, is this true?

A: Yes. We are you in 6th density.

Q: (T) You are we, that is me Terry, Laura, Jan and Frank?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are you alternate selves extending into higher densities?

A: At your current reference point in space time, we are you in the future.

Q: (T) We are your destiny?

A: And vice versa.

What is interesting is this merging of all dimensions, density, realms as a result of the wave, the merging of our whole being, all the part of our soul at different level of awareness and knowledge, dimension and density in some case. As I once wrote in covid tread, if I remember correctly, for those who have a connection with their higher self, there is no need for let say your 4th or 6th density part to need to ask your permission to intervene, you are one soul, just on a different level of awareness. When all level are merged, we may gain access to all the knowledge necessary at this moment and act as a transducer for the energy provided by the different medium or permit our higher self to work through us. The connection to our higher self(spiritual realm) seems to be very important and this connection seem to have been the principal target of the covid and vax program.

Coincidently, yesterday XPan posted on covid side effects tread these article who confirm, from healers, how the vaxed people have energetic body dysfunction. The articles start here; Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse ,

For me, it was a kind of confirmation for what I thought back in 2020 was the purpose of the covid 19 in the first place and the jab in second. Maybe not disconnect the soul permanently but it permitted to put interference between you and your soul and opening you up for and facilitate attack from negative energies either by attachment or psychically or other means. If this was really one of the goals, it is easy to see how it could prevent or at least diminish the potential number of soul that could develop the potential to transduce the energy. Can it prevent the merge in those individual or change the potential of positive utilisation to a negative one. Can it also explain why many souls will have to recycle; they won’t have access to the energy necessary for the transition, the transmutation from the material 3D physical realm to the variable 4D one.

A real enigma it still is. But do we really need to have all the answer before we get there of the how and why of the human consciousness part in all this or do we have already enough on our plate just to prepare our self physically, spiritually and psychically. Maybe not because as the C’s said,

A: Will happen involuntarily. Will be like a thermonuclear blast.
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But do we really need to have all the answer before we get there of the how and why of the human consciousness part in all this or do we have already enough on our plate just to prepare our self physically, spiritually and psychically.

I don't think that we have enough. There are plenty of clues in the transcripts that C's want us to do something, that we still haven't solved. I am not saying that everybody will have to do it, but that is something that I'm interested in. How can we be more active participants in those cosmic events?
There is another factor in the mass extinctions, which is similar to my proposal that Nemesis might cause the mass extinctions once it reaches the aphelion, which might be electrical in nature. And the theory goes that the solar system's apocenter and pericenter in the orbit around the galactic center might play a role.


Chronological analyses of correlations between certain global repeating events (mass extinctions of marine organisms, meteorite impacts, and flashes in the frequency of geomagnetic reversals) during the Phanerozoic Eon and the motion of the solar system in the Galaxy are presented for five rotationally symmetrical models for the regular Galactic gravitational field. Thirteen of sixteen mass-extinction events can be described by a repetition interval of 183±3 million years. This is in agreement with the anomalistic period (interval between two subsequent passages of the Sun through the apocenter of its Galactic orbit) in the model of Allen and Martos. The positions of the minima and maxima in Gaussian functions approximating the frequency distribution for geomagnetic reversals also agree with the times of passage of the Sun through the apocenter and pericenter, respectively, of its Galactic orbit in this model. The maximum in the distribution of the deviations of the dates of mass extinctions from the nearest dates of impacts of large, crater-forming bodies is close to zero, providing evidence that many such events are correlated. As a rule, extinctions follow impact events. The impacts of large bodies have occurred most often when the solar system passes through the Galactic plane, while mass extinctions occur more often at some distance from the Galactic plane (about 40 pc). As a rule, intervals of increases in the frequency of geomagnetic reversals coincide with dates of impacts of large bodies. At the same time, these intervals do not show a clear correlation with the dates of mass extinctions. The intensity of mass extinctions, like the energy released by impacts, is consistently higher in periods when the Sun is moving from the apocenter toward the pericenter of its orbit, than when it is moving from the pericenter toward the apocenter. Thus, there is evidence for a variety of relationships between repeating global events in the Phanerozoic and the motion of the Sun in the Galaxy. Long-period variations in the frequency of geomagnetic reversals are correlated with the orbital motion of the Sun, and increases in the frequency of geomagnetic reversals are correlated with impacts. Mass extinctions are correlated with the impacts of large bodies, whose motions may have been perturbed by clouds of interstellar material concentrated toward the Galactic plane and by the shock front associated with the Perseus spiral arm, through which the solar system passes. The velocity of the Sun relative to the spiral pattern is estimated.


Taking into account the “clearing factor” for half of the orbit, we find that the intensity of impact energy releases in the orbital section from the apocenter to the pericenter exceeds the intensity for the pericenter–apocenter section by a factor of 15. It is interesting that, allowing for a small time shift, the long-period component of the frequency of geomagnetic reversals increases in the section of the orbit from the apocenter to pericenter. In the opposite section, this tendency changes its sign, and the frequency of reversals decreases.


Our study of correlations between certain global repeating events (mass extinctions of marine organisms, peaks in the frequency of geomagnetic reversals, and impacts of celestial bodies) during the Phanerozoic Eon and the Sun’s motion in the Galaxy for five rotationally symmetrical models of the regular Galactic gravitational field enables us to identify more precisely the mechanisms behind the cause–effect relationships between various global processes in the cosmo-geological history of the Earth. A repetition interval of 183 ± 3 million years is revealed for thirteen of sixteen mass-extinction events. This interval coincides with the anomalistic period of the Sun’s motion in the Galaxy in the model of Allen and Martos [31]. The minimum and maximum of the frequency distribution of geomagnetic reversals approximated by two Gaussians also coincides with the Sun’s passages through the orbital apocenter and pericenter in this model. Therefore, we can assert with some confidence that events of mass extinction and the long-period component of the frequency of geomagnetic reversals during the Phanerozoic are associated with the solar motion in the Galaxy described by the AM model. The facts testifying to the existence of variations in the intensity of external effects during the solar motion along different sections of its Galactocentric orbit, while the translational time sequence of global events is preserved, require special attention and discussion. On average, stronger effects are revealed during the orbital sections corresponding to motion from the orbit apocenter to the pericenter. This asymmetry may be associated with passages through the Perseus arm, near the orbit apocenter.

Now, they think that the reason for that is because near the apocenter the solar system would pass through the Perseus arm, but in the electrical universe theory, apocenter and pericenter might be the points of charge and discharge of the cosmic body, in this case solar system. So, in movement from apocenter to pericenter, the solar system would be more active, just like it is more active now while the Nemesis is approaching its pericenter. After that, things start to calm down, so there are fewer geomagnetic reversals and fewer impacts, possibly because the solar system is less attracting other bodies.

And for those who are interested, the answer is yes, we are currently going toward the solar pericenter (perigalacticon), so that is another thing to be cheerful about. :lol:
Q: (A**) I was gonna ask about Chaco Canyon. What was it built for?

A: Gathering place for those of unusual abilities.

Q: (A***) Did anybody actually live there?

A: More like a "conference center."

Q: (A**) So what happened to the people that used it?

A: Change of cosmic environment followed by earthly difficulties such as famine, climate etc.

Q: (J) What kind of things did those people with unusual abilities do when they gathered together?

A: Well, levitate, for one; direct manifestation for another; and "travel".

Q: (Allen) So, could they travel from one spot on the planet to another?

A: Yes.

Q: (A*l) Could they teleport?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) Teleport... These weren't your average human beings then. (laughter)

A: No not exactly, but it wasn't the same environment you currently enjoy either.

Q: (A**) Where did these people come from?

A: Remnant Atlanteans. Descendants for the word sticklers.

Q: (L) I think that's because once, somebody made a big deal out of them saying "remnants of Atlantis" and they meant descendants. (A*l) Do they mean that if our environment wasn't so polluted that we could have super powers? (L) They said "cosmic environment".

A: Gravity is different now.

Q: (A*l) What happened to gravity? How'd it change?

A: Travels of the solar system through space. You are heading for another such changes soon.

Q: (A*l) Are we going to become super again?

A: Some will.

Q: (A*l) Me? (J) Is A*l going to become super again? (laughter)

A: If you are prepared.

Q: (A*l) So I need to like load up? Lock and load? (A**) Eat your spinach! (L) Seriously, the spinach is the main thing! (laughter) (J) It's part of the acclimatization. (Allen) At Chaco Canyon, they ate lots of spinach. (A*l) So I'll be able to like teleport? And you guys will be able to, too? (C) We don't know. (A*l) We can like teleport and visit each other in our rooms?

A: Wait and see!

Q: (A**) Will we have superpowers like this idiot savant guy... (Allen) He's not an idiot savant, just a savant. (A**) Okay, the savant guy... (C) Daniel Tammet.

A: Some will. That is much like 4D experience.

Q: (A**) So we'll be able to like feel and see numbers?

A: Hear colors...

Q: (A**) That's cool! (C) So does that mean that he's kind of an advanced person or...

A: Not necessarily advanced, but just the luck of the genes so to say. That sort of thing, and much else, is coded in many and now and then it activates.

Q: (A**) So, it was activated by his seizure? It did something to his brain?

A: Partly, yes.

Q: (A**) Cool, I want some of that man! (C) Yeah... (A*l) You want a seizure?! (A**) He can learn a language in a week!

A: So will you one day.

Q: (A**) I will?? I need that!

A: Patience pays.

Q: (C) Can similar abilities be gained by practicing?

A: Not really.

Q: (DD) I've been practicing my French for five years! (laughter) (A*l) When is this gravity change going to occur? (L) Read the transcripts. (A**) The next five years.

Session 4 July 2009

I was trying to find more about this change in the cosmic environment that the solar system passed through, and will be in the near future, and I think I found something interesting:

The Solar System is located within a structure called the Local Bubble, a low-density region of the galactic interstellar medium. Within this region is the Local Interstellar Cloud (LIC), an area of slightly higher hydrogen density. It is estimated that the Solar System entered the LIC within the past 10,000 years. It is uncertain whether the Sun is still inside of the LIC or has already entered a transition zone between the LIC and the G cloud. A recent analysis estimates the Sun will completely exit the LIC in no more than 1,900 years.

So, once we enter the G-cloud, our environment will change again. It won't necessarily be the same as before, because we were not in the G-cloud before, but it will be different from the Local Interstellar Cloud environment that we inhabit now, ever since we entered it about 10,000 years ago. The LIC has a density of 0.3 atoms per cubic centimetre, and the G-cloud has a density of 0.1 atoms per cubic centimetre. So our new cosmic environment will be three times less dense. The Local Bubble around those two clouds, in which we might have been prior to the entrance into the LIC has a density of 0.05 atoms per cubic centimetre. So, our new environment will be closer to how it was before the big change 10,000 years ago, although not the same. We might return to the old environment only after we exit the G-cloud, sometime in the distant future.

I don't know how exactly this translates into gravity or other changes, but it's true, we are headed towards a new cosmic environment.
Here is the animation of our Local Bubble:

The Earth sits in a 1,000-light-year-wide void surrounded by thousands of young stars — but how did those stars form?

In a paper appearing today in Nature, astronomers at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian (CfA) and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) reconstruct the evolutionary history of our galactic neighborhood, showing how a chain of events beginning 14 million years ago led to the creation of a vast bubble that’s responsible for the formation of all nearby, young stars.

"This is really an origin story; for the first time we can explain how all nearby star formation began," says astronomer and data visualization expert Catherine Zucker who completed the work during a fellowship at the CfA.

The paper's central figure, a 3D spacetime animation, reveals that all young stars and star-forming regions — within 500 light years of Earth — sit on the surface of a giant bubble known as the Local Bubble. While astronomers have known of its existence for decades, scientists can now see and understand the Local Bubble's beginnings and its impact on the gas around it.

The Source of Our Stars: The Local Bubble

Using a trove of new data and data science techniques, the spacetime animation shows how a series of supernovae that first went off 14 million years ago, pushed interstellar gas outwards, creating a bubble-like structure with a surface that's ripe for star formation.

Today, seven well-known star-forming regions or molecular clouds — dense regions in space where stars can form — sit on the surface of the bubble.

"We've calculated that about 15 supernovae have gone off over millions of years to form the Local Bubble that we see today," says Zucker who is now a NASA Hubble Fellow at STScI.

The oddly-shaped bubble is not dormant and continues to slowly grow, the astronomers note.

"It's coasting along at about 4 miles per second," Zucker says. "It has lost most of its oomph though and has pretty much plateaued in terms of speed."

The expansion speed of the bubble, as well as the past and present trajectories of the young stars forming on its surface, were derived using data obtained by Gaia, a space-based observatory launched by the European Space Agency.

"This is an incredible detective story, driven by both data and theory," says Harvard professor and Center for Astrophysics astronomer Alyssa Goodman, a study co-author and founder of glue, data visualization software that enabled the discovery. "We can piece together the history of star formation around us using a wide variety of independent clues: supernova models, stellar motions and exquisite new 3D maps of the material surrounding the Local Bubble."

Bubbles Everywhere?

"When the first supernovae that created the Local Bubble went off, our Sun was far away from the action," says co-author João Alves, a professor at the University of Vienna. "But about five million years ago, the Sun's path through the galaxy took it right into the bubble, and now the Sun sits — just by luck — almost right in the bubble's center."

Today, as humans peer out into space from near the Sun, they have a front row seat to the process of star formation occurring all around on the bubble's surface.

Astronomers first theorized that superbubbles were pervasive in the Milky Way nearly 50 years ago. "Now, we have proof — and what are the chances that we are right smack in the middle of one of these things?" asks Goodman. Statistically, it is very unlikely that the Sun would be centered in a giant bubble if such bubbles were rare in our Milky Way Galaxy, she explains.

Goodman likens the discovery to a Milky Way that resembles very hole-y swiss cheese, where holes in the cheese are blasted out by supernovae, and new stars can form in the cheese around the holes created by dying stars.

Next, the team, including co-author and Harvard doctoral student Michael Foley, plans to map out more interstellar bubbles to get a full 3D view of their locations, shapes and sizes. Charting out bubbles, and their relationship to each other, will ultimately allow astronomers to understand the role played by dying stars in giving birth to new ones, and in the structure and evolution of galaxies like the Milky Way.

Zucker wonders, "Where do these bubbles touch? How do they interact with each other? How do superbubbles drive the birth of stars like our Sun in the Milky Way?"

And here you can see the Gould Belt around our Local Bubble: Gould Belt - Wikipedia

So our location in the galaxy goes like this:

Earth → Solar System → Local Interstellar Cloud → Local Bubble → Gould Belt → Orion Arm → Milky Way
According to some scientists, we are already in the mixture of Local Interstellar Cloud and G-cloud, and right about to fully enter the G-cloud. And we are going to stay there for the next 31,000 years.

We conclude that the interstellar medium through which the Sun currently travels is not the LIC, and thus the terms LIC and VLISM should not be equated with each other. Instead, we show that the Sun resides in the MICM formed in the interaction of the two nearest interstellar clouds.

G cloud.JPG
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