
The Living Force
Just been over at Neutralising Force listening to a piece called "without conscience" on one of those flash music player thingys. Kind of reminded me a bit of the old "Re: Evolution" track by the Shamen, the one with Terence McKenna on the voice over... only the subject of this is the sociopath/bush... good work!
Thanks for the info on "WITHOUT CONSCIENCE", Graham.

Another song that catches the "flavour" of psychophagic thought is the song "Interesting Man" by Flying Blind, from the 2002 album Time to Go, Copyright 2002, fb music (ASCAP). It is available, to hear for free, download for very little, at www.flyingblind.net. From some of the other songs they do, one would suspect that one of the group's lyricists or songwriters has had a "close encounter" of the deeply scarring kind with a psychopath.

A part of the chorus of "Interesting Man" goes:
"My attitude gets me through my days.
So don't tell me where my conscience lays.
I don't need it, and I just don't care."

Another snippet contains the title:
"I kind of like the way I am.
Makes me an interesting man."

How encouraging it is to see that the public's awarness of psychopathy, in all levels of modern culture, is now growing rapidly. Maybe the Signs have indeed had something to do with that. Maybe they've had a LOT to do with that. It certainly was not the case just 2 short years ago, was it?
How encouraging it is to see that the public's awarness of psychopathy, in all levels of modern culture, is now growing rapidly. Maybe the Signs have indeed had something to do with that. Maybe they've had a LOT to do with that. It certainly was not the case just 2 short years ago, was it?
No, since two years ago there is so much more information now, Laura's work, SOTT, Lobaczewski and other work that has appeared during that period all help create a perspective that wasn't there before. The important thing in the way information is presented here is that Laura, SOTT and their contributors are putting the work into a context that adds meaning and urgency to the study I think.

"Flying blind" is quite appropriate as the information seems to highlight great gaping holes in my awareness of Pathocracy and its influence on one externally and internally at every level. It feeds on us and we in turn can seem to absorb some of the characteristics and continue the chain without awareness. Even absorbing lyrics from songs such as you quoted becomes a problem, we don't seem to recognise that any of this thinking is abnormal without the data there to shine a light on it.

If you have no way to describe it, seems there is no way to perceive it, all seems 'normal'. It certainly makes one question what influences have been crept in to date without notice. Seems everything must be reviewed and studied in light of the information if one is not to suffer a psychophagic fate or to suffer same upon others. Much to learn.
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