(CRW Am-EU) What temporary schedule is best for you?

  • Sunday 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 26 66.7%
  • Saturdays 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 13 33.3%

  • Total voters
In the book we are reading Prescott, Michael: Life & Afterlife (from p. 181), in the NDE accounts people report amazing accounts of infinite love, peace, timelessness and knowledge while floating into the light and apparently before they encounter the beings in the light:
  • the light is sometimes personified as an intelligent presence radiating love and sympathetic kindness.
  • a sense of universal knowledge is often reported—an omniscient perspective in which the veil is lifted and ultimate truths are clearly perceived.
  • magnetic presence—grand and all pervading.
  • the great truth that life is a spiritual evolution, that this life is but a passing phase in the soul’s progression.
  • I loved infinitely and was infinitely loved!
  • an unfaltering trust. Deep in the soul, below pain, below all the distraction of life, is a silence vast and grand—an infinite ocean of calm, which nothing can disturb;
  • all experience existed in some kind of eternal now.
  • everything was absolutely okay. When I say “everything,” I mean everything in as expansive a term as anyone could imagine—including (as lawyers like to say) without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the past, present, future, the universe, the cosmos, all actions, all events, all circumstances that were, are or could ever be … The feeling that everything in the universe was okay—exactly as it should be—was more true, more real, more direct than any experience I have ever had.12
  • It was a place where the past, present, and future were happening all at once.
  • At the core, it’s all One and at the deepest Core it’s all divine—all One with God. Even the materialists—the scientists, cosmologists, those who do string theory and quantum gravity; they’re all basically converging to say that pure information is the core of all that exists.
  • Sir James Jeans said long ago, “The Universe begins to look much more like a great thought than a great machine.” That’s a crucial understanding of what this all really is. And if you’re able to go far enough, [you’ll see] … that this whole material world is a very cleverly wrought illusion, that time and space are all illusion. You have to know that Consciousness is not this epiphenomenon of the brain, but is, in fact, a far richer thing that completely precedes and is outside of (and supporting) all of the material realm and this apparent reality.
  • in some way I was exposed to pure information at a rate that far overloads the capacity of any physical entity. It was all that is all at once and it is Love.
  • A sense of timelessness
  • I realized that every moment in all our lives—past, present, future, unknown, unknown, and unknowable—exist simultaneously, as though outside of what we know as time. I became aware that I already was everything I was trying to attain, and I believe that’s true for everyone.
  • Everything exists as part of everything else, forever.
  • There is also awareness of a divine presence.

That all sounded very familiar and then I´ve read this account:

"Suddenly, almost instantaneously, on this light exploding, coming into being around me, my sense of expansion of self rocketed to unbelievable proportions, it was as if I had just suddenly exploded outwards in all directions; I could not identify where my ‘self’ was … It was in this state that I first became aware of wave upon wave upon wave of love moving into and through me from every spatial direction imaginable … Then I became aware of the presence of a being of a power, magnitude and intelligence that was utterly indescribable and that was this light that I now knew to be here ... Then it came upon me that I knew I was inside this being and it inside me. We were merged so that there was no separation—and yet I also knew that I existed, as did it, as a discrete entity."

I struck me that it all relates to this account from the Cs: Cassiopaean Session Transcripts Search

Q: (L) Are there any beings on 7th level?

A: Time does not exist.

Q: (L) When light is transferred to electrical energy, does it actually change density?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it from 1st to 3rd when it becomes electricity?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Once again, are there any beings on 7th level?

A: Big bang.

Q: (L) Big bang is at 7th level?

A: Close enough.

Q: (L) So, when we all reach 7th level we will all blow up? We will all become one and it will all start all over again?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Well, that's not a pleasant thought!

A: Why? There is no time, you dwell there eternally. 7th is the light you see at death of the body.

Q: (L) So, when you die and leave the body, do you go to seventh level?

A: See it.

So if we see the 7th density on our way to 5D, that means we can also feel/sense it, the eminence of it, the glimpses of it. I visualise it as how we are standing in the shade or being in the house, and then step into the sun: we can see the sun and feel the sun and bathe in the sun, and yet we are no way near it. So all of this accounts are IMO in fact sensations we feel when glimpsing 7D while floating trough the tunnel.

Later there is more:
  • The next sensation is this wonderful, wonderful feeling of this light … It’s almost like a person. It is not a person, but it is a being of some kind. It is a mass of energy. It doesn’t have a character like you would describe another person, but it has a character in that it is more than just a thing …
  • You have a feeling of absolute, pure love.
  • The second most magnificent experience … is that you realize that you are suddenly in communications with absolute, total knowledge.
  • Upon entering that light … the atmosphere, the energy, it’s total pure energy, it’s total knowledge, it’s total love, pure love

Edit: formatting got messed up after posting 😅
In the book we are reading Prescott, Michael: Life & Afterlife (from p. 181), in the NDE accounts people report amazing accounts of infinite love, peace, timelessness and knowledge while floating into the light and apparently before they encounter the beings in the light:
  • the light is sometimes personified as an intelligent presence radiating love and sympathetic kindness.
  • a sense of universal knowledge is often reported—an omniscient perspective in which the veil is lifted and ultimate truths are clearly perceived.
  • magnetic presence—grand and all pervading.
  • the great truth that life is a spiritual evolution, that this life is but a passing phase in the soul’s progression.
  • I loved infinitely and was infinitely loved!
  • an unfaltering trust. Deep in the soul, below pain, below all the distraction of life, is a silence vast and grand—an infinite ocean of calm, which nothing can disturb;
  • all experience existed in some kind of eternal now.
  • everything was absolutely okay. When I say “everything,” I mean everything in as expansive a term as anyone could imagine—including (as lawyers like to say) without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the past, present, future, the universe, the cosmos, all actions, all events, all circumstances that were, are or could ever be … The feeling that everything in the universe was okay—exactly as it should be—was more true, more real, more direct than any experience I have ever had.12
  • It was a place where the past, present, and future were happening all at once.
  • At the core, it’s all One and at the deepest Core it’s all divine—all One with God. Even the materialists—the scientists, cosmologists, those who do string theory and quantum gravity; they’re all basically converging to say that pure information is the core of all that exists.
  • Sir James Jeans said long ago, “The Universe begins to look much more like a great thought than a great machine.” That’s a crucial understanding of what this all really is. And if you’re able to go far enough, [you’ll see] … that this whole material world is a very cleverly wrought illusion, that time and space are all illusion. You have to know that Consciousness is not this epiphenomenon of the brain, but is, in fact, a far richer thing that completely precedes and is outside of (and supporting) all of the material realm and this apparent reality.
  • in some way I was exposed to pure information at a rate that far overloads the capacity of any physical entity. It was all that is all at once and it is Love.
  • A sense of timelessness
  • I realized that every moment in all our lives—past, present, future, unknown, unknown, and unknowable—exist simultaneously, as though outside of what we know as time. I became aware that I already was everything I was trying to attain, and I believe that’s true for everyone.
  • Everything exists as part of everything else, forever.
  • There is also awareness of a divine presence.

That all sounded very familiar and then I´ve read this account:

"Suddenly, almost instantaneously, on this light exploding, coming into being around me, my sense of expansion of self rocketed to unbelievable proportions, it was as if I had just suddenly exploded outwards in all directions; I could not identify where my ‘self’ was … It was in this state that I first became aware of wave upon wave upon wave of love moving into and through me from every spatial direction imaginable … Then I became aware of the presence of a being of a power, magnitude and intelligence that was utterly indescribable and that was this light that I now knew to be here ... Then it came upon me that I knew I was inside this being and it inside me. We were merged so that there was no separation—and yet I also knew that I existed, as did it, as a discrete entity."

I struck me that it all relates to this account from the Cs: Cassiopaean Session Transcripts Search

Q: (L) Are there any beings on 7th level?

A: Time does not exist.

Q: (L) When light is transferred to electrical energy, does it actually change density?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it from 1st to 3rd when it becomes electricity?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Once again, are there any beings on 7th level?

A: Big bang.

Q: (L) Big bang is at 7th level?

A: Close enough.

Q: (L) So, when we all reach 7th level we will all blow up? We will all become one and it will all start all over again?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Well, that's not a pleasant thought!

A: Why? There is no time, you dwell there eternally. 7th is the light you see at death of the body.

Q: (L) So, when you die and leave the body, do you go to seventh level?

A: See it.

So if we see the 7th density on our way to 5D, that means we can also feel/sense it, the eminence of it, the glimpses of it. I visualise it as how we are standing in the shade or being in the house, and then step into the sun: we can see the sun and feel the sun and bathe in the sun, and yet we are no way near it. So all of this accounts are IMO in fact sensations we feel when glimpsing 7D while floating trough the tunnel.

Later there is more:
  • The next sensation is this wonderful, wonderful feeling of this light … It’s almost like a person. It is not a person, but it is a being of some kind. It is a mass of energy. It doesn’t have a character like you would describe another person, but it has a character in that it is more than just a thing …
  • You have a feeling of absolute, pure love.
  • The second most magnificent experience … is that you realize that you are suddenly in communications with absolute, total knowledge.
  • Upon entering that light … the atmosphere, the energy, it’s total pure energy, it’s total knowledge, it’s total love, pure love

Edit: formatting got messed up after posting 😅
This is awesome Mari--I've not time to do it as last week was super hectic. Thanks for covering this!

Here's the video and audio for that meeting provided by Turgon.
Hi everyone,

Below are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group workshop on Iain McGilchrist's The Master and his Emissary.

Here's the video of the last meeting
The audio
And the folder
And the slideshow
(starts on slide# 283)
Here is the spreadsheet on the Greek Philosophers.

We will continue Ch 12: The Modern and Post-Modern Worlds up to the subsection on 'Modernist Music' on page 416 for our next workshop on Saturday at 6 pm Sydney AEST time (GMT+10).

See you all then!
Below are the links to what we explored in our discussion:

When did Modern Architecture Actually Begin ~ 7 minutes
Modern Designer architecture displaying left hemisphere attributes ~ 6 minutes
A beautiful old oil/radiator heater in Art Nouveau design
Animation dance (simulating robots & machines)
Strange architecture across the world
Spectacular subway stations (mostly in Russia)
Hi everyone,

The Am-EU group finishes chapters 15 & 16 of Michael Prescott's Life & Afterlife on May 19th. The video and audio of the meeting is provided by Luis.

I've attached the mind map below in both PNG & PDF form. For readability, I've also printed the mind map in bulleted form here:

Chapter 15: Presence in the Light
  • Not only is there a sense of universal knowledge, a divine presence can also be felt in the light. It's described as a mass of energy with telepathic abilities.
    • (Mari): When we see the light at the end of the tunnel, we are seeing 7th density. In Session 16 November 1994:
      Q: (L) Once again, are there any beings on 7th level?
      A: Big bang.
      Q: (L) Big bang is at 7th level?
      A: Close enough.
      Q: (L) So, when we all reach 7th level we will all blow up? We will all become one and it will all start all over again?
      A: Close.
      Q: (L) Well, that's not a pleasant thought!
      A: Why? There is no time, you dwell there eternally. 7th is the light you see at death of the body.
      Q: (L) So, when you die and leave the body, do you go to seventh level?
      A: See it.
  • There's no definitive answer for what the being of light is. There's some that see it as God, Jesus, Krishna, or someone unidentifiable.
    • An account shares that one's belief (i.e. religious) shapes the feedback one experiences when facing the light. This idea is also mentioned in the Tibetan Book of the Dead (see Bardo Thodol).
    • (Stoneboss): It ties into free will.
  • Though there's another account given by Kenneth Ring in his Life at Death, where he says that this presence is one's total self, or the Higher Self. This may explain why this entity knows intimately, past & future, of the newcomer in the afterlife and can initiate the life-review process.
    • In Mellen-Thomas' NDE, he recognized the light being as the Higher Self. It was also clear to him that all Higher Selves are "connected as one being, all humans are connected as one being, that we are actually the same being, different aspects of the same being ..."
    • (Laurs): Could this Higher Self be present on all levels of density where aspects of us are present?
    • (Luis): In the Wave they mention that at the transition to 4th density, we'll be merging various aspects of ourselves.
  • In meditation, the author saw a multi-faceted diamond, with each individual facet representing fragmented personas. He saw the whole of the diamond as his true soul--"the real me, the eternal me". He also notes how precious, valuable, and beautiful the human soul is.

Chapter 16: Beings of Light
  • In Joeseph F. Dippong's NDE, he encountered a being of light in the tunnel that was both man & woman, who radiated an immense love in the form of light with golden hues. He also saw other beings of light that weren't humanlike. He knew the light was in all living things.
  • In a study of 47 near-death experiencers, 30 of them saw spiritual beings. Many were told that they needed to return back to life and were barred further access to the tunnel. These beings were seen as uncles, mothers, angels, etc. Less frequently, the individual was given a choice on whether to return or not.
  • In Brian Weiss's Many Lives, Many Masters, he hypnotically regressed a patient who then was able to recall the light that individuals see between incarnations. She describes it as a power source, that it knows how to heal, is composed of many colors, and that all comes from it.
    • Catherine was also able to channel spiritual entities called by Weiss: the Masters who share esoteric wisdom.
    • (Laurs): It's mentioned in the book that it was actually Weiss's Higher Self that was communicating via Catherine.
      • (Luis): This is very similar with Chico Javier
  • The beings of light were often seen with monk habits and long flowing robes. Multiple accounts also mention exactly three beings of light.
  • Accounts of loved ones were also seen/felt on the cusp of death and in the afterlife.
  • Jamie recounts one of her NDEs where she met her old "meditating guide" since 14 years old told her five things the guide wanted her to do:
    • Live a life to the fullest the best way she could and that she would be taken care of.
    • Laugh every day and at every little thing.
    • Lift up her brothers, sisters, humankind, cats, dogs, possums, and puppies.
    • Help people to learn, enlighten them, and be an example--to pass on what she'd learned to those who come to her. That she'd know who they were.
    • The last was to love unconditionally.

General Notes
  • (Breo): In reference to music in the afterlife, it brings to mind Session 23 February 2002:
    A: Frequency envelopes are realms, however they are "in concert," which implies a degree of scripting at some level. Some members if the orchestra do not play well. Some do not play in tune. Some are out of synch. Others expect the one next to them to play their part.
    Q: (L) Well that's kind of a pun, find out "in deed" - by doing. (R) We are on a very, very interesting path here because we just defined what a density is. It's a frequency resonance envelope. (A) The question is frequency of what?
    A: Yes, of those in the orchestra.
    Q: (L) So it is by agreement. (A) What is by agreement? (L) To be in the orchestra, frequency resonance envelope. (B) Not only to be, but to play within those parameters. (L) Who gets to pick what gets played?
    A: Ah! There's the rub!
    Q: (B) That means it's up for grabs. Which is why they're interested in us grounding a certain frequency resonance so STS doesn't.
    A: No, you don't get to pick the selection at this level. But you in the future does. The question is: How well do you play, and can you play true if the others don't?
    A: The music is on the page long before it is played.
    Q: (R) So, when the orchestra starts playing you have the musical notes, the timing instructions. Right. So it's the same music. You can play over and over again. But the difference is how well the orchestra plays and how well it is tuned. Okay, so one implication can be that ...
    A: The FRE is the notes on the page. It is the selection. The "playing" constitutes "events." Frequency resonant envelope: FRE.
  • (Mari): Mentions the tree of life from the wave (see image attached below).
  • (Stoneboss): Reading this book shows how limited the human, 3D body is. How can we as humans perceive a new color, and other super senses that aren't readily available in our bodies?
    • (Redrock12): I'm glad I have the knowledge now about these limitations. With that it can help me learn and work things out in this density.
    • (Breo): Like Paul said about being a child and speaking/acting like a child. Growing up is an ongoing process towards adulthood.

For Next Meeting - May 26th, 2024

We'll be covering chapters 17 and 18 for the next reading workshop (though correct me if I'm wrong). See y'alls soon!


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Hi everyone,

The Am-EU group finishes chapters 17 of Michael Prescott's Life & Afterlife on May 26th. The video and audio of the meeting will be provided in a future post.

I've attached the mind map below in both PNG & PDF form. For readability, I've also printed the mind map in bulleted form here:

Chapter 17: The Life Review
  • There are two kinds of life reviews: 1) superficial life review & 2) in-depth life review.
    • The superficial life review is a relatively emotionally detached overview that shows the entire individual's history.
    • The in-depth life review on the other hand, is a deeply emotional experience that feels like "soul-searching personal judgment" during the individual's life recapitulation.
  • One notes that he had failed to see the "simple, homely, unpretentious things of life that are the most important".
  • A climber shared that right before impact from a fall, he saw his entire life flashed before his eyes, that time was expanded, heard beautiful music, and saw an amazing blue heaven with clouds.
  • In Kenneth Ring's Lessons from the Light the superficial life review showed a 3 dimensional panoramic view of every event of someone's life.
  • Sometimes the life review also showed it from three perspectives: 1) one's own viewpoint, 2) to those affected by one's action, and 3) one's higher self.
  • In the life review, an account shares that everything ever said, done, or even thought was there. He felt how his actions and even his thoughts affected others, for better or for worse.
    • (cassandra): This shows how important it is to be vigilant in one's thoughts, because thoughts can affect others.
      • (Turgon): Regardless of what wrong has occurred to you, being able to see what I could have done better is a method to help in this way.
      • (Turgon): Experiences on being able to catch all negative thoughts. Being able to be aware and observing at all time. At some point though, there was an emotional reaction that got through the guard. It takes some time to get back to the original state.
  • There are many cases in religion that point towards this life review. Examples include the final judgment by Anubis in ancient Egypt, "the day of the lot of mankind" in ancient Mesopotamia, etc.
  • In the life review, those with NDEs shared that they did not feel judged by anyone but themselves. The arbiters themselves seem non-judgmental--they just show individuals the consequences of their life choices in great detail as it relates to others.
  • In Crookall's interpretation of the life review process is as follows in largely his words:
    • 1) Partial separation of the intermediate body from the physical body.
    • 2) The superficial life review of one's lifetime (the data dump where the intermediate body imprints information onto the soul body).
    • 3) Final separation of the intermediate body; the physical body is cast off.
    • 4) Progression into the light.
    • 5) Separation of the soul body from the intermediate body, which is cast off.
    • 6) An in-depth review of one's lifetime, including moral lessons.

General Notes
  • (Turgon): An astrologer friend there has been a big shift that started yesterday. Moving into gemini, meaning more communication.
    • (Turgon): Had a dream with Redrock12 in it. Maybe it's working!
  • (Mari): There are so many recent videos of giant green fireballs in the sky.
  • (Breo): Had an incredible meditation on the session regarding the big bang that Mari shared in the last meeting--that every cell had this big bang energy.
  • (Breo): The book has been really uplifting. We're all connected to our other lives and the light, which is 7th density.
    • (cassandra): We each carry part of the cosmos within us.
  • (Mari): When Laura was meditating a lot before bed, she tapped into an ancient method of breathing (in The Wave series) now called Eiru Eolas. Search for "Ocean of tears": Chapter Thirty: A Knight in Armor.
    • (Whitecoast): This is also noted in Laura's Amazing Grace, where Laura comes to the conclusion that all the horrific events that happen on Earth is a result of ignorance, which is where evil comes from.
    • (Mari): Had an experience where she found herself with other people. Everyone was in different states of minds & emotions. Saw that they were all aspects of her. She saw a bright door/portal and all of them began walking through. Then, after this experience, she cried laying in bed.
  • (Turgon): Weird experience of periodic whooshing feeling. It feels as if the body is like a buoy out in the ocean.
  • (Whitecoast): Feelings of nausea & tiredness throughout the day. Other members report the same, or similar maladies.
  • (Whitecoast): There is an attunement process between the parents and the baby. If the baby doesn't feel heard, then the baby may cause a tantrum to make the other parents feel what the baby is feeling: a sense of hopelessness.
  • Discussion on possible books to read next:
    • Books by Mouriaveff & Gurdjieff
    • Gurdjieff's Mysticism, Contemplation & Exercise
    • Master & His Emissary
    • Political Ponerology
    • Darwin Devolves (& see books by this author)
    • Laura's High Strangeness
    • Inside the Criminal Mind (Michael Samenow)
    • What Makes Your Brain Happy and Why You Should Do the Opposite
    • Paul's Necessary Sin

For Next Meeting - June 2nd, 2024

We'll be covering chapters 18 (Mediumship) and 19 (Otherwhere) for the next reading workshop. See y'alls then and have a great week!


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Here are the Video and Audio for the latest workshop.
Hi everyone,

The Am-EU group finishes chapters 17 of Michael Prescott's Life & Afterlife on May 26th. The video and audio of the meeting will be provided in a future post.

I've attached the mind map below in both PNG & PDF form. For readability, I've also printed the mind map in bulleted form here:

Chapter 17: The Life Review
  • There are two kinds of life reviews: 1) superficial life review & 2) in-depth life review.
    • The superficial life review is a relatively emotionally detached overview that shows the entire individual's history.
    • The in-depth life review on the other hand, is a deeply emotional experience that feels like "soul-searching personal judgment" during the individual's life recapitulation.
  • One notes that he had failed to see the "simple, homely, unpretentious things of life that are the most important".
  • A climber shared that right before impact from a fall, he saw his entire life flashed before his eyes, that time was expanded, heard beautiful music, and saw an amazing blue heaven with clouds.
  • In Kenneth Ring's Lessons from the Light the superficial life review showed a 3 dimensional panoramic view of every event of someone's life.
  • Sometimes the life review also showed it from three perspectives: 1) one's own viewpoint, 2) to those affected by one's action, and 3) one's higher self.
  • In the life review, an account shares that everything ever said, done, or even thought was there. He felt how his actions and even his thoughts affected others, for better or for worse.
    • (cassandra): This shows how important it is to be vigilant in one's thoughts, because thoughts can affect others.
      • (Turgon): Regardless of what wrong has occurred to you, being able to see what I could have done better is a method to help in this way.
      • (Turgon): Experiences on being able to catch all negative thoughts. Being able to be aware and observing at all time. At some point though, there was an emotional reaction that got through the guard. It takes some time to get back to the original state.
  • There are many cases in religion that point towards this life review. Examples include the final judgment by Anubis in ancient Egypt, "the day of the lot of mankind" in ancient Mesopotamia, etc.
  • In the life review, those with NDEs shared that they did not feel judged by anyone but themselves. The arbiters themselves seem non-judgmental--they just show individuals the consequences of their life choices in great detail as it relates to others.
  • In Crookall's interpretation of the life review process is as follows in largely his words:
    • 1) Partial separation of the intermediate body from the physical body.
    • 2) The superficial life review of one's lifetime (the data dump where the intermediate body imprints information onto the soul body).
    • 3) Final separation of the intermediate body; the physical body is cast off.
    • 4) Progression into the light.
    • 5) Separation of the soul body from the intermediate body, which is cast off.
    • 6) An in-depth review of one's lifetime, including moral lessons.

General Notes
  • (Turgon): An astrologer friend there has been a big shift that started yesterday. Moving into gemini, meaning more communication.
    • (Turgon): Had a dream with Redrock12 in it. Maybe it's working!
  • (Mari): There are so many recent videos of giant green fireballs in the sky.
  • (Breo): Had an incredible meditation on the session regarding the big bang that Mari shared in the last meeting--that every cell had this big bang energy.
  • (Breo): The book has been really uplifting. We're all connected to our other lives and the light, which is 7th density.
    • (cassandra): We each carry part of the cosmos within us.
  • (Mari): When Laura was meditating a lot before bed, she tapped into an ancient method of breathing (in The Wave series) now called Eiru Eolas. Search for "Ocean of tears": Chapter Thirty: A Knight in Armor.
    • (Whitecoast): This is also noted in Laura's Amazing Grace, where Laura comes to the conclusion that all the horrific events that happen on Earth is a result of ignorance, which is where evil comes from.
    • (Mari): Had an experience where she found herself with other people. Everyone was in different states of minds & emotions. Saw that they were all aspects of her. She saw a bright door/portal and all of them began walking through. Then, after this experience, she cried laying in bed.
  • (Turgon): Weird experience of periodic whooshing feeling. It feels as if the body is like a buoy out in the ocean.
  • (Whitecoast): Feelings of nausea & tiredness throughout the day. Other members report the same, or similar maladies.
  • (Whitecoast): There is an attunement process between the parents and the baby. If the baby doesn't feel heard, then the baby may cause a tantrum to make the other parents feel what the baby is feeling: a sense of hopelessness.
  • Discussion on possible books to read next:
    • Books by Mouriaveff & Gurdjieff
    • Gurdjieff's Mysticism, Contemplation & Exercise
    • Master & His Emissary
    • Political Ponerology
    • Darwin Devolves (& see books by this author)
    • Laura's High Strangeness
    • Inside the Criminal Mind (Michael Samenow)
    • What Makes Your Brain Happy and Why You Should Do the Opposite
    • Paul's Necessary Sin

For Next Meeting - June 2nd, 2024

We'll be covering chapters 18 (Mediumship) and 19 (Otherwhere) for the next reading workshop. See y'alls then and have a great week!
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