Why "i" Write, And Why Do I Exist?


The Force is Strong With This One
"i" write because the written word is the truth of my mind, subjective as it may be.

"i" asked the Universe, "Why do I exist? What is the purpose of my life?" She answered back, in joyous refrain, "To learn all the names of God!"

But what is to learn if it is not to be applied? How can one solitary man, an impenetrable, unmoving, unresponsive fortress of learning have any meaning if that learning is not put to use? For it is in the application of learning that the learning becomes knowledge; for learning cannot become knowledge but through experience.

To walk the Path of Knowledge is to walk blindly toward the light that will allow one to see with the vision of angels; to see what is in the world, but not of the world.

What leads one towards this light is something subtle. It cannot be sensed by earthly senses. It is a light that can only be seen when all other lights have been put out; when one experiences what is known in this world as "the dark night of the soul."

The light at first seem infinitely distant. However, having no other recourse to escape the night, one ventures forth in spite of all futility. One explores the uncharted territory of the unknown. One may seek to go back to old methods of finding one's way. One may stumble and fall, and exercising that inner sense that sees the light in the infinite distance, learns how not to stumble and fall. Yet, the light has not grown even a bit larger.

Then something happens. One rails against the futility. One states explicitly: "I want the light!" The light comes forth in answer to the Man's new-found Will. One discovers, in retrospect, that the light was with him and in him the whole time. The light was the Will!

For it is in seeking that we find. It is in knocking that the door is opened to us. For we shall come to know the truth, and the truth shall set us FREE!!!

So therefore, I seek knowledge in order to Educate the Will, and thereby strengthen the Will. My eyes are opened like never before. Knowledge truly is power; the more knowledge one has, the more free will one has.
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