The Field - Important Findings Valuable to All!

redratbike said:
It could also have something to do with light from supernovas that can
alter something in humans.
Yes, indeedy. That's the main thing that occurred to me. I just did a search of the transcripts on "dna" and the following is a selection of what I found that may be relevant:

26 Nov 1994

Q: (L) The other night we were talking about the "Mark of
Cain" and I lost part of the tape. I would like to go
back over that a little bit more at this time. What was
the true event behind the story of the "Mark of Cain?"
A: Advent of jealousy.
Q: (L) What occurred to allow jealousy to enter into human
A: Lizard takeover.
Q: (L) Wasn't the Lizard takeover an event that occurred at
the time of the fall of Eden?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was this story of Cain and Abel part of that takeover?
A: Symbolism of story.
Q: (L) This was symbolic of the Lizzie takeover, the advent
of jealousy, and the attitude of brother against brother,
is that correct?
A: Partly. The mark of Cain means the "jealousy factor" of
change facilitated by Lizard takeover of earth's
vibrational frequency. Knot on spine is physical residue
of DNA restriction deliberately added by Lizards. See?
Q: (L) Okay, Jan is going to move her hand up my back and you
tell her when to stop at the "knot".
A: Okay.
Q: (L) You mean the occipital ridge?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What was the configuration of the spine and skull
prior to this addition?
A: Spine had no ridge there. Jealousy emanates from there,
you can even feel it.
Q: (L) Do any of these emotions that we have talked about
that were generated by DNA breakdown, were any of these
related to what Carl Sagan discusses when he talks about
the "Reptilian Brain"?
A: In a roundabout way.
Q: (L) Okay, at the time this "Mark of Cain" came about, were
there other humans on the planet that did not have this
A: It was added to all simultaneously.
Q: (L) How did they physically go about performing this act?
What was the mechanism of this event, the nuts and bolts
of it?
A: Are you ready? DNA core is as yet undiscovered enzyme
relating to carbon. Light waves were used to cancel the
first ten factors of DNA by burning them off. At that
point, a number of physical changes took place including
knot at top of spine. Each of these is equally reflected
in the ethereal.
Q: (L) Is that all?
A: No. But, do you need more?
Q: (L) Well, the question I do have is, how many people were
there on the planet and did they have to take each one and
do this individually?
A: Whoa.
Q: (L) How many people?
A: 6 billion.
Q: (T) That's 500 million more than there are now.
A: No, 200 million.
Q: (L) Okay, there were this many people on the planet, how
did they effect this change on all of them?
A: Light wave alteration.
Q: (L) And light waves, actual light waves, affect DNA?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) What was the origin of the light waves?
A: Our center.
Q: (L) What is your center?
A: Our realm. STO.
Q: (L) So, how did the Lizzies use the light from the Service
to Others realm...
A: They used sophisticated technology to interrupt light
frequency waves.

30 November 1996

Q: (L) What is it that causes us to only be able to perceive
time in a sequential way?
A: DNA restructuring, as in the handiwork of our friends, STS
4th density.
Q: (L) Is there any possibility of regaining or restructuring
this DNA?
A: Was there, will be again.
21 Dec 1996
(A) What is the function of DNA, other
than coding protein production?
A: Conductor of electricity.
Q: (L) Is that the only other function?
A: Well, as you know, electrical energy can have nearly
endless applications. Examples... radio waves,
neurotransceiver for thought pattern programs facilitated
through electromagnetic wave transmission, etc. Method
used for creation and maintenance of program illusions,
such as the perception of linear time as reality. [...]

Q: (A) Are there some particular DNA sequences that
facilitate transmission between densities?
A: Addition of strands.
Q: (L) How do you get added strands?
A: You don't get, you receive.
Q: (L) Where are they received from?
A: Interaction with upcoming wave, if vibration is aligned.
Q: (L) How do you know if this is happening?
A: Psychophysiological changes manifest.
Q: (L) Such as what?
A: Isn't Ark a part of this discussion?
Q: (L) Alright! I get the point! I was just trying to help.
(A) I would like to know if there is a separate field
beyond electromagnetism and gravitation, something similar
to the Sheldrake concept of a morphological field or
morphogenetic field?
A: Yes, and it is very close to that. [...]

Q: (A) Is DNA acting as a superconductor?
A: Yes!!!
1 Mar 1997

Q: (L) Well, we're always on the lookout for it. We
don't want to, you know, assume it, but we look for it.
Yes, I guess when things don't fit... I want to ask...
OK, we've got a whole bunch of DNA, in these funny-
looking double strands. And, according to the book, only
2% is actually used, and the other 98% of it is what
these 'experts' are pleased to call 'junk.' They call
it junk. Now, I would like to know, is there any way to
activate this other DNA?
A: Won't it be activated on its own?
Q: (L) 'Won't it be activated on its own'? Will it? (J)
I think that's what they've said... I think the
question is what it does... what it codes... (J) Ask
if there's a way to activate it?
A: 4th density.
Q: (L) On 4th density. OK. You asked one time for me to
comment upon the connection of phosphorus to the body,
so I discovered that phosphorus plays an important part
or role in the DNA, and also the 3 - 5 code, so, I would
like to know if the addition of phosphorus to the diet
would enhance some of the DNA to the point where... (T) would activate...
A: Maybe it would "enhance" SHC.
Q: (L) What did it say? SHC? (T) What is SHC?
A: Spontaneous Human Combustion.
Q: (J) OK, well, maybe that's not such a good idea...
(L) Well, that would make sense... phosphorus... (J)
Yes, it would! [Laughter] (T) If you really want to
make a show, take a little magnesium with it... !
Whoah! (J) Then you'd have a 'Highlander' quickening!
(F) I just had this image of Laura deciding she's going
to answer 'Not really! I'll have you know, my diet now
includes 90% more phosphorus than it did any time
previously!' And all of a sudden, flames start shooting
out... [laughter] (T) Now that your finger can hold
flame, it's a bad time to quit smoking, you know! No
lighters anymore! [Laughter] And you'll never be lost in
a cave!
6 June 1998

Q: Are these bloodlines carrying a specific codon that is
designed to activate at a certain period of time or in
response to a certain frequency?
A: Possibly, but why should not that apply to everyone?
Q: Okay, so we have got ticking time bombs in our DNA, all of
A: Maybe.
Q: Alright, bizarro... (A) It is not necessarily time bombs,
these are bombs which could be ignited by something else,
like knowledge. (L) Is that the case, that knowledge could
unlock these codons?
A: Yes.
Q: Certain activities such as meditating?
A: Yes. Or... channeling.
22 August 1998

Q: ... (L) Okay, I have been
having this sensation of an electrical charge building up
in my legs and I would like to know what I can do to
discharge this. All the muscles are hard and
A: Molecular changes due to DNA evolving.

Q: (A) I want to ask why is it so that when I look at Laura
in the mirror, as I have several times without glasses at
the gym, my vision was a little unsharp, I was seeing a
gold glow, a big gold glow in both of her eyes. Why was
A: You are developing some DNA change related 4th density
Q: (A) But what was this glow in her eyes?
A: Part of 4th density reality, related to aural frequency.
4 December 1999

Q: We have been discussing the possiblity of Rigel going supernova as has been suggested in the past, and the arrival of the optical effects being conducive to DNA changes in human beings. Is this, in fact, possible or probable?
A: Yes.
Q: Are the optical effects of the supernova the same as The Wave?
A: Do not get ahead of yourself. The Wave will be apparent when it arrives.
Q: Is this wave different from the optical effects of the supernova?
A: Yes.
Q: Is this wave related to the supernova in some way?
A: No.
Q: Are only those who have a certain frequency going to transition to 4th density, or is it that the whole planet is going to transition and folks don't really have a choice in the matter?
A: Complex issues, suggest you accept dualities rather than uniformities.
Q: Well, what I am trying to get at is: will those who transition to 4th density, for all intents and purposes, disappear to those who remain at third density?
A: We have discussed options before, for your perusal.
Q: Well, I have read them, and have posted them, but some folks don't quite understand. They want to understand if people will experience this as a sort of "Rapture" event where people just disappear?
A: But the definitive answer they seek is predicated upon uniformity of experience based upon the typical 3rd density linear time model.
Q: Another question along this line: one reader noted that the last time the "Wave" arrived, there were 6 billion people on the planet. And now, it is supposed to be coming again, and we are again in that ballpark in terms of population. So, the question is: is this sort of like a marker for the Wave, sort of like a critical mass?
A: Numbers don't mark. Psychic aural fields of energy mark.
8 April 2000
Q: I kind of figured you were going to say that! Now, I have this book entitled "Arktos."
He says something here that echoes a remark you once made. He says: "It is a very
remarkable thing that enlightenment seems to have come from the North against the
common prejudice that the Earth was enlightened as it was populated from South to
North. The Scythians are one of the most ancient nations; the Chinese descend from
them. The Atlanteans themselves, more ancient than the Egyptians, descend from them."
You said that the civilizing influence came from the North to the South. Of course, all
the standard texts claim that civilization came from South to North, starting in
Mesopotamia. Now, getting...
A: Okay, just a minute here. Thinking Mesopotamia is the beginning is like thinking
that the beginning starts at the 12th chapter.
Q: I know that! The problem is: finding artifacts. I've been searching and digging, and I
find a little bit here and there, but my God! Either nothing survived...
A: Artifacts have a limited shelf life!
Q: Exactly! The problem is that they've got specimens of humanoid types from 100 to
200 thousand years ago, and even further, but no specimens of modern man that are that
old. Why is this so? Are they just looking in the wrong places?
A: Specimens survive by sheer luck.
Q: So, they are lucky that they have any specimens at all. Who knows, when they find a
very ancient specimen of a modern type human, they won't believe it - it will be called an
"anomaly!" There ARE artifacts that are EXTREMELY ancient, which give evidence of
the presence of modern type man, and they just simply argue themselves to death over
A: Yes.
Q: They ignore them. But, during the time Neanderthal man was on the Earth, did he
live alongside Modern man?
A: Yes. Except modern type man was different then.
Q: In what ways?
A: DNA and psycho/electrical frequencies.
Q: Does this mean that their physical appearance was different from what we consider to
be modern man?
A: Radiance.
Q: What do you mean "radiance?"
A: You find out!
Q: Oh, that's interesting. Well, there are legends that the Northern people had "light" in
their veins. Very ancient belief. Is this what you are referring to?
A: Maybe.
Q: Was this light related to the hemoglobin level, the iron level in the blood?
A: Maybe.
Q: Did they have a much higher iron level in their blood?
A: Possibly....
15 April 2000
Q: (L) I didn't think so. Just the cycle of things. A lot of people are writing to me about dreams lately. They seem to be having a lot of dreams about beings in the sky, entering our reality. All kinds of strange things.
A: Beings come and go at will always, it is the awareness that is expanding.
Q: (L) Another trend of the dreams is being pursued, attacked, split up from their families, being put in concentration camps - just all kinds of things.
A: All are possible futures, just wait and see. There is an alien race that has plans to replace your physical vehicles with a new "model."
Q: (L) What are they going to do with the old models?
A: "Retire them."
Q: (T) Which race is this?
A: Orion STS.
Q: (L) Is this essentially what happened with Neanderthal?
A: Yup!
Q: (L) Well, for a period of time it seems that they continued to exist on the planet alongside the new model, cro-magnon or whatever.
A: Some did.
Q: (L) For how long did Neanderthal exist side by side with the "new model?"
A: 233 years.
Q: (L) I thought that Neanderthal was here for a long, long, long time; and if modern man arrived on the planet, as you say, 70 to 80 thousand years ago, wasn't Neanderthal already here then?
A: Time references have been miscalculated.
Q: (L) Who miscalculated the time references?
A: Science.
Q: (L) What is the oldest Neanderthal that's been found? Anybody know? No, well then when did Neanderthal appear on the planet?
A: 5.3 million years ago.
Q: (L) You are saying that when science says that modern man appeared 35 to 40 thousand years ago, and Neanderthal disappeared at the same time, the real time frame was 70 to 80 thousand years ago? In other words, a factor of 2 error.
A: Close.
Q: (L) And, of course, we can't depend on any of the dating methods because of metamorphosis.
A: And genetic manipulation.
Q: (L) So, in effect, we ARE the new Neanderthals on the eve of extinction. You have said that those who transition into 4th density in the body will go through some kind of rejuvenation process or body regeneration or something. Does that mean that these present "Neanderthal" type bodies that we presently occupy will morph into something more in line with the new model? Is it genetically encoded into some of them to do so?
A: Something like that.
Q: (L) So, that's why they have been following certain bloodlines for generation after generation; they are tinkering with the DNA and arming genetic time-bombs that are waiting to go off. (A) What is interesting is how do those who are trying to get these people, to abduct them, how do they spot them? How do they get the information? By following the bloodline, or by some kind of monitor you can detect from a long distance - and they can note that "here is somebody of interest" or "here is somebody dangerous" or "let's abduct this one" or whatever. How do they select? Do they search the genealogies or is it some kind of remote sensing?
A: Now this is interesting Arkadiusz, as it involves the atomic "signature" of the cellular structure of the individual. In concert with this is the etheric body reading and the frequency resonance vibration. All these are interconnected, and can be read from a distance using remote viewing technology/methodology.
Q: (L) Can it be done in a pure mechanical way without using psychic means?
A: At another level of understanding, the two are blended into one.
Q: (T) Computerized psychic remote viewing, maybe. Like artificial intelligence. Maybe a mind connected to a computer?
A: That is close, yes.
5 August 2000
Q: So, we can forget that one for now. Okay, last session you brought up the subject of Frequency Resonance Vibration. You suggested that there are certain STS forces who are developing or creating or managing physical bodies that they are trying to increase the frequency in so that they will have bodies that are wired so that they can manifest directly into 3rd density, since that seems to be the real barrier that prevents an all-out invasion, the fact that we are in 3rd density and they are in 4th. Now, I assumed that the same function could be true for STO individuals. It seems that many individuals who have come into this time period from the future, coming back into the past via the incarnational cycle so as not to violate free will, have carefully selected bodies with particular DNA, which they are, little by little, activating so that there 4th density selves, or higher, can manifest in this reality. Is it possible for those energies tomanifest into such bodies which have been awakened or tuned in 3rd density?
A: STO tends to do the process within the natural flow of things. STS seeks to alter creation processes to fit their ends.
Q: This Top Secret document and the Anna Hayes material to some extent, both talk about many abductions being "ourselves from the future" who have come back to the past, or what is for us, the present, to abduct their own bodies to make genetic adjustments so that they can advance and not make the mistakes they made in another timeline. Is that, in fact, part of the scenario?
A: Very close to the truth!
Q: Can you abduct yourself in an STO manner and help yourself in this way? Can that be STO?
A: It is not, because that is not STO.
Q: So, when that is happening, and if it is happening, it is occurring in the STS parameter?
A: Yes.
23 Sept 2000
Q: Now, let me get to MY questions! You once said that the core of DNA is an as yet
undiscovered enzyme related to carbon. Is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: Here in this book it says: "Evidence is accumulating that only a relatively small portion of the
DNA sequence is for so-called structural genes. Structural genes lead to the production of
protein. There are an estimated 50,000 structural genes with an average sized of approximately
5,000 base pairs, which then accounts for only 250 million of the estimated 3 billion base pairs.
What is the rest of the DNA for? Some of the DNA is so-called repetitive sequences, repeated
thousands of times. The function is unknown. The ALU, repeat, for instance, contains over
300,000 copies of the same 300 base pair sequence. Certainly this DNA is not junk and plays
some important role in the gene regulation chromosomal architecture or chromosomal replication.
Until 1977, it was thought that genes were single sequences of DNA that are coded into RNA and
then into protein. However, further study has shown greater complexity. It is now known that
there are pieces of DNA within a gene that are not translated into protein. These intervening
sequences, or INTRONS, are somewhat of a mystery, but appear to be a very common
phenomenon." Now, is this thing they are talking about, these INTRONS, are these the core that
you were talking about?
A: In part.
Q: What about this ALU repeat with over 300,000 copies of the same base pair sequence. What
is it?
A: Tribal unit.
Q: What is a tribal unit?
A: Sectionalized zone of significant marker compounds.
Q: What does this code for?
A: Physiological/spiritual union profile.
Q: Could you define "tribal" for me?
A: You define.
Q: What does the rest of the DNA code for that is not coding for structural genes. What else can
it be doing?
A: Truncated flow.
Q: Truncated flow of what?
A: Liquids.
Q: Liquids from where to where?
A: What is your sense?
Q: Well, what liquids?
A: Time for your input.
Q: Do some of these...
A: No. Not alright: we asked you a question!
Q: Okay. Truncated flow of liquids. I'm not even sure what that means. (A) Maybe something
was flowing and something cut it off and stopped it and it cannot be developed. It means that
something was cut. (L) Does truncated flow mean a flow of liquid that has been stopped?
A: Yes. Because of design alteration!
Q: Is this liquid that has been truncated a chemical transmitter?
A: Yes.
Q: And would this chemical transmitter, if it were allowed to flow, cause significant alterations
in other segments of the DNA?
A: Yes.
Q: So, there is a segment of code that is in there, that is deliberately inserted, to truncate this flow
of liquid, which is a chemical transmitter, or neuropeptide, which would unlock significant
portions of our DNA?
A: Close Biogenetic engineering.
Q: I assume that this was truncated by the Lizzies and cohorts?
A: Close, but more likely Orion STS designers.
Q: Okay, can you tell us what this specific liquid or transmitter was truncated?
A: Think of the most efficient conductor of chemical compounds for low wave frequency charge.
Q: (A) Well, gold is one... (L) Acetylcholine?
A: No.
Q: (L) Water?
A: No.
Q: Saline?
A: Closer. It is a naturally bonding combination.
Q: (L) Well, I'll have to research it. The fact is, we've got 3 billion base pairs... do some of these
so-called segments of "junk DNA," if they were activated, would they instruct chromosomal
replication to take place with more than 23 pairs as a result?
A: In part.
Q: Is there anything we can do in terms of activities or...
A: No. Biogenetic engineering.
Q: Was my insight that I had one night that, at some point in time something may happen that
will turn genes on in our bodies that will cause us to physically transform, an accurate perception
of what could happen at the time of transition to 4th density?
A: For the most part, yes.
Q: Are there any limitations to what our physical bodies can transform to if instructed by the
DNA? Could we literally grow taller, rejuvenate, change our physical appearance, capabilities, or
whatever, if instructed by the DNA?
A: Receivership capability.
Q: What is receivership capability?
A: Change to broader receivership capability.
Q: (A) That means that you can receive more of something.
A: Close.
Q: (A) It means how good is your receiver.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What is your receiver? The physical body?
A: Mind through central nervous system connection to higher levels.
Q: So, that is the whole issue of gaining knowledge and developing control over your
body. If your mind and CNS are tuned to higher levels of consciousness, that has
significance in terms of your receivership capability?
A: Close.
The Field said:
Perfect coherence is an optimum state just between chaos and order.
This statement seems to be - one of those fundamental and most general patterns of every nature.

Having high validity in different systems.

For example, concerning the biological (cellular) realm and also biosphere, Stuart Kauffman said in Roger Lewin's book ''Complexity'', that -

''...the edge of chaos is where information gets its foot in the door of the physical world, where it gets upper hand over energy.

Being at the transition point between order and chaos not only buys you equisite control - small input/big change - but it also buys you possibility that information processing can become an important part of the dynamics of the system''
And we should also extrapolate it, into the sphere of man's being. As Gurdjieff said - that some things are easier to understand by studying ourselves and some by studying the world, through internalizing principal phenomenons.
Thanks for the refresher Laura (in regards to the C's transcript). After reading this again, I was reminded of a brochure I recently recieved from Dr. Martin's clinic in Sarasota (went there once when visiting sister). The brochure was about the V.I.B.E. (Vibrational Integrative Bio-photon Energizer) invented by Gene Koonce, U.S. Patent# 6,933,819. The machine looks like a Tesla device, and the Background Technology is reprinted as follows (I couldn't figure out how to cut and paste Adobe file):

"This device contains a Multi-wave Oscillator (MWO), invented by Georges Lakhovsky, which is used to create frequencies in the infra-red and UV spectrum range. It also uses a Tesla coil to create high voltage and an electromagnetic field. Spectrum tubes containing noble and other gases are charged within this electromagnetic field. This produces bio-photonic light. Bio-photonic light is the pathway of inner cellular communication. The electromagnetic field is used as a carrier to transmit frequencies in a radius of approximately 6-8 feet around the machine.

"The VIBE machine creates an electromagnetic field of .65 gauss...[and] produces a 90-degree phase shift between electrical and electromagnetic fields. The base of the VIBE machine is constructed of materials that block electrical fields but allow electromagnetic fields to flow."

"The VIBE machine creates a slight DC charge of -70 to -90 millivolts (-.07 volt). The trans-membrane potential for cells to function properly. In order for the bio-electric human body to accept the different energy's generated by the VIBE machine, they must be transmitted in a spiral vortex, which is done by using sacred geometry and holographic technology..."

"Using for only 30 seconds to 4 minutes per day can raise the body's energetic vibration and regenerate the cells that are not vibrating properly. After using the machine for this brief amount of time, the lower vibration cells throughout the body immediately change their course of direction. They now will contain a slight new charge and begin to "reprogram" the lower frequencies in which they were previously stuck."

And another take on it in a published article link:
" Biophysicist David Walker, who used a cell-charging device to help cure his own cancer, explains the relationship between cellular energy and disease: A healthy cell contains 90 millivolts of energy. When a free radical attaches to a cell, it punches a hole in the cell's membrane and damages DNA and enzyme systems. The cell's energy drops. At 50 millivolts, the cell is sick; at 15, it's cancerous. Walker explains that the DNA in each cell has a telomore[typo?] strand that becomes dormant when a cell loses energy. As a result, the cell mutates. The body would typically destroy these mutated cells, but the gene in charge of destroying mutated cells does not operate correctly at low voltage. This, Walker says, is how disease begins."

It was the DNA part that struck a chord about what the C's were saying about the carbon core of the DNA.
Sounds cool, and the fact that a Doctor with a great reputation in the natural health care field is endorsing its use gives it some credence for me; however, some of the other writings on the site,
_, give me pause...sort of the red flag feeling. (Incidently the home page address wasn't working at this time)

Such things as:
"About The Inventor, Gene Koonce

Recently, I have been asked to qualify my invention, The VIBE Machine, and how this journey began. My background is in electronics. From a young age I found it interesting, no - more like necessary, to disassemble things just to find out how they worked. Much to the delight of my parents, I was talented enough to put them back together successfully as well. When it was time to choose a profession, I naturally pursued a degree in electronics and later served in the military. Again, in the electronics field.

Little did I know, at that time, how my decision would guide my ultimate path through this life. Operating a successful electronics repair business for over 27 years, I dabbled in various inventions in the energies and frequencies arena...more as a hobby than anything else. Over a period of a few years, I developed one of the most important discoveries of my lifetime, moreover, this millennium. The VIBE Machine came to be a reality. It was born of many hours of reading, studying, tinkering, and experimenting. The thing that drove me, I discovered recently, was the promise of helping and most importantly, advancing the human body’s vibrational level. Although the technical aspects of this apparatus were always clear to me, the metaphysical implications only started coming together in my mind within the last year.

Labeled a “dreamer” by friends and family a leap of faith is all it really took to put the wheels in motion…the healers started coming. Along with the shamans, the clairvoyants, the alternative medicine practitioners, the enlightened and the awakened. They came from as far away as Israel.

At first it was overwhelming and profound to be in the presence of people who have sat in audience with world-renowned spiritual leaders. But the gentle, yet strong nature, of these chosen people has served to teach and guide me into a world I only dreamed of before. I have been encouraged to embrace each new experience with love and courage, and not to fear the unknown. I have been told countless times that my mission is to take my machine, and this technology, to the next level, and that I will develop it in a parallel dimension. Only then will we experience the full capabilities of this tool."

And the following....

"Mission statement:
We at VIBE Technologies are committed to raising the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual vibrations of each living individual on the planet."

Now, I've been reading Laura's material for over 8 years, and maybe I've become a bit overly cautious and skeptical, if that's possible... however, after reading the info on the VIBE machine my first question was " how was he able to get a patent for this when so many other types of similar devices having to do with electromagnetics, free energy, orgone, etc. have basically been confiscated and denied patents due to national security or PTB issues?

I'm interested in checking it out only because I'm really curious...and a health practioner is offering a free introductory session at her office in Madison. But I'm still on the fence. The transcript reprinted in Laura's previous post is what's keeping me there:
21 Dec 1996
(A) What is the function of DNA, other
than coding protein production?
A: Conductor of electricity.
Q: (L) Is that the only other function?
A: Well, as you know, electrical energy can have nearly
endless applications. Examples... radio waves,
neurotransceiver for thought pattern programs facilitated
through electromagnetic wave transmission, etc. Method
used for creation and maintenance of program illusions,
such as the perception of linear time as reality. [...]

Q: (A) Are there some particular DNA sequences that
facilitate transmission between densities?
A: Addition of strands.
Q: (L) How do you get added strands?
A: You don't get, you receive.
Q: (L) Where are they received from?
A: Interaction with upcoming wave, if vibration is aligned.
Q: (L) How do you know if this is happening?
A: Psychophysiological changes manifest.
Q: (L) Such as what?
A: Isn't Ark a part of this discussion?
Q: (L) Alright! I get the point! I was just trying to help.
(A) I would like to know if there is a separate field
beyond electromagnetism and gravitation, something similar
to the Sheldrake concept of a morphological field or
morphogenetic field?
A: Yes, and it is very close to that. [...]

Q: (A) Is DNA acting as a superconductor?
A: Yes!!!

Looking forward to any discussion on this, especially from Ark.
and re: the woman who disrupted the experiment - yes, we are in agreement. One thing about the OP phenomenon that took me awhile to learn is that we should never ever jump to conclusions or throw it out as a label. We simply cannot conclude anyone is an OP until we ourselves begin to progress in the work(functionally we are no different from OPs up to this point), and that in and of itself takes years of dedication and experience, something I would only attribute to Laura, perhaps a few others.
It seems that these experiments were performed and confirmed a number of times by independent scientists. If the figure for OP's is 50%, then unless they have an aversion to scientific work, wouldn't half of the experiments have failed? Or am I missing something.
skyfarmer said:
Q: (A) Is DNA acting as a superconductor?
A: Yes!!!

Looking forward to any discussion on this, especially from Ark.
I am not yet there. Have to finish reading The Field. Then I will read it second and third time. It is an inspiring book that brings back to my mind lot of stuff that I have forgotten about. But it also has a lot of false tracks, I think. So I am following my own track. A new paper should be out soon (nothing spectacular, just one step forward). Then I will be able to say more, but first I need to check it thoroughly to make sure that I am not making some stupid mistake. It takes time.
Surround DNA with following:
positive thought for the DNA
positive love for the DNA
positive protective comfort for the DNA

Keep away all negative thought - fairy tales are useful and find a home here

About 4 weeks of this 24 hours daily with comforting food and sleep in the schedule

Then take the DNA out into the sunlight, full of joy and gratitude of being alive and in celebration of physical/mental existence.

Perfect intention is found in having no expectations other than enjoying the experience.

No one else can do it for you.

I was in an ICU bed, unable to move for 4 weeks in 97. I passed time with the creation of my own personal fairy tale where everything was being done for me and I was special. The fairy tale saw me through my first heart surgery and came home with me, where it materialized into reality and lasted for 3 months. The black craft showed up and a few days later I had a pin stroke next to my pituitary gland, leaving me with partial paralysis and effectively ending my special reality. So yes ark, the Bose Einstein Condensate can implode, explode - but I'm not dead yet, and that was 10 years ago.

Data - From my experience I can say that my healthiest body emitted tremendous light and you're correct - I know not enough of science to make the statements about zero state. If zero state somehow translates into effortless physical/mental existence, then yes, I had zero state. The reality excluded all negative. I didn't intrude on anyone or anything. Was it single-sided? Yes, but any around me that wanted to, could and did share in the light. I understood that negative had a place outside of my reality, but I didn't give any thought to negative beyond that. As for the perfect and healthy glowing body, it was me. Others around me would shine if they touched me.

For everyone, I don't intend to cause anxiety. I'm attempting to share a real life experience that has little correlation to my lame attempt with language. I fare even worse in anything related to the scientific domain.

When the black craft showed up in my reality, they did a bossa nova on me. In the ten years since, I've been on a warpath, so to speak, of trying to find who/what was inside those 2 craft, why they showed up in my perfect world, and how did they pull off that "bossa nova" on me?

Laura, thank you for posting all your and the C references to so many of the questions I've asked. Much appreciated.

I considered ordering a book or two on Husserl. Any recommendations? Most I looked at are quite expensive.
soulsurvivor said:
For everyone, I don't intend to cause anxiety. I'm attempting to share a real life experience that has little correlation to my lame attempt with language. I fare even worse in anything related to the scientific domain.
You are not causing anyone here anxiety - it is simply that this is not a forum for the telling of fairy tales. This is a forum for the detection of objective reality.

For this reason, your postings are noise - they do not add to the objective signal; they detract from it. You have every right in the world to believe anything you want and to create and live within as many fairy tales as you choose - however - this forum is not for such things. This has been explained to you previously, yet you persist.

According to the fifteen posts you have made on this forum, you are far more interested in your own subjective understanding of the world than you are in putting your sacred cows out to pasture and joining in the search for objective reality. For this reason, it is apparent that this forum is not for you and you would be much happier elsewhere.
Laura said:
26 Nov 1994
Q: (L) How did they physically go about performing this act?
What was the mechanism of this event, the nuts and bolts
of it?
A: Are you ready? DNA core is as yet undiscovered enzyme
relating to carbon. Light waves were used to cancel the
first ten factors of DNA by burning them off. At that
point, a number of physical changes took place including
knot at top of spine. Each of these is equally reflected
in the ethereal.
Q: (L) Is that all?
A: No. But, do you need more?
Q: (L) Well, the question I do have is, how many people were
there on the planet and did they have to take each one and
do this individually?
A: Whoa.
Q: (L) How many people?
A: 6 billion.
Q: (T) That's 500 million more than there are now.
A: No, 200 million.
Q: (L) Okay, there were this many people on the planet, how
did they effect this change on all of them?
A: Light wave alteration.
Q: (L) And light waves, actual light waves, affect DNA?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) What was the origin of the light waves?
A: Our center.
Q: (L) What is your center?
A: Our realm. STO.
Q: (L) So, how did the Lizzies use the light from the Service
to Others realm...
A: They used sophisticated technology to interrupt light
frequency waves.
some substance to change/disrupt the frequencies? sunblock cream? everybody uses it - in some places (some beaches in Australia?) I think it is compulsory.
there are a few articles around at the moment about sunlight being better for us than we were told, eg helps ant-aging, can REDUCE instances of cancer, etc..
The Cs said of the occipital ridge:
"Knot on spine is physical residue of DNA restriction deliberately added by Lizards. See?"

Just a thought and probably a million miles off , im wondering if there are any remnants / residue of what is being restricted in growth by the act of the Lizzies.

My thinking and question is if there is , can it be revived by a certain frequency of light / sound other than waiting for the light of a supernova to reach us ?

The revival of cells destroyed by 99% and being able to be repaired brings to mind a holograph in which if a holographic picture is destroyed except for a small piece , by shining the lazer light at this small piece the whole is once again revealed , even though i´ve heard that the whole is not as clear as it was, but still , one can apparently make it out.

My biology knowledge is at present very limited , but are there any studies on the occipital ridge which gives a detailed account of it from even a standard run of the mill scientific viewpoint?

Just a few thoughts after reading posts
soulsurvivor said:
I was in an ICU bed, unable to move for 4 weeks in 97. I passed time with the creation of my own personal fairy tale where everything was being done for me and I was special. The fairy tale saw me through my first heart surgery and came home with me, where it materialized into reality and lasted for 3 months. The black craft showed up and a few days later I had a pin stroke next to my pituitary gland, leaving me with partial paralysis and effectively ending my special reality.
One wonders if a good dose of reality therapy might not have been as beneficial, AND might have prevented the vulnerability to the stroke?

After all, I was in an auto accident at the height of my "love and light" days and it took me years to recover. I also had to ask myself the question: "If I spend so much time surrounding myself with love and light, and beaming it out to other people, how come I got smacked so hard?" And of course, the rest is history. As the Cs say:

Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past." People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future."
This is an extremely fascinating thread, and so full of important information. I will write some of my impressions and thoughts from reading, thinking and re-reading the excerpts from "The Field" in the hope that it can lead to better minds than my own to see if there is anything useful in them.

First of all, the compound benzopyrene is, according to Dr. Hulda Clark, a very dangerous chemical, associated not only with cancer but with AIDS (being a benzene compound); according to Dr. Clark, benzene compounds cause havoc with the immune system. Benzopyrene is produced from high temperatures - burning things such as food and also from the process of smoked foods.

Also interesting, and mentioned by others in this thread, "pyrene" reminded me of the Pyrenees mountains.

Furthermore, like Dr. Clark, Roy Rife, and so many others, Popp (and some of the others mentioned in the excerpt) were attacked and shunned by the "scientific community." It is interesting that Rife, Clark, and so many others have cured "incurable" diseases using electromagnetic waves.

Other thoughts and speculations I had: cancer seems to imply a state that has reverted to a primitive, "less intelligent"/less coherent state of reproduction of cells (leading to a sort of chaos in the system); whereas MS may be the result of indiscriminate "cooperation" to an extreme degree (such as the love and light attitudes promoted by new age disinformation). Are these disease states a reflection of the state of mind/consciousness of the sufferer? Also the oversimplified mainstream ideas of cause and effect in complex systems such as human biology comes to mind. When studying something as complex as human disease, one may be led to the suspicion that things tend to happen together, to be associated, and it is difficult to say which is the cause and which the effect in many cases: if one is present the other is also without necessarily having a sequential relationship.

One of the central ideas in the article is the relationship of reality and living systems; the importance of observer/consciousness to reality/the world being observed. This brings to mind the C’s statements that consciousness level matches the reality/level of density a being occupies. Also this idea seems significant in the context of the Esoteric concept that the entire universe is a living being and everything is connected to everything else.

Furthermore, the ideas discussed in "The Field" remind me of "forced resonance", both in the context of psychopathy and in that of the Wave. In the context of the coming Wave, if there is a certain frequency (in terms of consciousness/awareness and also STO) present in an individual or group, it will be amplified and "snap" or shift, so to speak, their reality (as a result of realm border crossing), keeping in mind that all this is hypothetical.

More speculations and thoughts: it may just be that "all realities" are a reflection of certain waves/frequencies, so to speak; we, the observers, are also "waves" of a sort, and also "wave readers" and the interaction of all of these waves creates certain realities imbedded within an objective "meta-reality." This also brings up the importance of being as objective as possible (acquiring as much objective knowledge about ourselves and our surroundings as possible) which would add more information into the system as a whole, and by reinforcing the objective reality in a sort of feedback, thus collapse a certain quantum wave into an actuality.

The information about DNA is also very interesting and fascinating. The idea that all of the functions and chemical reactions in the body do not depend on actual chemical contact of atoms/molecules bumping into each other seems obvious to me. Sheldrake’s "morphic fields" hypothesis has an enormous potential to explain so many things; it also relates to the idea of the entire universe being a living system with everything connected to everything else. If the physics behind it all were available to explain it all... but then the idea of different densities must be taken into account, including the different "system of cosmoses" and "scales of hydrogens." Sheldrake’s ideas also seem to imply that the more conscious and objective a group or groups of people become the easier for others to do the same and the greater the likelihood of a "critical mass" being reached, so to say, that will have huge, non-linear effects, sort of a "quantum jump" to another state or even a whole other reality / density. Sheldrake’s ideas of "morphic resonance" - "the influence of like upon like through space and time" - and the "cumulative memory" has opened the door to explore many esoteric, as well as, "official" scientific concepts and domains.

More interesting questions (there are so many popping into my head it’s hard to keep track): do protein cells in fact act as semiconductors, preserving and passing along the energy of electrons as information and does DNA in fact act as a superconductor?

It is also very significant that the more evolved a living being is, the less "biophotons" it emits. Does this lead to more "light retention" resulting in more coherence and a more intelligent being? Also, less light emitted gives less "food" available in an STS context. Retaining more light also may have the potential of sharing/exchanging it with others cooperatively and in mutual agreement in an STO context.

All of these ideas also relate to the idea of "imperfect equilibrium" in the universe as a whole, constructive and destructive interference of waves, and how "all of creation" perpetuates or propagates without beginning or end. Could it be put in the following way? There is something approaching perfect coherence in the universe that gets to this "almost perfect" or not quite perfect equilibrium, a balance or optimum state just between Chaos and Order that alternate and start all over again without end. The Zero Point Field and the differences in potential (in the broadest sense) in the universe interact, trying to reach a perfect energy equilibrium thus causing all of creation to evolve and cycle continuously without end. The interaction can also be seen as that between Creation and Destruction with the perfect balance of both - the exact same amount of each in the holistic totality - where there is an increase of one anywhere in the system, there is a proportionate decrease somewhere else (and thus a proportionate increase somewhere else of its opposite).

Of course, the information about mistletoe and its effects are also very interesting, given that mistletoe was considered sacred to the ancient Celts/Druids.

The information about water, its ability to record and transfer information, how this relates to Homeopathy, all of Benveniste’s experiments and data etc. are also quite fascinating and significant; as well as, Popp’s theorizing that molecules communicate with each other in oscillating frequencies and perhaps that the Zero Point Field creates a medium enabling the molecules to speak to each other non-locally and virtually instantaneously. Water, this truly mysterious substance, (a compound formed from two gases, yet in a liquid state at normal temperatures and pressures) let us not forget, makes up a vast majority of the human body as well as the surface of the planet.

Jahn and Dunne’s work was also very engrossing and may shed light on so many things.

"The Field" Article/Laura Wrote:
"Jahn and Dunne began to formulate a theory. If reality resulted from some elaborate interaction of consciousness with its environment, then consciousness, like subatomic particles of matter, might also be based on a system of probabilities. One of the central tenets of quantum physics, first proposed by Louis de Broglie, is that subatomic entities can behave either as particles (precise things with a set location in space) or waves (diffuse and unbounded regions of influence which can flow through and interfere with other waves). They began to chew over the idea that consciousness had a similar duality. Each individual consciousness had its own `particulate' separateness, but was also capable of 'wave-like' behavior, in which it could flow through any harriers or distance, to exchange information and interact with the physical world. At certain times, subatomic consciousness would get in resonance with — beat at the same frequency as — certain subatomic matter. In the model they began to assemble, consciousness `atoms' combined with ordinary atoms — those, say, of the REG machine — and created a `consciousness molecule' in which the whole was different from its component parts. The original atoms would each surrender their individual entities to a single larger, more complex entity. On the most basic level, their theory was saying, you and your REG machine develop coherence.,,

Certainly some of their results seemed to favor this interpretation. Jahn and Dunne had wondered if the tiny effect they were observing with individuals would get any larger if two or more people tried to influence the machine in tandem. The PEAR lab ran a series of studies using pairs of people, in which each pair was to act in concert when attempting to influence the machines.

Of 256,5oo trials, produced by fifteen pairs in forty-two experimental series, many pairs also produced a `signature' result, which didn't necessarily resemble the effect of either individual alone.. Being of the same sex tended to have a very slight negative effect. These types of couples had a worse outcome than they achieved individually; with eight pairs of operators the results were the very opposite of what was intended. Couples of the opposite sex, all of whom knew each other, had a powerful complementary effect, producing more than three and a half times the effect of individuals. However, 'bonded' pairs, those couples in a relationship, had the most profound effect, which was nearly six times as strong as that of single operators.3,

If these effects depended upon some sort of resonance between the two participating consciousnesses, it would make sense that stronger effects would occur among those people sharing identities, such as siblings, twins or couples in a relationship. Being close may create coherence. As two waves in phase amplified a signal, it may be that a bonded couple has an especially powerful resonance, which would enhance their joint effect on the machine."

This fascinating section reminded me of the concept of Polar Couples, as well as, collinearity and everything these concepts entail so thoroughly discussed on these websites. Also all of this reminded me of an old episode of "In Search Of" with Leonard Nemoy. In this particular episode, they show/discuss an experiment about psychic effects / observer / consciousness effects on reality and probability. A tropical black fish whose male members’ strongest / most prominent instinct is to fight another male of the same species is put in a tank with a two way mirror with a light behind it that is hooked up to a computer / random sample machine. Now the whole apparatus is programmed to have random samples / sequence of the light behind the mirror being on or off so that the male black fish either sees himself in the mirror and attacks thinking it is a different male or doesn’t see anything and just swims around. They mentioned the number of samples to be either 2000 or 3000 so the probability of the light being on should be 50/50 - half of the time it should be on & half off. But the outcome in fact turns out to be something like 70/30 (if I remember correctly - but in any case significantly and considerably more) in favor of the fish seeing himself in the mirror, presumably because his instinct / desire to fight is so strong. Now, of course, they did not give the details of the protocols of the experiment in the program, but it has stuck in my mind these many decades as being truly bizarre and fascinating. And if it has any objective significance for the case of a tiny (perhaps two or three inch) fish what kinds of effects could be expected from the psyche of a human.

Finally, as already discussed in other posts before this one, it also occurred to me that all of this must also be connected to how light was supposed to have been altered to effect the DNA changes and entrap humanity. Also the effect of light from a supernova within a certain distance to have the opposite effect of restoring and reactivating the original DNA state or, at least starting / accelerating the process.

In conclusion, all of this information can be used both for "positive" and "negative" purposes.

Anyway, all this highlights just what a strange, mysterious and wonderful universe we live in, although from our current human level it could also be seen as horrible and cruel in our little corner of it. But all is lessons....

I apologize if I seem to be ranting incoherently, as I don’t have a very thorough grasp of the scientific concepts, but only in a basic layman’s way. I hope I added something more than just noise to the discussion.
Just some short thoughts that entered into my mind:

+ The latest craze in the use of special Fluorescent tubes (higher UVs) in "Sun" tanning of humans?
+ Why do indoor "grow farms" use special Fluorescent tubes (higher UVs)?
+ Does one remember on the use of Black Light tubes during "fad-craze" during the 60's and later?
Was this used for something other than it's cool florescence on many paintings and rock hounding?
I remember that the most significant florescence that stood out was human teeth... very white.
+ Many people were EXPOSED to BL and what was it's effect on humans? Does anyone know?
There are many kinds of BL tubes created, some have low-level emissions (long wave) and
some have high level emissions (short wave)? There is a warning in using the short-wave
tubes and it simply warns not to look directly into the light as it may cause "sunburns".

I have the short wave tube, the ones used for rock-hounding but I used it for erasing EPROMs
for reprogramming the EPROMS.

I am curious as to the use of BL for discovering what happens when exposing BL to mistletoes...
what secrets can be revealed there?

Also, in alchemical terms: DNA(Caduceus/two-snakes on OAK), BLACK(SOURCE), BIRDS(AVIARY),
LIGHT(UV), (OAK/LEAVES/MISTLETOE) may be clues and may be interconnected, OSIS?
dant said:
There is a warning in using the short-wave tubes and it simply warns not to look directly into the light as it may cause "sunburns".
Another similar "warning" I remember from my construction worker days involves NOT looking at the ultra-bright, white-hot light generated when someone is welding; that is one of the reasons welders use those flip-down helmets. The sentence used to warn me about the hazard was, "Don't look at that light without protection; it'll either make your eyeballs itch, or you'll go blind if you stare at it long enough".
I believe no one mentioned the following book by Jeremy Narby: The Cosmic Serpent:DNA and the origins of knowledge.
There is one chapter where the author mentions biophotons and their relation with DNA. He even talked with Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp in order to try and understand better the phenomenon.
Unfortunately i didn't found a way of posting the entire chapter or parts of it in English, so I'm going to leave here a review taken from a the following site (http__://

Chapter 9 – Receptors and Transmitters

Narby’s working hypothesis:

Shamans take their consciousness down to the molecular level and gain access to information related to DNA, which they call “animate essences” or “spirits.” This is where they see double helixes, twisted ladders, and chromosome shapes. This is how shamanic cultures have known for millennia that the vital principle is the same for all living beings and is shaped like two entwined serpents ( or a vine, a rope, a ladder…). DNA is the source of their astonishing botanical and medicinal knowledge, which can be attained only in defocalized and “non-rational” states of consciousness, though its results are empirically verifiable.

Knowing his hypothesis would be more solid if it rested on a neurological basis, he decided to direct his investigation by taking ayahuasqueros at their word—and they unanimously claimed that certain psychoactive substances (containing molecules that are active in the human brain) influence the spirits in precise ways.

Since shamans felt about tobacco the same way they felt about ayahuasca, he thought it ought to be possible to find correspondences between these shamanic notions and facts established by the study of the neurological activity of tobacco. There ought to be an analogous connection between nicotine and DNA contained in the nerve cells of a human brain.

See P.118 for details. A molecule of nicotine shares structural similarities with the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and fits into that receptor on certain neurons. The more you give nicotine to your neurons, the more the DNA they contain activates the construction of nicotinic receptors, within certain limits.

The degree of correspondence between shamanic notions of tobacco and neurological studies of nicotine surprised him. But it didn’t explain the effects of nicotine on consciousness. He makes significant comments on tobacco, but finding a neurological trail of tobacco-induced hallucinations was a dead end. See P.120. That left ayahuasca.

The active psychoactive ingredient in ayahuasca is dimethyltryptamine (DMT). DMT is produced in small quantities in the brain. It is a controlled substance, so there isn’t much info on it. DMT, The Spirit Molecule by Rick Strassman, a report on the only study available didn’t answer how molecular reality become accessible to the normally non-molecular consciousness of human beings.

It has been known that hallucinogenic substances resemble the neurotransmitter seratonin for over a quarter century. But it wasn’t until the 90’s that they discovered the existence of seven types of seratonin receptors, in relation to which each hallucinogen has a specific mode of functioning. Six of the receptors resembled antennae, which span the cell’s membrane.

When seratonin stimulates these antenna, it sets off a signal that increases DNA synthesis, but it still doesn’t explain the cascade of reactions inside the cell. Current research on the neurological mechanisms of hallucinogens stops at the question of receptors.

Currently, DNA is not part of the scientific discussion on hallucinations. Prior to the mid-70’s poor research led to misinformation. After the mid-70’s the connection between DNA and hallucinogens disappears from the scientific literature.

Because of his hypothesis that DNA was, like the axis mundi, the source of shamanic knowledge and visions, Narby needed to understand how DNA could transmit visual information.

DNA emits photons in the form of electromagnetic waves. Carlos Perez Shuma compared spirits to “radio waves.” “Once you turn on the radio, you can pick them up…” “…with ayahuasca and tobacco, you can see and hear them”, the spirits.

In the early 80’s, scientists demonstrated all living cells emit photons, approx. 100/sec. Per sq. centimeter. They also showed that DNA was the source. Also, the wavelength at which DNA emits these photons corresponds exactly to the narrow band of visible light! P.126

But there was no proof that the light emitted by DNA was what shamans saw in their visions. There was also the problem that the intensity of a photon emission corresponded to the intensity of a candle at a distance of about 10 kilometers, yet was highly coherent, like a laser. How?

Narby learned that the coherence of biophotons depended not so much on the intensity of their output as on its regularity. DNA emits photons with such regularity that researchers compare the phenomenon to an “ultra-weak laser.” A coherent light source, like a laser, gives the sensation of bright colors, a luminescence, and an impression of holographic depth.

This was the essential element. Descriptions of ayahuasca-based hallucinatory experiences invariably mention bright colors and in DMT studies, subjects described colors as brighter, more intense, and deeply saturated. The colors were 10 to 100 times more saturated.

DNA’S highly coherent photon emission accounted for the luminescence of hallucinatory images, as well as their three-dimensional, or holographic, aspect! There was now a neurological mechanism for which to pursue Narby’s hypothesis. If the ayahuasqueros perceive DNA-emitted photons in their visions, it should be possible to link photons and consciousness. Next step: biophotons, a new field of study.

In this field of study biophoton emissions are considered a “cellular language” or a form of “nonsubstantial biocommunication between cells, cells and organisms and to direct their own internal reactions, P.127. [This could explain how billions of individual plankton organisms cooperate in swarms.]

Admittedly, Narby concedes that his theory has a difficult road to traverse to bring it even into consideration by a respectable number of biologists. Biologists Mae-Wan Ho and Fritz-Albert Popp suggest that many colleagues find the idea that the cell is a solid-state system difficult to imagine, “as few of us have the requisite biophysical background to appreciate the implications.”

So there he was: In his search, he couldn’t find any connection between DAN-emitted photons and consciousness, nor could he find any publications dealing with subject of the influence of nicotine or DMT on biophoton emissions.

He did, however, after a conversation with Popp did receive confirmation on “a good number of my impressions.” Asking him whether he had considered the possibility of a connection between DNA’s photon emission and consciousness, Popp replied: “Yes, consciousness could be the electromagnetic field constituted by the sum of these emissions. But, as you know, our understanding of the neurological basis of consciousness is still very limited.”

One more element of thought before Narby expands his hypothesis from the beginning of the chapter: He observed that almost off of the experiments conducted to measure biophotons involved the use of quartz. In 1923 Gurvich noticed cells separated by a quartz screen mutually influenced each other’s multiplication processes. P.128

50-some years later, a device made of quartz was developed that measured this ultra-weak radiation. Quartz is a crystal, and crystal has an extremely regular arrangement of atoms that vibrate at a very stable frequency. This makes it an excellent receptor and emitter of electromagnetic waves, which is why it is used in electronic technologies.

Quartz crystals are used in shamanism around the world. P.129 Amazonian shamans, in particular, consider that spirits can materialize and become visible in quartz crystals. “What if these spirits were non other than the biophotons emitted by all the cell of the world and were picked up, amplified, and transmitted by shaman’ quartz crystals…? This would mean that spirits are being of pure light—as has always been claimed,” !!!

“DNA is also a crystal. Maxim Frank-Kamenetskii, a molecular biologist, explains: ‘the base pairs in it are arranged as in a crystal…a linear, one-dimensional crystal…DNA is aperiodic…a crystal of an entirely new type…’ The four DNA bases are hexagonal (like quartz crystals)…they stack up on top of each other, forming the rungs of the twisted ladder…in the order…by the genetic text…a slightly irregular, or aperiodic, structure…not the case for the repeat sequences…a full third of the genome…DNA becomes a regular arrangement of atoms, a periodic crystal…The variation in the length of the repeat sequences would help pick up different frequencies and could thereby constitute a possible and new function for q part of “junk” DNA.”

Narby’s hypothesis extended: What if DNA, stimulated by nicotine or DMT, activates not only its emission of photons (which inundate our consciousness in the form of hallucinations), but also its capacity to pick up the photons emitted by the global network of DNA-based life? This would mean that the biosphere itself, which can be considered “as a more or less fully interlinked unit,” is the source of the images.
So, having posted the former, i have always wondered how, without the aids of our modern equipments to peer into the very small, could anyone see how the DNA looks like. This could be an explanation for that feat, also explaining the importance, i believe, of the X (perhaps the chromosome) in alchemy.

One detail that stood out in the excerpt of "The Field" was that of the salamander and the it's morphic field. Could it be that it is that same characteristics that is important in alchemical symbols, so that for example, Fulcanelli started the "Dwellings of the Philosophers" book with that same symbol?
One insignificant observation, probably owing to why I haven't seen it mentioned here, so allow me the honor. DNA structure and smoke - what are the comparsions that can be made? The "clouds" of DNA are similar to smoke. Is that it? There has to be an enzyme common to all.
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