"Crisis of the Republic" and Pathocrats - An Exercise in Discernment

Dimitris said:
NO-THING has meaning in itself and for itself - that is, apart from the seeker of that meaning for him/herself and his/her own existence(being)-in-the-world.
I don't exactly agree. The first Divine Command is BE! and the engendered thing/being is its own meaning. It is man's gift and challenge to find the meaning that is closest to the meaning of the engendered thing/creature. It's just another level of communication: can you understand what another person says or means AS they understand it and wish to convey it? The closer the communicator and communicatee are to "identical understanding," or "oneness," or deep empathy, the closer the communicatee comes to the meaning that is essence/being of the communicator.

When the weight is assigned to the "seeker of meaning," that suggests an almost entropic twisting of meaning to suit the self rather than a true attempt to leave prejudice "at the door" when considering the engendered thing/being.

Dimitris said:
In this fundamental aporia of the human condition, one's relation to Evil - a meaning-less thing, par excellence - often assumes pivotal importance, especially if one confronts Evil directly, in the core of one's being, is thereby injured by it and survives to query its "meaning" for him/herself and the world.

The need, demand or Search for Meaning is, therefore, a phenomenological corner-stone (a key criterion) for the possession of a Soul before AND after its confrontation with Evil which is the absolute negation of Meaning. In this sense, Evil often functions as an 'acid-test' for the Soul, for the flowering or suppression of its halmarks (eg empathy, virtue, capacity to love etc).

But this does not mean that this is either the "meaning" or the cause or, indeed, the abstract Reason of Evil.
I see it somewhat differently. Evil is not "meaning-less." The great Sufi Shaykh Ibn al-’Arabi explains that “imperfection” exists in Creation because “were there no imperfection, the perfection of existence would be imperfect”. From the point of view of Sheer Being, there is nothing but good. But Infinite Potential to BE includes - by definition of the word “infinite” - the potential to not be. And so, Infinite Potential “splits” into Thought Centers of Creation and Thought Centers of non-being. It can be said that Infinite Potential is fundamentally Binary - on or off - to be or not to be. That is the first “division”.

Since absolute non-being is an impossible paradox in terms of the source of Infinite Potential to BE, the half of the consciousness of Infinite Potential that constitute the IDEAS of non-being - for every idea of manifestation, there is a corresponding idea for that item of creation to NOT manifest - “falls asleep” for lack of a better term. Its “self observation” is predicated upon consciousness that can only “mimic” death. Consciousness that mimics death then “falls” and becomes Primal Matter. What this means is that the “self observing self” at the level of the Master of the Universe is constituted of this initial division between Being and Non-being which is, again, only the initial division - the on/off, the yes/no - of creation. You could picture this as an open eye observing a closed eye. It has been represented for millennia in the yin-yang symbol, which, even on the black half that represents “sleeping consciousness that is matter”, you can see the small white dot of “being” that represents to us that absolute non-existence is not possible. There is only “relative” non-existence.

These “thoughts of being and non-being” interact with one another - the observer and the observed - like a viewer looking into a mirror. Creation manifests between the viewer and the mirror. It is at once real, because it consists of matter informed by consciousness, and unreal, because it is ultimately composed of only consciousness acting on consciousness.

At our level of reality, the understanding that “nothing is real”, as has been promulgated by gurus and teachers down through history, is as useless as saying “gravity isn’t real”. Such considerations are useful only for expansion of perception. They are not useful for practical application since the energies of creation apparently transduce through several “levels” before they meet in the middle, so to say, in our third density reality. Organic life exists at the “crossroads” of the myriad ideas or thought centers of being and non-being. As such, they have the capacity to transduce energies “up” or “down” depending on the “consciousness energy directors” of that unit. And again, there are apparently two broad divisions: directed toward being/ observing, or directed toward non-being/ mirroring. This division manifests across all levels of organic life, including human beings. Human beings exist to transduce cosmic energies of creation via organic life. Our “higher selves” are the directors of this transducing of cosmic energies, and the direction in which the energy “flows” is determined by the activities of these higher selves. Against the opposition of those forces seeking to “capture” energy of consciousness and induce it to the “sleep of non-being”, which is gravitational in a certain sense, the energies of consciousness seek to “inform” matter, via awakening the self-awareness of those organic units on earth that are capable of resistance to the gravity of non-being.

As self-aware “transducing units”, the human being has the potential for going either way - toward intensified being, or toward intensified non-being. In this sense, humans also function very much like a lens that can be “adjusted” like a telescope. It can be dialed to select the viewing range, which can be distant and inclusive of more “space/time”, or it can be shortened to only see what is up close and evident in the material world. In other words, our first and most fundamental choice is to choose what we SEE.

When we choose what we SEE - and here we do NOT mean with the physical eyes or even psychically, but rather a more inclusive term that suggests whether or not we are capable of objectivity or subjectivity - we are receiving impressions. Impressions can become knowledge if assimilated. Knowledge leads to awareness. Knowledge and awareness then direct emotions, which then energize actions in the organic world. This is the transducing of energies of Cosmic Thought Centers.

Ibn al-’Arabi tells us that Goodness is Being; to which all positive and beautiful attributes or “names” of God belong. Evil is the lack of good, so it is “nonexistence”. In other words, at the root, Being dwells in “non-existence” which is evil. Here is the sticking point, the item that is generally omitted from most “systems of ascension”. Human beings at our level of reality exist at the crossroads of the Thoughts of Being and Non-being - Good and Evil. Mankind is made in the form of all the names of God - those of Being and Non-being. Assuming the traits of the Names is synonymous with manifesting their properties. The Science of Ascension is to obtain deep knowledge of all the Names and their true properties, the high and the low, the pleasant and the loathsome, the light and the darkness, in differentiated detail, so as to be able to CHOOSE which traits will be assumed. It is only with a full field of vision that a man can discover if what he subjectively thinks is good actually is good and leads to Being, or if it is a deception that induces to Non-being by pretense.

God is the root of ALL Names, noble and base. The task of the seeker is to bring the Noble traits from latency into actuality and to discover the positive applications of the base traits - even if that application is to “overcome” or transmute. The Shaykh tells us “noble character traits are only those connected to interaction with others”. In other words: DOing. If you SEE the illusion of separation, that is certainly the first thing. The lie is smuggled in by suggesting that this is all that is necessary, that if you just “see it” everything will “change” for you.

God creates the good and the evil, the ugly and the beautiful, the straight and the crooked, the moral and the immoral. Between these traits lie the manifold dangers of the path of the seeker of Truth. Many modern day “teachers” and “gurus” tell us, “Since there is only One Being which permeates all things, all we have to do is see everything as only light”, and that will transmute the darkness, and we will “create our own reality of light”. Such a statement ignores the fact that the statement “God is One” describes a reality that is a higher level from which our own “mixed being” manifests. The man who assumes that he can become like God at this level just by thinking it, ignores the facts of Being vs. Non-being which outrays from “God is One” at a level of existence that is clearly several levels above our own.

Evil is REAL on its own level, and the task of man is to navigate the Cosmic Maze without being defiled by the Evil therein. This is the root of Free Will. Man faces a predicament as REAL as himself: he is forced to choose - to utilize his knowledge by applying it - between the straight path which leads to Being, and the crooked paths which lead to Non-Being. Human beings are required to discern between good and evil - consciousness energy directors - at every stage of their existence in this reality. Because, in fact, they must understand that God is consciousness and God is matter. God is good, and God is evil. The Creation assumes all the different properties of the many “Names of God”. The Cosmos is full of Life-giving and Slaying, Forgiveness and Vengeance, Exaltation and Abasement, Guidance and Deception. To attempt to assume God’s point of view and “mix everything” at this level, results only in STAYING at this level. Therefore, human beings must always separate God’s point of view from their own point of view and the fact that all creation assumes the divine Names and Traits.

Thus, the first Divine Command is BE! And that includes Being and Non-being instantaneously. Therefore, the second law is “follow Being or Non-being according to your choice and your inherent nature”. All creation is a result of this engendering command. So, in this respect, there is no Evil,but the second, prescriptive law determines to which “Face of God” one will return: Life or Death.

William Chittick said:
If the engendering command alone is considered, there is no imperfection in the cosmos, since all creatures follow what God desires for them. In this respect, what is normally called “imperfection“ is in fact perfection, since it allows for the actualization of the various levels of existence and knowledge. In other words, were there no imperfections - in the sense of diminishment, decrease, and lack - there would be no creation. Were there no creation, the Hidden Treasure would remain hidden. Hence Being would be unseen in every respect. There would be no self-disclosure of the Divine Reality, Light would not shine, and God would be the Nonmanifest but not the Manifest. But all this is absurd, since it demands the imperfection of Being Itself, which by definition is nondelimited perfection. Being’s perfection requires the manifestation of Its properties. The effects of the Names and Attributes must be displayed for God to be God. […] In other words, Imperfection is demanded by existence itself. To be “other than God” is to be imperfect. …But it is precisely the “otherness” which allows the cosmos and all the creatures within it to exist. If things were perfect in every respect, they would be identical with God Himself, and there would be nothing “other than God.” But then we could not even speak about the cosmos, since there would be no cosmos and no speakers. …So, imperfection is a kind of perfection. (Chittick)
At the particular stage of existence in which man finds himself, he is equally “receptive” toward the Two primary Faces of God: Being and Non-being. The Shaykh tells us that whatever property, or trait, any human being ultimately “chooses” is what it originally possessed in its state of immutability. The task of the Seeker is to discover what is immutable within, and to purify and amplify it. This is the development of Will. Will is a relationship, which follows knowledge while knowledge follows the object of knowledge. In the process of “ascension”, the object of knowledge is YOU. Knowledge, in and of itself, has no effects. YOU, however, the seeker, can give to knowledge what you actually are, in yourself, thereby displaying YOURSELF in knowledge by your actions in concert with your knowledge.

As noted, there are many Names of God that call to us in our present state of existence. But you are not required to answer every one that calls. The fact that human beings are, in general, ignorant of their own true “essence” gives them the illusion of freedom. And the fact is, all paths come from God, and all paths Lead back to God, but again, it can be via different faces. As the Shaykh says: “Unto Allah all things come home, and he is the end of every path. However, the important thing is which divine name you will reach and to which you will come home?”

Dimitris said:
Although I have great respect for Lobaczewski's "Ponerology", as an empirical description of a particular manifestation of Psychological Evil (Psychopathy) from the perspective of mainstream psychiatry, I don't think that such an empiricist clinical methodology can make us any wiser about the causes and mechanisms whereby Psychopathy becomes so pervasive in the higher echelons of political, economic and military Power as to merit the term 'Pathocracy'.

I would sympathise of course, if an American tells me that Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Feith, Perle, Libby etc increasingly resemble Hitler, Stalin, Beria or Pol Pot in their "psychopathic" traits, utterances and actions.

But I would still doubt that such a 'diagnosis' or 'label' can make these traits, utterances and actions more comprehensible than they already are to those - like our friend, Durand - who simply brand them as "evil men" and refuse to have anything to do with them - "period!"
Of course it will never make sense to such as Durand and those that are, in essence, of that very nature (or so it seems to me) because, like the Vampire that casts no reflection in the mirror, the essence of non-being is to believe in non-existence - a lie. At this level of existence, that belief manifests in this peculiar way - sort of deep self-denial.

And this brings us to what the Shaykh calls “perspicacity”. This is the special development of the “eye of insight”, or “seeing the unseen” that is crucial to the Seeker. Just as the physical eye, with the refraction of light from the Sun, can discern between the large and the small, the beautiful and the ugly, the shades of colors, the moving from the still, the high and the low, the ability to see the unseen is a property of an “inner light”. This light reveals to the seeker things about external objects that are NOT apparent to the five senses. It reveals to its possessor when a choice that may appear to be benevolent, is a step on the path of Evil. It reveals when a choice that may appear to human estimation as negative is actually a difficult step to felicity for all involved. The Sufis tell us that some individuals have achieved such a level of “seeing” that - upon seeing a person’s footprint on the ground, even if the person is not present - they are able to say whether he is following a life of felicity or wretchedness.

The light of perspicacity seems to be a gift that not everyone has, and those who do have it, may not have developed it to the same degree. What is evident is that those who have it possess an immutable nature of Being which is able to “see” good and evil - they do not see “only good”. Thus, they are able to discern between the “calls” of Nonbeing and Being, and therefore, are able to strengthen their Will along the path of intrinsic Being. It then follows that individuals who are not able to see - or who choose not to see - both Good and Evil, are formed in the mold of subjectivity, which is the human expression of the Call of Non-being.

A human being whose immutable nature is that of Being can strengthen the light of perspicacity by “assuming the traits” of the Names of Being. This does not mean that a person comes to possess traits that do not already belong to him. It means that these traits are amplified and “cultivated”. The Ruling property of an individual is determined by what Face of God is disclosed to him, and this is determined by his preparedness. Felicity can only be disclosed when Evil has been turned away from, rejected; which can only be achieved by a long period of “testing” or being challenged to SEE and then to choose Being over Non-being in order to grow the Will or alignment to Being in a feedback loop. As the Seeker travels this path, he must not see these traits as his own, but rather that he is a locus of God’s manifestation of an ontological attribute.

From our point of view, being able to present these matters in a way that ordinary people can grasp them, even if they are only dealing with a certain level of understanding, is crucial in our world today. After all, if we only present things that "great intellect" can grasp, how then are we serving humanity as a whole? And certainly, the issue of the psychopath represents, in this reality, a great truth of higher realities: as above, so below.

Dimitris said:
Let me put my earlier question about Cryptocracy and its Occult underpinnings in another way: What is the crucial qualitative difference between, on the one hand, the psychopathy of American serial killers (like the Boston Strangler), ritual mass murderers like Charles Manson or a serial child killers trading in "donor organs", and, on the other hand, the above-listed assortment of 'Pathocrats'?
Just as with any group, there are many variations and even "strengths" of manifestation of qualities. That is due, quite simply, to genetic recombination.

Dimitris said:
If it's not the fact that the latter have been subjected - more or less willingly - to a process of Occult Initiation by the dark 'adepts' of Secret Societies, Lodges or Agencies, into the demonic rituals, the agendas, the ways and means of the Cryptocracy, including the art of double-speak and detached indifference to human suffering they cause on a global scale - THEN, WHAT ELSE IS THE DISTINCTIVE HALMARK OF A 'PATHOCRAT' as opposed to your average, run-of-the-mill, certified psychopaths who fill the cells of US asylums for the criminally insane or death rows??
I don't disagree that some psychopaths may have been subjected to a "process of Occult Initiation." And such individuals may form "magnets" for other psychopaths to gather around. And they may then "spread the infection." Lobaczewski discusses this in his book (which is almost ready for printing, by the way), as well as many other things. It's not really fair to discuss it without having read all of it.

But I don't think that it is psychopaths that we really have to worry about here in such terms. They are just tools. Using your example, certainly Bush and a lot of others belong to such "occult societies." But it is easy to observe the puppet like behavior of Bush. There is, quite simply, nobody home there. But then, there are other types of psychopaths such as Cheney and Rove that grew up in a different environment and were not "tapped" for induction because of family connections. One wonders if they may have been inducted later in life, that there may be a special category for such as they? That is not to say that any given individual could not, by his very nature, seek such "communion with darkness" and achieve it without benefit of any human agency, but I suspect that such "yearning" requires a degree of consciousness that the psychopath does not have. I even suspect that Lobaczewski's description of the "essential psychopath" relates to something quite different from the "garden variety"; a creature with a "black magnetic center," as Mouravieff describes it.

Another point to be made is that many "average, run-of-the-mill, certified psychopaths" do NOT live in any cells whatsoever, in asylums or prisons. They are fully functional in society (to society's great distress) and never cross that line of committing an illegal act that can cause them to be apprehended and confined.

I think it would be very useful if you were to study the literature on the subject a bit more so as to have a better grasp of the available observations of the different types and degrees. Not everything is due to some deep, dark, occult factors such as societies and so on, though certainly there are deep, dark occult factors of some nature involved. In fact, a lot that is entropic about our world is quite simply mechanical.

The Thought Center of non-being is of a certain nature - contractile subjectivity - that exerts a more or less “gravitational” pull - a desire to absorb and assimilate the soul energies of Being - so as to feed its own contracting nature. Even if it promotes a full field of awareness in principle, it can only view Being as a traitor to its own need to not exist. This results in an individual who may proclaim that all is illusion, but whose actions - or rather lack thereof - betray the deeper immutable state of being. Due to its intrinsic nature, there is a powerful exertion of non-being to destroy and obviate Being and Creation - all the while it is unable to achieve the awareness that it only exists by virtue of Being and Creation IN ACTION!

The powerful exertion of the Thought Center of non-being to absorb and assimilate all of creation, powered by its own contractile subjectivity, poses certain problems both for itself and for Being. Since the fundament of non-being is a LIE - that is to say, the state of absolute non-being that it promotes is a paradoxical impossibility - and the fundament of Being is the objective fact that Existence simply IS via ACTION - or utilization of knowledge which generates light, the essential conflict is between lies and truth. The Thought Center of non-being tells itself the biggest lie of all - that it does not exist - and goes to sleep in pretense. And from this essential point, we see that the nature of subjectivity is that of lies. Lies and belief in lies - whether or not the believer is aware that they are believing a lie - all partake of the same essence - subjectivity and non-being.

The Thought Center of non-being - in its expression as matter - as being “impressed” by Creative consciousness in ACTION, which partially awakens it and draws it into the creation of the organic world - wraps itself around this awakened consciousness. Its intrinsic nature of pretense to non-being acts “gravitationally” on consciousness, and twists and distorts it into varying degrees of subjectivity. It is this interaction of the energy of all possibility, lensed through subjectivity of matter, that produces the myriad manifestations of the material universe.

In the realm of the Thought Center of non-being, there are many manifestations - or ways - of seeking annihilation - the “Base Names of God”. These modes act in a gravitational way to engage, enfold, and distort consciousness to their ends. This results in the formation of consciousness units of great power and depth of cunning - far beyond anything imaginable in our own reality.

These consciousness units use their wiles to assimilate weaker consciousness units so as to accrue more contractile power. Obviously, the more “dense” the consciousness units “consumed”, the more “nutritious” they are. And so they seek, by great cunning, to carefully, and with great patience, manipulate the consciousness units selected for assimilation. It is, effectively, trans-millennial stalking.

These Overlords of Entropy, or so we may call them, by virtue of the overlay of intensified subjectivity, - the hallmark of the influence of the Thought Center of non-being - interface with the organic world on a “geographic” scale. Since they have, so to say, an intimate relationship with matter, the contractile consciousness of such a being can affect its area of chosen dominion very much like an overshadowing “cloud” with millions of tendrils of connections between it and its range of influence. This includes even the very matter of the bodies of human beings. It is through these etheric fibers that the Overlords of Entropy assimilate energy.

These overlords have “organs” so to speak. Just as a group of people were described by the Apostle Paul as “the body of Christ”, so are the organs of entropic overlords manifested as individual beings, though their direct connection to a single massive consciousness unit makes them more like “projections” than individually souled beings.

Because of their great drive to conserve and assimilate energy, the overlords are “stingy” with allowances to their organ-beings. It seems that they do not “waste” energy in manifesting and maintaining organic structures for their organs, and thus the organic physicality takes on the configuration of less complex creatures in the organic world. (i.e. psychopaths of various types). Rather than interacting with an organic structure in a cooperative, awakened state, they exercise control over theirs. Utilizing organic structures that require the least energy to maintain conserves energy. To this end, they draw the energy for their organic units from the pools of archetypal form of the animal kingdom. This energy is more easily accessed, is lower in frequency, and thus more amenable to control.

Due to the contractile nature of this hierarchy and its energy consumption, it is extremely difficult for these organ-beings of the Overlords of Entropy to actively function in our realm for any period of time. When they enter our realm, assuming a third density organic form, they are at a disadvantage. They are temporarily disconnected from the energy pool, which weakens them, but they are at another great disadvantage as well. Since they are not internally connected to an expanding, creative feedback loop of Creative Being, their own entropic overlord is a constant drain on them, pulling them gravitationally as it were, making them even weaker than the natural denizens of this realm.

They thus must "feed" constantly, in a mechanical way, and they don't necessarily need to have an occult initiation of any kind to do that. As noted, the nature of such beings, and the dynamic of their existence, requires massive energy input in order to “control” and direct their own organic physicality. This is possible at the level of overlord/sub-units of the Thought Center of non-being by virtue of the extensive assimilation of other consciousness units, and most especially by virtue of their “geographic” character, which enables them to “connect” to thousands, if not millions, of organic beings in the organic realm. This is, effectively, the “Program of the Matrix”.

This connection is naturally enabled by the aforementioned intrinsic nature of organic units to only perceive the field of view of the organic realm. That is to say that mechanical and material feedback loops are far more easily created between organic units and the sub-units of Non-being by a sort of “gravitational” pull of these sub-units upon the natural inclinations of the organic being.

This establishes “feedback loops” as previously described. The organic unit, “infected” with the material/mechanical view, begins to act according to that Thought Center’s dictates, and this generates activities of that nature in the organic unit. Due to the fact that any given sub-unit of the Thought Center of non-being may be connected to millions of organic units in third density, any of them may be activated singly, or in concert, to fulfill the wishes of the Overlords of Entropy, a “larger” sub-unit of the Thought Center of Non-being.

Gurdjieff talked about this in the following way:

Gurdjieff said:
"The process of evolution, of that evolution which is possible for humanity as a whole, is completely analogous, to the process of evolution possible for the individual man. And it begins with the same thing, namely, a certain group of cells gradually becomes conscious; then it attracts to itself other cells, subordinates others, and gradually makes the whole organism serve its aims and not merely eat, drink, and sleep. This is evolution and there can be no other kind of evolution. In humanity as in individual man everything begins with the formation of a conscious nucleus. All the mechanical forces of life fight against the formation of this conscious nucleus in humanity, in just the same way as all mechanical habits, tastes and weaknesses fight against conscious self-remembering in man."

"Can it be said that there is a conscious force which fights against the evolution of humanity?" I asked.

"From a certain point of view it can be said," said G.

I am putting this on record because it would seem to contradict what he said before, namely, that there are only two forces struggling in the world—"consciousness" and "mechanicalness."

"Where can this force come from?" I asked.

"It would take a long time to explain," said G., "and it cannot have a practical significance for us at the present moment.

"There are two processes which are sometimes called 'involutionary' and 'evolutionary.' The difference between them is the following:

An involutionary process begins consciously in the Absolute but at the next step it already becomes mechanical—and it becomes more and more mechanical as it develops;

an evolutionary process begins half-consciously but it becomes more and more conscious as its develops.

But consciousness and conscious opposition to the evolutionary process can also appear at certain moments in the, involutionary process.

From where does this consciousness come?

From the evolutionary process of course.

The evolutionary process must proceed without interruption. Any stop causes a separation from the fundamental process. Such separate fragments of consciousnesses which have been stopped in their development can also unite and at any rate for a certain time can live by struggling against the evolutionary process. After all it merely makes the evolutionary process more interesting.

Instead of struggling against mechanical forces there may, at certain moments, be a struggle against the intentional opposition of fairly powerful forces though they are not of course comparable with those which direct the evolutionary process. These opposing forces may sometimes even conquer.

The reason for this consists in the fact that the forces guiding evolution have a more limited choice of means; in other words, they can only make use of certain means and certain methods. The opposing forces are not limited in their choice of means and they are able to make use of every means, even those which only give rise to a temporary success, and in the final result they destroy both evolution and involution at the point in question.
My thought would be that "occult initiation" of the deepest sort is only available to those with souls... not "run of the mill" psychopaths. Psychopaths are merely tools, extensions of Thought Centers of non-being "inserted" into our reality to act as conduits of energy consumption - rather like hollow straws...

Finally, yes, it is probably true that, at the highest levels, there is an occult secret society. But if the average person cannot handle the idea of 911 being an inside job, how the heck do you think they could handle the idea of the rulers at the top being part of a secret society with occult connections that might be termed even demonic? (Actually, Lobaczewski alludes to this in two brief remarks in his book.)

We've published articles that refer to these matters, but we don't push that idea because, as I mentioned, we would like to help the greatest number of people come to some understanding of this reality and the way NOT to do that is to start ranting about demonic occult secret societies. In a certain sense, we are trying to "break it to them gently," and do it as fast and as efficiently as possible without scaring the hell out of 'em. Most people can't stand the kind of deep, soul fear that results from really, REALLY, grokking the "Terror of the Situation." What's more, there may very well be "lost OP" types that also need guidance and assistance to become free from similar influences. If, for them, the higher realms do not exist, what good does it do to talk to them about those realities that are so abstract? Better to give them something that they can really grok: a totally reality based explanation for why things are the way they are, why there is so much pain and suffering.

There is a very small percentage of people on the planet who can deal with the deepest levels of knowledge and awareness. We don't need to teach them anything. But we do see it as our duty to try to serve the largest number of people and to try to do it in a way that really serves them. That brings us back to my initial remarks about communication: we have to find the way to communicate things so that distortion between communicator and communicatee is minimized.
Speaking of "Occult Secrets" in relation to Pathocrats, there is this item that is quite fascinating:

George W. Bush, Barbara Bush, and Aleister Crowley

Few people understand that one of the most notorious individuals in British history may have contributed to the lineage of our current president. Aleister Crowley, a.k.a., "The Great Beast 666" -- the infamous practitioner of "sex magick" whose motto was "Do What Thou Wilt" -- came to know a great many remarkable people, including the maternal grandmother of George W. Bush. "Know," in this case, may be taken in the Biblical sense. Evidence points to the disturbing possibility that he was the true father of Barbara Bush, the former First Lady and mother to George W. Bush.

The story may seem difficult to believe at first, until one learns more about the social inter-relations that tied together these unlikely parties. Specifically, we must focus on a fascinating woman named Pauline Pierce, born Pauline Robinson -- whose third child was named Barbara.

Most sources divulge little about this woman. We learn more about her husband Marvin Pierce, the president of the McCall Corporation, which published McCall's magazine and Redbook. He married Pauline, a beautiful young socialite, in 1919. Their first child, Martha, was born the next year; the second, James, was born in 1921. At this time, Aleister Crowley inhabited what must have seemed a very different world, as he embarked upon the great communal experiment of the Abbey of Thelema in Italy.

Pauline, however, had a hidden side -- what we might call (without intending any judgment or insult) a wild side. We get a whiff of it from this Wikipedia entry:

W magazine once described her as "beautiful, fabulous, critical, and meddling" and "a former beauty from Ohio with extravagant tastes"...

Rumors that Pauline had an affair with Dwight D. Eisenhower have never been verified... Still, gossip tabloids from the '40s often associated her with prominent men in politics and film.
I have not yet been able to acquire independent confirmation of the Eisenhower liaison, although I personally see no reason to doubt that it existed. However, we may well have reason to believe that she began her "experimental" period before the 1940s.

A sixth-level initiate within the OTO (the Ordo Templi Orientis, the mystical society that Crowely came to head in the 1920s) first set me down this research path by revealing that Pauline Robinson had befriended an woman named Nellie O'Hara, an American adventuress who, at some point during her European travels, met the famed writer Frank Harris. Despite his advancing years, Harris still maintained a reputation for sexual excess that rivaled Crowley's. During this period (1919-1927), Nellie and Frank Harris lived as man and wife, although they could not actually wed because Harris' second wife was still alive and would not grant a divorce.

Harris and Crowley were good friends. Not only that: At this time, and not for the last time, Crowley was very much the proverbial "friend in need."

During the Abbey period, a Crowley follower had accidentally died during a magickal ceremony. The incident created a firestorm of unwanted publicity (the sensationalist British press labeled Crowley "The Wickedest Man in the World"), which prompted Mussolini's government to expel Crowley and his followers from Italian soil. By 1924, he lived in poverty in France, where Frank Harris kindly took him under his roof. This arrangement inevitably brought Crowley into contact with Nellie.

Crowley's diaries, to which I have been given access, clearly indicate that he depended on Harris for financial assistance:

January 3rd 1924 - "No luck about cash yet: but F.H. promises 500 fr to-morrow - so that I can bolt to Paris. One step onward to the Establishment of the Law of Thelema.
The money soon ran out, and AC (as his associates called him) soon had to ask his friend for further assistance. At this time, Harris was writing his multi-volume "erotic autobiography," My Life and Loves; he also purchased a newspaper, The Evening Telegram. But he lacked the resources and management skills to make the enterprise a success, and soon found himself in a financial position no better than Crowley's.

Despite his parlous economic circumstances, Crowley focused his attention on sex magick. Not many years previously, he and a follower named Jeanne Foster (a.k.a. Soror Hilarion) had conducted a sex-magickal rite designed to give birth to a child destined to carry on Crowley's work. I have not been able to determine whether he conducted similar experiments with Nellie, although given the polyamorous proclivities of all the parties involved, one should not discount the possibility.

Nellie's friend Pauline no doubt scandalized her social circle by traveling to France on her own and leaving two very young children in the care of nursemaids. However, her correspondence with her friend -- whose life in France with a famous literary figure must have seemed quite glamorous -- can only have inspired a sense of wanderlust. Her husband, increasingly bound to his duties with the McCall Corporation, did not share this spirit of adventure.

Thus it was that four individuals came together: Frank Harris, Nellie O'Hara, Pauline Pierce, and Aleister Crowley. Anyone who has studied Crowley's life will understand that what happened next was, in a sense, inevitable.

Crowley's diaries for this period record the initials "PVN," a cryptic reference to his favorite sexual position, which some of his partners found distasteful. (The letters derive from the Latin for "By way of the Infernal Entrance.") This is a common annotation in the records of Crowley's magical practices. We also find the strange initials "ECL." After researching the matter for some time, I have come to the conclusion that this is a reference to the practice known as "Eroto-Comotose Lucidity."

Before proceeding, I should emphasize that the year 1924 has a special significance in the Crowley chronology. At this time, he is said to have undergone the "supreme ordeal" connected with his attainment of the Grade of Ipsissimus, the highest magickal achievement within his order. The exact nature of this ordeal remains mysterious. I believe that an important clue can be found in his description of the rite of Eroto-Comotose Lucidity:

The Candidate is made ready for the Ordeal by general athletic training, and by feasting. On the appointed day he is attended by one or more chosen and experienced attendants whose duty is (a) to exhaust him sexually by every known means (b) to rouse him sexually by every known means. Every device and artifice of the courtesan is to be employed, and every stimulant known to the physician. Nor should the attendants reck of danger, but hunt down ruthlessly their appointed prey.

Finally the Candidate will into a sleep of utter exhaustion, resembling coma, and it is now that delicacy and skill must be exquisite. Let him be roused from this sleep by stimulation of a definitely and exclusively sexual type. Yet if convenient, music wisely regulated will assist.

The attendants will watch with assiduity for signs of waking; and the moment these occur, all stimulation must cease instantly, and the Candidate be allowed to fall again into sleep; but no sooner has this happened than the former practice is resumed. This alteration is to continue indefinitely until the Candidate is in a state which is neither sleep nor waking, and in which his Spirit, set free by perfect exhaustion of the body, and yet prevented from entering the City of Sleep, communes with the Most High and the Most Holy Lord God of its being, maker of heaven and earth.

The Ordeal terminates by failure---the occurence of sleep invincible--- or by success, in which ultimate waking is followed by a final performance of the sexual act. The Initiate may then be allowed to sleep, or the practice may be renewed and persisted in until death ends all. The most favourable death is that occurring during the orgasm, and is called Mors Justi.

As it is written: Let me die the death of the Righteous, and let my last end be like his!
If he did undergo this "ordeal" in 1924, then we must presume that his key associates of that time -- including Nellie and Pauline -- functioned as his assistants.

Pauline returned to America in early October of 1924. On June 8, 1925, she gave birth to a girl named Barbara. Barbara Pierce married George H.W. Bush, who eventually became the 41st President of the United States.

But who was Barbara's father? The chronology indicates that it could have been Crowley, but it could just as easily have been Marvin Pierce. The truth regarding Crowlean sexual rituals is disclosed only to the highest initiates of the OTO, in a document misleadingly titled "Emblems and Modes of Use."

Is Aleister Crowley the father of Barbara Bush? Even she may not know for certain; indeed, I have no way of knowing whether she has ever been told that this possibility exists. However, more than one person has noted the resemblance -- and this resemblance is not just physical. Many will recall the former First Lady's haughty and thoughtless remarks in the aftermath of the Katrina disaster. Those "in the know" were reminded of Aleister Crowley's similar reaction to the loss of life which occurred during the ascent of Kangchanjunga, an expedition he commanded: "This is precisely the sort of thing with which I have no sympathy whatsoever."

I leave the matter for the reader to decide.


I will only add that I had two June babies in that date range (one a few days earlier and one a few days later) and both of them were conceived in September.

According to the Pregnancy Table for expected date of delivery in my Taber's, a delivery date of June 8 means that conception must have occurred in mid-September...
Ben said:
The pathocrat is a result of the adaptive value of a lack of conscience within a society designed with such a thing in mind. Read 'The Mask of Sanity' for examples of psychopaths which do not seem to desire of have the ability to compete in this way, only to pursue the most basic self gratification by deception.
Forgive me if my last remark sounded so impertinent as seeming to deny you the right to disagree. It's not disagreement that worries me but evasion of the issue I'm trying to raise.

I therefore gladly offer some further clarification in the hope of focusing the discussion.

Of course, I've read the 'Mask of Sanity' together with a host of equally pertinent socio-psychological analyses that show the particular 'Mask' (which the Reicheans have termed 'Body Armour') as a typical trait of 'personality disorders' - paranoid, phobic, obsessive-compulsive, sado-mazochistic, schizoid or psychopathic - that are on the verge of full-blown psychosis but retain a modicum of 'adaptive' capacity in an alienating, depersonalising and fiercely competitive society. Existential psychiatrists and psychoanalysts in the 70s (RD Laing, David Cooper, Rollo May et al) have also argued that this defensive ploy reflects not only a 'lack of conscience' but also a deeper 'ontological insecurity' whereby the Self perceives social reality and any form of authentic inter-personal contact as a Threat to its Being, fearing exposure of the 'vacuum' in place of a Soul.

But we are not talking about that, are we? Our main concern here is to analyse and comprehend a particular form of psychopathic disorder manifested in the Ruling Elites, who hold sway 'within a society primarily designed with THEIR Interests and Motives in mind' - not yours and mine or those of our readers, dear Ben! We both agree to call them Pathocrats because their psychic deformity does not interfere with their power to rule over us. No problem here, so far... I hope.

My own query refers to the mechanisms (the causal matrix, if you like) which generate, reinforce and reproduce this Pathocracy in such increasigly destructive, inhuman and oppressive forms of psychopathy.

I am asking: Is this just a product of 'society designed for and by Pathocrats' or of a more systematic, targeted and concerted Manufacture of Pathocrats by agencies and powers operating solely in the Backstage of Social Reality. Clearly such manufacturing deploys tools, techniques and rituals of selection, manipulation, indoctrination, testing or regimentation, adapted to its end-product: Pathocrats, i.e. soul-less human drones, 'organic portals' who play the role of greedy, warmongering, callous 'rulers', but are - in fact, - totally subservient to their Hidden Puppet-Masters, probably even more 'mind-controlled' by them, than the average 'sleeper-agent' or disposable 'patsy'.

We can hardly begin to understand the 911 Event as the culmination of the Cryptocracy's alchemical Magnum Opus on our society without knowing more about its particular mode of action and control of Pathocrats, and the weeding out of resistance within their exclusive and privileged ranks. Because, for one thing, this has surely changed through time: I hope I'm not offending Americal sensitivities by saying that the difference between John F Kennedy and George W Bush is enormous, even though they may have undergone similar 'initiation' rituals. But without the Assassination of the former, the latter would never have been eligible to join the line of his successors and allow 911 to happen!

If we are ever going to talk seriously about this Cryptocracy (without confusing it with its pawns), we may be forced to admit that its occult grip over our world has progressively tightened in recent decades, precisely because so few of us are willing to discuss it openly, despite our pretensions of espousing 'critical', 'alternative' or 'non-mainstream' ideas.
I can assure you I am not trying to evade this issue. We are essentially in agreement. However, the "tools, techniques and rituals of selection, manipulation, indoctrination, testing or regimentation, adapted to its end-product" are surely so secretive, at the highest levels, that it would be difficult for any of us to answer your question. Nor is it my main concern, rather the effects of this end-product on the rest of us.
Dimitris said:
Of course, I've read the 'Mask of Sanity' together with a host of equally pertinent socio-psychological analyses that show the particular 'Mask' (which the Reicheans have termed 'Body Armour') as a typical trait of 'personality disorders' - paranoid, phobic, obsessive-compulsive, sado-mazochistic, schizoid or psychopathic - that are on the verge of full-blown psychosis but retain a modicum of 'adaptive' capacity in an alienating, depersonalising and fiercely competitive society. Existential psychiatrists and psychoanalysts in the 70s (RD Laing, David Cooper, Rollo May et al) have also argued that this defensive ploy reflects not only a 'lack of conscience' but also a deeper 'ontological insecurity' whereby the Self perceives social reality and any form of authentic inter-personal contact as a Threat to its Being, fearing exposure of the 'vacuum' in place of a Soul.
I don't think that psychopathy, as we are discussing it here, has anything to do with "body armor". Nor do the really successful psychopaths have anything to do with paranoids, phobics, or OCD. Those problems are issues of individuals who are neurotic. Neuroses are generally related to "caring too much." So it is not quite getting at the problem to lump the souled, but troubled, with the unsouled and completely untroubled psychopath. Remember, it is only a tiny fraction of them that ever come to the attention of psychologists or law enforcement.

Most of what you are referring to comes from the influence of Freud. As George Simon points out:

…[W]e’ve been pre-programmed to believe that people only exhibit problem behaviors when they’re “troubled” inside or anxious about something. We’ve also been taught that people aggress only when they’re attacked in some way. So, even when our gut tells us that somebody is attacking us and for no good reason, we don’t readily accept the notion. We usually start to wonder what’s bothering the person so badly “underneath it all” that’s making them act in such a disturbing way. We may even wonder what we may have said or done that “threatened” them. We almost never think that they might be fighting simply to get something, have their way, or gain the upper hand. So, instead of seeing them as merely fighting, we view them as primarily hurting in some way.

Not only do we often have trouble recognizing the ways people aggress us, but we also have difficulty discerning the distinctly aggressive character of some personalities. The legacy of Sigmund Freud’s work has a lot to do with this. Freud’s theories (and the theories of others who built upon his work) heavily influenced the psychology of personality for a long time. Elements of the classical theories of personality found their way into many disciplines other than psychology as well as into many of our social institutions and enterprises. The basic tenets of these theories and their hallmark construct, neurosis, have become fairly well etched in the public consciousness.

Psychodynamic theories of personality tend to view everyone, at least to some degree, as neurotic. Neurotic individuals are overly inhibited people who suffer unreasonable fear (anxiety), guilt and shame when it comes to securing their basic wants and needs. The malignant impact of overgeneralizing Freud’s observations about a small group of overly inhibited individuals into a broad set of assumptions about the causes of psychological ill-health in everyone cannot be overstated.[…]

Therapists whose training overly indoctrinated them in the theory of neurosis, may “frame” problems presented them incorrectly. They may, for example, assume that a person, who all their life has aggressively pursued independence and demonstrated little affinity for others, must necessarily be “compensating” for a “fear” of intimacy. In other words, they will view a hardened fighter as a terrified runner, thus misperceiving the core reality of the situation.[…]

We need a completely different theoretical framework if we are to truly understand, deal with, and treat the kinds of people who fight too much as opposed to those who cower or “run” too much. (In Sheep's Clothing)
It strikes me that you, Dimitris, are having a bit of difficulty accepting a genetic, mechanical "man," and that you are seeking to find a REASON for them being that way, some occult secret, some outside manipulation. It's as though you don't like the idea of a soulless, emotionless creature out there that can look just like you and act just like you, think as good as you, and definitely put one over on you because that is what he is designed to do.

Dimitris said:
If we are ever going to talk seriously about this Cryptocracy (without confusing it with its pawns), we may be forced to admit that its occult grip over our world has progressively tightened in recent decades, precisely because so few of us are willing to discuss it openly, despite our pretensions of espousing 'critical', 'alternative' or 'non-mainstream' ideas.
I've talked about it until I'm really rather sick of it. Nearly the whole Adventures Series is about it. And it gets pretty heavy toward the end.

There's really not much point in talking endlessly (seriously or otherwise) about the Cryptocracy as a whole because that isn't going to help the average Joe on the street. It is "in the air" and not of any practical value. What will you do if you discuss it into the ground, figure it all out? Who will you tell? Who will believe you? It's already been done, and quite well, by others.

What is needed is something practical, something that everyone can become familiar with, something that my kids can grok, that will protect them when I send them out into the world.

We are indeed in agreement, Ben... finally!

But what's so 'secretive' about the writings of Aleister Crowley (mentioned by Laura just above, as a likely Bush grandfather - which reminds me of the rumour that Rothschild could be Hitler's dad), Manly S. Hall, McGregor Mathers, Papus, Eliphas Levi, the Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry or the 'leaked' technical MILabs manuals of 'social engineering', Cointelpro, MK-Ultra and Monarch programmes?

I don't mean reading and rehashing the old info undigested, but drawing our own conclusions from these sources and applying that knowledge to current events, like the occult reasons for ongoing and future genocidal wars.

The important task for us is to 'add two-and-two together' in an exercise of lateral thinking, as people like James Shelby Downard did 30+ years ago. Note that back then there was no 911 Event on which these scattered clues to the Cryptocracy's agendas and arsenal could be applied - as some incisive minds in the Truth Movement are already doing.

For starters, consider these questions that are only beginning to be posed: Why was so much gold deposited at the basement of the WTC complex on the eve of the nuke-powered demolitions? Why was so little of it 'recovered' a month later? Where did the rest of this "Templar Treasure" go? Where - outside the US - can we assume its new Underground Depository to be located?

Hell! This is the age of the Revelation of Method - we don't need to make things look more 'secretive' than they are intended to be!
Dimitris said:
we don't need to make things look more 'secretive' than they are intended to be!
Actually, if anyone is serious about your last few questions, and if they began to figure out answers, how long do you think they would draw breath?

What's more, if those questions were answered, what good would it do the masses of people? For them to be even slightly prepared for any such revelations, they have got to be aware of the "psychopath next door" first.
No problem with helping our children become aware and watch out for the "psychopath next door", Laura.

But it's the "Psychopath out there", raving through the TV screens inside their homes, who is far more threatening to millions of children in the US and around the world - not in some distant future, when our children will all know their Ponerology 101, but HERE and NOW.
Dimitris said:
But it's the "Psychopath out there", raving through the TV screens inside their homes, who is far more threatening to millions of children in the US and around the world - not in some distant future, when our children will all know their Ponerology 101, but HERE and NOW.
If I am correct (which I may not be) you are posing that the essence of the problem is Occult. Does this mean the solutions must be Occult as well? Does this not shift the problem to a mythic level instead of, as Laura said, a practical one? Doesn't it ignore the actual tangible vector of the problem (the psychopath) in favour of a nebulous occult intangible?

By learning the "tools, techniques and rituals of selection, manipulation, indoctrination, testing or regimentation, adapted to its end-product" can we truly benefit, or are we falling into the trap of playing by the rules of psychopaths? Are we not conceding that psychopaths define the problem on their terms, that these occult methods are methods of power that we have to address as the psychopaths define them?

I think that considering solutions in terms of psychopathic occult paradigms (rather than the pathological underpinnings of those paradigms) is, as I said, playing by THEIR rules, and hence giving them power they would not otherwise have. I think, in fact, that is what they would want.
EsoQuest said:
By learning the "tools, techniques and rituals of selection, manipulation, indoctrination, testing or regimentation, adapted to its end-product" can we truly benefit, or are we falling into the trap of playing by the rules of psychopaths? Are we not conceding that psychopaths define the problem on their terms, that these occult methods are methods of power that we have to address as the psychopaths define them?
I agree - it reminds me that, "you play in the dirt, you're gonna get dirty"
Laura said:
I even suspect that Lobaczewski's description of the "essential psychopath" relates to something quite different from the "garden variety"; a creature with a "black magnetic center," as Mouravieff describes it.

Another point to be made is that many "average, run-of-the-mill, certified psychopaths" do NOT live in any cells whatsoever, in asylums or prisons. They are fully functional in society (to society's great distress) and never cross that line of committing an illegal act that can cause them to be apprehended and confined.
Laura, is this the model you are proposing?

Essential Psychopath = Black Magnetic Center = 4D STS "souled" Candidate
Garden Variety Psychopath = 2-Centered Being (no emotional center) = 'empty straw' conduit/OP
Characteropath = failed OP or non-OP (i.e. corrupted STO candidates)

Or would the 2-centered being be the failed OP? They fail to mimic the higher centers because they lack all emotion. I put Characteropaths w/ failed OP's because they do seem to have 'failed' in the sense that they actually DO have some degree of soul or conscience, but it is perverted by the real psychopaths.

I'm still confused about something Lobaczevski said: that Hitler was the essential psychopath. It seemed to me that a guy like Himmler was more psychopathic, as he wasn't asemotionally attached to any of the 'plans.' And when things started going down the tubes, was more worried about himself than the 'vision.' At least from the channelled sources I've read, the impression I get is that Hitler did NOT have a black magnetic center. He was crazy and possessed. Himmler seemed more 'in control' of himself, and thus more in line with an 'advanced' STS type. What do you all think? Was Hitler an essential psychopath? If so, was Himmler one as well? Would a being with a black magnetic center submit himself so completely to STS forces as Hitler seemingly did?
hkoehli said:
Laura, is this the model you are proposing?

Essential Psychopath = Black Magnetic Center = 4D STS "souled" Candidate
Yes, but just speculating on that.

hkoehli said:
Garden Variety Psychopath = 2-Centered Being (no emotional center) = 'empty straw' conduit/OP
Yes. Though here, "garden variety" might not fully express the range of intensity and behavior.

hkoehli said:
Characteropath = failed OP or non-OP (i.e. corrupted STO candidates)

Or would the 2-centered being be the failed OP?
Seems that the 2-centered being would be the failed OP. On reflection about this, it seems to me that characteropathy can be "overlaid" on any other type since it relates to brain injuries.

hkoehli said:
They fail to mimic the higher centers because they lack all emotion.
I wouldn't say that they fail to mimic the higher centers. Most likely, they DO mimic them. They have to, for survival.

hkoehli said:
I put Characteropaths w/ failed OP's because they do seem to have 'failed' in the sense that they actually DO have some degree of soul or conscience, but it is perverted by the real psychopaths.
But by doing this, you have confused the categories. If a failed OP is a two centered being, then they do NOT have any degree of "soul" or "conscience".

hkoehli said:
I'm still confused about something Lobaczevski said: that Hitler was the essential psychopath. It seemed to me that a guy like Himmler was more psychopathic, as he wasn't as emotionally attached to any of the 'plans.' And when things started going down the tubes, was more worried about himself than the 'vision.' At least from the channelled sources I've read, the impression I get is that Hitler did NOT have a black magnetic center. He was crazy and possessed. Himmler seemed more 'in control' of himself, and thus more in line with an 'advanced' STS type. What do you all think? Was Hitler an essential psychopath? If so, was Himmler one as well? Would a being with a black magnetic center submit himself so completely to STS forces as Hitler seemingly did?
I think it would be better to read factual accounts rather than channelled sources. The fact that Himmler was more in control of himself suggests more the "two centered being" as opposed to one with a "black magnetic center." Because, of course, to have a black magnetic center, you must have an emotional center to begin with and Hitler's very behavior suggests a certain amount of emotion, even if it was controlled by "possession". For all we know, having a "black magnetic center" may very well be closely related to possession.
Laura said:
hkoehli said:
I put Characteropaths w/ failed OP's because they do seem to have 'failed' in the sense that they actually DO have some degree of soul or conscience, but it is perverted by the real psychopaths.
But by doing this, you have confused the categories. If a failed OP is a two centered being, then they do NOT have any degree of "soul" or "conscience".
Okay, I see how I confused the categories. However, to be more clear, I was trying to go in this direction: 2-centered beings account for a minority (12%, perhaps) of OPs, and those OPs with 3 centers may become characteropaths. However, I think this just shows that you're right to say Characteropathy can affect ALL types. So what I speculated about characteropaths being failed OP's or non-OP's lacks any real substance.

Laura said:
I think it would be better to read factual accounts rather than channelled sources. The fact that Himmler was more in control of himself suggests more the "two centered being" as opposed to one with a "black magnetic center." Because, of course, to have a black magnetic center, you must have an emotional center to begin with and Hitler's very behavior suggests a certain amount of emotion, even if it was controlled by "possession". For all we know, having a "black magnetic center" may very well be closely related to possession.
Yes, I thought about this after posting the original message and had similar thoughts. I still have a lot of reading to do on the subject, but I made the comparison to Himmler because Cheney and Rove seem more "in control." Is this just an effective mask to cover up Hitler-like zeal and emotion? Because I got the impression you were implying they weren't your average psychpaths (but maybe I misunderstood your original post).

hkoehli said:
I still have a lot of reading to do on the subject, but I made the comparison to Himmler because Cheney and Rove seem more "in control." Is this just an effective mask to cover up Hitler-like zeal and emotion?
Actually, to most people Himmler and Hitler in the 30's seemed like paragons of control. Hitler especially seemed to stand as a calm and inspiring presence to the German people, who interpreted his speeches as passionate rather than deranged. Of course, that control would occasionally slip as in the 1936 Olympics when "inferior" races started winning gold medals.

And after the Nazi defeat, descriptions of the psychopathy of the rulers of the 3rd Reich were provided amply by the victors. I suspect both Cheney and Rove have done their share of uncontrollable drooling and frothing at the mouth, just like W. I also suspect that the pinnacles of the Bush team, including W himself were chosen by their own Pathocratic bosses (just like Hitler) because of their inherent emotional instability.

I do believe that having a "black magnetic center" is closely linked to possession. It attracts possession, facilitates it and is reinforced by it. The possession is not a healthy state for the host regardless of their orientation. If that state is prolonged, there is inner turmoil, which serves the possessing entity because that turmoil is projected outward as the perception of some external threat.

Thus, the possessing entity doesn't really have to expend energy puppeting the possessed. All they need do is generate constant internal upset and play a reality-movie in the host promoting the desired projection. They point the already loaded gun, and the host pulls the trigger. This is assisted of course by the host's own STS drives. In addition, it stands to reason that some hosts need stronger prodding than others.

I believe Hitler was one of them, constantly reminded inwardly of his weakensses and hence the need to elliminate the perceived threat representing them. I think the hosts in the Bush administration probably require less prodding as they have no real ideology but self promotion, power and control. They see themselves as clever predators and rely on that to give them strength and get-go, while Hitler (although possibly not his cohorts to that degree) really thought he was promoting a "bigger picture" that transcended his person.

My opinion.
Hello everyone,

It was mentioned earlier in this thread, I think it was page two, that children conceived during a rape had a higher likelihood of psychopathic tendencies.

It has long been my understanding, based upon my own experiences with children, that the aura, or energetic imprint transposed from the parents to the seed/egg at conception carries within it the very same fundamental intentions that exist within the parents themselves. The antagonistic factors of unrequited lust, blind self satisfaction and general perversion are codified into the new life that has been seeded, creating a receptive ground for the 'intentional cloning' of a baroque essence. The passing on of traits is not simply the diffusion of genetic sequences but also a process of extrapolation whereby the intentional qualities, and mental/emotional framework of the parents is imprinted into the newly forming fetus, defining to a large degree the motion of being, or life capacity, of the soon to be 'human'.

We could take into consideration the cloning program now underway throughout the world, and within this context broaden the perceptive scope of this project by seeing clearly that most cloning is not in fact taking place in sterile laboratories, but within the social confines of morally corrupt belief matrices. The onset, within society as a whole, of beings without conscience will only increase as ethical conditions deteriorate amidst an increasingly fragmented and broken social body.

The coming together of men and women whom seek only after self pleasure and self gratification inevitably lays the energetic groundwork for lifeforms devoid of an emotional context which includes true heart motives. The more forceful the sexual fire, the more intense the sexual deviance, of either individual, the more dark body gravity it elicits. This dark gravity instigates a portal of interpretation and inter-penetration, through which, forces seeking a suitable mainframe of experience can enter. These dense deposits of sexual malfeasance are ideally suited for entities seeking 'freedom' through self satisfaction and physical immortality.

The vampires of old are developing new divers suits.

The reality of conception environments is mentioned briefly by Carlos Castaneda when he refers to the fact that he was born of a tired sexual relationship, thus he had as an obstacle, not deep perversion per se, but a general apathy and lack of spark. He was born under conditions which were acceptable enough for a light being, though his choice came not without great difficulty, and karmic heaviness. The degrees to which human sexuality is experienced in this world provides a myriad of gateways which provide access to various beings of various constitutions. Though rarely in human history has the sexual depravity, or animalistic thirst for satisfaction, been so inter-coiled with a human etheric field bordering on the divine. Thus, we now have highly evolved androids in our midst which can exhibit to a tremendous degree a highly refined 'spirituality' that is not only convincing, put penetrating in its ability to integrate the components of all schools of thought into an apparently coherent ensemble.

Aside from these supreme androids are the various underclasses, culminating in the foot soldier of the 'lockdown', the beings which will without recoil or remorse willingly and blatantly torture, maim and kill as they are 'guided'. We are now entering the phase of 'global lockdown', as democratic liberalism expands its sexual front into more homes, into more young minds, and as the hypocrisy of 'law' is increasingly obscured and obfuscated.

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